
  够死了!!!  前一阵还一窝蜂的嫌弃男生越来越娘炮,现在却一窝蜂的都成女汉子了。你要真是个汉子,那我服你。要是你动不动把啥也往汉子上靠,对不起,慢走不送。。。
楼主发言:10次 发图:0张
  我知道我是帖子毒药,发的帖从没有人理。。。  但是这事我必须说出来,不吐不快。  让我感到反感的是,现在女汉子开始烂大街了,到哪都能听到,是个女生都自称是女汉子,比如我这个舍友W。  
  其实一开始我这舍友就是个萌妹子,只是后来越走越偏,硬往汉子上靠。  记得当初,她刚搬到宿舍的时候,细声细气的,走路小心翼翼,关门关的特别慢,就怕吵醒我们睡觉。说话温温柔柔的,挺善谈,所以一开始我挺喜欢她的。  
  搬寝室从来都是搬两人份,有男生要帮忙从来不让,下来手空着的同时还能顺手帮别人铃行李箱上去,两大行李箱扛五楼 大一不送水的时候寝室饮水机换水都是我自己提水去换 不谈男朋友 不依赖男生 旁边的女生都比较喜欢依赖我 不穿裙子 不爱麻烦别人
不矫情 不撒娇 不会十字绣 硬邦邦的 走路很快
当然我性格比较不爱说话 和男生比较客气不管关系多好 不可能和男生成为哥们儿 但是在女生朋友面前都是充当被依赖的角色
  @夸张只因害怕 5楼
23:28  我讨厌谁说我是女汉子。我就是个女子。。。。  -----------------------------  我只是觉得女生就要有个女生样,男生要有个男生样。。。  
23:22:48  我知道我是帖子毒药,发的帖从没有人理。。。   但是这事我必须说出来,不吐不快。   让我感到反感的是,现在女汉子开始烂大街了,到哪都能听到,是个女生都自称是女汉子,比如我这个舍友W。   -----------------------------  挽尊。管她们自称神马呢  
  搬完宿舍后,W在朋友圈更了一个状态:我是我们宿舍唯一的女汉子。。。。。  可能在她心中,女汉子应该是脾气暴躁,说脏话,动作粗鲁,所以她就这么去做了。  以前开门都是一点点的开,现在要用脚踹;以前橱子会慢慢的关,现在直接用手甩;以前说话细声细气、通情达理现在说话能噎死人。我曾经和另一个舍友说她,问什么说话说那么毒,噎得人说不出话?她说因为怕被人欺负。又问谁欺负你了?答,谁知道呢。然后我又被噎住了。。  妈蛋,整天就和我们在一块,那意思就是我们欺负你了呗????我要是欺负过你天打雷劈好嘛!!!  
23:26:00  搬寝室从来都是搬两人份,有男生要帮忙从来不让,下来手空着的同时还能顺手帮别人铃行李箱上去,两大行李箱扛五楼 大一不送水的时候寝室饮水机换水都是我自己提水去换 不谈男朋友 不依赖男生 旁边的女生都比较喜欢依赖我 不穿裙子 不爱麻烦别人 不矫情 不撒娇 不会十字绣 硬邦邦的 走路很快 当然我性格比较不爱说话 和男生比较客气不管关系多好 不可能和男生成为哥们儿 但是在女生朋友面前都是充当被依赖的角色  —————————————————  我不温柔不文艺 但是脾气好 有礼貌 很难发火 只要做得到就有求必应 比较喜欢讲道理 只要不涉及家人朋友,如果别人占理的话我就算气死自己也不会冲别人发火 小时候的关系,到现在对男生都很客气 不可能有蓝颜和能称兄道弟的男生 我觉得我明明就不女汉子啊
我很不明白 比较大度
喜欢笑 和关系好的女生有点神经病贱兮兮当然能看到我这一面的只有几个女生朋友而已  
23:39:00  搬完宿舍后,W在朋友圈更了一个状态:我是我们宿舍唯一的女汉子。。。。。   可能在她心中,女汉子应该是脾气暴躁,说脏话,动作粗鲁,所以她就这么去做了。   以前开门都是一点点的开,现在要用脚踹;以前橱子会慢慢的关,现在直接用手甩;以前说话细声细气、通情达理现在说话能噎死人。我曾经和另一个舍友说她,问什么说话说那么毒,噎得人说不出话?她说因为怕被人欺负。又问谁欺负你了?答,谁知道呢。然后我又  —————————————————  网上很多对女汉子的描述就是这样
但是我不凶不骂人 说话不大声
有礼貌 很讨厌被说女汉子
  你虽然说脏话,动作粗鲁些,但你要是能自立点我也就承认你是个真汉子了,尼玛你看看你干的是些啥事。  有一次宿舍着火,有可能波及到我们宿舍。于是我赶紧拔插座,拿手机,提电脑准备往楼下跑。我一边忙活一边招呼舍友快点下楼,可这时女汉子W一下跑过来抱住我的胳膊:“××,我好害怕,万一真出了什么事我咋办啊。”楼主表示赶紧拿手机下楼,W又说:“××,你帮我拿好不好,我手机在床上呢(W的床在上铺),我害怕。”  尼玛!!!说好的女汉子呢??TM火还远着呢,十分钟都烧不过来,你怕个屁啊。有你缠着我撒娇的时间,都能爬三次床了好嘛!!于是楼主任劳任怨的给W拿手机,提电脑,结果我是最后一个出宿舍的!!!结果下楼一看,W就在说自己多么多么机智,多么理智,还记得关窗拔插座。咦??插座不是我拔的吗??  
