
&阿曼达,你爸爸真的会来救你,救我们吗?”同学们失落地望着阿曼达。“会的,一定会的,再等等,可能他们正在挖掘,大家别怕!”阿曼达努力鼓舞自己,让自己的行动感染同学们。同学们似信非信地低下了头,有的紧锁双眉,有的摇头叹息,有的已经绝望得唉声叹气,索性嚷嚷道:“哎……他不会来救我们的,毕竟谁都不知道我们在哪,更不会知道我们还活着!我们没救了。”话音刚落,同学们都哇哇大哭起来,嘴里还不停地呼喊着:“爸爸、妈妈!”“不会的。”阿曼达坚定地回道,将噙在眼里的苦涩的泪水挤了回去。心想:爸爸一定会来的,一定会的,因为他说过不论发生什么事,他都会和我在一起。爸爸,我会等你的。时间慢慢地流动着,同学们对阿曼达与他爸爸的信心一击而溃,唯有阿曼达执着地挖着。因为他知道,如果爸爸活着,就一定会来救他的。事实最终也没有将这位了不起的儿子击倒。此时,他的心里只有一个念头:努力地挖。人,终究会有求生的信念,大家在阿曼达的行动上受了感染,也帮着挖,在窘迫的环境下始终不向死亡低头,从而使得奇迹发生了……突然,岩石缝里传出父亲急促的呼吸声与挖掘所产生的震耳欲聋的声音,渐渐交织在了一起“同伴们,我们有救了!”阿曼达欢呼起来。此时心中的一股暖流似潮水般涌上心头,伴随着一点点渗进来的亮光…… 轰!轰!轰!地震了!在一栋学校里有一位学生叫阿曼达,他被埋在废墟里!还有14个同学还生还。有学生说:‘‘怎么办?我们会不会没命?’’然后大哭。阿曼达说:‘‘不会的!我爸爸一定会来救我们的!不要害怕。’’但他的心里也是很害怕的!他心里说:爸爸!快来救我们!我很害怕!我怕会没命!突然他想到爸爸对自己说的一句话:无论发生了什么,你总会和我在一起!很多同学都在喊爸爸!妈妈!阿曼达就跟同学们说:‘‘不要害怕!我爸爸活着就会来救我,也会救大家。不要放弃生存的勇气,要有耐心,要保持体力,静心等待!’’ ‘‘爸爸!我等着你!’’ 突然阿曼达听到了挖掘的声音就说;‘‘爸爸,是你吗?''‘‘是我,是爸爸!我的儿子!’’ ‘‘我告诉同学们不要害怕,说只要我爸爸活着就一定会来救我,也能救大家。因为你说过,无论发生什么,总会和我在一起! ‘‘你现在怎么样?有几个孩子活着?’’ ‘‘我们这里有14个同学,都活着,我们都在教室的墙角,房顶塌下来架成了大三角形,我们没被砸着!’’ 这对了不起的父与子,无比幸福地紧紧拥抱在一起。在废墟下,面对危险,面对死神的时候,阿曼达猛然想起父亲常对他说的话:“不论发生了什么,我总会和你在一起。”他碱性,父亲一定会来救他的,想到这儿,他对同学们说:“同学们。不要害怕,我们要坚强,只要我们活着,我父亲一定会来救我们的。父亲对我说过‘不论发生了什么,我总会和你在一起’,他会来救我,也会就大家的。’就这样,8小时,12小时,24小时,36小时过去了,同学们间还没有来救他们,有一个同学绝望的说道:"他不会来救大家了,毕竟,他不知道我们在那,我们没救了。”说玩,大家便哭了起来“爸爸”“妈妈”。& “不会的”,哈曼达说道,“大家再等儿,父亲一定会来救我们的,可能下载它还在挖掘。”大家听了,都不哭了,都怀真一股信念,坚持到底& 当他们等到第3个小时时,突然听到一阵响声,仰头一看,原来是阿曼达的父亲,大家都高兴极了,许多过路人都来帮忙,50分钟后,一个安全得出口开辟出来了,大家都出来了,这时,这对了不起的父与子,无比幸福得紧紧拥抱在一起!
