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日期:2022-10-07 00:00:00
介绍家乡成都的英语作文1  Chengdu Culture—Chengdu is a city with a long history. It is called the “Heavenly Land of Plenty” for its fertile land, mild climate, rich products. In the Western Han Dynasty, Chengdu was famous for its brocade industry and had a good reputation of “Brocade City”. One of the kings of Sichuan once planted Confederate roses on top of all the city walls, and that is why Chengdu is also called “The City of Confederate rose”. In history, Chengdu had prosperous waterways, numerous bridges, flourishing trees and flowers. It is called “the flower city”. Chengdu has so many elements that attract visitors and make them reluctant to leave. This proposal adopts the Chinese traditional paper-cut art style into the pattern design of seats,depicting beautiful scenery, delicious food and entertaining activities characteristic of Chengdu. It communicates the message that Chengdu Airlines will always offer warmhearted service to passengers.介绍家乡成都的英语作文2  Mount Qingcheng 65km west of Chengdu, Qingchengshan Mountain (Qingchengshan) is one of the ancient cradles of Daoism. The mountain has numerous Daoist temples and sites along the paths to its peak. The area is green all year round and is known for its secluded tranquility. Jianfu Temple (Jianfu Gong) sits at the base of the mountain and is a large, well-preserved Daoist temple from the Tang Dynasty. About halfway up the mountain sits Tianshi Cave (Tianshi Dong) the temple and school of Zhang Daolin, a famous Daoist master who taught here and contributed greatly to spreading Daoism in China. The present Tianshi Cave buildings were built at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Lastly, near the peak sits Shangqing Temple, which was originally established in the Jin Dynasty, while the current temple buildings are Qing Dynasty constructions.  Mt. Qingcheng is located at the Dujiangyan scenery spot of Chengdu, Sichuan province. It is a famous mountain of Taoism. Surrounded by countless peaks and densely covered by ancient trees whose branches reaching the sky, the mountain was named "Mt. Qingcheng" (Green Town in Chinese). The mountain includes two parts-the anterior Mt. Qingcheng and the posterior Mt. Qingcheng. The anterior mountain is famous for its beautiful scenery and numerous cultural and historic sites; while the posterior mountain is noted for its paradisiacal scenery, primitive and brilliant, gorgeous and mysterious.  The famous scenic sites are: the Shangqing Palace, the Jianfu Palace, and the Tianshi Cave, ect. Among them, the Jianfu Palace, with extraordinary bearing, stands against thebarranca under the Zhangren Peak. It was built in Tang dynasty, and repaired for several times in the successive dynasties, now only two halls and three compounds are preserved. In the left side of the Jianfu Palace is the princess of Mingqing mansion site. Going west for 1 kilometer, visitors can find the "the natural pictures". With the rocks uprightly standing, cloud and mist thickly wreathing, visitors often fancy that they are in pictures.  Two kilometers towards north comes the Tianshi Cave, the major temple of Mt. Qingcheng. According to legend, in the Eastern Han dynasty, Zhang Daolin had been here for preaching. In the Three Kings Palace, the main hall of the Tianshi Cave, the stoneinscriptions of three kings of Tang dynasty were laid. The palace contains wood and stone tablets of past dynasties. The most famous include the Tang Xuanzong's imperial decree and Yuefei's handwriting of Zhu Geliang's Chushibiao, etc. Coming out from Tianshi Cave and passing the Fangning Bridge, visitors can reach the Zhushi Palace; unceasingly walk straight north is Chaoyang Cave; out of it, climbers could see the Shangqing Palace, which situates on a high platform. The Shangqing Palace was first built in the Jin dynasty and the extant temple was built during the reign of Tongzhi in Qing dynasty. There are stone inscriptions as "the fifth famous mountain under the sun", " the first peak in Mt.  Qingcheng" and so on in it. With its annually average temperature of 15 centigrade, Mt. Qingcheng belongs to humid subtropical monsoon climate. It is re*d as "Dong Tian Fu Di" (means wonderful mountain and happy place), "the fairyland on earth".