需要一套ipod classic 保护套cr的slow scan

x 射线室或 x 射线控制台室内。KODAK DIRECTVIEW ELITE 医用CR系统使用业界标准的暗盒尺寸,包括用于牙科成像的
15 x 30 厘米,以及用于超长成像的 35 x 84 厘米。
锐珂医疗Classic CR医用CR系统特性:
从医院到诊所到私人医务所,KODAK DIRECTVIEW CLASSIC CR系统是锐珂医疗机构锐珂CR&产品组合中的独特选项,因为它设计用于快速影像可用性、高影像质量、降低成本和基准工作效率是至关重要的集中和分散式柯达CR&应用。
利用KODAK DIRECTVIEW EVP PLUS 影像处理软件实现(可选)。35 x 43 厘米暗盒的暗盒循环时间高达每小时
69 个磷光板,能够适应高检查量的工作流程。
从三个工作站与影像查看 (WAIV) 控制台配置中选择,可选择地板或墙上安装显示器和键盘。
乳腺放射成像选项* 以及 DICOM 和 IHE 的连接与功能
总体高度 = 40.5 英寸(102. 87 厘米)
宽度 = 19.0 英寸(48.26 厘米)
深度 = 22.7 英寸(57.66 厘米)
重量 = 300 磅(136 公斤)&
高度 = 43.9 英寸(111.51 厘米)
宽度 = 30.7 英寸(77.98 厘米)
深度 = 22 英寸(55.88 厘米)
重量 = 100 磅(不带键盘)*&
(45.5 公斤)115 磅(带键盘)* (52.3
18 厘米 x 24 厘米
24 厘米 x 30
14 英寸 x 14 英寸/35 x 35
14 英寸 x 17 英寸/35 x 43
15 厘米 x 30 厘米(牙科)...........................92
35 厘米 x 84 厘米(超长成像)................68
输出首个影像的时间 33 秒(35 厘米 x 43 厘米,高速扫描模式)
采集:每像素 16 位
显示:每像素 12 位
17 英寸平板显示器,1280 x 1024
19 英寸平板触摸屏显示器,
1280 x 1024
100/120V AC 50/60Hz 10A
200/230V AC 50/60Hz 5A
cTUVus 标记
TUV T 标记
锐珂医疗Classic CR医用CR系统软件和配件:
● KODAK DIRECTVIEW 远程操作面板(ROP);设置一个或多个 ROP,可与多达 8 个锐珂医疗 DIRECTVIEW
CR 系统进行通信。
系统上实现暗盒识别、扫描及影像检查功能的共享。在&统 控制台能够实现医用CR系统
● KODAK DIRECTVIEW 患者数据远程输入软件可实现用户端 PC
锐珂医疗Classic CR系统选项:
● 可选择从 KODAK DRYVIEW 激光成像仪打印上的锐珂医疗Classic
● 使用 KODAK DRYVIEW 6800 激光成像仪和从五种胶片尺寸中进行选择,包括三个在线,全部均具备 650 dpi
● 使用任何 KODAK DRYVIEW 激光成像仪打印实际大小的影像。
● 获得单张胶片上多个影像的灵活格式。
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。KD2BD: Revisting Slow-Scan Television
Revisting Slow-Scan TelevisionA Second Look At First-Generation SSTVBy John Magliacane, KD2BD
Slow-Scan Television is a method of picture transmission invented by
Amateur Radio Operator
in 1957. Unlike conventional television, Slow-Scan
Television permits video images to be transmitted, received, and recorded
using inexpensive audio equipment and techniques.
Slow-Scan Television caught my attention while I was a Short-Wave
Listener (SWL) in the late 1970s, when I often heard Amateur Radio
Operators exchanging Slow-Scan TV signals over the air.
Not having
the ability to see the images being transmitted literally left me
&in the dark&.
It wasn't long before I began scouring all
the books and magazines I could find on the subject, hoping that I
might eventually find a way to decode these signals, and literally
&see& what was going on.
What I soon discovered is that Slow-Scan TV was nothing like broadcast TV,
and that I would need to build a specialized video monitor to view the
slow-scan television pictures I was receiving.