&&&& 在这危险面前,阿曼达会不禁想起平时父亲对他说的话:“不论发生什么事,我总会跟你在一起!”他会想:“父亲,您一定能成功的!您一定不会忘记我的存在的!父亲,我一定会等您,一直和您在一起!我等您,我信赖您!”阿曼达正怀着信赖的情绪等待父亲救他们中。他安慰着另外13个同学说:“大家冷静!放心!只要我父亲还活着,我们就一定会有救的,因为父亲告诉过我:‘不论发生什么事,我总会和你在一起!’来吧,大家快大喊,好让父亲更好的找到我们!”大家都跟着阿曼达一起大喊:“这里有人生存!快来营救!救命啊!”这声音是
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My father was a self-taught mandolin player. He was one of the best string instrument players in our town. He could not read music, but if he heard a tune a few times, he could play it. When he was younger, he was a member of a small country music band. They would play at local dances and on a few occasions would play for the local radio station. He often told us how he had auditioned and earned a position in a band that featured Patsy Cline as their lead singer. He told the family that after he was hired he never went back. Dad was a very religious man. He stated that there was a lot of drinking and cursing the day of his audition and he did not want to be around that type of environment.  Occasionally, Dad would get out his mandolin and play for the family. We three children: Trisha, Monte and I, George Jr., would often sing along. Songs such as the Tennessee Waltz, Harbor Lights and around Christmas time, the well-known rendition of Silver Bells. "Silver Bells, Silver Bells, its Christmas time in the city" would ring throughout the house. One of Dad's favorite hymns was "The Old Rugged Cross". We learned the words to the hymn when we were very young, and would sing it with Dad when he would play and sing. Another song that was often shared in our house was a song that accompanied the Walt Disney series: Davey Crockett. Dad only had to hear the song twice before he learned it well enough to play it. "Davey, Davey Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier" was a favorite song for the family. He knew we enjoyed the song and the program and would often get out the mandolin after the program was over. I could never get over how he could play the songs so well after only hearing them a few times. I loved to sing, but I never learned how to play the mandolin. This is something I regret to this day.  Dad loved to play the mandolin for his family he knew we enjoyed singing, and hearing him play. He was like that. If he could give pleasure to others, he would, especially his family. He was always there, sacrificing his time and efforts to see that his family had enough in their life. I had to mature into a man and have children of my own before I realized how much he had sacrificed.  I joined the United States Air Force in January of 1962. Whenever I would come home on leave, I would ask Dad to play the mandolin. Nobody played the mandolin like my father. He could touch your soul with the tones that came out of that old mandolin. He seemed to shine when he was playing. You could see his pride in his ability to play so well for his family.  When Dad was younger, he worked for his father on the farm. His father was a farmer and sharecropped a farm for the man who owned the property. In 1950, our family moved from the farm. Dad had gained employment at the local limestone quarry. When the quarry closed in August of 1957, he had to seek other employment. He worked for Owens Yacht Company in Dundalk, Maryland and for Todd Steel in Point of Rocks, Maryland. While working at Todd Steel, he was involved in an accident. His job was to roll angle iron onto a conveyor so that the welders farther up the production line would have it to complete their job. On this particular day Dad got the third index finger of his left hand mashed between two pieces of steel. The doctor who operated on the finger could not save it, and Dad ended up having the tip of the finger amputated. He didn't lose enough of the finger where it would stop him picking up anything, but it did impact his ability to play the mandolin.  After the accident, Dad was reluctant to play the mandolin. He felt that he could not play as well as he had before the accident. When I came home on leave and asked him to play he would make excuses for why he couldn't play. Eventually, we would wear him down and he would say "Okay, but remember, I can't hold down on the strings the way I used to" or "Since the accident to this finger I can't play as good". For the family it didn't make any difference that Dad couldn't play as well. We were just glad that he would play. When he played the old mandolin it would carry us back to a cheerful, happier time in our lives. "Davey, Davey Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier", would again be heard in the little town of Bakerton, West Virginia.  In August of 1993 my father was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. He chose not to receive chemotherapy treatments so that he could live out the rest of his life in dignity. About a week before his death, we asked Dad if he would play the mandolin for us. He made excuses but said "okay". He knew it would probably be the last time he would play for us. He tuned up the old mandolin and played a few notes. When I looked around, there was not a dry eye in the family. We saw before us a quiet humble man with an inner strength that comes from knowing God, and living with him in one's life. Dad would never play the mandolin for us again. We felt at the time that he wouldn't have enough strength to play, and that makes the memory of that day even stronger. Dad was doing something he had done all his life, giving. As sick as he was, he was still pleasing others. Dad sure could play that Mandolin!  