  @我是村帅王狗蛋 12楼
23:42  @阴晴不定的小马甲
23:39:00  搬完宿舍后,W在朋友圈更了一个状态:我是我们宿舍唯一的女汉子。。。。。   可能在她心中,女汉子应该是脾气暴躁,说脏话,动作粗鲁,所以她就这么去做了。   以前开门都是一点点的开,现在要用脚踹;以前橱子会慢慢的关,现在直接用手甩;以前说话细声细气、通情达理现在说话能噎死人。我曾经和另一个舍友说她,问什么说话说那么毒,噎得人说不出话?她说因为怕被人欺负。又问谁欺负你了?答,谁知道呢。然后我又  ——————————……  -----------------------------  真心觉得说脏话,动作粗鲁这不是女汉子,只是没礼貌没教养!!  
23:42  @阴晴不定的小马甲
23:39:00  搬完宿舍后,W在朋友圈更了一个状态:我是我们宿舍唯一的女汉子。。。。。  可能在她心中,女汉子应该是脾气暴躁,说脏话,动作粗鲁,所以她就这么去做了。  以前开门都是一点点的开,现在要用脚踹;以前橱子会慢慢的关,现在直接用手甩;以前说话细声细气、通情达理现在说话能噎死人。我曾经和另一个舍友说她,问什么说话说那么毒,噎得人说不出话?她说因为怕被人欺负。又问谁欺负你了?答,谁知道呢。然后我又  ——————————……  -----------------------------  @阴晴不定的小马甲 14楼
23:51:19  真心觉得说脏话,动作粗鲁这不是女汉子,只是没礼貌没教养!!  -----------------------------  我不反感这种
  同意!神烦动不动就自称女汗子  不是什么火自己就是什么好么,跟风要有度
  @我是村帅王狗蛋 4楼
23:26:14  搬寝室从来都是搬两人份,有男生要帮忙从来不让,下来手空着的同时还能顺手帮别人铃行李箱上去,两大行李箱扛五楼 大一不送水的时候寝室饮水机换水都是我自己提水去换 不谈男朋友 不依赖男生 旁边的女生都比较喜欢依赖我 不穿裙子 不爱麻烦别人
不矫情 不撒娇 不会十字绣 硬邦邦的 走路很快
当然我性格比较不爱说话 和男生比较客气不管关系多好 不可能和男生成为哥们儿 但是在女生朋友面前都是充当被依赖的角色
我这样也......  -----------------------------  你是村帅王狗蛋呐!
00:03:00  @我是村帅王狗蛋 4楼
23:26:14   搬寝室从来都是搬两人份,有男生要帮忙从来不让,下来手空着的同时还能顺手帮别人铃行李箱上去,两大行李箱扛五楼 大一不送水的时候寝室饮水机换水都是我自己提水去换 不谈男朋友 不依赖男生 旁边的女生都比较喜欢依赖我 不穿裙子 不爱麻烦别人 不矫情 不撒娇 不会十字绣 硬邦邦的 走路很快 当然我性格比较不爱说话 和男生比较客气不管关  —————————————————  那我必须是村帅只有狗蛋这么高大上的名字才能适合我呐  
  @我是村帅王狗蛋 22楼
00:09:43  @呆萌_独角兽
00:03:00  @我是村帅王狗蛋
23:26:14  搬寝室从来都是搬两人份,有男生要帮忙从来不让,下来手空着的同时还能顺手帮别人铃行李箱上去,两大行李箱扛五楼 大一不送水的时候寝室饮水机换水都是我自己提水去换 不谈男朋友 不依赖男生 旁边的女生都比较喜欢依赖我 不穿裙子 不爱麻烦别人 不矫情 不撒娇 不会十字绣 硬邦邦的 走路很快 当然我性格比较不爱说话 和男生比......  -----------------------------  恩!!!请自信起来!!!!黑喂狗!!
