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& 2012新课标同步导学英语[北师大·安徽]选修6课件:17-3 My Favourite Comedy
2012新课标同步导学英语[北师大·安徽]选修6课件:17-3 My Favourite Comedy
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When the dish arrives,he is shocked to discover that &steak tartare& is actually raw hamburger. (P24)当菜送到后,他吃惊地发现&steak tartare&实际上就是生汉堡。 剖析 shock v.使震惊,电击,触电 be shocked at (by)对&&很震惊(比surprised语气重) shocking adj.令人震惊的 shocked adj.(人)感到震惊的 ①Everyone was shocked by his rudeness. 他的粗鲁令大家感到震惊。 拓展 shock n.震惊,休克,使人感到震惊的事 the shock of a fall落地的冲击 die of shock因休克而死 ②The news was a great shock to me.这则消息令我十分震惊。 ③The two trains met and the shock broke the windows. 两列火车相撞,震坏了窗户。 应用 6.动词填空 He stood there,________(shock) unable to say anything. 答案: shocked He makes an attempt to eat it,but it is clear from the look on his face that he finds the taste truly disgusting. (P24)他试图去吃它,但是从他脸上的表情看,显然味道真的让人难以下咽。 应用 7.单词拼写 A man is being questioned in relation to the a ________ murder last night. 答案: attempted He becomes so desperate in the end that he even hides some inside the purse of a woman sitting near him...最后,他不顾一切了,甚至将一些肉塞进坐在附近的一个女士的手提包里&& 剖析 desperate adj.绝望的;极严重的;极想得到的;孤注一掷的,不顾一切的 be desperate for sth.极渴望得到某物 be desperate to do sth.极想做某事,渴望做某事 ①She&s desperate for money.她极渴望得到钱。 ②Have you got some water?I&m desperate for a drink. 你有水吗?我很想喝一点。 ③He is desperate to pass the entrance exam. 他很渴望通过入学考试。 拓展 in desperation拼命地 ④He kicked at the door in desperation.他拼命踢门。 应用 8.用所给词的正确形式填空 Hearing that her son failed again,Mother shook her head ________ (desperate). 答案: desperately At Oxford,he obtained his Master&s degree in electrical engineering.(P25) 在牛津大学,他获得了电力工程的硕士学位。 剖析 obtain vt.获得,得到,买到;vi.流行 Where can I obtain a copy of her latest book? 我在哪里能买到她最新出版的书? He always manages to obtain what he wants. 他总是有办法得到他想要的东西。 The practice still obtains in some areas of England. 这种做法在英格兰一些地区仍很流行。 比较 obtain,gain,achieve与get ①obtain较正式用词,着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西。 ②gain较obtain更进一层,侧重指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就或获得某种利益或好处,故译为&赢得&。 ③achieve指通过个人努力改善自身的状况。 ④get普通用词,使用广泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,不一定要经过努力,意为&得到&。 I obtained this record for you with difficulty. 我好不容易为你弄到了这张唱片。 After swimming for an hour,he finally gained the shore. 他游了一小时以后,终于到达岸边。 I&ve achieved only half of what I&d hoped to do. 我希望做到的,我仅完成了一半。 Did you manage to get tickets for the concert? 你弄到音乐会的票了吗? 应用 9.The police________the evidence by legal means that George murdered his wife. A.achieved B.gains C.obtained D.contained 解析: 句意为:警察通过法律手段找到了乔治谋杀他妻子的证据。obtain获得,指通过艰苦努力得到;achieve指取得(成功等);gain赢得;contain包含,容纳。 答案: C This may have inspired the abnormal speech patterns of many of his characters. (P25)这或许为他日后许多角色的不同寻常的说话模式奠定了基础。 剖析 inspire vt.鼓励,鼓舞,促成,导致 inspire sb.鼓舞某人 inspire sb.to (do) sth.激励/鼓舞某人做某事 inspire+n.+in sb.激起某人&& ①His speech inspired us to try again. 他的话鼓舞我们再努力一次。 ②The father inspired confidence in his son. 那位父亲激发了儿子的信心。 ③I was inspired to work harder by her example. 她的榜样激励我努力工作。 拓展 inspired adj.凭灵感的,受到启示的 inspiring adj.激励人心的,启发灵感的,吸引人的 inspiration n.激励,鼓舞,启示,灵感 Let&s hear your inspiring speech. 让我们听听你激动人心的演讲吧。 应用 10.