
免费热线: 400-100-8969机组销售: 9配件销售: 6维修热线: 9传&&& 真: 9地&&& 址:宁波市北仑戚家山联合路246-252号网&&& 址:
&&& 从润滑角度上讲,废气涡轮增压发动机与自然吸气型发动机相比,对机油有如下特殊要求: 发动机油需要润滑涡轮增压发动机轴承,涡轮增压器由发动机排出的高温废气(通常增压器附近的废气温度500度左右)推动旋转,因此废气涡轮增压器本身温度也很高,这就要求润滑油有更强的稳定性和抗氧化性。同时,因为增压器轴承转速很高,高达每分钟10万转左右,因此要求润滑油非常清洁,以防轴承磨损,为此多数设有专门的增压器进油过滤器。高转速的轴承和清洁性的要求就决定了机油必须保持粘度不要上升过高(粘度上升过高说明油品被氧化或烟炱控制能力―即清净分散性不佳)产生的油泥量要很少,以防止高转速轴承转动不畅或阻塞增压器处的机油过滤器。 涡轮增压发动机因充气系数更高,柴油燃烧更充分,因此燃烧室温度也高于自然吸气型发动机,相应的机油的温度也更高,这也需要机油有更好的抗氧化性,同时有更佳的清洁性和热稳定性,以保持活塞的清洁,防止产生漆漠等沉积物和活塞环槽的积碳。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 道依茨增压发动机使用柴油机油的要求&& 道依茨发动机是应用当今最先进技术和工艺设计制造的高性能涡轮增压柴油发动机。因此为保证发动机的可靠运转,使用的润滑油必须能适应高性能涡轮增压柴油发动机对油品的要求,特别是增压器对油品热稳定性和抗氧化能力的要求。
&& CD级机油已不能够满足道依茨发动机对润滑油品质的要求,长期使用会造成发动机曲轴箱内过脏,油泥过多,活塞环粘连,油品迅速变稠,甚至烧坏涡轮增压器轴承。
&&&&& 因此道依茨发动机必须使用CF―4及以上经别的润滑油(可选用粘度为15W―40的多级粘度机油)。
&&&&& 必须强调的是:
&&&&& 1.& 机油应使用API标准CF―4或更高级别,详细说明请参见随机提供的发动机《操作手册》第4及第6章。
&&&&& 2.& 用户必须仔细阅读《操作手册》,对于发动机各系统的使用及保养要点手册中都有详细描述,必须遵照规范使用保养发动机。
&&&& 3.& 载重卡车或长途客车用发动机的推荐保养周期(根据我国实际国情),为每公里(150~200运行小时)更换机油及机滤、清洁柴油粗滤、更换柴油细滤(保养周期应根据实际使用及燃油品质做相应调整)。
&&&& 4. 工程机械F动机制推荐保养周期为200~250运行小时,更换机油及机滤,燃油滤芯的更换由于实际使用的燃油品质差异较大,应视实际情况决定。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&关于道依茨发动机增压器进气管及中冷器内有机油的说明&&&&& 由于道依茨发动机配备闭环曲轴箱呼吸器,即曲轴箱内的油气重新吸入发动机燃烧,少量的机油会通过曲轴箱呼吸器和增压器轴承进入进气道,而附着在进气管上,甚至在增压器或中冷器进气管接口处有微量的机油渗出,因此是正常现象。
&&&&& 在有中冷器的情况下,会凝结在中冷器底部,每1000小时应通过中冷器上的放油堵将机油放掉。此说明在发动机操作手册相关章节中有明确的说明,因此是正常现象,是用户必须做的保养项目。