Her mother's hand, is looking forward to a pair of hands. Living and learning difficulties always hit me from time to time, whenever I can be frustrated and helpless, her mother would use her hands touching it with my head said: "OK, everything will be good." In Fumo's gentle mother, I felt overcome the difficulties it seems that the confidence and courage. Her mother's hand, the past is no longer a smooth, but vaguely wrinkles. But I know that fold fold wrinkles, is filled with love ah! Her mother's hand, touch is frustrated, the exchange is looking forward to. Her mother's hand, pulled out all the way I walked, my mother's hand, I create a loving home. She used her mother's hand, the broad interpretation of love, the sincere love, love the heat. When tired, do not forget to hold her mother's hand. The hands of our life support. White wings White wings, the fairy tale, pure and beautiful. I sat in Qingleng the bus, with headphones, listen to the "wings", watching the scenery keep the window conversion. White wings, a pure fantasy, did not expect I will be intruded into the world so that I can not help to fantasy. Dust-laden bottom of my heart the memory of the wake-up call. Have "honour" and her mother attended the funeral of a mother and watched the pictures with Zhiqi also faces always only black and white, although not known, but a while inexplicable sentimental hearts. Is said to be congenital heart disease. Inadvertently found a little girl, the big eyes water Lingling nitrile see only the pure at heart, as if everything has nothing to do with her. She is her child, as if in intuition told me. Perhaps all the people that she does not understand what, I can see her tears about to burst. I pulled her out of the running for her扎scattered hair, and her chat speak. But she still sheds tears. I have some Shoumangjiaoluan, for many Leizhu fight in my hands, like the sea pearl crystal lucent, like Bingjian stings my heart. "Sister, my mother did not die, my mother did not die, she is taken away by an angel, I will go to her." The little girl's eyes are firmly eyes, but also sad, seen people distressed. "Angel>> "I am somewhat surprised, my impression>> I have the slightest pleased. "Mom said, the president of her to a pair of white wings, the angel will take her to leave." Little girl started recalled, seemed far far away, "her mother said, and so I have grown white wings, I can see her . " A well-intentioned lie, but also beautiful. I caught meditation, I need to break her fantasy? >> "Sister, I will only grow when the white wings>>, "she Sajiao in my arms," I Haoxiang quickly to see her mother, I miss her good. " "As long as the sky every day, you say, 'Please give me a pair of white wings it', then one day will hear the angels." Perhaps I should fill End this lie, her braided end of this dream. When I left, the distant little girl to pray facing the sky. I think she must be in, said: "Please give me a pair of white wings!" Perhaps in her eyes I was only a passing through, perhaps one day she will hate me, perhaps she would appreciate me, this is already the least. In the way home, I look up to the sky, there will be really white wings? >> I pray to the sky: the white wings, if you really exist, please do not take her. Perhaps the one always looking forward to is a fantasy. Doors beep, taking alight, forced breathing ambient air. I still pray to the sky: "white wings, if you really exist, please do not take her." This is my only pleased and compensation.