介绍家乡成都的英语作文3  It is said that Chengdu is a city which if you e you can't leave.It has a long history.there stands Du Fu's thatched cottage ,The Temple of Zhugeliang and some other place of historical interest.They are all so famous that many foreign tourists like to e here.  Chengdu also has a fortable weather for people who live in there.Even though in the winter it is still warmer than any other cities in China.Besides,as Chengdu people are fond of eating,they have created many delicious food such as hot pan,Three Big guns,and some others.介绍家乡成都的英语作文 (菁选3篇)扩展阅读介绍家乡成都的英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展1)——介绍家乡成都的作文5篇介绍家乡成都的作文1  成都是一个很漂亮的地方。春天到了,大地变绿了,小花开放了,燕子从南方飞回来了。土地里冒出五颜六色的鲜花。我和小朋友们一起去公园放风筝。大家玩得很开心。  成都是一个很奇妙的地方,因为在郊外有各种各样的果园。在春天,我们小朋友去农家摘草莓,摘樱桃,在桃子树下做游戏,在枇杷树下摘枇杷。在夏天,我们可以去郊外摘葡萄,吃着新鲜的水果好快乐。  成都是一个很特别的地方,因为成都是大熊猫的故乡。它的头上长着两个毛茸茸的黑耳朵,身子胖乎乎的,走起路来摇摇摆摆的。我很喜欢大熊猫。它是*的国宝。  成都是一个很温暖的地方。每次,我和妈妈上公共汽车或者有老人和孕妇上车,车上都有叔叔阿姨给我们让位子。我觉得好感动。我也会主动给别人让位子。  成都是我可爱的家乡。我爱我的家乡。介绍家乡成都的作文2  成都是一座充满着欢声笑语的城市;是一座财源滚滚的城市;更是一座来了就不想离开的城市……  成都,历史悠久,有“天府之国”“蜀中江南”“蜀中苏杭”的美称,是一座拥有三千年文明古都。从秦汉时期李冰父子开辟了*古代三大水利工程之一的*最古老的大型水利工程都江堰后,成都便开始繁荣起来了,并在唐朝时达到了鼎盛时期,并在成都城墙上种满芙蓉花,每到九月,城墙上开满了芙蓉花,格外美丽,因此,成都又名“蓉城”,简称“蓉”。在“蓉城”外,人们建造了锦官城,所以,成都别名“锦城”  从古至今,多少文人墨客赞美过它,如“窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船。”如“九天开出一成都,万户千门入画图。”如“锦城丝管日纷纷,半入江风半入云。”如“人生何处不离群?世路干戈惜暂分。雪岭未归天外使,松州犹驻殿前军。座中醉客延醒客,江上晴云杂雨云。美酒成都堪送老,当垆仍是卓文君。”……那真是数不胜数啊!  成都,是一座“旅游城市”,它的景点比赞美它的诗还要多,有宽窄巷子,有青城山,有杜甫草堂,有*,有天府广场,有九眼桥,金沙遗址,有环球中心……数都数不过来了。如果你问成都哪个景点最出名,那我一定会说金沙遗址最出名,因为他不仅蕴含着成都三千年的历史,而且成都乃至四川最名贵的文物――太阳神鸟就在这安了家。  成都,也是世界数一数二的“美食之都”,在这里,你可以随时随地看到一家川菜馆,随时随地闻到川菜的香味,与品尝到正宗的成都特色小吃与小菜。  我爱我的家乡,我爱成都,让我们一起祝福它,繁荣昌盛,兴旺发达,经久不衰!介绍家乡成都的作文3  我去过许许多多的地方。比如:上海、**、青海,但是我最喜欢的是我的家乡成都。  我的家乡成都是美食之都。在小吃街上,有很多好吃的,比如:麻辣的串串香、甜甜的蛋糕、,还有美味的火锅和干脆的饼干,看着就流口水。  我的.家乡成都还是风景诱人的。山岔湖的湖水是清澈见地的,蓝天白云映照在湖面,让人感觉在梦景中,如诗如画的真美。从四面八方来的游客们都赞不绝口。  我的家乡成都更是游玩天地。故都有许许多多漂亮的石头,比如:蜜蜡、绿松石、南红、火焰红、玛瑙这些石头都很漂亮。  我喜欢我的家乡,因为她有悠久的历史文化,还有美丽的自然风光和美味的小吃。所以我喜欢我的家乡——成都。介绍家乡成都的作文4  “丞相祠堂何处寻,锦宫城内柏森森。映阶碧草自春色,融叶黄鹂空好音。三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心。出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。”杜甫的这首“丞相”充分的表达了成都的美丽。  成都的*历史悠久,相传以前诸葛亮在那里居住,后来这一带热闹昌盛,于是刘备又搬到*定居。*内古树参天,有许多古人的雕像,其中诸葛亮的雕像栩栩如生。他头戴一顶乌纱帽,身穿古时的长衫,手拿一把鹰毛扇,威武极了!  成都的涴花溪美得更让人赞不绝口。有美丽的杜鹃花,有香气浓浓的桂花,有火红的鸡冠花,还有成都市最美丽的市花——芙蓉花。再往公园里走,就会看到成都市内最大的人工湖——沧浪湖。沧浪湖里五颜六色的鱼儿招来了一只只白鹤。水面上还不时游过来几只鸭子,真像一幅由动物组成的风景画啊!再往里走还有名人的雕像,有李白的,有杜甫的,有王维的。  “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟在说好好好,你为什么背**包?”是啊,成都的早晨,太阳升起来了,花儿开放了,小朋友和大人们也醒了。小朋友们高高兴兴地背着书包上学校,大人们乘坐着交通工具来到公司上班,啊,忙碌的一天开始了。  成都的中午人山人海,有的情侣来到宽窄巷子游玩,有的人到****划船,有的人则到餐厅享用美食。成都的美食可多了,有“酸辣粉”,有“龙抄手”,有“板凳抄手”等。“酸辣粉”又酸又麻又辣。“龙抄手”肉质鲜美,鲜中带咸。“板凳抄手”麻中带辣,吃起来有一种说不出来的香味,真是让**饱口福啊!  成都的晚上灯火通明,特别是站在电视塔上往下看,犹如一幅五颜六色的风景画。真是美得无法用语言来表达啊!  啊,美丽的成都,历史悠久的成都,物产丰富的成都,如诗如画的成都,这就是我美丽的家乡!介绍家乡成都的作文5  “丞相祠堂何处寻,锦宫城内柏森森。映阶碧草自春色,融叶黄鹂空好音。三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心。出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟。”杜甫的这首“丞相”充分的表达了成都的美丽。  成都的*历史悠久,相传以前诸葛亮在那里居住,后来这一带热闹昌盛,于是刘备又搬到*定居。*内古树参天,有许多古人的雕像,其中诸葛亮的雕像栩栩如生。他头戴一顶乌纱帽,身穿古时的长衫,手拿一把鹰毛扇,威武极了!  成都的涴花溪美得更让人赞不绝口。有美丽的杜鹃花,有香气浓浓的桂花,有火红的鸡冠花,还有成都市最美丽的市花—————芙蓉花。再往公园里走,就会看到成都市内最大的人工湖—————沧浪湖。沧浪湖里五颜六色的鱼儿招来了一只只白鹤。水面上还不时游过来几只鸭子,真像一幅由动物组成的风景画啊!再往里走还有名人的雕像,有李白的,有杜甫的,有王维的,还有。。。。。。再往里走。。。。。。  “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟在说好好好,你为什么背**包?”是啊,成都的早晨,太阳升起来了,花儿开放了,小朋友和大人们也醒了。小朋友们高高兴兴地背着书包上学校,大人们乘坐着交通工具来到公司上班,啊,忙碌的一天开始了。  成都的中午人山人海,有的情侣来到宽窄巷子游玩,有的人到****划船,有的人则到餐厅享用美食。成都的美食可多了,有“酸辣粉”,有“龙抄手”,有“板凳抄手”等。“酸辣粉”又酸又麻又辣。“龙抄手”肉质鲜美,鲜中带咸。“板凳抄手”麻中带辣,吃起来有一种说不出来的香味,真是让**饱口福啊!  成都的晚上灯火通明,特别是站在电视塔上往下看,犹如一幅五颜六色的风景画。真是美得无法用语言来表达啊!  啊,美丽的成都,历史悠久的成都,物产丰富的成都,如诗如画的成都,这就是我美丽的家乡!介绍家乡成都的英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展2)——介绍成都的英语作文3篇介绍成都的英语作文1  Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan province in China, has been recognized as “the land of abundance” for a long time. With rich cultural heritage, Chengdu is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in China. People who once step onto the land of Chengdu city will quickly fall in love with life there.  