Considering that I was
14 years old and had no formal training in electronics at the time, this
would be a major undertaking.
So thrilling were the prospects of eventually
being able to see slow-scan television images, that I began making tape
recordings of the SSTV signals I was receiving at the time, in the hopes
I could playback the recordings through my SSTV monitor, once its
construction was complete.
The recordings I made over 30 years ago served as
a valuable resource in testing and aligning my first slow-scan television
monitor in 1980.
Today, they serve as a fascinating look back in history
to a time when picture transmissions took only 8 seconds, were always
interspersed with regular voice communications, and shared more in common
with standard television hardware than any of the modern approaches to
slow-scan television today.
What follows is a brief history and description
of some Slow-Scan Television hardware I built and developed over the
past 30+ years, along with a look back to my old tape recordings using
a recently developed SSTV video scan converter of my own design.
My First SSTV Monitor
On April 5, 1980, I began constructing an SSTV video monitor patterned
after a June 1970 &QST& magazine article entitled, &Slow-Scan
TV Viewing Adapter For Oscilloscopes& by Bill Briles, W7ABW, and Robert
Gervenack, W7FEN.
My exposure to this design came from a re-print of the
article I discovered in my father's 1972 edition of the ARRL Radio
Amateur's Handbook, as well as the ARRL's Specialized Communications
Techniques for the Radio Amateur.
Employing nine transistors, several integrated circuits, and involving
external and internal interconnections to an oscilloscope, this
was by far the most complex electronic project I had ever undertaken.
The circuitry went together in a matter or weeks, although there were
a few hard-to-find components and some hardware interface issues that
delayed the completion of the project for several months.
SSTV Oscilloscope Adapter Schematic
On Sunday June 15, 1980, my completed adapter was successfully interfaced
to a , enabling me to get my first glimpse of
Slow-Scan Television at just 15 years of age.
The O-11 scope was built
by my father in the late 1950s, and actually began life as a less sophisticated
that he later upgraded to an O-11.
The scope's 5BP1 CRT, that was part of
the original OM-2 design, was replaced with a 5UP7
that possessed the long persistence P7 phosphor needed to retain the
SSTV image as it swept down the screen throughout the 8 second
transmission period.
My SSTV &SWL& Station: October 1981
My completed SSTV adapter operated from the top of the oscilloscope
in the photo.
I constructed the adapter's circuitry on a perforated
circuit board, and housed the board in a cardboard cigar box covered
in wood grain contact paper.
Not pictured are the tape recorder and
homebuilt audio console used to route SSTV signals into and out of the
recorder while permitting a live display of SSTV signals on the oscilloscope
as they were coming in from the receiver.
The adapter's front panel controls adjusted picture contrast, vertical
sync threshold sensitivity, and horizontal hold.
The horizontal hold
control was part of a sync triggered oscillator that I designed into
the adapter to reduce line-to-line jitter.
The push button to the right
of the controls initiated a manual vertical sweep, and the green LED on
the far right flashed as video sync pulses were received.
This served
as a tuning indicator, and was another one of my enhancements to the
original design.
Since my communications receiver suffered from frequency drift and
mediocre sensitivity, I came up with the idea of designing a high-gain,
crystal-controlled converter so that I could receive signals in the
20-meter amateur band by tuning the receiver to a much lower frequency
(2.6 MHz) where it exhibited much greater stability.
The antenna I
used for SSTV reception was a 22 foot long end-fed wire that was strung
out of the window.
Being a Witness to History
My homebuilt SSTV equipment was used on a regular basis to receive Slow-Scan
Television images from across the globe over the period of several years.
One of the highlights of this project occurred in August 1981 when W6VIO's
operation employed Slow-Scan Television to televise
images of the planet Saturn shortly after their reception from the
Having a front row seat to these never-before-seen
images of the planet Saturn, its rings, and its moons was absolutely amazing!