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切 不怎摸样
五年级语文上册17课小练笔     “轰轰轰”伴随着一阵剧烈的摇动,阿曼达大喊:“快,快去墙角!”“啪啦”一声,房顶塌下来架成了一个大三角形,阿曼达和14个同学被深深地埋在了废墟里。   小荷作文网   “妈妈,爸爸!你在哪,我好怕啊!”一位同学大声哭了起来。其他13位同学也在小声哭泣着。在这伸手不见五指的废墟中,阿曼达使劲地翻着周围的石头。还好,功夫不亏有心人,阿曼达找到了一个书包。他打开书包,摸着黑找到了书包上存放的水,他拿出水,对同学说:“大家不要怕,我们四周找找有没有其他的书包!”同学们止住了哭泣,分开在四周翻了起来,可翻了好一阵还是一无所获。   小 荷 作文网   “唉,我们还是不要浪费力气了,不会有人来救我们的!”一位同学嚷嚷道。“哇……”一些同学痛哭了起来。阿曼达努力把即将要流来的眼泪憋了回去,对同学大声说:“不,我相信我爸爸一定会来救我的,因为他爱我!”阿曼达猛地想起父亲常常对他说的话:“不论发生什么,我总会和你在一起。”同学们听了阿曼达的话,不再哭泣,坐下来等着别人来救他们。     8小时,12小时,24小时,36小时。阿曼达和同学们已经饥肠辘辘,就连最后一滴水也喝光了。同学们对阿曼达说:“阿曼达,你爸爸真的会来救我们吗?”“会的,一定会的。因为爸爸说过‘不论发生什么,我总会和你在一起’所以,我们还是耐心等待吧。”阿曼达回答。就这样,又过了两个小时,阿曼达顿时听见了震耳欲聋的挖掘声音,便使出全身的力气大声喊道:“爸爸,是你吗?”     “是我,是爸爸,我的儿子!”     是爸爸,阿曼达大喊:“我们得救了!我爸爸来救我了!”     50分钟后,阿曼达以及14个同学都从废墟里出来了。     这对了不起的父与子无比幸福地紧紧拥抱在一起。  
再见了,嘎羧 嘎羧在离开寨子后,走了整整一夜,一路上,它一直在哭泣。再见了,住了二十多年的心爱的象房;再见了,跟它相伴了这么多年的人们;再见了,照顾它二十多个春秋的波农丁,再见了! 它一路上走啊走啊,天亮时来到打洛江边。 嘎羧凝望着江面,他回想起来了:它眼前的江水原本是血红的,是它每一个战友的鲜血染红的。它们献出了自己的生命,和它们自己身上的战士一样,一起浴血奋战保卫它们这片土地。 当它走到那块龟形礁石上时,心想,那就是当年我倒下的地方吧。它在上面亲了又亲,感受当年硝烟和战友的气息。这块龟形礁石上,似乎残留着当年搏杀时留下的血液和同伴们的呼唤。想到这里,它似乎看到了,看到了当年与他浴血搏杀的战友,它们带着当年的伤痕,一个个地站起来了,走到它的身旁,吼叫着。嘎羧朝天吼叫着,想到了当年浴血搏杀的战场,想到了杀害他同伴的日本鬼子,嘎羧眼睛里又布满了愤怒,它离开了打洛江边,离开了当年浴血搏杀的战场。 它又走了,它要去找它当年的战友了! 他来到百象冢,这里躺着当年被日本鬼子杀害的八十多头战象。他找了一块平台,站在上面,似乎在说:“朋友们,我来了!” 二十多年了,一直不忘自己的责任的战象,怀念自己的战友,在他同伴们旁边走了。 