It seems that Chengdu people are living a happy life with less pressure from their occupation, family or from the conflict social competition. Children, for example, can enjoy the child-only facilities in the parks. They can play with peers and make friends with each other. For teenagers and *s, the various entertainment places and snack streets are indispensable part of their life. The old in Chengdu can also sit in a teahouse with a cup of tea after dinner and gossip their family. The pace of life in Chengdu is slower than in other big cities. People tend to spend more time and efforts to create and experience happiness.  Chengdu is a city where one comes and doesn’t want to leave. There are many famous scenic spots such as Jingli, Kuanzai Street, Tianfu Square and Chengdu Panda Base. In Chengdu, one can not only enjoy shopping in Tianfu square, walking on the ancient streets and buy souvenirs in traditional houses or stores on Jingli and Kuangzai Street, but also play with cute pandas and help feed their cubs in the Panda Base. Furthermore, watching a Sichuan Opera Show will also provide a newcomer with unforgettable and precious memories. The delicate face-changing in Sichuan Opera has become a symbol of Sichuan culture.介绍成都的英语作文2  Hello, everyone, today , I’d like to say something about my hometown ,Chengdu and I sincerely(真诚的) welcome you all to come here and have a nice time .  Chengdu,the capital of Sichuan Province,lies in the eastern hinterland(内陆) of the Chengdu Plain, in central Sichuan.Covering a total land area of 12,400 square kilometers,Chengdu is divided into nine districts(区), four cities and six counties(县). By the end of 2004,the population of Chengdu had reached 10.6 million.This is the basic information you can get to know the moment you get to Chengdu .But what interests us most is the climate(气候), the history and also the life of Chengdu people .As for the climate , I want to say an idiom(习语) called ShuQuanFeiRi(蜀犬吠日)which means dogs in Chengdu bark(狗叫) at the sun when the sun comes out. This is because the weather here is always cloudy and wet and people as well as animals here seldom see the sun all year. Based on this(基于此) , the skins(皮肤) of girls here are pretty good . So here comes the joke :if you go to Shenzhen, you will find you are short of money ; if you go to Beijing , you will find your Official position is too low;but if you go to Chengdu , you will find you get married too early . All  these means girls here are very pretty as a result of the climate here.(如果你去深圳,你会发现钱太少,去**,官太小,来成都,你会觉得结婚太早)  Secondly ,Chengdu has a long history of more than 3000 years and also is the city whose name hasn’t been changed for a single time in history since it was built as a city .It is said that Kaiming IX,king of ancient Shu in the Zhou Dynasty (11th century,about 611BC),started to set up the capital in Chengdu. The name of Chengdu came from the story of The West-Zhou dynasty. The story reads “A town was built in a area in the first year and it will become the capital in three years,so the ancestors named the city as Chengdu, which implied their hope for this city to become a capital.西周建都的历史经过,取周王迁岐“一年而所居成聚,二年成邑,三年成都”因此得名成都。  Later on,Chengdu gradually became one of the most important centers of politics, economy and culture in China. As early as in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD)),Chengdu began to enjoy the fame of being one of the Top Five Capitals.As a capital , What familiarizes us most is the period of Three Kingdom(三国时期)。Now, we can still feel the air and culture of that time at our famous scenic spot ——Wuhou Thatched Cottage.The history of Chengdu is just like the Milky.  Way full of stars which is innumerable.If you want to know more ,come here and have a visit.  Next , I want to say something about the life of Chengdu .And I think one sentence can describe such kind of life. That is , making tea while waiting for the flowers to come out(泡茶等花开)。This shows the life rhythm—slow ,relaxing and optimistic. Here we can see some examples. First , everywhere you go , you can find tea houses ,the number of which must be more than that of any other places . People like to go there , chatting about whatever they like . Second is Mahjong. It is said that if you fly over the Chengdu Plain , you can hear the sound of playing mahjong.  about Chengdu .Chengdu has a lot for you to savor(品味) it. Just come here and enjoy yourselves.