QSL Card Confirming My Reception of SSTV From W6VIO: August 1981
The Obsolescence of the 8-Second B&W SSTV Standard
Around the time I began constructing my scope adapter, I purchased
The Complete Handbook of Slow-Scan Television, by Dave Ingram,
This book contained the schematics of several commercial and
non-commercial stand-alone slow-scan television monitors.
had already committed myself to building the scope adapter by this
time, a number of the designs published in this book caught my
In particular, the
appeared to be especially well-engineered.
After using the scope adapter for some time and realizing some of its
performance deficiencies, I began gathering parts to build a Robot 70A.
Not including the power supply, the circuit for the 70A incorporated
20 bipolar transistors, 9 integrated circuits, and two programmable
unijunction transistors, making it at least four times as complex as
my oscilloscope adapter.
I began constructing the Robot 70A monitor on February 15, 1981.
However, SSTV standards were in flux by the time of its completion,
with the emergence of a growing number of color and high resolution
monochrome SSTV modes that effectively rendered P7 CRT-based SSTV
gear obsolete.
After about a year of study, I became an Amateur Radio Operator in the
summer of 1983.
I began my Amateur Radio &career& with an
Advanced Class license so I could operate on 14.230 MHz, the most
popular SSTV operating frequency on the planet.
However, contemporary
SSTV equipment had grown extremely expensive and prohibitively complex
to build by this time, causing slow-scan television to remain a
&spectator sport&, and my Amateur Radio interests to branch
out to other areas for many years.
Better Performance Than Realized
Despite the obsolescence of 120 line, 8 second frame, monochrome SSTV
in the mid-1980s, this video format is one in which I continue to hold
a great deal of interest.
Through my study of various SSTV equipment
designs and product reviews over many years, I became aware of many
performance tradeoffs and deficiencies that were inherent in their
This led to my realization that the 8 second format had noticeably
greater resolution capability than what could be generated or resolved
by much of the popular SSTV equipment available during its heyday.
Achieving picture resolution equal in both horizontal and vertical
dimensions requires a baseband video bandwidth of at least 1000 Hz,
while optimum horizontal sync performance requires a 1200 Hz sync
detection bandwidth no greater (or less) than 140 Hz.
Few, if any,
popular SSTV monitors or scan converters met these criteria.
Released in 1976, the extremely popular Robot Model 400 Scan Converter
digitized each video line into just 128 pixels, each having one of
only 16 shades of grey.
When performing slow-scan to fast-scan conversion,
the Robot 400 merely doubled the display of each SSTV line to produce
a 256 line FSTV video frame.
Robot Research Inc. Model 400 Scan Converter
While these limitations were imposed for reasons of economy, they had a
noticeable impact on picture quality and the overall perception of SSTV's
The only commercially available scan converter capable of even approaching
the full resolution of the 8-second format was the Videoscan 1000 by
Microcraft Corporation (WB9LVI).
However, the Videoscan 1000 was a
monochrome scan converter that was released in the mid-1980s when the
emergence of several color formats compatible with modified Robot 400
scan converters was taking place.
As such, the Videoscan never gained
a great deal of popularity, leaving few slow-scanners with the ability
to experience the true capabilities of first-generation SSTV.
In later years, PCs equipped with popular &Hamcomm& interfaces
had their own set of issues in terms of resolution, interference rejection,
sync stability, and greyscale linearity.
Even some modern day soundcard-based
PC SSTV reception techniques fall short in these areas.
A Second Look At First-Generation SSTV
Over the years, the thought of designing &The World's Best& SSTV
monitor or
capable of operating at slow-scan television's theoretical
limits crossed my mind many times.
With my old SSTV tapes still in my
possession, it seemed like it would be a rewarding endeavor to give
first-generation SSTV a second look, and revisit my old recordings
using technology far superior than what was available at the time the
recordings were made.
During the summer of 2009, I came across a recording I made of the OSCAR-9
satellite transmitting an image of the Earth back in September of 1987.
Within a few hours, I managed to build some hardware and write some
software that successfully rendered the satellite image on a Linux-based PC.
I soon began to think in terms of doing something similar with my old
SSTV recordings, and expanding the concept to a stand-alone scan
converter with a real-time display.
