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The Nike+iPod Sports Kit is an
device, developed by , which measures and records the distance and pace of a walk or run. The Nike+iPod consists of a small transmitter device attached to or embedded in a shoe, which communicates with either the Nike+ Sportband, a receiver plugged into an , or directly with a 2nd Generation
(or higher), , , , , , , or a Nike+ Sportwatch. If using the iPod or the iPhone,
software can be used to view the walk or run history.
The Nike+Ipod was announced on 23 May 2006.
On September 7, 2010,
released the Nike+ Running App (originally called Nike+ GPS) on the , which used a tracking engine powered by
that does not require the separate shoe sensor or . This application works using the accelerometer and GPS of the iPhone and the accelerometer of the iPod Touch, which does not have a GPS chip. Nike+Running is compatible with the
down to iPhone 3GS and iPod touch. On June 21, 2012 Nike released Nike+ Running App for Android. The current app is compatible with all Android phones running 4.0.3 and up.
Nike+ Running App, powered by , on an
The sensor and iPod kit were revealed on May 20, 2006. The kit stores information such as the elapsed time of the , the distance traveled, , and
burned by the individual. Nike+ was a collaboration between Nike and A the platform consisted of an iPod, a wireless chip, Nike shoes that accepted the wireless chip, and an iTunes membership. This gives users the capability to log into their Nike+ online community and created a connection between running and music. This product has brought mobile technology, online communities, and athletic communities together and has expanded the field for co-creation.
The next upgraded product was the Sportband kit, which was announced in April 2008. The kit allows users to store run information without the iPod Nano. The Sportband consists of two parts: a rubber holding strap which is worn around the wrist, and a receiver which resembles a USB key-disk. The receiver displays information comparable to that of the iPod kit on the built-in display. After a run, the receiver can be plugged straight into a USB port and the software will upload the run information automatically to the Nike+ website.
As of August 2008 "Nike+iPod for the Gym" launched, allowing users to record their cardio workouts directly to their iPods. No Sport kit or sho all that is needed is a compatible iPod (1st–6th generation iPod Nano or 2nd/3rd gen iPod Touch) and an enabled piece of cardio equipment. As of March 2009, the seven largest commercial equipment providers were shipping enabled equipment (, , , Star Trac, ,
and Free Motion). The models of compatible cardio equipment include , , stair climbers, , and others such as Precor's Adaptive Motion Trainer. Once the user syncs an iPod with iTunes, the cardio workouts are automatically stored , where each workout is visualized and tracked based on the number of calories burned. The calories are converted to "CardioMiles", at a ratio of 100:1, allowing cardio users to take full advantage of all the tools and features , and allow them to engage in challenges with other runners, walkers and cardio users, using a common currency.
With the release of the second-generation
included a built-in ability to receive Nike+ signals, which allowed the iPod to connect directly to the wireless sensor thus eliminating the need for an external receiver to be connected. Apple also added this capability to the
(released 2009),
(2010), and third-generation iPod Touch (2009). Those devices use their Broadcom
chipset to receive the signals.
On June 7, 2010, Polar and Nike introduced the Polar WearLink+ that works with Nike+. This new product works with the Nike+ SportBand and the fifth generation iPod nano in conjunction with the Nike+ iPod Sport Kit. Polar WearLink+ that works with Nike+ communicates directly with the fifth generation iPod nano and Nike+ SportBand using a proprietary digital protocol but it is dual-mode so it is also compatible with most Polar training computers (all those using 5 kHz analog transmission technology).
Nike+ had 18 million global users as of April 2013. One year later, Nike updated the number of global users to 28 million.
(and possibly higher), a hole in the compatibility for the app has allowed jailbroken iPad users to use the native Nike + iPod iPhone and iPod app by moving the app bundle and setting permissions for the app.
The kit consists of two pieces: a
sensor with a
nRF2402 transmitter that is mounted under the inner sole of the shoe and a receiver that connects to the iPod. They communicate using a 2.4 GHz wireless radio and use 's "ShockBurst" network protocol. The wireless data is encrypted in transit, but some uniquely identifying data is sent in the plain. The wireless protocol was reverse engineered and documented by Dmitry Grinberg in 2011.
recommends that the shoe be a Nike+ model with a special pocket in which to place the device. Nike has released the sensor for individual sale meaning that consumers no longer have to purchase the whole set (the iPod receiver and sensor). As the sensor battery cannot be replaced, a new one must be purchased every time the battery runs out.
After-market solutions are available to users who do not want to use shoes with built-in or hand-made pockets for the foot sensor, such as shoe pouches and containment devices designed to affix the sensor against the shoe laces. No matter how the sensor is integrated with the user's shoes, care must be taken that it is firmly fixed in place and will not jerk around while in use, which would degrade the accuracy.
