
.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................万恶淫为首,百善孝为先。 手淫的危害远超你想象,可以去戒色吧或SY后遗症治疗吧看看,几百万人的亲身经历,几百种的病症,会告诉你手淫的可怕,不是白爽的。你是在那命打飞机呀不要和我一样百病在身,夕阳西下。才发现后悔就晚了搜
戒色吧  戒色论坛   SY后遗症治疗吧一个人应该过正常的生活,谈恋爱,结婚,而不是一个人龌龊地对着黄色的东西手淫,那样的人生太可怜了!手淫损害爱情运!!!   男人应该顶天立地,以下是手淫的危害:  
损害爱情运,内向自卑,女生喜欢阳光快乐的男生;   损害健康,体质下降,容易生病,想想竹子开花就会死;   损害发育,身体瘦弱,阴茎轻薄短小;   损害性能力,导致阳痿早泄,过度的刺激导致射精反应过快;   损害脑力,头脑昏沉,记忆力差;   损害精力,容易疲劳,浑身无力;   损害智力,学习能力,不断下降;   损害考运,不认真学习如何考好,整天想着猥亵的事;   损害性格,内向自卑,消极懦弱,行动猥亵。内心里没有光明的东西,当然无法做到光明正大,顶天立地 ;   损害事业,升迁无门,一事无成,不努力的结果,时间都花在看黄片上了;   损害运气,好运不来,厄运相伴,与做人的态度有关;   损害睡眠,睡得不好,失眠多梦,老是想着龌龊的东西,头脑过于兴奋,无法入睡;   损害长相,面无血色,丑陋龌龊,竹子开花就会死,证明性容易让一个人衰老; ...... 手淫之人你照照镜子看看自己的外表,是不是有早衰的迹象,须发早白,脸上生疮,年纪轻轻看上去像是中晚年之人。   不要再说手淫无害,做一个顶天立地的男人!   手淫是一种严重损伤身体精神的行为。手淫消费的“精”,是与骨髓脑髓相通的“肾”所收藏的人体奉生之本,造血之源,过度耗精导致骨髓空洞脑髓不满,生命提前衰老,夭折,身体极度虚弱倒是次要表现。   手淫还会影响智力。长期手淫对记忆力与思维力产生明显破坏,学习能力的力不从心与学习成绩迅速下降是明显表现,这都是精虚不能化气,气虚不能化神的结果。     手淫无害是西医的误导,所以使年轻人轻易敢于尝试手淫是悲哀,一定戒除。      手淫引发许多慢性病。   手淫提前透支人体生发之气,种子尚未生气全失,播种耕种生根发芽结果后,不免枯萎不荣,缺乏生机。这都是作强之官生气受损 ,技巧下降结果。     因为手淫造成钙质大量快速的流失,同时手淫会造成人体内骨髓和脑髓的身体基础性战略精华的大量流失。
你手淫然后还执迷不悟不思悔改的话,就是你这辈子倒霉透顶,多灾多难,贫困潦倒,下贱愚蠢,一事无成,恶心颓废,体弱多病,挫折不断的开始手淫的你,骨头和骨架会变得细小,你的全身的骨头都会有不同程度的畸形(视你的手淫的开始年龄,频率和次数的不同)。 你很有可能会鸡胸驼背,一副窝囊无能的早衰的扫帚星样子,人见人人厌恶。精神面貌和状态会变得极其衰败。
手淫严重的伤害杀伤你的智商, 智力。无论你曾经的学习成绩有多么的拔尖和辉煌,倘若你染上可怕的手淫,你就会发现你的学习成绩会如飞流直下三千尺一般壮观的下降---就连你自己也不敢相信:这就是我的成绩?   你会因为可怕的手淫,仅仅几年之后,就会从学校中成绩好的学生变成平庸的学生,如果你还不彻底的醒悟和戒除手淫,那么你就会变成学校的垃圾和人渣生。    手淫会引起你的眼睛的很多的莫名其妙的疾病,手淫的你,会在不久之后感到干涩,还有,只要风一吹,你的眼睛就会拼命的流泪,甚至眼干眼痒。   手淫的你,会渐渐的发现自己的运气变得极为的糟糕和诡异,虽然运气这东西没法很直观的说出来,但是,手淫的你会发现你总是会莫名其妙的倒霉。 手淫的人,心智的发育会严重的滞后和迟缓。你会发现你根本就不会为人处事,甚至没有生活的能力,你会悲哀的发现自己的生活一塌糊涂。   手淫的人,你的生殖器官和系统的发育会受到严重的阻碍。   手淫的人,你很有可能得上慢 性前列腺炎。这是一种能够把你折腾的半死不活的疾病。  手淫的人,你还会发现,你的泌尿系统似乎是整体的衰退了一样,你有时候想尿却尿不出来,有的时候却尿频。那感觉就象是在受尽折磨。   手淫的人,最严重的莫过于你的性能力会被严重的毁坏,短小,软弱,早泄,阳痿,会残酷的发生在你的身上。   .手淫的人,你的记忆力和思维 会被手淫严重的快速消减,以至于你的记忆力就象是八九十岁的老太太一样转瞬既忘。你的记忆力要是不好的话,那你的你生活和工作就会受到极大的影响。你手淫和意淫的时候,你的记忆力也在被疯狂的毁坏,你甚至会在人际交往的时候根本就记不清对方的名字,那是多么的尴尬和郁闷。这是精虚不能化气,气虚不能化神的结果。 手淫下决心能克制,名理通事。   戒除手淫是制止其危害的前提。没补好漏洞就打气,毫无意义。青少年在发育期就开始手淫之不良影响 青少年在发育期就开始手淫的话,会造成身体发育的严重不良,发育的停滞和畸形。身高发育会严重受限,身材矮小,身体瘦弱。  由此可见手淫的危害是真实不虚的,但年轻人最致命的缺点就是缺乏经历。没有经历的人或许不会完全相信,但后果现前时是无论愿不愿意都必须承受!!!“一滴精、十滴血”,并不是说一滴精液的营养和十滴血的营养等同,而是指合成一滴精,跟合成十滴血,所需要的生机一样,非常宝贵.