In January 2010, work on this project began, and I achieved my goal of
creating a world-class SSTV scan converter by the Fall of that year.
My &TriplePIC& Scan Converter
The scan converter I developed employs a Travis discriminator for SSTV
video demodulation, and a 140 Hz wide 1200 Hz bandpass filter to provide
sync pulse detection. Demodulated video and sync are processed by
a Microchip PIC16F88 microcontroller whose integrated analog to
digital converter digitizes the demodulated video at a 4151 Hz rate.
Digitized video is then fed to a second microcontroller, a PIC16F77,
through a 115.2 kbps serial data link.
The 16F77 averages adjacent
lines of video, thereby doubling the number of video lines in the image,
and providing resolution enhancement and format compatibility with the
fast-scan television standard.
This microcontroller also keeps track of
the SSTV video line and pixel address being processed, and writes each
pixel to the appropriate address of a 64 kilobyte array of static RAM,
access to which is shared with a third microcontroller, a PIC16F76.
Scan conversion takes place, and fast-scan video is correspondingly
generated, as the 16F76 sequentially feeds video data from RAM through
a digital to analog converter at a 6 MHz rate.
The raw video output of
the D-A converter is multiplexed with blanking and sync pulses generated
by the 16F76 to form a composite fast-scan video signal.
The overall result of this process is that a slow-scan television image
having 128 video lines and an 8.5 second frame rate becomes &line
doubled& through pixel averaging, and &sped up& over
1400 times to match the video line and frame rate of a standard NTSC
fast-scan television signal, thereby making it compatible with the
operation of a standard NTSC television set or video monitor.
An Inside View of My &TriplePIC& SSTV Scan Converter
Details on the design of my TriplePIC SSTV Video
Scan Converter may be found in the Summer and Fall 2014 issues of
Additional information may be found on the
Classic SSTV Revisited
The performance of my scan converter has been nothing short of outstanding.
Here are a small sampling of SSTV images rendered by my modern-day scan
converter that I saw for the first time rolling down the CRT of my old
oscilloscope over 30 years ago:
The four level grey-scale at the bottom of each image is representative
of video generated by a digital scan converter, such as a Robot 400.
The first row of images were received from
Earle, WA4NLV, in Raleigh, North Carolina circa 1979.
is that of Earle's &upstairs maid& (actress Lynda Carter
a.k.a. &Wonder Woman&).
Earle used his Apple II computer to
generate the graphics in the center image.
The gorilla image was used
by Earle as a gag to represent a live camera shot of himself sitting
behind the computer keyboard during a QSO with WB2BTC (now KC2Q).
I've seen Earle use the same image on another occasion to represent a
picture of Raleigh's Mayor.
The second row of images were received from Virgil, KG4I, in Birmingham,
Alabama on June 14, 1980, while in QSO with Scott, N2BJW, near Elmira,
The first image was a live camera shot of Virgil behind the
If memory serves correctly, the source of Virgil's other
images was a &TV Guide& magazine.
(Incidentally, I contacted
Scott last year to share these images with him, and he assured me that
he still remembers this QSO, and has a QSL card from Virgil confirming
this contact.)
The first two images in the third row are of unknown origin, although I
believe the first dates back to 1979.
The CQ DX image was transmitted by
Ron, WD9ADB of Kokomo, Indiana, with whom I recently had the pleasure of
sharing this image.
The last row of images were received from Larry, WB4RDL of Rutherfordton,
North Carolina beginning with a live mugshot, followed by a picture of
Alfred E. Newman, and concluding with a humorous depiction of
&Uncle Jimmy's Teeth&.
Based on the horizontal jitter in the mugshot, it appears as though Larry
might have been getting some RF into his camera.
Nevertheless, he appears
to be sporting an LED digital wristwatch, and there appears to be an SSTV
keyboard (possibly a Robot 800) visible on his desk below his right arm.
Real-Time SSTV Reception
In order to illustrate the SSTV reception process in real-time, I developed
several Linux-based utilities to merge some of my SSTV audio recordings with
the corresponding video demodulated by my scan converter to produce MPEG-4
animations that can be viewed here:
SSTV Video Received from KG4I on June 14, 1980
This video was received from KG4I a day before my oscilloscope adapter
became operational for the first time.