&&&&& 道依茨增压水冷发动机正常的机油消耗量应为每消耗1000升柴油,机油耗在5升以内;磨合期内有可能达到7.5升。用户可自行记录一下发动运转100小时的机/柴油耗比,以确认是否在正常范围内。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&道依茨风冷柴油机机油压力过低的排除方法&&& 一台FL912型发动机,在工作一段时间后出现机油压力低的故障,大修后机油压力仍低,仅为0.2Mpa,初步判断是机油泵故障所致,常规修理方法是更换机油泵,因在该机资料上注明:机油泵在出厂时已调好压力,修理人员不得自行调整。因此,才拆下旧泵更换新泵,但机油压力仍为0.2MPa。于是判断故障可能出在机油泵的限压阀上,因限压阀活塞的运动是靠压缩弹簧实现的,在压力升高超过发动机的允许范围时,压力油克服弹簧力顶开活塞,通过限压阀的泄油孔减压。若弹簧弹力达不到规定值,在压力油没有达到规定的油压时,压力油就已经顶开限压阀上的活塞泄压,使压力始终达不到规定值。拆开限压阀,对其作加垫调整后,再次启动柴油机,油压已达到0.3~0.45MPa ,符合发动机规定的工作要求。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &BF6M1013柴油机单体泵安装与维护
2. 维护保养
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &预防道依茨风冷柴油机拉缸的经验
&&& 3.& 仪表装置要工作应可靠。柴油机如装有风扇胶带监测装置、机油压力表和传感器、缸盖温度表和传感器、缸盖温度报警开关等,每个装置必须定期作检查。
&&& 4.& 防止过热。过热不仅会造成缸盖、活塞等零件温度反常,而且还会降低机油质量及其冷却作用。其措施有;定期检查风扇胶带的松紧度;正确调整供油提前角;保持散热片表面清洁;及时保养空气滤清器;防止冷却风量损失过多。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& F6L912型风冷柴油机装配要点及注意事项
F6L912型风冷柴油机的大修周期一般为h, 发动机大修时装配正确与否至关重要。根据我们多年的工作实践介绍该机的装配要点及注意事项。
&&& 在安装第一道主轴瓦时,应注意止推环的安装。正确的安装方法是,先将两面个上半止推环装在机体上止推槽内,并使止推环带有油槽的一面向外,与曲轴旋转面接触,然后再将下半止推环按上述要求放入主轴瓦的下瓦槽内。
&&&& 注意:在装每片主轴瓦时都有要涂上机油,主轴瓦下瓦座的瓦片槽开口都要在同一边(各下瓦座不能互换,必须按拆、卸次序对应装回),每安装完一道瓦座,应转动一次曲轴,灵活即可。
&&&& 主轴瓦螺栓拧紧应采用旋转角度拧紧法,先中间后两端逐道拧紧,对每道主轴瓦螺栓则应采用交替方法按规定力矩拧紧,防止预紧力过大使曲轴变形。
&&&& 曲轴瓦装配完后要检查曲轴轴向窜动量,把磁力表架固定在机体上,使表头接触曲轴端面,用撬杆撬动曲轴,间隙应为0.150~0.314mm。间隙过大影响离合器间隙,间隙过小会发生卡滞现象。
&&&&& 曲轴装配前必须进行抛光处理,用气泵吹通油孔,用鹿皮或丝绸把表面擦净。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 发动机油泥积碳生成是什么原因?
&&& 在发动机使用内燃机油时,由于发动机长期高温高速超负荷行驶、加之进入的空气以及金属的催化作用,发生氧化是不可避免的,结果会生成漆膜和积炭,严重的会在机油泵转子中产生黑色的固体物质。漆膜和积炭的生成也与发动机使用的燃料有关,燃料由于不完全燃烧生成的炭和部分氧化的燃料窜入曲轴箱后,也与内燃机油进一步氧化、缩和生成漆膜和积炭。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 发动机排气冒黑烟、蓝烟、白烟各是什么原因?