Nike+ iPod transmitter in Nike+ Shoe
The Sports Kit can be used to track running, which it refers to as "workouts". New workouts are started by plugging the receiving unit into the iPod, then navigating through the iPod menu system. The user chooses a goal for the workout, which might be to cover a specific distance, or burn a number of calories, or work out for a specified time. A workout can also be started without a goal, which is called a "Basic Workout". When the workout goal has been set, the receiver seeks the sensor, possibly asking the user to "walk around to activate [the] sensor". The user then must press the center button on the iPod to begin the workout.
Audio feedback is provided in the user's choice of generic male or female voice by the iPod over the course of the workout, depending on the type of workout chosen. For goal-oriented workouts, the feedback will correspond to significant milestones toward the goal. In a distance workout, for example, the audio feedback will inform the user as each mile or kilometer has been completed, as well as the half-way point of the workout, and a countdown of four 100-meter increments at the end of the workout.
The iPod's control wheel functions change slightly during a workout. The Pause button now not only pauses the music but also the workout. Similarly, the Menu button is used to access the controls to end the workout. The Forward and Back buttons are unchanged, performing audio track skip and reverse functions. The Center button has two functions: audio feedback about the current distance, time, and pace are provided when the button is tapped once, while if the button is held down the iPod skips to the "PowerSong" - an audio track chosen by the user, generally intended for motivation.
In addition to the in-workout audio feedback, there are pre-recorded congratulations provided by , , , and
whenever a user achieves a personal best (such as fastest mile, fastest 5K, fastest 10K, longest run yet) or reaches certain long-term milestones (such as 250 miles, 500 kilometers). This "celebrity feedback" is heard after the usual end-of-run statistics.
While the Sports Kit can be used immediately after purchase, it will report more accurate results if it is calibrated before the first usage and then regularly afterwards. For calibration, the user finds a fixed known distance of at least 0.25 mile or 400 meters and then sets the Nike+ to calibration mode for the walk or run over that distance. When the walk or run is complete, the device calibrates itself and future workout reporting will reflect statistics closer to that individual user's workout style. Consumer Reports magazine tested the device and found it accurate as long as you keep an even pace. In workouts with varied pace, accuracy was sometimes less than 90%. As walking and running strides can vary significantly, the device should be calibrated for each.
Foot sensor:
nRF2402 wireless transmitter
PIC16F688 microcontroller
3V Lithium 2032 battery
30mm-diameter piezoelectric sensor
iPod receiver:
MSP430-series microcontroller
nRF2401 transceiver
The shoe sensor broadcasts a packet once a second while the user is walking or running, and for ten seconds after the user stops moving. Any other shock also causes the sensor to broadcast data. The protocol is not connection-oriented and can be easily sniffed. (?) While most of the data is encrypted, a piece of the device's serial number is sent without encryption. This unique 32-bit number has been successfully used to identify specific Nike+ foot sensors. Uses of this technique include remote-operating a car lock, customer tracking, and stalking. The data sent by the device every second is cumulative, since the device was first used, and thus can be very revealing of a user's exercise habits and life in general. The data is: number of steps run, number of steps walked, distance run, distance walked, and number of hours device has been on.
In addition to tracking personal workout statistics, the Nike+ integrates directly with the Nike website. Workout data can be automatically uploaded to the website during an iPod sync with
or through another program via the website's public . The uploaded information is mostly not personally-identifying, but does also contain some personal statistics such as weight (if configured). Workout data is stored in
files on the iPod, which has led some web and applications programmers to offer alternatives to the official Nike reports.
On October 19, 2006, new features were added to the Nike+ website, including the ability to name runs. Forums were also added (which they refer to as "talk some trash"), allowing users to meet and challenge other runners, ask questions, and give feedback. Recently, there have been several more additions to the Nike+ website including but not limited to: a challenge gallery where all user created challenges are viewable, the ability to name the route taken when running or walking, compatibility with the new
(fifth generation), a distance club to view everyone's total distance traveled, fastest 5K et cetera.
. Apple 2015.
. MacWorld 2015.
. Engadget 2015.
"" Press Release. Nike, Inc. August 21, 2013. Retrieved September 11, 2013.
iPhoneoniPad (May 11, 2013). . ModMyi Forums. ModMyi 2013.[]
. YouTube 2013.
(PDF). Cs.washington.edu 2013.
. Dmitry.co 2012.
. . May 21, .
McClusky, Mark (June 22, 2009). . Med-Tech: Health 17 (7) () 2009.