人体靠血气滋养,血气来源是饮食。没有消耗完的血气在人体深度睡眠是转化为精,藏于肾中,封藏于骨内,备不时之需。消耗少储蓄多,是长寿健康保障,消耗多储蓄少是衰老短命前提,手淫和性行为以精的耗损为表现,这种耗损超常积累,意味生存质量的降低与生命历程提前结束。     肾为生命之本,禀受先天父母的元气即藏于肾。肾气足则五脏六腑功能协调,容面光泽 红润,精力充沛,抵抗力强,不易生病,肾气虚则反之。 《寿康宝鉴》中云:“色,少年第一关,此关打不过,任他高才绝学,都无受用,盖万事以身为本。血肉之躯,所以能长有者,曰精曰气曰血。血为阴,气为阳,阴;阳之凝结者为精,精合乎骨髓,上通髓海,下贯尾闾,人;身之至宝也。...................................................................................................................................................................................................反覆手淫者对性的刺激,尤其对射精的刺激比较强烈,使婚后男子容易发生不射精.婚后不育大不孝啊.回头吧!!!警告本吧吧主!前面有几个关注10000人以上的吧!动了我的帖子。现在贴吧几经被关了!!!请把把本贴加精,加顶!如果不这样后果你知道的!(很多吧顶了!不顶后果你懂的)如果你改动我的帖子。吧主你就不用做了!你懂的!
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HTML Code for Websites:Blonde babe Kayden Kross is all about getting dirty in the kitchen. She steps in wearing a white shirt, black lace panties and pink stockings, but they don’t stay on long. She slips off the shirt and bra, baring big beautiful titties just made for licking. Then she drops her panties, taking her time to make sure she has your full attention.
Before letting them go completely, she stretches that thin material up between her cunt lips. Her hungry pussy is ready for her fingers and when Kayden Kross masturbates, she does it extra good and hot, moaning loud enough to echo!
Blonde babe Kayden Kross looks so juicy hot in black sheer nightie, especially her hot ass and big titties. She loves to caress her sweet body and make her nipples hard. By the time her boobies are bare, her nipples are like little diamonds. She strips that nightie off and stands there, proud and sexy.
Squatting down, Kayden Kross shows off her succulent ass. She gets on her knees and runs her hands through her hair. She’s feeling horny and working up her appetite with every sexy move and her pussy is hot, wet, and ready for your wide, thick, cock!
I don’t care if Kayden Kross knows how to play pool really.. I just want her to sit on the pool table and strip for me!. She does in this amzing photoset. She takes off her lakers t shirt and then slides off her red lingerie.. Kayden Kross is already on fire and her pussy is really wet so she starts fingering it!
(click the video to open it in a new tab)
Kayden Kross is hanging out in her bright kitchen but she is really bored and she isn’t hungry really… she just wants to tease us in her white sexy lingerie… showing off her amazing big tight bubbly ass.. and then sliping her bra off to display her perky yummy boobs! Kayden Kross feels really horny now so she starts fingering her warm pussy.
(click the video to open it in a new tab)
Lovely blonde babe Kayden Kross is rocking her hot body in tiny black panties that barely cover that sweet pussy. Her titties are boldly bare and she flashes them at you from under her luxurious blonde hair and furry jacket. This delicious hottie gets so turned on when she shows off for the camera. She imagines you on the other side, stroking your dick while you watch every movie.
Kayden Kross wants to know if your cock is hard. Her hot mouth and pretty little pussy are well-suited for making your cock cum, especially after an earth shattering titty fuck!
Luscious blonde Kayden Kross wants to be your wet dream and with every move she makes, she ensures that it will happy. This tantalizing vixen shows off her long legs and sexy titties in a black dress, but doesn’t keep it on long. Her yellow g-string panties don’t stay on long either.
This spicy nymphet wants you stroking your cock to her every move and the way she exposes her pretty pussy with long legs spread wide, Kayden Kross knows you want her. Her body is a slender sensation that makes your pulse race until you can feel it strumming straight through your hard cock!