1、发动机排气冒黑烟是燃料及燃料供应系统的问题。燃料质量差、造成燃烧不良产生炭黑排出。供油系统调节失灵,也会使排气冒黑烟。或者气门严重磨损关闭不严,尚未燃烧完全的混合气窜出所致。2、发动机排气冒蓝烟是由于机油窜入活塞顶部的燃烧室,引起机油与混合气一起燃烧造成的,俗称"烧机油"。-其主要原因是活塞与缸壁之间的配合出现了问题,活塞环已不能将缸壁上的机油刮净,机油从间隙上窜到燃烧室而被烧掉。3、 发动机排气冒白烟是燃料燃烧中有水引起的,白烟是水蒸气。燃料中可能含有水或者汽缸盖渗水,要查清进水原因有针对性的解决。&&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 柴油机发动机消耗机油过多的原因有哪些?
柴油机发动机油的消耗有多种的计量办法,现在较普遍的是按柴油机行驶里程计算机油消耗,正常消耗约在0.3升/1000公里,若超过0.5升/1000公里,则可认为发动机机油消耗量过多。引起机油消耗量过多的原因主要有以下几方面:* 活塞与缸壁间隙过大。* 活塞环磨损或损坏,活塞环安装不正确。* 曲轴箱的机油面过高。* 进气门导管磨损严重。* 油路有渗漏现象。* 发动机转速过高。* 曲轴箱通风不良。* 基础油闪点过低。一般情况,低粘度的油比高粘度的油消耗大。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 柴油机在出现下述这些情况时就应考虑大修:
& 一、功率明显下降。油门放到最大位置时,柴油机输出最大功率只有额定功率的60%左右,明显带不动配置负荷。对燃油、配气机构、曲轴连杆机构等有关部分,经过维修调整后,功率仍不能恢复。 二、耗油量显著增大。在耗油量超过额定30%―50%以上,机油耗油量也超过额定的1倍以上,排气带出机油,曲轴箱通气口(或加油口)冒带油雾的烟,曲轴箱内温度显著增加。 三、缸套、活塞等零件磨损严重。缸套活塞、曲轴各轴颈的磨损都超过了极限值,配气机构零配件磨损严重,使气缸套密封性变差,气缸压力降低。 四、不能顺利启动。停机后,在冷却水温为50―60℃情况下,不能顺利启动以及柴油机工作温度70―90℃时,缸内还从活塞与活塞销、主轴承或连杆轴瓦处发出响声。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&道依茨BFM1013发动机动力不足的故障排除方法&&& 在确保滤芯没有堵塞的情况下,如果油压达不到,应检查或更换回油阀(件号)。如果压力仍不够应检查输油管路中是否流动阻力过大,直接用一个油筒在输油泵前供油,这样可以确定是否是OEM所配的从油箱到输油泵的供油管路及初滤造成的阻力过大。输油泵前的油管内径不能小于12mm,且在最高转速时输油泵的入口处的燃油压力应大于-0.5bar,满足欧2排放的发动机应大于-0.35bar。如果仍然压力不足应检查燃油回油量。 将回油管的回油端从油箱上拆下直接插到一个空桶中。测量发动机1分钟最高转速下的回油量,应在8升以上。检查满负荷时的增压空气压力及排气温度,只有当转速由最高转速降低到额定转速甚至更低时,发动机的输出才能达到满负荷。满负荷时进气歧管中的增压压力应至少达到1.3bar,排气温度(在增压器后100mm的测量点)应有450度--480度。 如果供油量充足而增压压力仍不足,应检查排气背压,不超过水柱。 如果仍然动力不足,对调速器或喷油正时检查必须由DEUTZ的服务工程师进行。
&&&&& 另一原因是,从回油阀到油箱的输油管路中是否流动阻力过大。如果阻力过大)。则回油量不足且燃油温度会升高(燃油温度不应超过80度)。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 道依茨BFM1013发动机动力不足的检测
& (1)用转速表检查最高转速
&&&&&&& 根据发动机的配制不同,最高转速应比额定转速高6--8%。基本计算公式如下:
&&&&&&& 最高转速=额定转速*1。07
&&&&&&& 如果最高转速不够,检查加油手柄是否顶到最高转速限位螺钉。
&&&&&&& DEUTZ低压油路系统中的最小供油压力应为(空载):
&&&&&&& /min&4.2bar
&&&&&&& /min&5.0bar
&&&&&&& &2300/min&5.3bar
&&&&&&& 最大供油压力不超过7.0bar
&&&&&&&& 低压油路的压力检测 点应在细滤的出油口后(即曲轴箱的进油口处),如果这一位置没有测量空间,可在回油阀前(即曲轴箱的出油口处)测量。注意:在额定的转速下,曲轴箱的出油口处测得的压力应比曲轴箱进油口处的油压低1.0bar左右。
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 柴油机烧瓦抱轴原因分析