嘎羧看着天边那轮火红的朝阳,心里波潮起伏: 回想我的一生,既像天边的朝阳,红红火火;又像这一湖江水,平平淡 淡…… (上篇已害了你,这是第一段的开头,接着自己想,不然我就害你了) 也许,我的同伴同死神一起召唤我了……对不起了,我的祖祖辈辈,对我而 言,波农丁和村民们是我的“家人”,同伴们就是我的兄弟,村寨就是我的第二个家,我要与我的兄弟们同卧一个“百象冢” 。 (这是第二段的开头和结尾,接着自己想,不然我就害你了) 习惯了在枪林弹雨中冲锋陷阵,习惯了嗅到了弹药与腐烂糅杂在一起的味道。突然很安静。这是一种血腥的寂寞。看到战友们中弹倒下,而自己只能依然冲锋杀敌,这无非是我一生中最大的遗恨与耻辱…… (这是第三段开头的几句,接着自己想,而且不能照抄啊,这是我的“版权”,得到了A+呢,老师还把它在全班读了,我要保护我写到10点半的作文,希望理解) 再见了,村民们!再见了,波农丁!我走了,不带走一片云霞,只留下了,一丝,遗憾……
再见了,嘎羧 嘎羧在离开寨子后,走了整整一夜,一路上,它一直在哭泣。再见了,住了二十多年的心爱的象房;再见了,跟它相伴了这么多年的人们;再见了,照顾它二十多个春秋的波农丁,再见了! 它一路上走啊走啊,天亮时来到打洛江边。 嘎羧凝望着江面,他回想起来了:它眼前的江水原本是血红的,是它每一个战友的鲜血染红的。它们献出了自己的生命,和它们自己身上的战士一样,一起浴血奋战保卫它们这片土地。 当它走到那块龟形礁石上时,心想,那就是当年我倒下的地方吧。它在上面亲了又亲,感受当年硝烟和战友的气息。这块龟形礁石上,似乎残留着当年搏杀时留下的血液和同伴们的呼唤。想到这里,它似乎看到了,看到了当年与他浴血搏杀的战友,它们带着当年的伤痕,一个个地站起来了,走到它的身旁,吼叫着。嘎羧朝天吼叫着,想到了当年浴血搏杀的战场,想到了杀害他同伴的日本鬼子,嘎羧眼睛里又布满了愤怒,它离开了打洛江边,离开了当年浴血搏杀的战场。 它又走了,它要去找它当年的战友了! 他来到百象冢,这里躺着当年被日本鬼子杀害的八十多头战象。他找了一块平台,站在上面,似乎在说:“朋友们,我来了!” 二十多年了,一直不忘自己的责任的战象,怀念自己的战友,在他同伴们旁边走了。 嘎羧看着天边那轮火红的朝阳,心里波潮起伏: 回想我的一生,既像天边的朝阳,红红火火;又像这一湖江水,平平淡 淡…… (上篇已害了你,这是第一段的开头,接着自己想,不然我就害你了) 也许,我的同伴同死神一起召唤我了……对不起了,我的祖祖辈辈,对我而 言,波农丁和村民们是我的“家人”,同伴们就是我的兄弟,村寨就是我的第二个家,我要与我的兄弟们同卧一个“百象冢” 。 (这是第二段的开头和结尾,接着自己想,不然我就害你了) 习惯了在枪林弹雨中冲锋陷阵,习惯了嗅到了弹药与腐烂糅杂在一起的味道。突然很安静。这是一种血腥的寂寞。看到战友们中弹倒下,而自己只能依然冲锋杀敌,这无非是我一生中最大的遗恨与耻辱…… (这是第三段开头的几句,接着自己想,而且不能照抄啊,这是我的“版权”,得到了A+呢,老师还把它在全班读了,我要保护我写到10点半的作文,希望理解) 再见了,村民们!再见了,波农丁!我走了,不带走一片云霞,只留下了,一丝,遗憾……


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