介绍成都的英语作文3  Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, lies in the hinterland of the Chengdu Plain, in central Sichuan.成都,四川省省会,是成都*原腹地,在四川中部. Covering a total land area of 12,400 square kilometers, Chengdu has a jurisdiction of over 7 districts, 4 cities and 8 counties.占地总面积为12400*方公里,成都有管辖权70区4城市和8个县. By the end of 1999, the population of Chengdu had reached 10.036 million, of which 3.30 million were urban residents.到1999年底,成都市人口已达1003.6万人,其中城镇居民330万人. Chengdu enjoys a long history.成都源远流长.  2,500 years ago, Kaiming IX, king of ancient Shu in the Zhou Dynasty (11th century 256BC), started to set up the capital in Chengdu.2500年前,开明九、古蜀国王在周代(11世纪华夏)着手成立了首都成都. "A town was built in this area in the first year and the capital in the second year, so the ancestor named the city as Chengdu, which means to become a capital. Later on, Chengdu gradually became one of the most important centers of politics, ec onomy and culture in China.  It has been the capital for the feudal dynasties five times and twice for the pe asant uprising regimes, known as Dashu and Daxi. As early as in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD)), Ch engdu began to enjoy the fame of one of the Top Five Capitals. In the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Ch engdu was re*d as the Yang (Yangzhou) first, yi (Chengdu) second; it had by then became the economic center just after Yangzhou. In the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD), b rocades produced in Chengdu were very popular in China. So Chengdu was also called the City of Brocade. In the Fiv e Kingdoms Period (907-960), Mengchang, king of the Houshu Kingdom, dec reed to plant hibiscuses on the protective wall of the city, so Chengdu was also called the City of Hibiscus. As one of China's famous historical and cultural cities, Che ngdu enjoys rich tourist resources.  15,500 years ago, a well-known poet in the Jin Kingdom, Zuo Si extolled Chengdu as lofty and pretty. This city has also gained the eulogium by both Li Bai, the poet immortal and Du Fu, the poet sage. With rich cultural heritage and beautiful scenic spots, Chengd u is a peaceful and prosperous city."介绍家乡成都的英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展3)——描写我的家乡成都英语作文 (菁选5篇)描写我的家乡成都英语作文1  ChengDu is a wonderful place located in Sichuan province.This city is well decorated and designed which attrects lots of tourists every year.  Chengdu has large amounts of tourist spots such as Wangjiang ParkDujiang Dam and so on.Such spots are all easy to get and they dont cost much.Whatmore with the rapidly developing economyChengdu has become an international metropolis.  Why not come to this amazing city to get a rest and have a look of these beautiful sceneries.Just cherish this hardly-get chance.Dont hestitate.成都是一个奇妙的地方,位于四川省。这个城市是好的装饰和设计,许多游客每年。  成都有大量的旅游景点如望江坝等等。这些地方都很容易让他们花费不多,与迅速发展的来说已经成为一个国际大都市。  为什么不来这个迷人的城市去休息,看看这些美丽的风景,只是珍惜这几乎没有得到机会。毫不犹豫。描写我的家乡成都英语作文2  Chengdu the capital city of Sichuan province in China has been recognized as “the land of abundance” for a long time. With rich cultural heritage Chengdu is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in China. People who once step onto the land of Chengdu city will quickly fall in love with life there.  It seems that Chengdu people are living a happy life with less pressure from their occupation family or from the conflict social competition. Children for example can enjoy the child-only facilities in the parks. They can play with peers and make friends with each other. For teenagers and *s the various entertainment places and snack streets are indispensable part of their life. The old in Chengdu can also sit in a teahouse with a cup of tea after dinner and gossip their family. The pace of life in Chengdu is slower than in other big cities. People tend to spend more time and efforts to create and experience happiness.  Chengdu is a city where one comes and doesn’t want to leave. There are many famous scenic spots such as Jingli Kuanzai Street Tianfu Square and Chengdu Panda base. In Chengdu one can not only enjoy shopping in Tianfu square walking on the ancient streets and buy souvenirs in traditional houses or stores on Jingli and Kuangzai Street but also play with cute pandas and help feed their cubs in the Panda base. Furthermore watching a Sichuan Opera Show will also provide a newcomer with unforgettable and precious memories. The delicate face-changing in Sichuan Opera has become a symbol of Sichuan culture.  