*&曲轴与瓦的质量不好,轴颈与瓦的光洁度差,尤其是大修更换过轴瓦的车辆。& *&大、小瓦安装不正确,间隙调整不当。& *&机油泵的齿轮严重磨损失效,供油压力减小,机油难以供应到指定润滑位置,造成轴瓦干摩擦。& *&机油油道被不洁杂质堵塞,使通往曲轴的机油受到阻隔,形成轴瓦干摩擦。&& *&机油管路发生泄漏,机油循环供应系统压力下降,机油难以供应到指定润滑位置,形成轴瓦干摩擦。& *&发动机严重超负荷运转,出现长时间低速高扭矩工况,因发动机转速低时机油泵转速也低,供油量不足,但轴与瓦之间却形成高温,造成"抱死"。& *&使用了劣质空气滤清器,造成空气中的颗粒物大量进入发动机,产生磨粒磨损,甚至引起抱瓦。& *&润滑油粘度选择不当。& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 发动机故障的声响判断
②向可疑气缸内加注30-40g浓机油,慢慢摇转曲轴4-5圈,约待1min后再启动,若启动后敲击声减弱或消失,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 柴油机机油压力异常原因与分析&& 柴油机的诸多问题中机油压力异常是比较普遍的一个问题。相对于异常当然是正常,机油压力正常的症状是什么?那就是柴油机在刚启动时机油压力升高,在机器达到热态时机油压力又回到正常值。下面是柴油机机油压力异常的原因及部分解决方法。 柴油机机油压力异常的原因:1、机油压力表失准或传感器效能不佳2、 机油油量不足或黏度太低 3、机油管路接头及各密封面漏油严重 4、机油压力限压阀关闭不严,调整 不当或弹簧折断 5、机油油泵工作失常 6、机油滤清器、集滤器堵塞& 7、曲轴轴承、连杆轴承或凸轮轴轴承间隙过大以及曲轴输出法兰端油封损坏严重。 机油压力过低的检查项:
&&& 压力过高的原因主要是机油黏度太大,主油道、机油粗滤器堵塞,限压阀调整不当,曲轴连杆轴承间隙太小。
Special requirements for turbo engine oil
From lubrication angle Shang told, exhaust turbine booster engine and natural suction type engine compared to, on oil has is as follows special requirements: engine oil needs lubrication turbine booster engine bearing, turbine booster device by engine discharge of high temperature exhaust (usually booster device near of exhaust temperature 500 of around) promote rotating, so exhaust turbine booster device itself temperature also is high, this on requirements lubricant has more strong of stability and anti-oxidation sexual. At the same time, because the turbocharger bearings speed is very high, up to 100,000 rpm or so, therefore requires Lube very clean to avoid bearing wear, for which most has set up a special turbocharger oil feed filter. High speed bearings and cleaning requirements to determine the viscosity of oil must be kept not to rise too high (high viscosity increase description oil oxidation or soot dispersion control-that is, clean poorly) amount of sludge produced very little, due to poor turn or blocking to prevent high speed bearing turbocharger oil filter. Turbocharged engines due to the high inflation coefficient, diesel-burning more fully, combustion chamber temperatures higher than naturally aspirated engine, the oil temperature is higher, it also needs to be oil there is a better anti-oxidizing, at the same time a better cleaning and thermal stability to keep Pistons cleaner to prevent paint desert sediments and piston ring groove, such as carbon.
