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Diving tower at the 2008 Euros
Diving is the sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard, sometimes while performing acrobatics. Diving is an internationally-recognized sport that is part of the Olympic Games. In addition, unstructured and non-competitive diving is a recreational pastime.
Diving is one of the most popular Olympic sports with spectators. Competitors possess many of the same characteristics as gymnasts and dancers, including strength, flexibility, kinaesthetic judgment and air awareness.
China came to prominence several decades ago when the sport was revolutionized by national coach Liang Boxi and after intense study of the dominant Louganis. China has lost few world titles since. The success of Greg Louganis has led to American strength in diving internationally. Other noted countries in the sport include Italy, Australia and Canada.Competitive diving
Most diving competitions consist of three disciplines: 1m and 3m springboards, and the platform. Competitive athletes are divided by gender, and often by age group. In platform events, competitors are allowed to perform their dives on either the five, seven and a half (generally just called seven) or ten meter towers. In major diving meets, including the Olympic Games and the World Championships, platform diving is from the 10 meter height.
Divers have to perform a set number of dives according to established requirements, including somersaults and twists. Divers are judged on whether and how well they completed all aspects of the dive, the conformance of their body to the requirements of the dive, and the amount of splash created by their entry to the water. A possible score out of ten is broken down into three points for the takeoff, three for the flight, and three for the entry, with one more available to give the judges flexibility.
The raw score is multiplied by a difficulty factor, derived from the number and combination of movements attempted. The diver with the highest total score after a sequence of dives is declared the winner.Synchronized diving
Synchronized diving was adopted as an Olympic sport in 2000. Two divers form a team and perform dives simultaneously. The dives a however, sometimes the dives may be opposites, in what is called a pinwheel. In these events, the diving is judged both on the quality of execution and the synchronicity - in timing of take-off and entry, height and forward travel.Scoring the dive
There are rules governing the scoring of a dive. Usually a score considers three elements of the dive: the approach, the flight, and the entry. The primary factors affecting the scoring are:
the platform selected (10 meter, 7.5 meter, or 5 meter)
if a hand-stand is required, the length of time and quality of the hold
the height of the diver at the apex of the dive, with extra height resulting in a higher score
the distance of the diver from the diving apparatus throughout the dive (a diver must not be dangerously close, should not be too far away, but should ideally be within 2 feet (0.61 m) of the platform)
the properly defined body position of the diver according to the dive being performed, including pointed toes and feet touching at all times
the proper amounts of rotation and revolution upon completion of the dive and entry into the water
angle of entry - a diver should enter the water straight, without any angle. Many judges award divers for the amount of splash created by the diver on entry, with less splash resulting in a higher score.
To reduce the subjectivity of scoring in major meets, panels of five or seven judges are assembled. If five judges then the highest and lowest scores are discarded and the middle three are summed and multiplied by the DD (Degree of Difficulty—determined from a combination of the moves undertaken, in which position and from what height). In major international events, there are seven judges in which case the highest and lowest scores are again discarded and the middle five are summed, then ratioed by 3/5, and multiplied by the DD, so as to provide consistent comparison with 5-judge events. Accordingly, it is extremely difficult for one judge to manipulate scores.
There is a general misconception about scoring and judging. In serious meets, the absolute score is somewhat meaningless. It is the relative score, not the absolute score that wins meets. Accordingly, good judging implies consistent scoring across the dives. Specifically, if a judge consistently gives low scores for all divers, or consistently gives high scores for the same divers, the judging will yield fair relative results and will cause divers to place in the correct order. However, absolute scores have significance to the individual divers. Besides the obvious instances of setting records, absolute scores are also used for rankings and qualifications for higher level meets.
In synchronised diving events, there is a panel of
two to mark the execution of one diver, two to mark the execution of the other, and three or five to judge the synchronisation.Competitive strategy
To win dive meets, divers create a dive list in advance of the meet. To win the meet the diver must accumulate more points than other divers. Often, simple dives with low DDs will look good to spectators but will not win meets. The competitive diver will attempt the highest DD dives possible with which they can achieve consistent, high scores. If divers are scoring 8 or 9 on most dives, it may be a sign of their extreme skill, or it may be a sign that their dive list is not competitive, and they may lose the meet to a diver with higher DDs and lower scores.