成都在*四川省的省会城市已被公认为“久丰”的土地。成都丰富的文化遗产,是*游客最受欢迎的目的地之一。曾经踏上成都城市土地的人们会很快爱上那里的生活。  看来,成都人过着幸福的生活,他们的职业家庭或来自社会竞争的压力较小。例如,孩子们可以在公园里享受儿童专用设施。他们可以和同伴一起玩耍,互相交朋友。对于青少年和成年人来说,各种娱乐场所和小吃街是他们生活中不可缺少的一部分。成都的老年人也可以在茶馆里喝一杯茶,饭后和家人闲聊。成都的生活节奏比其他大城市慢。人们往往花费更多的时间和精力去创造和体验快乐。  成都是一个城市,一个不想离开的城市。有许多著名的景点如经理kuanzai街天府广场和成都大熊猫基地。在成都,不仅可以享受在天府广场走在古老的街道购物,在Jingli,街上还玩Kuangzai可爱的大熊猫和帮助熊猫基地喂养自己的幼崽的传统民居或商店买纪念品。此外,观看四川歌剧表演也将提供一个新的难忘和珍贵的回忆。四川歌剧院微妙的面貌变化,已成为一种象征,文化的四川。描写我的家乡成都英语作文3  My hometown ----- chengdu, open with economy again now famous far and near. She Zhong Ling Yuk, rich products, developed economy, it is desirable. She has a long history, long culture and a large number of talented people. It is a sacred cultural treasure.  Hometown Qingcheng Mountain, people linger. With picturesque scenery and changing smog, it is not only the best place to enjoy the scenery of Qingcheng Mountain, but also a famous mountain with rich traditional Chinese cultural connotation. Standing on the summit, unlimited scenery panoramic view.  My hometown is not only filled with the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, but also permeated with the atmosphere of modernization. Chengdu industrial city rises from the ground, high-tech development zone villas, commercial city crowded. East Avenue on both sides of the tall buildings, row upon row, have a high momentum with the sky. The colorful flags on the building flutter in the wind, showing you the vitality of contemporary Chengdu. Walking in the street, vehicles such as shuttle, pedestrian such as flow, a wide range of goods make you dazzling, eye is not defective. Listen! The school every day sound loud reading, I do not know how many talents for the motherland to cultivate ah!  Look! Old people in full of spirit meet in the park dancing, Taijiquan, comfortably enjoy the happy life of old age. Look! Housewives are in the best of spirits to learn English, com*r, to better devote to the construction of hometown savings power......  Today, the hometown is riding the spring breeze of reform to advance rapidly. Under the guidance of the good policies of the Party, the hard work of the people in my hometown and the warm care of overseas Chinese, my hometowns economy took off.  Tomorrows hometown, a higher level. The future home four seasons spit Fang, green grass, beautiful environment. Straight concrete roads to downtown; The tail of each car will be installed on a smoke eliminator, the vehicle emissions of smoke, drip to absorb up; Factory waste gas, waste water, waste residue is the best treatment; Communication facilities, traffic conditions are much more developed than now; The people live in peace and contentment as if they were living in a land of paradise.  How beautiful Chengdu is! I want to praise this has thousands of years of history of the hometown, I want to praise the four hours of flowers do not thank, eight spring grow in the hometown, I want to put my wisdom, my sweat spread in this fertile land, Chengdu tomorrow to make a new brilliant strength!  I love my hometown, build chengdu!描写我的家乡成都英语作文4  My hometown is Chengdu.  Chengdu is a very beautiful place. Spring is coming, the earth turns green, the flowers open and the swallows fly back from the south. Colorful flowers burst forth from the earth. I went to the park to fly kites with the children. Everyone had a good time.  Chengdu is a wonderful place because there are all kinds of orchards in the countryside. In spring, our children go to the farm to pick strawberries, pick cherries, play games under the peach tree, in loquat tree pick. In summer, we can go to the suburbs to pick grapes, eating the fresh fruit so happy.  Chengdu is a very special place, because Chengdu is the hometown of pandas. It has two hairy black ears on its head, the body is chubby, start road to sway. I like pandas very much. It is the national treasure of China.  Chengdu is a very warm place. Every time, my mother and I get on the bus or there are old people and pregnant women on the bus, there are aunts and uncles to give us seats. I feel so moved. I also offer to make room for others.  