Deutz turbocharged engines used diesel engine oil requirements
Deutz engines are using today's most advanced technology and process design and manufacture of high-performance turbocharged diesel engine. Therefore in order to ensure reliable operation of the engine, the lubricating oil must be used to meet the demands of high performance Turbo diesel engine oil, especially the supercharger oil requirements of thermal stability and resistance to oxidation.
CD grade engine oil is no longer able to meet the requirements of Deutz engine lubricants quality, long-term use will result in the engine crankcase too dirty, too much clay, adhesion of piston rings, oil products quickly become thick, or even burned turbocharger bearings.
Deutz engine must use CF-4 and above the level of lubricating oil (use of multilevel viscosity engine oil viscosity for 15W-40).
It is important to emphasize:
1. CF-4 should use the API engine oil standard, or higher level, detailed instructions please refer to the supplied engines to the 4th and 6th chapters operations manual.
2. the user must carefully read the operations manual, for the use and maintenance manual for engine systems are described in detail in, must comply with a specification and maintenance of engines.
3. load truck or recommended service intervals of a long-distance passenger train engine (according to the actual conditions in China), is
km (running hours 150~200) replace the engine oil and filter, clean diesel heavy filters, replacement of diesel light filter (service intervals should be adjusted according to actual use and fuel quality).
4. construction machinery Liar. dynamic mechanisms recommended service intervals of 200~250 running hours, replace the engine oil and filter, fuel quality fuel filter replacement for practical use of larger differences should be determined, as appropriate.
Deutz engine supercharger oil in the intake pipe and intercooler description
Because of Deutz engines are equipped with closed-loop crankcase breathing, inhale again engine combustion of oil and gas in the crankcase, a small amount of engine oil crankcase breathing and turbocharger bearing into the inlet, and attached on the intake manifold, turbocharger or intercooler intake pipe even traces of engine oil leakage at the interface, it is normal.
In cold case, will condense in the cooler at the bottom, per 1000 hours over the oil plug oil cooler. This description in clear in the relevant sections of the engine operation manual instructions, is normal and is what users must do maintenance items.
Deutz turbo cooled engine consumed normal oil consumption for each 1000 liters of diesel, fuel consumption of 5 in the run-in period is likely to reach 7.5. Users can record their own launch/diesel consumption than running 100 hours to confirm that is within a normal range.
Deutz air cooled diesel engine low oil pressure troubleshooting
A FL912 engines, there is low oil pressure failure over time, overhauled the engine oil pressure is low, only 0.2Mpa, preliminary judge is due to oil pump failure, General repair method is to replace the oil pump, as stated in the information: oil pump factory has good pressure regulation, repair personnel shall not be adjusted. Therefore, to remove the old pump pump replacement, but the oil pressure is 0.2MPa. Judge faults may be out on the oil pump pressure limiting valve, pressure limiting valve movement of the piston is on compression spring implementation, at the higher pressure than when the engine allowed, top Pistons oil pressure to overcome the spring force, through the drainage holes and pressure of the pressure limiting valve. If spring stretch value does not meet the requirements, when the oil pressure oil pressure fails to meet the requirements, the pressure oil is top on the pressure-limiting valve piston pressure relief, pressure always falls to the specified value. Open the pressure limiting valve, plus pad adjustment, start the engine again, oil has reached 0.3~0.45MPa, consistent with the engine of job requirements.
BF6M1013 unit pump diesel engine installation and maintenance
Installation and adjustment
Adjustment of injection pump gasket production
Before the installation, first of all to keep working inside the location clean. When removing the original fault pump, to remove the 2 retaining bolts to be symmetric, and that do not fall into the diesel engine cylinder body. Then remove the left vent drum of diesel engines, have to use special tools to resist rack.