This is one of my favourite Kayden Kross photosets ever. She is looking super sexy in her pink lingerie.. Kayden Kross strips off her lingerie in the garden and gets really horny so she bends over showing off her yummy twat and starts masturbating.
(click the video to open it in a new tab)
Luscious blonde porn babe Kayden Kross is sitting pretty on a blanket under some trees and she’s in the mood to enjoy a lust filled picnic of her very own. This dishy babe knows that no orgasm feels better than one outside in nature and she wastes no time getting her fingers busy in her sweet pussy slit.
She does ache for more, however, and even as she strokes herself to cum, she spreads her pussy wide open, inviting you to slip something long and hard in her hot hole. Kayden Kross loves knowing you are on the other side of the camera watching her and she wants you!
Beautiful blonde babe Kayden Kross is all dressed up in lacy peach bra and panties and her sexy garments look so fine on her sexy curves. This babe has one amazing body with a lush ass, long legs, and the perfect set of delicious looking titties. She loves to make her nipples hard, imagining your tongue flicking them gently. She slips off everything, bends over, and her pretty pussy peeks out between long legs and firm ass cheeks.
Kayden Kross sits down and spreads her legs, imagining your fingers inside her. This horny babe wants you and she begins crawling toward you with lust!
Beautiful blonde pornstar Kayden Kross loves to tease you with her sexy curves. This dishy babe can be deliciously dirty, but sometimes, she just wants to drive you crazy with her tantalizing beauty. She wears a beige variegated dress and white g-string panties and she dances against the wall, shaking her sexy ass and showing off her slender legs.
When Kayden Kross bares her titties for you, the view of those glorious boobs is completely mouthwatering. This alluring temptress wants you rock hard for her, watching anxiously to see when she shows you more of her deliciously naughty body, especially her sweet pussy!
Sexy blonde pornstar Kayden Kross is a total tease in her short purple flapper dress. The dress is just short enough that it makes the top of her thigh highs show. That alone is enough to give a guy wood. She keeps going in the direction of turning dudes on, by slipping off the dress entirely.
First to show are those succulent titties. She slides the dress down and those hard nubby nipples show. Be sure with wipe your chins, fellas! Holy – when Kayden Kross gets it all off, it’s just her standing there in thigh highs, long gloves, and a smirk on her face that you’ll be seeing every time you close your eyes.
Juicy hot blonde babe Kayden Kross is looking amazing in shorts and a white shirt, her long legs supple and sensuous. She loves the beach but the sun and breeze always makes her want to be naked, so almost immediately she starts stripping off her shorts. She can’t wait to get her titties and ass completely bare and naked and when she feels the breeze on her soft skin, her pussy starts tingling. She walks along the sand, getting hornier with every passing moment.
Kayden Kross walks naked until she can’t resist the urge to finger her sweet pussy until she cums!
Beautiful blonde Kayden Kross shows up at your picnic date wearing only a red shirt and tiny panties. You can tell right away that the only thing on this juicy vixen’s mind is sex – lots of it. She flashes you a titty and your cock gets hard in response. This is going to be the best picnic of your life!
She flashes her ass in panties and then strips everything off, standing naked before you and her body is perfect. When she sits down with her legs spread, her lush titties bounce. Kayden Kross slips a finger inside – she is ready!
Beautiful blonde Kayden Kross is feeling like a total nympho today. She’s looking fine in creamy yellow lingerie and her pretty pussy is aching for attention. She sees you looking so she decides to give you a show, throwing off her bra to give you a nice long look at those tantalizing titties.
She sits on the arm of the chaise lounge, grinding with her cunt and really heating things up. When she can’t stand the teasing anymore, she lays back on the crushed velvet, removes her panties, and gets down to business. Kayden Kross knows just what her pussy needs to cum!
It looks like it’s cold where ever Kayden Kross is getting naked, because her perky little nipples are standing on end! In what looks like a fancy cabin with chandeliers, this foxy minx can’t keep from playing with her slutty titties and pussy. Wearing black lingerie and jewelry, it doesn’t take long before she’s down to a black corset, black high heels and little else!
Sitting on the table, she fingers her pretty pussy just for you! You’ll love watching as she spreads her legs and plays with her cunt. It looks so chilly in that cabin, but Kayden Kross knows just how to keep warm!
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【艳】Kayden Kross
Kayden Kross 生日:日  出生地:的沙加缅度市  :  三围:32"D-22"-34"  身高:165CM  体重:57KG  颜色:  发色:金发  人种:  其他别名:Jenna Nikol, Jenna Nickol, Kayden Cross Kayden Kross是一名美国成人女演员。Kross也以Jenna Nikol的化名表演做过模特。  Kross是加洲大学的毕业生,在2006年11月他与Vivid Video签署了一份高级的表演合同,为VIVID演出其中包括 Kayden的第一次、Hard Time 以及 Be Here Now。一年之后她没有继续续约而成为自由演员。随后的一个月他继续处于无合同的自由状态。随后她与Adam & Eve签约了一份高价合同。  Kross还出席过几个电视节目,比如G4TV频道的一个滑雪节目的宣扬,一些影象照片的拍卖。以及Gene Simmons的电视节目Family Jewels。
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