完成句子 (1)他那高尚的榜样激发我们大家更加努力。 His noble example________the rest of us to greater efforts. (2)我们一见到那旅店昏暗肮脏,心里就很不痛快。 Our first sight of the dingy little hotel did not ________ us ________much confidence. (3)这是一本题材并不十分令人感兴趣的书。 This is a book on a not very________subject. 答案: (1)inspired (2)inspire;with (3)inspiring Although his teachers predicted a career in acting,Rowan was not convinced himself,...(P25)虽然他的老师预言他将从事表演事业,但是罗恩自己并没有信服,&& 剖析 convince vt.使确信;使信服;使相信 convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事 convince sb.(that)...使某人相信&& convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事 ①Her arguments didn&t convince me. 她的论点未能说服我。 ②I managed to convince them that the story was true. 我设法使他们相信那故事是真的。 拓展 be convinced of sth.相信某事 be convinced (that)...相信&& ③We are all convinced of his innocence. 我们都相信他是无辜的。 应用 11.He couldn&t________his father that John was telling the truth. A.convince B.believe C.ensure D.trust 答案: A It was one of those things which happen very rarely in your life,when you realise you are in the presence of genius.(P25)这是你生活中很少发生的事情之一,你意识到你正面对着天才。 剖析 rarely adv.很少,难得,罕有,不常 ①The truth is rarely pure and never simple. 真理很少是纯粹的,更不会是简单的。 ②The leader rarely shows herself in public. 这位领导她很少在公众场合露面。 拓展 rarely,seldom若在句首时,要用倒装语序,即将be或其他助动词提至主语前面,构成部分倒装。 ③Rarely do I dream these days.最近我很少做梦。 ④Rarely have I met him recently. 最近我很少见到他。 应用 12.Little________about her own safety,though she was in great danger herself. A.did Rose care B.Rose did care C.Rose does care D.does Rose care 解析: 否定词little置于句首时,要用部分倒装语序。根据从句时态为一般过去时,主句也用过去时,因此选A。 答案: A Ⅰ.课文概述 熟读课文并完成填空(每空限填一词)。 Mr Bean,a world&famous comedy character,often amuses audiences by getting into awkward and 1.________situations.In one show in a restaurant,he 2.________to receive a birthday card from somebody else and then shows it to others 3.________. But it&s he himself who made the card. Being short of 4.______,he orders the dish called &steak tartare&,which is actually raw hamburger.5.________as it is,he pretends to be 6.________with it because he doesn&t want to expose his 7.________. Mr Bean is played by Rowan Atkinson,a well&known British actor.He once attended the same school as Tony Blair.Rowan was a 8.________student at Newcastle University,and obtained his Master&s degree in electrical 9.________at Oxford. Although he had already shown 10.________acting talent at primary school,he didn&t choose it as a career until at university. 答案: 1.absurd 2.pretends 3.delightedly 4.money 5.Disgusting 6.satisfied 7.embarrassment 8.top 9.engineering 10.admirable Ⅱ.翻译句子 根据括号内提示,翻译下列句子。 11.他不愿认输。(acknowledge) ___________________________________________________ 答案: He is unwilling to acknowledge defeat. 12.我不能抵挡诱惑。(resist) ___________________________________________________ 答案: I can&t resist the temptation. 13.这个孩子受到母亲的责骂。(scold) ___________________________________________________ 答案: The child was scolded by his mother. 14.她因失败而绝望。(desperate) ___________________________________________________ 答案: Her failure made her desperate. 15.我劝说她学英语。(convince) ___________________________________________________ 答案: I convinced her that she should study English. 