Chengdu is my lovely hometown. I love my hometown.描写我的家乡成都英语作文5  My hometown is Chengdu, which is the capital of Sichuan Province. Over two thousand years ago, our city was already called Chengdu, which is the only city in China that has never changed its name since ancient times. It claims to be a land of abundance and beauty.  If this is your first time to Chengdu, please follow me -- Chengdu has many places of interest, such as Du Fu Thatched Cottage, Wu Hou Temple, Sanxingdui, Jinsha Ruins...  Ill take you to Du Fu Cottage first. "The window contains Xiling Qianqiu snow, the door Bo Soochow wanli ship." "Xiao sees red wet place, spends heavy jin official city." It is the poem that Du Fu wrote in the cottage. You will surely indulge in the seclusion of the cottage.  Then we came to the Wu Hou Temple, Wu Hou Temple is to commemorate the Three Kingdoms period of Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei and built. To this day, people still marvel at their greatness.  Its noon. You must know that Chengdu is a famous snack city. Lets go eat the dragon. Copy hand served up, translucent skin below, pink meat faintly visible, soup and not greasy, how we eat to eat enough.  In the afternoon, lets go to the teahouse in Kuanzhai Lane. Make a cup of tea, spin a sugar cake, buy a shadow puppet toy, play hide-and-seek in the alley, and have a pleasant afternoon.  You must say to me: "Chengdu is a city that comes and doesnt want to leave."介绍家乡成都的英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展4)——介绍家乡景色的英语作文3篇介绍家乡景色的英语作文1  My hometown is in jinan, where the scenery is beautiful and the scenery is pleasant. There are 72 springs in jinan, including baotu spring, black tiger spring, baimai spring, yuquan, etc., my favorite is the black tiger spring.  Black tiger spring is named because of "water shock pillar, sound like tiger roar". From a distance, the three stone statues of the tiger are fierce, and the huge silver column of water gush out from the mouth of the tiger, and straight out into the pool, causing layers of white water flowers, very spectacular. The water in the black tiger spring is clear enough to see the sand and grass at the bottom of the pool. There are some beautiful goldfish playing and playing in the water. The water of the black tiger spring is not only clear but also cool and sweet, which attracts a lot of people to draw water. Some of them carry oil drums, some carry water bottles, and even some people take water bottles directly from the beverage bottles, and drink a drink of water immediately to make people feel refreshed.  Pipa spring is one of the black tiger springs, where the water is very soft. The water bubbling from the bottom of the spring, when it rose to the surface of the water, burst, making the sound of silk, and at night, it sounded like the voice of pipa, so it was called pipa spring.  This is black tiger spring, the spring of my hometown. Welcome to our house!介绍家乡景色的英语作文2  My hometown has mountains and water, the second grade composition my hometown. The mountain is female mountain, also called "jade ring mountain". It's an ancient volcano that erupted a long time ago, and now you can see the traces of the eruption, the mountains like Mount Fuji in Japan. There are also women mountain pumice stones, which are burned by the magma when the volcano erupts, and the stone will not sink on the surface of the water. Water, is the female mountain lake, rich in products, rich in fish and shrimp, lotus seeds, and so on, the fishing season, the fishermen's fishing scene is not lively. Many businessmen from big cities like hefei come to my hometown.  It is spring, and the spring is the most beautiful. Expect my classmates to go to my hometown to play, to see the mysterious ancient volcano: "female mountain".  