Unit pump replaced, if you purchased the pump marked down as a value and original, you don't need to shim thickness calculation.
Diesel engine 4 cylinder fuel pump needs to be replaced, EP=374 for the pump, according to BF6M1013E-engine EP, EK EK corresponding table to identify the corresponding values in the value, EK=146.825
BF6M1013 known diesel engine models, it can be concluded that
Check the schedule to select the actual gasket thickness required for Ss=3.2mm.
According to the gasket thickness, you can make adjustment of injection pump gaskets, General strength higher than the iron tablets, according to the thickness of the selected spring installed base shape machining and injection pump, two faces of the gasket should process smooth, smooth.
Installation and adjustment of the fuel injection pump
Installed spray pump Shi, should first will adjustment gasket into spray pump installed hole, with dedicated tools or other alternative tools will adjustable speed tooth section resisted fan edge parking stalling direction, will by to installed pump of Web to base round location, will pump into cylinder body in the, with 5N.m tight solid monomer pump bolt, then release 60 of with a torque wrench counterclockwise direction slow turns spray pump, until go does not dynamic weizhi, and by 7N.m, and 10N.m, and 30N.m torque classification twist tight high pressure pump tight solid bolt.
When checked, should first check the fuel pump and its Assembly is fully seated, fuel system and air exhaust, and diesel engine not start turn ignition switch, detecting misfire solenoid valve, pull adjust rack to view actions are sensitive.
Then start the engine, started running the sound and watch the exhaust emissions, to determine if working properly, if the black smoke of diesel engines, diesel fuel injection advance angle too large, adjust the shim Ss too thick, take the white smoke, diesel fuel injection advance angle is too small, incomplete combustion, that is, adjusting shim Ss too thin.
2. maintenance
Fuel pump is at the heart of diesel engines for construction machinery parts, the injection pump is necessary in the daily work of maintenance attention to the following several points:
In diesel engine Shang installed spray pump Shi, should by Qian in approach adjustment spra diesel engine fuel system at least should used 2 level filter system (rough filter and fine filter), has conditions of can plus loaded ded fuel should used meet national standards of clean light diesel, and to after 2-3 days of prec regularly replaced diesel filter device, and oil and cleaning diesel box, spray pump shall not free demolition and adjustment, demolition maintenance Shi needed guarantee work places clean.
Prevention of cylinder Deutz air cooled diesel engine experience
C-F6L913L air cooled diesel engines using the action required is relatively high, which should pay special attention to the following several points: should avoid lo after the engine start, avoid fast-moving immediately, not pounding the throttle to prevent due to temperature rise cause cylinder, piston scuffing. In order to avoid cooling fan abruptly stopped working, before cooler for diesel engine cylinder caused by accident, not under full load of diesel engines immediately shut down.
Ensure the reliable effective lubrication. Ensure reliable lubrication of air-cooled diesel engine should pay attention to the following several points:
-F6L913L diesel engines must be provided using the CC or CD level diesel engine, and should be replaced in a timely manner, waste gas rushed into the crankcase, or diesel fuel leaking into the oil pan should be shortened when engine oil replacing period.
Air cooled diesel engine oil in normal temperature should be between 90~110du, idle oil pressure should be greater than 49kPa, the typical oil pressure should be between 294~392kPa.
Periodically clearing dirt and oil cooler replace oil filter every 200h should replace the oil filter, oil filter, by-pass valve open, oil, without a filter directly to the main office, such as big impurities can clog cooling nozzle.
3. Instrumentation should be trusted to work. Diesel engines fitted with fan belt monitoring system, cylinder head temperature gauge, oil pressure gauge and sensor and cylinder head temperature alarm sensors, switches, and so on, each device must be checked regularly.
4. to prevent overheating. Will not only cause overheating parts such as cylinder heads, piston temperature anomalies, but also reduces oil quality and its cooling effects. I periodic chec correctly adjusting the fuel
keep the hea maintenance air cleaner in a timely manner to prevent loss of cooling air flow too much.