Like so many of my SSTV recordings,
this transmission was recorded without the benefit of being able to see
what was being received at the time.
Initial receiver tuning, and nearly
continuous compensation for receiver drift was done completely by ear.
(Quite remarkable when I realize I was only 15 years old at the time!)
AC5D Sending 73 via SSTV
In this clip, Sam, AC5D, of Stigler, Oklahoma sends 73 at the conclusion
of his 20-meter roundtable SSTV QSO.
Sam always included some very clever
and entertaining drawings in his transmissions.
I believe he used a Venus
model C1 SSTV camera to make this transmission.
Assessing SSTV Resolution and Scan Converter Performance
Unlike the Robot 400, I designed my scan converter to have a resolution
of 256 pixels per line, with each pixel having one of 255 possible shades
of grey, effectively oversampling each line to more than satisfy Nyquist's
sampling criteria.
In order to visually assess the resolution capability of my scan converter
and that of the 8-second SSTV format itself, I needed a source of SSTV
video having far better quality than any of my old recordings.
I used some
Linux-based software I wrote several years prior to generate 8-second,
128-line monochrome SSTV signals through my PC's soundcard.
converter was connected to the output of the soundcard, and the video
demodulated by the scan converter was fed back to the PC using the
scan converter's high-speed serial interface.
Another piece of software
was created to display the video as it was being demodulated by the
scan converter and fed back to the PC, snapshots of which were captured
using GIMP v2.6 software for final evaluation.
Seeing Is Believing
The results of this assessment were absolutely amazing as the captured
images below clearly illustrate.
As a &sanity check&, I included a third column to illustrate
the performance of popular MMSSTV v1.13A software using the Hilbert
Transform demodulator option.
MMSSTV was run under Linux using Wine,
with SSTV signals imported to MMSSTV using .wav audio files having
an MMSSTV-compatible 11025 Hz sampling rate.
Images demodulated by
MMSSTV were saved as .bmp files rather than .jpg, and converted to .png
format so as not to incur any resolution loss.
Note that MMSSTV treats
8-second SSTV video as having a 4:3 aspect ratio rather than the 1:1
ratio specified in the original SSTV standard, causing the images to be
stretched horizontally by 33%.
The images in the first and second rows were originally in a 128 pixel/line
by 128 line format, and were transmitted as such in a standard 128-line
SSTV format.
Since my scan converter samples each video line 256 times,
and since my image display software averages adjacent video lines to
simulate the process my scan converter uses to produce 256 line NTSC
video, the size of the original images were doubled in each dimension
to affect an equal comparison.
The resolution chart in the first image was created during the design
and testing phase of my scan converter.
The converter's video
discriminator was designed to possess an equal response between the
128 pixel/line high frequency video on the left-hand side of the
image and the low frequency video on the right.
As can be seen,
video response is flat between these two extremes.
MMSSTV doesn't
come anywhere close to resolving that level of detail.
The final test image was originally in a 256 pixel/line by 256 line
format, and was sent as a 128 line image by transmitting only the even
numbered lines in the original image.
The odd lines were reconstructed
in my scan conversion and SSTV display process by averaging the adjacent
video lines that were transmitted.
By comparison, MMSSTV appears to
merely double each video line, yielding much poorer vertical resolution.
Close inspection of this image reveals some non-linearity in MMSSTV's
greyscale rendition as well.
Slow-Scan Television continues to evolve as more sophisticated methods of
narrowband picture transmission and reception are developed and deployed
by Radio Amateurs throughout the world.
As a result of this technological
progress, today's Slow-Scan Television bears little resemblance to what
was in vogue when my exposure to SSTV first occurred in 1980.
SSTV's original picture format and transmission standards, long given up
for dead, give a surprisingly good account for themselves when modern
signal processing techniques are employed, making them worthy of a second
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Amateur Radio Operator: KD2BD
Open Source Software Developer
Internet Advocate Since 1987
Linux Advocate Since 1994


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