00:16:00  @我是村帅王狗蛋 22楼
00:09:43   @呆萌_独角兽 21楼
00:03:00   @我是村帅王狗蛋 4楼
23:26:14   搬寝室从来都是搬两人份,有男生要帮忙从来不让,下来手空着的同时还能顺手帮别人铃行李箱上去,两大行李箱扛五楼 大一不送水的时候寝室饮水机换水都是我自己提水去换 不谈男朋友 不依赖男生 旁  —————————————————耶斯 耶斯
  真爷们路过看看 顺便帮顶
  回复第13楼,@阴晴不定的小马甲  你虽然说脏话,动作粗鲁些,但你要是能自立点我也就承认你是个真汉子了,尼玛你看看你干的是些啥事。   有一次宿舍着火,有可能波及到我们宿舍。于是我赶紧拔插座,拿手机,提电脑准备往楼下跑。我一边忙活一边招呼舍友快点下楼,可这时女汉子W一下跑过来抱住我的胳膊:“××,我好害怕,万一真出了什么事我咋办啊。”楼主表示赶紧拿手机下楼,W又说:“××,你帮我拿好不好,我手机在床上呢(W的床在上铺),我害怕。”   尼玛!!!说好的女汉子呢??TM火还远着呢,十分钟都烧不过来,你怕个屁啊。有你缠着我撒娇的时间,都能爬三次床了好嘛!!于是楼主任劳任怨的给W拿手机,提电脑,结果我是最后一个出宿舍的!!!结果下楼一看,W就在说自己多么多么机智,多么理智,还记得关窗拔插座。咦??插座不是我拔的吗??   --------------------------  你这女纸不是女汉子,是女滑头,女周处,迟早作死  
可以用百度搜索,发现广告贴轻则删帖 重则删号 禁IP
不要发广告味道太明显的帖子,发帖的地方多各网站 论坛对广告类帖子管理的比较严
新浪 搜狐 腾讯
出门在外也不愁  1号那天打的耳洞,就最上面那里的那个包,肿的挺严重现在把针插进去都快露不出头了,还很疼,这是怎么了是增生吗?打下面那两个都没什么事啊QAAAQ  怎么办呢    
楼主发言:14次 发图:
11:02:00  耳朵肿了嘛,涂点酒精,看钉是银的?   —————————————————  是啊现在肿的挺严重,我一直用碘伏和红霉素擦着,但是肿的地方很硬,不想是有浓的感觉啊  
11:03:00  发炎咯吧   —————————————————  发炎了怎么办呢,现在吃罗红霉素,擦碘伏和红霉素但是没有见好啊  
11:05:00  发炎了肿起来了呗,擦擦酒精,及时清理周围的分泌物   —————————————————  以前发炎都是有点软的而且不怎么痛,这次很硬而且一碰就特别痛,有点担心是增生啊哭  
11:05:00  发炎了吧 抹点酒精 要是还戴耳钉的话抹点红霉素软膏  —————————————————  红霉素软膏是抹在耳钉上还是抹在周围就好呢  
11:07:00  发炎了怎么办呢,现在吃罗红霉素,擦碘伏和红霉素但是没有见好啊  —————————————————  上诊所看看吧,用点双氧水  
  @小离-04 11:06:22  是啊现在肿的挺严重,我一直用碘伏和红霉素擦着,但是肿的地方很硬,不想是有浓的感觉啊  —————————————  把棒棒塞进软膏里,戴上去不要一直拿下来,酒精消毒,虽然痛但很好,不要用碘伏碘酒之类的千万!  
