
求英文大神帮忙修改这段话,修改下语法加润色~签证官提出质疑,要求我解释留学期间在干嘛才能续签,求大神修改润色!I had learned the ESL courses from Nov.of 2011 toApr.of 2012 at L College,and then studied the _作业帮
求英文大神帮忙修改这段话,修改下语法加润色~签证官提出质疑,要求我解释留学期间在干嘛才能续签,求大神修改润色!I had learned the ESL courses from Nov.of 2011 toApr.of 2012 at L College,and then studied the
求英文大神帮忙修改这段话,修改下语法加润色~签证官提出质疑,要求我解释留学期间在干嘛才能续签,求大神修改润色!I had learned the ESL courses from Nov.of 2011 toApr.of 2012 at L College,and then studied the U T program at A College from the 2012 fall term to the 2013 winter term.AfterI found I was not interesting in the UT course,I changed to B school to countinuemy study in BM program and finished it on August 2014,with the GAP point of 71%.Since I am in China now,it’s unavailable for me tosubmit all the official transcripts,so I would submit the transcripts whichI can found in my school account website.If possible,I can return to get it inthe end.Now,I have been accepted by the XX program,and got a part-time job.HopefullyI can get a chance to gain more valuable experiences in C country.
I had completed the ESL courses from Nov. of 2011 to Apr. of 2012 at L College, and then studied the U T program at A College from the 2012 fall term to the 2013 winter term.Having realized BM program was more suitable , I then changed to B school and continuedmy study in a BM program which I finished I on August 2014 with the GAP point of 71%.I am currently in China ,and it is difficult for me to submit all the offical/original academic documents as requested.
Therefore for the time being , if I may
, I will submit the copies of academic documents which I could find under my records from the school websites.
Upon return to C country , I will obtain the original academic documents and re-submit in due
course.It is always my wish/ambition to further my education. Now having been accepted by the XX program in ? college ,I believe this will give me another great opportunity to fulfill my ambition as well as gaining more valuable experience in C country.个人意见:申请读书签证提及Part time job 可能不合适.一道题目。。。请求帮助!!, 一道题目。。。请求帮助!! 就
一道题目。。。请求帮助!! 就是本人不会做。现在有含盐20%的盐水18千克,根据需要。。。其实很简单的说。,要把盐水的含盐率降低到12%。。谢谢诸位,需要加水多少千克。。?把算式写下
然后解释下 ☆风LI铃铛★ 一道题目。。。请求帮助!!
根据溶质盐守恒。设需要加水x kg18 * 20% =(18+X) * 12%,解得x=12千克。提示信息 -
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