
The Vampire Diaries第一季:At the age of 17 Elena Gilbert and her 15-year-old brother Jeremy still beating tumultuously responded with fixed,efforts from four months ago that took them to recover the parents of the traffic accident.Elena always all is beautiful,popular star students,and classmates and friends place is friendly,but now she finds herself in front of the world to hide his feelings of sadness.Elena and Jeremy now and they have is a poor girl and MiTuZhiFan eager to take care of their aunt Jenna life together,Jenna efforts to do a good guardian.Elena from her family social circles success gained some consolation - her best friend Bonnie,friend and opponents Caroline,and former boyfriend,however'm Jeremy road to devastating,he and drug addicts in together,and drugs to paralysis heart pain.Jeremy still try to understand why'm sister Vicki suddenly breaking up with him,then he and his enemies Tyler together.Mystic Falls high school of new term begins,quiet town of average high school,was a new handsome mysterious new students,Stefan and Stefan Elena took a shine to each other immediately,although Elena Stefan increasingly bizarre move to feel very confusing because he suddenly appeared at the Elena parents' cemetery.Elena don't know Stefan buried a dark secret - he is actually a blockbuster vampire.Stefan foreleg just came,carries a don't know what the evil purpose of brother Damon also such as ghosts as charming as involved in the peaceful town life.Damon also is a vampire and two brothers has a long history of bitterness.Damon ridicule Stefan abandoned their violence and ruthless traditional,but he understood brother,because the spoony Elena Elena and half a century ago let them brothers lifetime a women look almost identical,now it is an evil on a brother,in order to Elena and her friends,family and small town all human life and fighting broke out...第二季:The story follows in the first quarter of the last episode.Elena returned home after uncle John found lying in amazement,and blood of Jeremy unconsious.In the hospital,just encounter accident Caroline is receiving rescue,Bonnie and Damon'm,together with the Forbes sheriff comfort anxiously.Elena and Damon talked about that evening all sorts of strange - including their that a kiss.When Elena resolutely denied,Damon keenly aware Katherine has come back.Katherine regression let Stefan and Damon very worry,they began to investigate the whereabouts of Katherine,hoping to find her real purpose.They do not want Katherine threaten their established "life".Meanwhile,Tyler is still in very sad for the death of his father.Uncle Mason Lockwood sudden regression gave him a surprise.Mason will go home cooking brother's past,and help Tyler through.Mason have mastered control "garou" anger method,he hopes will this method taught Tyler - however Tyler but can not accepting one's own "garou" reality.On the other hand,Mason and Damon got along very unpleasant.Although Mason was a good man,but he once was Damon forcing nasty,also can make shocking thing to...
吸血鬼日记的英文版小说 20
  17岁的Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev饰, 出演过美剧《迪格拉丝中学的下一代》) 和她15岁的弟弟Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen饰, 出演过美剧《雪山镇》)至今仍惊魂甫定,努力从四个月前的那场夺走了他们双亲的车祸中恢复过来。Elena一直以来都是美丽,受欢迎的明星学生,和同学以及朋友们处的很融洽,然而现在她却发现自己竭力在世人面前掩饰内心的悲痛。Elena和Jeremy现在和他们的为人很棒但是强势的阿姨Jenna (Sara Canning饰, 出演过《超人前传》)生活在一起,Jenna努力想做一个好的监护人。   Elena从她的家庭社交圈子里成功获得了一些慰藉——她最好的朋友Bonnie (Katerina Graham饰, 出演过电影《重返17岁》),朋友兼对手Caroline (Candice Accola饰, 出演过电影《朱诺》), 还有前男友Matt (Zach Roerig饰, 出演过美剧《胜利之光》)。然而Jeremy的道路要凶险的多,他和吸毒的人在一起,并用毒品来麻痹内心的伤痛。Jeremy还试着弄明白为什么Matt 的妹妹Vicki (Kayla Ewell饰, 出演过电影《The Bold and The Beautiful》)突然与他分手,然后和他的死对头Tyler (Michael Trevino饰, 出演过电影《公民凯恩》)走到了一起。  Mystic Falls高中的新学期开始了,Elena和她的朋友们迷上了一个英俊神秘的新学生Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley饰, 出演过电影《Fallen》)。Stefan和Elena彼此一见倾心,尽管Elena对Stefan愈发怪异的举动感到很迷惑,因为他突然出现在了 Elena父母的公墓。Elena不知道Stefan埋藏着一个黑暗的惊天秘密——他其实是个吸血鬼。在第二天的一个营火晚会上,Elena和 Stefan刚开始了解对方,突然晚会陷入一片混乱之中,因为Vicki的脖子被咬成重伤并且一直在流血。  Stefan知道谁是这起袭击的凶手,他很害怕,于是他回到家并找到了他15年未曾谋面的哥哥Damon (Ian Somerhalder饰, 出演过美剧《迷失》。Damon同样是吸血鬼,并且兄弟俩有一段漫长的辛酸史。Damon嘲笑Stefan放弃了他们暴力和凶残的传统,但他理解他弟弟对Elena的痴情,因为她和Stefan100年前爱上的一个女子长得几乎一模一样,Damon曾经想把那个女子占为己有。现在这对一正一邪的兄弟,为了Elena和她的朋友,家人和Mystic Falls(位于弗吉尼亚州)所有人的生命而爆发了战斗。
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