  这没什么事阿 过几天就好了  我以前叛逆 一耳朵打了6个 不过都是分期打的 一次2-3个  每次也都肿 出脓 过段时间就好了 打耳洞的时候他给你带的那个耳钉不要拿下来 直到好了再拿下来 夏和冬不要打耳洞不爱好 夏和秋打的话好的快   
11:28:00  @小离-04 11:06:22   是啊现在肿的挺严重,我一直用碘伏和红霉素擦着,但是肿的地方很硬,不想是有浓的感觉啊   —————————————   把棒棒塞进软膏里,戴上去不要一直拿下来,酒精消毒,虽然痛但很好,不要用碘伏碘酒之类的千万!   —————————————————  为什么不能用碘伏呢  
11:24:00  打呢么多??是不是碰水发炎了??   —————————————————  没碰水来着,从打了第一天开始就肿起来了哭  
11:34:00  这没什么事阿 过几天就好了   我以前叛逆 一耳朵打了6个 不过都是分期打的 一次2-3个   每次也都肿 出脓 过段时间就好了 打耳洞的时候他给你带的那个耳钉不要拿下来 直到好了再拿下来 夏和冬不要打耳洞不爱好 夏和秋打的话好的快   —————————————————  我好像对他那个钉过敏所以就摘下来啦,之前打都没怎么肿这次肿的这么严重我有点担心QAQ  
11:36:00  发炎了,要每天消毒啊,记得戴金耳钉,我打了3次耳洞都没成功,每次都肿的不像样,第四次打了3天换了金的,每天都用酒精擦,成功了,每个月耳钉都取下来用酒精也消次毒   —————————————————  金耳钉一般要多少钱啊会不会很贵  
  @小离-04 11:38:29.0  我好像对他那个钉过敏所以就摘下来啦,之前打都没怎么肿这次肿的这么严重我有点担心QAQ   —————————————  打耳洞的都是银的 这也过敏额。。擦点那个啥 酒精!过几天还不好去医院看看吧   
11:06:00  是啊现在肿的挺严重,我一直用碘伏和红霉素擦着,但是肿的地方很硬,不想是有浓的感觉啊  —————————————————  以前打耳洞之后是也是又肿又硬,但是我是基本没管它,耳钉也没取下来,想起来了就涂点红霉素,大概一两个星期肿消了,里面还是有硬块,继续不管它,然后不知道什么时候硬块也消了→_→话说楼主这个耳洞打的太偏了吧。。。。  
  告诉你哦 你这是感染啦 过敏之类的 我同学就是这样 会流黄水,黄水流到哪儿耳朵就会烂到哪儿,把耳钉取了吧
她搽的创灼膏 没多久就好啦,但是那个药好像比较难买,她还去输液都没效果  
  估计会化脓 去医院看看吧 吃点消炎药  
11:38:00  金耳钉一般要多少钱啊会不会很贵  —————————————————  小耳钉不到100块钱,某宝多的是  
13:01:00  @小离-04 11:38:29.0   我好像对他那个钉过敏所以就摘下来啦,之前打都没怎么肿这次肿的这么严重我有点担心QAQ   —————————————   打耳洞的都是银的 这也过敏额。。擦点那个啥 酒精!过几天还不好去医院看看吧   —————————————————  以前都不过敏的啊QAQ  这次也不知道是怎么了  
13:11:00  以前打耳洞之后是也是又肿又硬,但是我是基本没管它,耳钉也没取下来,想起来了就涂点红霉素,大概一两个星期肿消了,里面还是有硬块,继续不管它,然后不知道什么时候硬块也消了→_→话说楼主这个耳洞打的太偏了吧。。。。   —————————————————  想打耳骨又没有那个胆子QAAAAQ  
13:27:00  告诉你哦 你这是感染啦 过敏之类的 我同学就是这样 会流黄水,黄水流到哪儿耳朵就会烂到哪儿,把耳钉取了吧 她搽的创灼膏 没多久就好啦,但是那个药好像比较难买,她还去输液都没效果   —————————————————  这个一定要把耳钉取了吗QAQ好舍不得  
  楼主的情况和我当年一摸一样,下面两个耳洞是不会长上了以后都会在,但肿起来  那个以后是会长上的,现在里面有炎症所以肿起来过一两天会有脓出来的(&﹏&)  所以你不要期望那个耳洞了。这样只会让你疼。疼。。疼。。。
  @小离-04 11:12:38  @事出有异必有妖 5楼
11:05:00   发炎了吧 抹点酒精 要是还戴耳钉的话抹点红霉素软膏   —————————————————   红霉素软膏是抹在耳钉上还是抹在周围就好呢   -----------------------------  用无菌针管(软的,医院有的)剪一节,在针管上涂药膏,然后戳到耳洞里,没事的时候就转转针管,免得长死了  
  打那个地方会不会磨到骨的边边啊。。。看着都挺- -  我以前刚打的时候,打耳垂的,发炎、流脓、出血。。。长了个大血包。。把耳钉拔了就没敢碰,后来长上了。- -  呃,楼主不好意思。。。说这些会不会吓到你- -
  @小离-04 16:37:03.0  这个一定要把耳钉取了吗QAQ好舍不得   —————————————  楼主,我不知道是不是非要取,我同学也是舍不得,拖了几天,耳垂都开始流黄水了。。。反正就是烂烂烂了。。。  
  @小离-04 16:37:03.0  这个一定要把耳钉取了吗QAQ好舍不得   —————————————  楼主,我不知道是不是非要取,我同学也是舍不得,拖了几天,耳垂都开始流黄水了。。。反正就是烂烂烂了。。。  
  没看懂图。。不造楼主指哪里。。  实在严重还是要早点去医院啊~
How men first learnt to inv in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented cer?tain sounds to express thought and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communi?