In competition, divers must submit their lists beforehand, and once past a deadline (usually when the event is announced or shortly before it begins) they cannot change their dives. If they fail to perform the dive announced, even if they physically cannot execute the dive announced or if they perform a more difficult dive, they will receive a score of zero. Under exceptional circumstances, a redive may be granted, but these are exceedingly rare (usually for very young divers just learning how to compete, or if some event outside the diver's control has caused them to be unable to perform).
In the Olympics or other highly competitive meets, many divers will have nearly the same list of dives as their competitors. The importance for divers competing at this level is not so much the DD, but how they arrange their list. Once the more difficult rounds of dives begin it is important to lead off with a confident dive to build momentum. They also tend to put a very confident dive in front of a very difficult dive to ensure that they will have a good mentality for the difficult dive. Most divers have pre-dive and post-dive rituals that help them either maintain or regain focus. Coaches also play a role in this aspect of the sport. Many divers rely on their coaches to help keep their composure during the meet. In a large meet coaches are rarely allowed on the deck to talk to their athlete so it is common to see coaches using hand gestures to communicate.
There are some American meets which will allow changes of the position of the dive even after the dive has been announced immediately before execution, but these are an exception to the rules generally observed internationally.
Generally, NCAA rules allow for dives to be changed while the diver is on the board, but the diver must request the change directly after the dive is announced. This applies especially in cases where the wrong dive is announced. If the diver pauses during his or her hurdle to ask for a change of dive, it will be declared a balk and the change of dive will not be permitted.
Under FINA law, no dive may be changed after the deadline for the dive-sheet to be submitted (generally a period ranging from one hour to 24 hours, depending on the rulings made by the event organiser.
It is the diver's responsibility to ensure that the dive-sheet is filled in correctly, and also to correct the referee or announcer before the dive if they describe it incorrectly. If a dive is performed which is as submitted but not as (incorrectly) announced, it is declared failed and scores zero according to a strict reading of the FINA law. But in practice, a re-dive would usually be granted in these circumstances.
Matthew Mitcham, OAM (born 2 March 1988 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) is an Australian diver. He is the 2008 Olympic champion in the 10m platform, having received the highest single-dive score in Olympic history. He is the first Australian male to win an Olympic gold medal in diving since Dick Eve at the 1924 Summer Olympics, and one of few openly gay athletes at the 2008 Summer Olympics.Career
Mitcham originally competed as a trampoline gymnast. He was discovered by Wang Tong Xiang, a coach at the Australian Institute of Sport Diving Program, while at the Chandler Aquatic Centre in Brisbane's suburbs, and continued with both diving and trampolining for several years.
As a trampolinist, Mitcham represented Australia at the World Junior Championships in 1999 and 2001, winning the double mini-tramp event. He also competed at the Australian Youth Olympic Festival in 2003, finishing sixth.
From 2002 through 2004, Mitcham was a national junior champion in diving, winning the events in which he competed. Mitcham competed at the 2002 World Junior Diving Championships, where he placed 11th in the 1m springboard, 5th in the 3m and 16th in the 10m platform. In 2004, he won the silver medals in the 1m, 3m synchronized, and 10m platform events at the World Junior Championships. At the 2004 Junior Nationals, he won the 1m, 3m, and 10m and 3m synchro titles. At the 2004 Olympic Trials, he placed 3rd on the 3m and 10m individual events, 2nd on the 3m and 10m synchro events, and did not qualify for the Olympic team. In 2005, Mitcham won his first senior national title. He competed at the Australian Olympic Youth Festival, where he won the silver medal in the 1m with a score of 508.35, and won the 3m, 10m and 3m synchro (with Scott Robertson) titles with scores of 565, 555.8, and 316.23 respectively. At the 2005 World Aquatics Championships in Montreal, he placed 12th on the 10m platform with a score of 560.73.
In 2006, Mitcham competed in the German Grand Prix event, placing 16th on the 3m and 6th on the 10m, and at the USA Grand Prix at Fort Lauderdale, placing 8th on the 3m springboard. At the Canada Cup he placed 26th on the 3m and won the bronze medal on the 10m platform. He represented Australia at the 2006 Commonwealth Games, where he competed in the 1m, 3m, and 10m events. He placed 4th in the 3m and the 3m synchro with Robertson, and 5th on the 1m and 10m events.