F6L912-type air cooled diesel engine assembly points and points for attention
F6L912-air cooled diesel engine overhaul period is h, engine overhaul Assembly when correctness is crucial. Based on our many years of practice to present the Assembly points and points for attention of the machine.
1, spindle
Spindle Assembly
When you install the first spindle w, be aware of thrust rings installed. Correct installation method is, on both sides of a first half-thrust ring mounted on the body pushing the chute, and pushed out of the ring with one side of the tank, contact with the crankshaft rotating surface, and then the lower thrust ring spindle Watts Watts under such requirements into the slot.
Note: when loading each spindle has to be coated with oil, spindle under tile tile tile Groove openings are on the same side (under the tiles are not interchangeable, must follow the unpacking, unloading order back), per installed Watt, should turn a crankshaft, and flexible.
Spindle bolts tighten the rotation angle tighten laws should be adopted, at both ends by road after tightening, on each spindle bolts torque of alternate methods should be adopted in accordance with the regulations tightened, Ambassador of pretightening force of preventing deformation of crankshafts.
Finished crankshaft Assembly to check the crankshaft to play, table fixed in the magnetic body, head the table contact crankshaft end, with a pry bar pry crankshaft, clearance should be 0.150~0.314mm. Gap too large affect the clutch clearance, clearance is too small block behavior can occur.
Assembly considerations
Crank Assembly must be polished, oil air pump blowing through the hole, the surface clean with a deerskin or silk.
Scraper new bearing appropriate scraping on each side of the hard corners and edges, the crankshaft tie in with the good.
Seats in the Assembly are not interchangeable.
Engine sludge generated carbon is what causes?
When using internal-combustion engine oil in engine, due to long-term high temperature engine overload, combined with the entry of air and the metal catalyst, oxidation occurs is inevitable, results will generate carbon deposition coating and seriously will produce black solid substances in the oil pump rotors. Generation of paint film and carbon associated with engines using fuel, fuel due to incomplete combustion of carbon and after channeling partial oxidation of fuel into the crankcase, engine oil and also generated further oxidation, reduction, and carbon deposition film and.
Engine exhaust black smoke, blue smoke and white smoke, what is?
1 exhaust black smoke is fuel, engine and fuel system problems. Poor quality of fuel, causing poor combustion produces carbon black removal. Adjustment of oil supply system failure, also makes the exhaust black smoke. Or serious wear of valve closing is not strict, not combustion mixture out completely.
2, engine exhaust take the blue smoke is due to oil shot up into the combustion chamber at the top of the piston, oil and mixed gas with combustion caused by caused by, commonly known as "burning oil". -The main reason is the tie between the piston and cylinder wall there is a problem, oil on piston ring and cylinder wall cannot be scratched, and channeling on the oil from the gap to the combustion chamber and burned.
3, engine and exhaust take the white smoke is caused by water in fuel combustion, white smoke is steam. May contain water in the fuel or air cylinder cover water, to identify water due to a focused solution.
What are the causes of excessive engine oil consumption in diesel engine?
Diesel engine oil consumption of a variety of measurements, is now the more common diesel mileage computer consumption, normally consume about 0.3 l/1000 km, if it exceeds 0.5 l/1000 km, you can think too much engine oil consumption.
Causing excessive oil consumption mainly has following several aspects:
* Excessive clearance between piston and cylinder wall.
* Piston ring wear or damage, piston ring is not properly installed.
* Excessive crankcase oil.
* Inlet valve catheter serious wear.
* Oil leakage.
* High engine speeds.
* Poor crankcase ventilation.
* Base oil flash-point is too low.
In General, lower viscosity than high viscosity of oil oil consumption.
Diesel engine overhaul should be considered when the following is true:
First, power decreased markedly. When the throttles to maximum position, 60% per cent of maximum power output is only rated engine, obviously with a fixed configuration load. On the valve train, fuel, crank connecting rod mechanism, and other relevant
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