Analysis of Energy-saving Efficiency of Air-conditioning Systemand Vehicle Comfort in Urban Rail Transit--《Urban Mass Transit》2015年05期
Analysis of Energy-saving Efficiency of Air-conditioning Systemand Vehicle Comfort in Urban Rail Transit
Li JLiu MGao FCSR Qindao Sifang Co. ,Ltd.;
The energy-saving efficiency and vehicle comfort offered by on-board air-conditioning systemin urban rail transit are one of the most concerned research subjects. With an introduction of the heat load and impacting factors,the operational features of refrigerating compressors,the refrigeration principle and control mechanis of the constant speed air conditioner and the inverter air conditioner are analyzed. Through a comparative analysis,the advantages of inverter air conditioner in solving problems like big load changes,fluctuation of compartment temperature and comfort are clearly defined. Thus,the frequent control strategy is consided the key in the improvement of energy-saving efficiency and comfort of urban rail transit vehicles.
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Chinese Journal Full-text Database
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【Secondary Citations】
Chinese Journal Full-text Database
Zhang Yongli, Meng S[J];Modern Urban T2012-06
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