Do you know where the famous hot spring scenic spot is? I'll tell you what, it's just giving birth to my hometown, baijie town. It was a pleasant place surrounded by mountains. In front of my home is a series of continuous high mountains, with a wide road in front of the house, along both sides of the road is a tall building, a winding river winding the road into the distance. My hometown has changed greatly in recent years. The quarries are rattling all day long, and lorries full of people's expectations run into the distance. The most interesting place is the hot spring swimming pool. All the year round, the old people, *s and children are willing to soak in the warm spring and enjoy the gift of nature. The people in my hometown are very hospitable. If you come to my home to play, I will have to take you to bubble hot springs, and you will be very comfortable.  In the spring, the swallows flew back from the north, and the willows had grown tiny branches, and the grass peeped out from the ground. There are green views everywhere.  In the summer, we walked on the wide and wide road with colorful hats, only to go back for a swim.  In autumn, even the old grandpa and grandma are busy, because he or she is harvesting, and my classmates and I will go on an outing in this perfect time.  In winter, snowflakes are flying everywhere, everywhere in silver, as if into a fairy tale world. My classmates and I made snowmen and snowball fights in this happy time.  How beautiful my hometown is! How I like my hometown!介绍家乡景色的英语作文3  My hometown is jining, it is a beautiful city.  There are many places of interest in jining, such as taibai building and weishan lake... The most beautiful is the little north lake.  Beautiful little north lake, spring, colorful flowers, fragrant and fragrant. In the summer, the lotus leaves of large swathes of the lotus, with pink lotus, beautiful. In the fall, we sat on the boat and watched the beauty of the little north lake. The little north lake in winter, the silver is wrapped, is almost a fairyland.  Jining is beautiful. I love my hometown.介绍家乡成都的英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展5)——介绍家乡的英语作文如何写3篇介绍家乡的英语作文如何写1  My hometown used to be a backward place, because it was deep in the mountains, where there were no nice buildings and the roads were so narrow and dirty. People lived a poor life.  我的家乡过去是一个落后的地方,因为它在深山里面,那里没有漂亮的建筑物,公路也是又小又脏的。人们的生活都很贫苦。  While in recent years, with the development of society, my hometown has been greatly changed. Now the roads are getting much wider. There are many different cars and buses running on the roads. Trees and flowers are planted on the two sides of the roads. They can provide us with oxygen and fight against the pollutants. So the sky becomes cleaner and brighter. What's more, you can see many modern and beautiful buildings everywhere, and the living conditions are improving. People are enjoying a comfortable life now.  **来,随着社会的发展,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。现在的路是越来越大了。有许多不同的汽车和公交车在道路上运行。道路两边种满了树木和鲜花。他们可以为我们提供氧气,与污染物抗争。现在天空变得更清洁、更明亮。更重要的是,你随处可见到许多现代和美丽的建筑,人们的生活条件也得到了改善。现在人们在享受舒适的生活。介绍家乡的英语作文如何写2  With the rapid development of the society, many things around our life are changed. Personally speaking, my hometown has changed a lot.  随着社会的快速发展,我们生活中的许多事物都改变了。就我个人而言,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。  When I was a child, there was only one black and white TV set in our village. And I don’t know what’s com*r. I often went to school on foot. What’s more, in summer, we had to use hand-made fans to make our temperature down. If I wanted to connect with the distant friends or relatives, the most convenient way is writing letters, which may lost on the way or take a lot of time to reach the destination.  当我还是个孩子的时候,我们村只有一台黑白电视机。我不知道什么是计算机。我经常走路去学校。更重要的是,在夏天,我们不得不用手工扇来祛热。如果我想和远方的朋友或亲戚联系,最方便的方法就是写信,可是信很可能会在路上弄丢了或需要花很长的时间才能到达目的地。  However, nowadays, there are four color televisons in my home and most people have their own com*rs. And now cars are seen everywhere. In addition, most houses have airconditioning, which can cool the whole house quickly. With the development of cell phone, people can reach each other in a second. They can talk or see each other through cell phone.  但是,现在,我的家里有四台彩色电视机,而且大多数人都有他们自己的电脑。现在小车也是随处可见的。此外,大多数房子都有可以使整个房子快速凉快的空调。随着手机的发展,人们可以立刻联系到任何人。他们可以通过手机看到对方或者聊天。  As time passes, my hometown has change a lot thanks to the social development. I believe there will be much more changes in the future.  随着时间的.流逝,由于社会的发展我的家乡已经发生了很大的变化。我相信将来会发生更大的变化。介绍家乡成都的英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展6)——介绍家乡文化英语作文3篇介绍家乡文化英语作文1  My hometown is in the Chuanshan Ping, which is a beautiful town.  