and that later
called   letters, which could be combined to present those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.  
The power of words, then, lies in their associations—the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning
and the longer
we   live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sa and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something increases.  
Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and
and   telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing
by   their position and associa?tion can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and   vulgar.     1. The origin of language is _______________.    A) a legend handed down from the past    B) a matter that is hidden or secret    C) a question difficult to answer    D) a problem not yet solved   2. What is true about words?    A) They are used to express feelings only.    B) They can not be written down.    C) They are simply sounds.    D) They are mysterious.   3. The real power of words lies in their ________________.    A) properties    B) characteristics    C) peculiarity    D) representative function   4. By &association&, the author means _________________.    A) a special quality    B) a joining of ideas in the mind    C) an appearance which is puzzling    D) a strange feature   5. Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true?    A) He is no more than a master of words.    B) He can convey his ideas in words which sing like music.    C) He can move men to tears.    D) His style is always charming.      
Advertisement can be thought of “as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services”. Advertisement aims to increase people’s awareness and
arouse   interest. It tries to inform and to persuade. The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheap method, and magazines are used
special   sections of the market. The cinema and commercial radio are useful for local market. Television, although more expensive, can be very effective.
fairly   cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertisement.  
There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century. Many businesses such as
handling   frozen foods, liquor, tobacco and medicines have been built up largely by advertisement.  
We might ask whether the cost of advertisement is paid for by the producer or by the customer. Since advertisement forms part of the cost of production, which has
be   covered by the selling price, it is clear that it is the customer who pays for advertisement. However, if large scale advertisement
production   costs are reduced, and the customer pays less.  
It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertisement on sales. When the market is growing, advertisement
is   shrinking, advertisement may prevent a bigger fall in sales than would occur without its support. What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for
advertisement   if they were not convinced of its value to them.     1. Advertisement is often used to _____.    A) deceive customers    B) increase production    C) arouse suspicion    D) push the sale   2. The word “media”(in the first paragraph)includes _____.    A) the press    B) television    C) radio    D) all of the above   3. Advertisement is mainly paid for by _____.    A) the customer    B) the producer    C) increased sales    D) reduced prices   4. Advertisement can increase demand _____.    A) all the time    B) in any circumstances    C) in a growing market    D) in a shrinking market   5. From the last sentence of this passage we conclude that _____.    A) businesses usually do not pay much for advertisement    B) businessmen know well that advertisement could bring them more profits    C) advertisement could hardly convince people of the value of the goods    D) advertisement usually cost businesses large amounts of money      
What makes a person a scientist? Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is &no&. It is not the tools a scientist
uses   but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist. You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter. You
too,   that knowing how to investigate, how to discover information, is important to everyone. The scientist, however, goes one
a   reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer can be confirmed by other persons. He also works to fit the answers he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas   about how the world works.  