练规范、练技能、练速度 NO.1 课前自主预习 NO.2 课堂互动探究 NO.3 随堂效果检测 NO.4 课后巩固提升 工具 栏目导引 Unit 17 Laughter 3.My Favourite Comedy Ⅰ.完成短语 根据汉语提示完成下列短语。 1.get rid________     处理掉,摆脱 2.fool________ 胡闹;瞎弄 3.go ________for 喜欢,爱好 4.from time ________time 不时地 5.result ________ 导致,造成 6.put________ 假装 7.turn sb.________ 使厌烦 8.regardless________ 不顾,不管 9.play________ 四处游戏 10.________faces 做鬼脸 答案: 1.of 2.around 3.in 4.to 5.in 6.on 7.off 8.of 9.around 10.pull/make Ⅱ.课文理解 根据课文内容,选择正确答案。 11.Mr Bean is________,looking at the menu. A.excited         B.astonished C.disappointed D.desperate 答案: B 12.When Mr Bean finds the dish called &steak tartare&,he smiles because________. A.he likes the dish B.he thinks the dish is delicious C.he is very hungry D.he has enough money to buy the dish 答案: D 13.In Text 2,the main idea of paragraph 4 is________. A.Rowan&s education B.Rowan&s acting talent C.Rowan&s career change D.who plays Mr Bean 答案: B 14.That Rowan&s career changed from an electrical engineer to a famous comedian was due to the following except________. A.his father&s encouragement B.Some speaking problems he had in his childhood C.a group of talented people at university D.an event which occurred to him one day in 1976 答案: A 15.From Rowan&s achievement,we may know if you want to be a success,you should________first. A.work hard B.be self&confident C.follow your teacher&s advice D.develop a variety of interests 答案: B Ⅲ.语篇分析 阅读P25课文完成下面的表格,每空不超过三个单词。 Rowan Atkinson&s style &He is best known for the dizzy,16.______,clumsy,but always17.________Mr Bean. Rowan Atkinson&s life experience &Born on January 6,18.________,and spent his early years on the family farm. &At 13,Rowan 19.________a scholarship to a boarding school. &While still at primary school,Rowan had already shown admirable 20.____________. &At Oxford,he 21.________his Master&s degree in electrical engineering. &Rowan&s 22.________change from an electrical engineer to a famous comedian was partly23.______________some speaking problems he had in his childhood.& Assessment (评价) &He is in the presence of 24.________. &He would be 25.________than Chaplin. 答案: 16.awkward 17.amusing 18.1955 19.earned 20.acting talent 21.obtained 22.career 23.due to 24.genius 25.more famous Can you think of a comedian who puts on different voices?(P24)你能想出一个假装不同声音的喜剧演员吗? 剖析 put on假装,扮成;穿上(衣服);演出(戏剧),上演;增加,增添;播放(磁带、光盘等);专门提供 ①Don&t put on that innocent look;we know you ate all the biscuits. 别装作没事的样子了,我们知道你把饼干都吃光了。 ②He seems very sincere,but it&s all put on. 他看样子很诚恳,但那都是假装的。 ③What dress shall I put on for the party? 我穿什么衣服去参加聚会呢? ④Do you mind if I put some music on? 我放点音乐你不介意吧? ⑤The local drama club is putting on &Macbeth&at the Playhouse. 当地剧社正在普赖豪斯剧院演出《麦克佩斯》。 ⑥British Rail is putting on extra trains during the holiday period. 英国铁路公司于假期里额外增加火车投入运营 拓展 与put有关的常用短语: put off推迟,延期 put down记下,放下;镇压,平定 put out熄灭,扑灭 put up升起,举起;建造,搭起;张贴 put away将&&收起;储存 ⑦Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. 今天可以干的事绝不要拖到明天。 ⑧Make sure that you put down every word she says. 切实要记下她说的每一个字。 ⑨At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. 消防队员终于扑灭了加利福尼亚州的一场森林大火。 应用 1.It is wise to have some money________for old age. A.put away     B.kept up C.given away D.laid up 答案: A Can you think of a comedian who really turns you off?