Listen to mother, before the small town, a small street cross, the low two row of flat houses with a road. The path of the path is the soil road, the rain is full of mud, and the dust flies on the sunny day. Even if the next two or three days, the road became soft mud, many footprints. Once a car, a splash of mud, if the pedestrians are not too late to escape, the whole body becomes a flower, making people laugh and laugh. The town is too small and too small for a chicken to walk around the town. You can see who is home when you see it. A dog is calling at the town's head and the dog at the end of town. The shop is also very little, only the sup* and marketing cooperatives and food stores, restaurants. There are few furniture in the house, not even a decent piece of furniture.  Town changes today can be big, lane into a wide asphalt road; both sides of the street is a high-rise blocks, they are neat and orderly; street shops regardless of its number, bustling. A street became more street, they extend in all directions, now no matter is arranged in a crisscross pattern, sunny or rainy, the streets are clean, tree lined, pedestrian vehicle The stream never stops flowing.; luxuriant. Now every household furniture is full, and all of them are big brands, and electrical appliances have been changed to the latest. People smile.  The scenery of the hometown is still beautiful. Believe it or not, you see, the stream is as clear as before, the sky is still blue, and the stars at night are so numerous.  Ah! I love my hometown, but I love the town of my hometown more.介绍家乡成都的英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展7)——家乡成都作文3篇家乡成都作文1  我的家乡――成都,现又以经济开放名闻遐迩。她钟灵毓秀,物产丰富,经济发达,令人向往。她历史悠远,文化流长,人才辈出,是一方神圣的文化宝地。家乡的青城山,令人流连忘返。它风景如画,烟雾变幻,不仅是饱青城山风光的最佳去处,而且是一座富有*传统文化内涵的名山。站在顶峰,无限风光尽收眼底。  家乡不仅充满了湖光山色的自然美,而且洋溢着现代化的气息。成都工业城拔地而起,高新开发区别墅幢幢,商业城里门庭若市。东大街两旁高楼林立,栉比排列,大有与天公试比高的气势。大楼上彩旗迎风招展,向你展示着当代成都的活力。走在街上,车辆如梭,行人如流,琳琅满目的商品令你眼花缭乱,目不瑕接。听!学校里每天书声琅琅,不知为祖国培育出多少人才啊!看!精神焕发的老人们相约在公园里跳舞、打太极拳,舒适地享受着晚年的欢愉生活。瞧!家庭主妇们兴致勃勃地学起英语、电脑,为更好地投身于家乡的建设积蓄力量……今天,家乡乘着**的春风飞速前进。  在*的好**的引领下,在家乡人民的奋斗下,在侨胞们的热情关怀下,家乡的经济展翅腾飞,明日的家乡,更上一层楼。未来的家乡四季吐芳、绿草茵茵、环境优美。条条笔直的水泥路直通市中区;每辆车的尾部都会安装上一个“烟气消除器”,把车辆排放出来的烟气,点滴不遗地吸收起来;工厂里的废气、废水、废渣得到了最好的处理;通讯设施、交通条件也都要比现在发达许多;人民安居乐业,有如生活在世外桃源。  真美啊,成都!我要歌颂这已有千百年多年历史的家乡,我要赞美这“四时花不谢,八节春长在”的家乡,我更要把我的智慧、把我的汗水撒在这片肥沃的土地上,为成都明天的新辉煌尽一份力量!爱我家乡,建设成都!家乡成都作文2  成都,简称“蓉”,别称“蓉城”。成都横跨川西高原以及川中丘陵两大自然景观,南部、中部海拔较低,西部海拔较高。成都兼有山景、*原以及丘陵之美,气候温和,雨水充沛,年均气温16℃,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑。成都土地肥沃、水利先进,物产十分富饶。  成都,别称“蓉城(五代后蜀后主孟昶遍植芙蓉)”、“锦城”(汉朝盛产蜀锦),简称“蓉”,“成”。成都物产丰富,自古享有“天府之国”美誉。成都自古为西南重镇,三国时为蜀汉国都,五代十国时为前蜀、后蜀都城,文化遗存非常丰富。  芙蓉、银杏是成都市市花和成都市市树,《I LOVE THIS CITY》是成都市市歌。成都的旅游景点很多,比如有:都江堰、青城山、宽窄巷子、西岭雪山、杜甫草堂、金沙遗址。其中金沙遗址于20XX年出土,已经将成都建城历史从公元前311年提前到了公元前611年,超过了苏州,成为*未变遗址最长久的城市。成都的小吃很多,于20XX年2月获批加*合***文**创意城市网络并被授予“美食之都”称号。成都著名小吃有陈麻婆豆腐、双流兔头、夫妻肺片、二姐兔丁、传统锅魁、担担面、龙抄手、钟水饺、韩包子、叶儿耙、甜水面、三大炮、赖汤圆、三合泥、蛋烘糕、冒节子肥肠粉、冒菜、串串香、棒棒鸡、干锅鸭唇、廖排骨、痣胡子龙眼包子、查渣面、奶汤面,谭豆花、伤心凉粉、芋儿鸡、三哥田螺,豆汤饭,温鸭子、洞子口张凉粉、汤长发麻饼、怪味面、华兴煎蛋面、勾魂面、****、王妈手撕烤兔、黄龙溪一根面、王婆荞面……  大家是不是要流口水啦?那就跟我去成都吧。我很喜欢成都,我的家乡,欢迎大家去我的家乡作客。家乡成都作文3  我的家乡――成都,一个来了就不想走的城市。  成都,简称“蓉”,别称“蓉城”,享有“西部之心”美誉。成都约在公元前5世纪中叶的古蜀国构筑城池,三国时期为蜀汉国都。成都境内地势*坦、河网纵横、物产丰富,非常适合农业生产,自古就有“天府之国”的美誉,并由此催生了繁荣商贸业。1994年2月25日,正式获批副省级市。1952年9月1日,正式获批四川**、经济、文化中心。2011年3月8日,成都荣膺全国版权示范城市。2012年3月12日,成都入围全球经济增长最快城市。2013年,成都继**、上海、**后成为第四个举办“财富全球论坛”的城市。2014年11月,成都入选国家首批北斗卫星导航产业区域重大应用示范城市。2015年9月,成都举办2015年成都IVV奥林匹克运动会。时至今日,成都已然是*西南地区经济、科技、文化、教育中心之一。  成都也是国宝大熊猫的家乡哦四川卧龙是熊猫之乡而成都熊猫基地也是世界上最大的熊猫基地。  成都人休闲娱乐实属全国最棒,喝茶打牌一样不少,来成都吃喝玩乐包你满意。  成都的麻辣火锅伤心凉粉,麻婆豆腐麻的辣的要啥有啥。  成都的.气候,四季分明,冬暖夏凉,棒棒哒。  成都的交通,陆上交通公交出租四通发达,地下有待努力,不过发展前途巨大。  成都的方言,成都话听着舒服但是就是有点牙尖,哈哈不过热情的成都人民欢迎大家。  成都,一个潜力巨大的大都市,我的家乡,一个来了就不想走的城市。介绍家乡成都的英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展8)——考研英语作文介绍家乡考研英语作文介绍家乡1  My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theaters have sprung up one after another.The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown and all the people there. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.  我的家乡是一个美丽的地方。它位于一条宽大的河流边上,盛产鱼和大米。但是在过去它是一个贫穷落后的小镇。许多人没有工作。他们的生活过得很艰辛。1949我的家乡**了。自那以后发生了很大的变化。街道已经拓宽。工厂,学校,医院,电影院和剧院如雨后春笋般涌现。人们的生活有了很大的改善。我爱我的`家乡和那里的人。他们正在努力工作以使它更丰富、更美丽。英语作文


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