Taking a break from the sport in 2006, he returned in 2007 and started to train under current coach Chava Sobrino at the New South Wales Institute of Sport. In 2008 Mitcham won the 1m, 3m and 10m individual events at the Australian Nationals. Later that year he won the 2008 Diving Grand Prix event in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Xiong Ni (Chinese: 熊倪; born January 11, 1974 in Changsha, Hunan) is a Chinese diver who won his first Olympic medal at the age of 14 at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, Korea. He also competed at the Olympics in
and 2000.Biography
He attended an international competition for the first time in 1987, and won the title. He has since competed at the Olympic Games, winning 3 gold, 1 silver a In addition, he has won 10 gold medals in the World Cup competition.
In 1993, Xiong graduated from the Hunan University international business school, specialising in industry and foreign trade In 1997 and once again in 2001 after national games he announced his intention to retire.
His biggest competitor Dmitri Sautin once paid him the tribute that, &I cannot claim to be the world's most outstanding diving athlete. In my opinion, the title of &King of Divers& belongs to Xiong Ni&
Tian Liang (Chinese: 田亮;
born August 27, 1979 in Chongqing) is a male Chinese former diver. In the Summer Olympics 2004, he won the bronze medal in the 10 m platform event and a gold medal in the synchronised platform event. Tian was also the previous 10 m platform Olympics champion, winning gold in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
Since then, he and another gold medal winner, Guo Jingjing, often appeared at the public activities. They were better known in unison as Liang Jingjing (亮晶晶, the complex name of Tian and Guo, synonymous with the word for 'sparkling').
After belting his multiple Olympic medals, Tian Liang received numerous invitations to lend his name and face to corporate promotions. His resulting involvement in these activities, and perhaps other disputes with the national team, have led the national team to fire him after repeated warnings. In spite of this, however, Tian refused to cease his diving training but continued to practice with a provincial team. Not only did he maintain his diving standard, he furthermore managed to safeguard a medal at the following Chinese National Games. Although the public advocated his restoration to the national team following this event, the government did not concede. Tian has since then split his schedule between diving training and public activities. Finally on March 25, 2007, Tian announced his retirement as a diver.
On July 29, 2008, it was announced that Tian would not be rejoining the national team and participating in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
Guo Jingjing (Chinese: 郭晶晶; born October 15, 1981 in Baoding, Hebei) is a female diver from the People's Republic of China. She has won more Olympic medals than any other female diver.
Guo took up diving when she was six years old at the Baoding Training Base. She started training in competitive diving in 1988, and was selected to dive for the Chinese national team in 1992. Guo first competed at the Olympics in 1996. Her coach leading up to the 2008 Olympics was Zhong Shaozhen.
During the 2004 Summer Olympics Guo earned a gold medal in the 3 meter women's synchronized springboard along with Wu Minxia, before winning her first individual Olympic gold in the 3 meter women's springboard.
After the Athens Olympics, Guo became a Chinese national sports figure in the public eye, with a contract with McDonald's, as well as multiple other endorsement contracts. She was later banned by the national team for excessive commercial activities, but was later accepted back to the team when she agreed to focus on diving and give up many promotional activities. Guo is the leading member of the Chinese national women's diving team, and is known in China as &The Princess of Diving&. Guo announced on November 23, 2006, that she would retire following the 2008 Olympic Games.
Guo won two more gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. At the end of the Beijing Games, Guo became the most decorated female Olympic diver, and tied fellow Chinese athlete Fu Mingxia, and American Greg Louganis with the most gold medals (four).
其他回答 (1)
Diving is a personal athletic competition,which is entered for by himself.Athlete jumps over from the divingboard. He should dives into the swimming pool or does a series of action,like various,complicated artistic gymnastics in the air,diving into the swimming poor with great promptitude and a fine poise.In 1904, it is the first time for diving competition to be placed on items of Olympic Games in St. Louis.Divingboard competition was place on items of Olympic Games in Athens.
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