(November 30, 2006). . Science: Discoveries () 2009.
(August 6, 2014). . Science: Discoveries () 2014.
: Hidden categories:在9月份的苹果发布会上,这款运动追踪应用曾与iPhone 5s一同亮相。Move的运行依赖5s的,它能够不断地记录传输自手机陀螺仪、加速计和指南针的运动数据。这个应用会就你的活动状况信息给出反馈并以NikeFuel积分的形式呈现出来,跟Nike的腕带FuelBand实现路径差不多。
Nike+ Move在初次启动时会向手机请求访问过去10天的运动历史数据(因为M7芯片不断地在后台收集数据)。它不如FuelBand专属应用那样功能强大,但基本的运动追踪是不成问题的——当然,有了iPhone 5s和 Nike+ Move这个免费应用你就无须戴腕带了。
原创文章,作者:Chloe O_o
分享到Chloe O_o编辑People break one balance that leads to another
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触宝科技宣布与雅虎合作,将输入法与浏览器连接 近日,TouchPal 触宝科技宣布,将雅虎的搜索引擎集成在触宝输入法中,用户通过按钮可以直接访问雅虎搜索引擎,无须从键盘转换到浏览器。搜索结果包括链接、图片和视频,还拥有将文本翻译成40种语言的能力。此外,无论是在什么应用中使用输入法,都可以将搜索结果分享。
FAA 计划在一年内出台商用无人机法规,亚马逊随时待命来自 thenextweb 消息称,在本周三的国会听证会上,FAA 高级官员 Michael Whitaker 称有关商用无人机法规将在一年之内出台。亚马逊全球公共政策副总裁 Paul Misener 说,亚马逊无人机届时将做好准备,一旦 FAA 获得准许后,将立刻进行无人机快递业务。有关无人机法规的具体细节,本次会议上 FAA 并未透露。但如果亚马逊可以快递无人机包裹,那将意味着无人机的操作可以在操作员的视线范围之外。
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昨天,东方明珠新媒体与深圳兆驰股份达成合作协议。东方明珠将向兆驰股份投资人民币 22 亿元。本次定向非公开增发价格为12.39元/股。东方明珠是上海文广集团旗下统一的产业平台和资本平台。而兆驰股份是一家专业生产消费类电子产品的企业,主要产品包括数字智能高清液晶电视、数字智能付费高清机顶盒等。
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Fitbit纽交所上市,市值已超60亿 昨晚,美国可穿戴设备制造商Fitbit在纽交所正式挂牌上市,发行价为20美元,首日收报29.68美元,以收盘价格计算,Fitbit的市值超过60亿美元。Fitbit此次上市将发行3657.5万股股票,将授予承销商548.625万股的超额配售权。若承销商完全行使超额配售权,本次IPO的最高融资总额将达到8.427亿美元。
6月18日,阿里巴巴集团今天在日本宣布联合富士康向日本软银集团旗下机器人控股子公司(Soft Bank Robotics Holdings Corp,简称SBRH)分别战略注资145亿日元。根据签署协议,阿里巴巴、富士康将分别持有其20%股份,软银则持有SBRH 60%股份。马云认为,DT时代把机器变成了人,这一转变过程依赖大数据和云服务。阿里云计算和大数据将为智能产品和机器人的研发提供支撑。
政策限制,Facebook 私密分享应用 Moments 暂不进入欧洲 Moments 是 Facebook 针对亲密度较高的关系链,推出的分组分享应用。Moments 已于6月在美推出,但由于该应用采用智能识别,直接接入 Facebook 好友,没有人工的双向确认机制,不符合欧洲要求。Facebook 称,双向确认机制的搭建并未列入日程表,因此,Moments 进入欧洲的时间依旧未知。电子邮件广告工具 LiveIntent 获 3250 万美元融资 LiveIntent成立于2010年,业务为电子邮件买卖广告交换。跟普通的电子邮件广告不一样的是,LiveIntent利用了机器学习技术,采用预测性算法根据接收人的特点兴趣爱好、接收时间、场景等因素来匹配潜在的买家和卖家,从而推出具有针对性的电子邮件广告。据称,LiveIntent 目前已和 400 的品牌、750 家发行商合作,可影响用户超过 9000 万/月。此轮融资由 FTV 资本领投。36氪此前对这家公司的详细报道请见 What: HIVE 是一个帮用户发现全球实习、义工和兴趣实践机会的平台。 