my photos. 视频edius怎么导出视频到手机

How do I sell my photos to companies? |
How do I sell my photos to companies?
Stock photography is one of the most common ways to sell your photos. There are a number of stock photo companies, such as Alamy, 123rf and Dreamstime.
Submit photos to AlamyTo submit photos to Alamy, you must adhere to its submission guidelines. The images must be captured on a DSLR camera with at least a 6 megapixels, and should be saved on a high quality setting. They also must be uncompressed RGB files. Your images must also pass a quality control test, which requires four test images. Once the images pass, you may begin to sell your images. Alamy offers photographers 60 percent of each sale, and allows you to sell the same images on other sites as well.Sell photos on 123rf123rf is a royalty-free site. A photographer must sign up for a free account and upload his photos online. When the photos are purchased and downloaded, you may earn up to 60 percent of the sale.Sell images on DreamstimeRegister an account by submitting your email, username and password. In order to upload and sell photos, they must meet a specific criteria that includes RGB files. The images must be personal work with relevant descriptions of each image and model release forms.
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A. D develop&&&& B. W developed&&&& C. H developed&& D. H been developed


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