(P24)你能想出一个让你反感的喜剧演员吗? 剖析 turn sb.off令人讨厌;使人不喜欢,让人反感;使人厌烦,使人失去兴趣 ①Bad breath is guaranteed to turn a woman off! 有口臭管保让女子兴趣顿失! ②She shows great interest in poetry,but his lecture turns her off. 她对诗歌很感兴趣,但他的讲课使她反感。 拓展 与turn有关的常用短语: turn down调低;拒绝 turn out (to be)证明是,生产,关掉 turn to求助于,查阅 turn in上缴 turn into (使)变成 turn over把&&翻过来;翻身;翻倒 ③Pauline has turned down offers from several different law firms. 波林拒绝了好几家不同的律师事务所的聘请。 ④What he had said turned out false.他的话结果是假的。 ⑤The baby turned to its mother for comfort. 那婴儿向母亲寻求安慰。 应用 2.介词或副词填空 With no one to turn ________ in such a frightening situation,she felt very helpless. 答案: to He constantly gets into awkward and absurd situations,which greatly amuses audiences regardless of their nationality or culture.(P24) 他常常陷入笨拙和可笑的情景之中;观众的民族和文化背景尽管各异,却都会被逗得开怀大笑。 剖析 regardless of不顾,不管 regardless adv.不顾;不加理会 ①All our proposals were rejected,regardless of their merits. 我们所有的建议都遭到拒绝,不管这些建议的价值如何。 ②He continued speaking,regardless of my feelings on the matter. 他不顾及我在此事上的感情继续往下说。 拓展 regard...as...把&&视为&& as regards sb./sth.关于或至于某人/某物 in/with regard to sb./sth.关于某人/某物 ③Edith wore strange clothes and was widely regarded as an eccentric.伊蒂丝穿着古怪,被大家视为怪人。 应用 3.完成句子 你受到许多批评,但无论如何你必须坚持下去。 You have got a lot of criticism but you just have to ________________________. 答案: carry on regardless He then looks from the menu to the money with concern until he finds one thing that makes him smile. (P24)然后,他专注地边看菜单边看钱,直到他找到了一样让他微笑的东西。 剖析 concern n.担忧,担心 ①She showed great concern about you. 她很为你担心。 拓展 concern v.涉及,与&&有关,让(某人)担忧 be concerned with sth.与某事物有关 be concerned about/for sth./that...对&&担心或忧虑 be concerned to do sth.把某事视为自己的事 concern oneself with/in sth.关注、涉及、参与某事 as far as...be concerned就&&而言 ②Attend to what concerns you.注意与你有关的事物。 ③What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change. 让我担心的是我们对事态的变化缺乏准备。 应用 4.The meeting was concerned ________reforms and everyone present was concerned ________their own interests. A.with;for B.with;with C.for;about D.about;with 解析: 句意为:这次会议与改革有关,在场的每一个人都为自己的利益担忧。be concerned with汲及,和&&有关;be concerned for担忧/关心。 答案: A When he looks at the menu,an astonished look swiftly appears on his face.(P24) 当他看菜单时,脸上迅速地闪现出一副震惊的表情。 剖析 astonished adj.感到惊讶的 ①The helicopter landed before our astonished eyes. 直升机就降落在我们眼前,令人十分惊讶。 ②We were all astonished at the news/astonished to hear that he had passed his driving test. 听到这个消息/他通过了驾驶考试,我们都感到惊讶。 拓展 astonish vt.使吃惊,使惊讶,使惊骇 to one&s astonishment令某人惊讶的是 in/with astonishment惊讶地,惊奇地 ③It astonishes me that no one has thought of this before. 以前谁也没想到这一点,使我感到惊讶。 ④To our astonishment,he actually arrived on time. 使我们惊讶的是,他竟然准时到了。 ⑤She stared in astonishment at the document. 她吃惊地盯着那文件。 应用 5.用所给词的正确形式填空 What an________(astonish) surprise you have brought us! 答案: astonishing NO.1 课前自主预习 NO.2 课堂互动探究 NO.3 随堂效果检测 NO.4 课后巩固提升 工具 栏目导引 Unit 17 Laughter 剖析 attempt n.努力,尝试,企图 make an attempt 试图做某事 ①He made an attempt to learn to ski. 他尝试着学滑雪。拓展 attempt vt.试图,企图,尝试 attempt The prisoner attempted an escape but failed. 那个犯人企图逃走,但失败了。 I attempted to get in touch with her. 我试图与她取得联系。 She will attempt to beat the world record. 她决心要打破世界记录。
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