How:它搜集了各类游学产品供用户挑选:去泰国体验新型哲学式农业、去谷歌和哈佛访问交流、去尼泊尔孤儿院做义工、去西班牙做斗牛保姆......目标用户是 18 至 30 岁的年轻人。Think It Twice:其实,重“游”轻“学”,看中的是其实是出境游这块市场。What: “0过户”二手车。 How:模式类似于好车无忧和人人车,只是其亮点是主打“0过户”二手车。因为在汽车销售中,每转手一次汽车就要过户一次,0过户就意味着这是一手二手车。同时车辆每转手一次,车况和车价都要相应下降,0过户可以帮车主卖个好价。另外CC车还有品牌认证车,即4S店的置换二手车。Think It Twice:0过户不利于CC车在前期铺量,车主不一定因为CC车的“0过户”概念而把车拿这儿来卖,而更可能选择一个大平台如人人车或好车无忧。What: 深度星座社区。 How:“测测”从工具属性的“星座运势”入手,向社区切入。在工具方面,“测测”以星盘、二十八宿和紫微斗数为测评维度;在社区方面,“测测”将采用UGC+PGC 的方式,邀请占星师入驻,也鼓励用户之间的沟通探讨。Think It Twice:由于“星座”本身的话题性较强,同时也与用户的生活点滴相关性强,因此,从“星座”切入社区较为合理。另外,在工具方面的专业性较高使得用户切得比较准,粘性也不错。What: 百度文库出品,基于地理位置推荐所在考区最热门的知识点以及相关试题。 How:利用百度文科过往积累的真题,同时结合已有在大数据搜索方面优势推出的题库产品,帮助高三学生冲刺高考。目前主要以知识点的形式排列,并且仅上线了数学单一学科。Think It Twice:虽然喊着题库的口号,但是做题这件事情并没有真正意义载入,仅是以瀑布流的形式展现真题,学生数据并没有得到积累。百度在K12领域还布局有作业帮,但是一款拍照搜题类+UGC答题类产品,是否能够整合推出真正意义上的题库产品,存疑。What: 蓝牙追踪器。How:将防丢器挂在或者贴在要追踪的产品上,与手机连接,双向追踪;同时还可以做为自拍“遥控器”,控制音乐播放和苹果电脑上的幻灯片。Think It Twice:产品外观做到了超薄,体验上作了优化。在国外,用户和市场接受程度高,但有Tile这样的品牌,很难挑战;在国内,产品同质化严重,竞争激烈,如何增强渠道和销售能力就是关键。What: 一个兴趣图片标签社区。How:玩法上并没有比其他图片社区有太多创新,但引导用户晒的是“玩具”。 手办、高达、玩具车、相机等等。Think It Twice:很强化“标签”的玩法,玩出了不少花样。在内容页内“标签即评论”/可直接点赞标签、根据点赞数量排序标签。很有意思。What: 同乡社交、社区。 How:用户可以在这里找到附近的老乡(精确到地级市的区),用户可讲句方言语音验证自己的身份。此外有很多跟乡土有关系的社区频道,比如家乡奇葩特产,跟方言有关的语音贴纸频道等等;还有一个轻游戏专区让用户打发时间。Think It Twice:But,我并不认变家乡是连接人的点——来自同一地方的人口结构特点本身非常复杂,特质不均匀——当然如果能够选择密度高、特质均匀的工厂场景的话,觉得还是有潜力的。What: 指纹加密存储设备。How:将设备连至电脑,通过配套软件设置后,可以用十指指纹分别管理不同账号的密码。同时,存入设备的信息将自动通过AES 256Bit算法加密,暴力无法破解。产品外观可以定制,激光刻字、图片等,满足一些个性化的需求。Think It Twice:产品设计、生产环节把控较好(合作方分别是麦锡和英业达),不过相应地,也造成了成本较高的结果。同时,市场方面对密码管理、硬件加密的感知度不强。U蜜选择从游戏玩家和商务人士切入,不过仍需要投入教大的教育成本。What: 一个cosplay图片分享、创作和交友平台 How:通过满足用户晒图片、看图片的需求,聚集喜欢Cosplay的人群。用户可通过添加标签参与线上活动或某个主题,如宅腐、黑执事等。二次元文化浓,图片质量高,coser颜值高。不提供滤镜。Think It Twice:内容丰富,聚集了Cos圈大量优质用户,氛围不错。但用户停留在晒、看,要实现从线上的赞、关注到线下的约摄影、约面基等二次元到三次元的转化,还需另下功夫。What: 二次元贴纸应用。 How:贴纸的用法都差不多,表情、对白、场景,这个二次元中毒很深。应该是贴纸界运营做的最好的,跟热门动漫、影视剧的场景结合的很好,比如猜柯南剧情,我邻居是EXO。Think It Twice:总之是媒体属性、场景性结合很不错的范例,最见不得老老老老发自拍的——很难差异化!


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