The scientistˊs knowledge must be exact. There is no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the
works   under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times. If the con? ditions are
a   demonstration must be explained by the changes in the conditions. This is one reason that investigations are important in sci? ence. Albert Einstein, who developed the theory   of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics. The accuracy of his mathematics was later tested
be   correct. A scientist uses many tools for measurements. Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.     1. What makes a scientist according to the passage?    A) The tools he uses.    B) The way he uses his tools.    C) His ways of learning.    D) The various tools he uses.   2. &The scientist, however, goes one step further…& The author says this to show _________.    A) the importance of information    B) the importance of thinking    C) the difference between scientists and ordinary people    D) the difference between carpenters and people with other jobs   3. A sound scientific theory should be one that ____________.    A) works not only under one set of conditions at one time, but also under the same conditions at other times    B) does not allow any changes even under different conditions    C) can be used for many purposes    D) leaves no room for improvement   4. The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to illustrate _____________.    A) that measurements are keys to success in science    B) that accuracy of mathematics    C) that the investigations are important in science    D) that the mathematical calculations may test his investigations   5. What is the main idea of the passage?    A) The theory of relativity.    B) Exactness is the core of science.    C) Scientists are different from ordinary people.    D) Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.            三、Vocabulary and Structure(16道小题,共16分)   1、I hadn’t seen him for years, but I _______ his voice on the telephone. (1分)   A、realized
D、heard      2、The death of his wife was a big blow to him. He just couldn’t ___it.?(1分)   A、get on
B、get over?   C、get along with
D、get through?      3、The manager will not _______ us to use his car.(1分)   A、have
D、allow      4、Strict _________ measures have been taken during the Presidentˊs vˊisit.(1分)   A、secure
D、save      5、The police are______ the two missing children.(1分)   A、looking out
B、looking after
  C、looking for
D、looking on      6、Tom was very happy when his parents told him that they _____ back to America soon.(1分)   A、would come
B、will come
  C、is coming
D、are coming      7、If he _____such a good chance, he would have planned to learn more. (1分)   A、was giving
B、had given
  C、had been given
D、was to give      8、_________ her and then try to copy what she does.(1分)   A、Mind
  C、Stare at
D、Watch      9、The furniture in his room is quite different _____ in yours. (1分)   A、from those
B、from that
  C、from that one
D、from those ones      10、For a successful business, friendly and _____ staff are essential. (1分)   A、sufficient
D、respective      11、The government official explained that there’s no point _____ about the cultural gap in that city.
(1分)   A、to worry
B、with them worrying
  C、in worrying
D、worry      12、If the whole program _____ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.(1分)   A、was not planned
B、were not planned   C、would not be planned
D、had not been planned      13、As the bus came round the corner, it ran _______ a big tree by the roadside.(1分)   A、into
D、up      14、The computer doesn’t work well, so something ______ wrong.(1分)   A、can have gone
B、should have gone
  C、must have gone
D、ought to have gone      15、______ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.(1分)   A、Before
D、Between      16、Although Mary is satisfied with her success, she wonders ____ will happen to her private life.(1分)   A、how
D、that            四、Cloze(1道小题,共10分)   
More and more teachers and parents have noticed another kind of pollution, (1)
came from the printed papers sold on streets.  
These printed things look like newspaper but have hardly anything to do with them. You can only find reading materials badly
for   anyone to believe, (3)
are frightening stories of something even worse. However, many of the young students are getting absorbed in such poisonous reading, which costs them   what they should pay for their breakfast and bring them nightmares and immoral ideas (4)
return. Homework is left undone, daily games lost.  
These sellers shout on streets selling their papers well. The writers, publishers and printers, (5)
they are, we never know, are making their silent
sheep   skinned wolfˊs stories seem to have been forgotten once again.  
Why not forbid this kind of things at school? Yes, both teachers and parents have (6) each other for more strict control of the young readers. Yet
(7)   you want to forbid it, the more they want to have a look at it. Sometimes you may even find several children share one patched paper, which has
to   (8)
driven by the curious nature.  
It really does harm to our society. It has already formed a sort of moral pollution. The (9)
teachers and parents need
young   readers need more interesting books to help them
(10) these ugly papers.     1. A) it
B) that   
D) this pollution      2. A) made of
B) made up   
C) made from
D) made in      3. A) the others
B) others   
C) the other
D) some others      4. A) as
B) in   
D) from      5. A) however
B) whoever   
C) whichever
D) however      6. A) warned
B) advised   
C) persuaded
D) asked      7. A) if
B) the more   
D) only when      8. A) the others
B) some others   
C) another
D) others      9. A) puzzled
B) disappointed   
C) anxious
D) worried      10. A) destroy
B) throw away   
C) fight against
D) get rid of
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  我帮你做了一下词汇题 不过不敢保证全对啊  1-5CBDBC
6-10 ACDBC  11-15 CDACA 16C  如果是学生的话 题要自己做啊  我只是好久不做题了  练练   呵呵


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