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Copyright & 1998 - 2018 Tencent. All Rights Reserved为什么总说现在NBA软?篮球一开始就是没身体对抗情况下把球投进
1891年由美国人奈史密斯发明。当时,他在马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德基督教青年会国际训练学校任教。由于当地盛产桃子,这里的儿童又非常喜欢做用球投入桃子筐的游戏。这使他从中得到启发,并博采足球、曲棍球等其它球类项目的特点,创编了篮球游戏。& 最初篮球游戏比较简单,场地大小和参加游戏的人数没有限制。比赛队员分成人数相等的两队,分别站在球场的两端,在裁判员向球场中央抛球后,双方队员立即冲进场内抢球,并力争将球投进对方的篮筐。因为桃筐是有底的,球投中以后就留在篮子里,人必须登上专设的梯子才能将球从篮筐里取出。&  随着场地设施的不断改进,篮筐取消了筐底,并改用铁圈代替桃篮,用木板制成篮板代替铁丝挡网,场地增设了中线、中圈和罚球线,比赛改由中场跳球开始。与此同时,场上比赛队员也通常改为每队5人,开始有后卫、守卫、中锋、前锋、留守等位置之分。此外,奈史密斯制订了一个不太完善的竞赛规则,共13个条款,其中规定不允许带球跑、抱人、推人、绊人、打人等。这大大提高了篮球游戏的趣味性,并且吸引了更多的人来参加这一游戏,从而使篮球运动很快普及到了全美国。&  1892年,篮球运动首先从美国传入墨西哥,并很快在墨西哥各地得到开展。这样,墨西哥成为除美国外,第一个开展篮球运动的国家。此后,这项运动先后传入法国、英国、中国、巴西、捷克斯洛伐克、澳大利亚、黎巴嫩等国家,在世界范围内得到了开展、普及和发展。&  1896年,美国人鲍勃盖利将篮球传入中国,首先在天津、北京等城市青年会中开展起来。在1910年旧中国首届全国运动会上,篮球首次被列为表演项目。1913年,篮球被列为我国国内正式比赛项目。篮球自1951年起一直是亚运会的正式比赛项目。&  1932年国际业余篮球联合会成立,男子篮球被国际奥委会承认为奥运会正式比赛项目。1946年,美国出现职业篮球联赛,并发展为目前的NBA。&  女子篮球运动到20世纪初才开展起来。1976年,女子篮球被列为奥运会正式比赛项目。
老炮儿最大的特点就是瞧不起年轻人 一口一个时代变了 我们那时候怎样怎样
引用4楼 @ 发表的:就拿我们自己说吧,如果在场下看两个队伍比赛的时候,你是能看到各种缺点的,各种失误,各种无脑,因为你是以局外人的角度去观察的,但轮到你自己上场比赛的时候,说不定你还输给你之前看不上的队伍,这种事情经常打球的jr应该都遇到过吧?
因为这就是事实 负责修改规则的NBA副总裁早就说过
Rules changes have freed shooters, allowed offenses to soar
By John Hareas, NBA.comPosted Apr 10 PM
NBA.com: One of the fundamental criticisms of the NBA was that there was too much isolation. What did the league do to address those concerns and improve the overall game?
Stu Jackson: In the late '90s and the beginning of the decade, the game had become too focused on isolation play, while other players stood around under the old illegal defense guidelines. The game had also gotten too physical and too slow. A special committee of basketball experts was formed in the early part of the decade to study the game and make recommendations as to how to make it more exciting to watch. In 2001, that committee made a rules package recommendation to the Board of Governors, which was ultimately passed for implementation during the 2001-02 season. The Board voted to eliminate our old illegal defense guidelines, to implement a new defensive three-second call, reduce the time allowable to get the ball across half-court from 10 seconds to eight seconds, and allow less contact. All changes were passed with the idea of trying to encourage more free flowing five-man offenses, open up the lanes for cutting and passing and speed up the game by encouraging teams to get into their offenses quicker.
NBA.com: Since the hand-checking rule was interpreted differently beginning in the 2004-05 season, the game has opened up. Players are penetrating and the floor is spread. As a result, scoring has risen every season. Was this anticipated back in 2004?
SJ: No. The scoring increase was not our goal. Our objective was to allow for more offensive freedom by not allowing defenders to hand-, forearm- or body-check ball handlers. By doing so, we encouraged more dribble penetration. As players penetrated more, it produced higher quality shots for the ball handler as well as shots for teammates on passes back out to perimeter. When NBA players get higher quality shots -- having more time to shoot -- they tend to make more of them.
提问:自从04~05年修改规则 ,比赛变的开放,球员们开放式的突破,结果来说,分数每年都在增加,这些在04年都被预计到了么?
NBA.com: Shooting percentages have risen since 2004-05 regardless of location -- at-the-rim shots, short- and deep-mid range and 3-pointers. Does this surprise you, especially the higher percentages from 3-point range?
SJ: It doesn't. With the rule and interpretation changes, it has become more difficult for defenders to defend penetration, cover the entire floor on defensive rotations and recover to shooters. This has provided more time for shooters to ready themselves for quality shots. With more dribble penetration, ball handlers are getting more opportunities at the rim. Additionally, teams now realize the 3-point shot is a great competitive equalizer, so they are taking more; they have improved their skill level on threes and are making them at a higher rate.
提问:自从修改规则后,篮下,近距离投篮和三分的命中率都提升了。这是否让你感到惊讶,特别是 三分命中率。
NBA.com: The number of 3-point attempts has risen since the 2004-05 season, more so than the mid-range shots. Is this a positive development?
SJ: It depends on your perspective. We feel the 3-point shot has been an exciting play for our game and has put a premium on having skill players with an all-around game.
NBA.com: Doesn't the wide-open style benefit certain types of players? For example, wing players vs. frontcourt players?
SJ: The benefits of an open game are not limited to just perimeter players. An open game can benefit a post player as well. Remember, if the players are spaced wider and using more of the court, then defenses have to play those players closely because they're good shooters. The style actually serves to open up the middle of the floor. If a team has an effective post player, he would have more room to operate in the post.
NBA.com: From an Xs and Os perspective, how have coaches adjusted to a more wide-open game? What have they done differently?
SJ: Coaches have utilized more space on the floor so to create more room for dribble penetration, two-man pick-and-roll basketball and dribble exchanges on the perimeter. But to do that, they have attempted to place the right personnel on the floor -- more shooters and ball handlers that require defenses to play those players on the perimeter.
NBA.com: How have GMs changed their thinking when building their teams as a result of these changes the last five years?
SJ: The biggest change that I've seen is that to be successful offensively in our league, it's almost become a requirement that you have one frontcourt player -- a forward or center -- who can shoot the ball from the perimeter, in addition to your perimeter players who also must be able to shoot the ball from distance. Having this type of personnel allows teams to spread the floor and create more offensive spacing. So, the days of the big man who is purely a defensive specialist and physical enforcer is changing toward having power forwards or centers who can rebound, pass and shoot the ball from the perimeter.
NBA.com: When you watch the game today, does it closely resemble an international game or are there still distinct differences in the style of play?
SJ: Our game does more closely resemble an international game in terms of the style of play than it used to. However, there are distinct differences in the international game vs. the NBA game. The international game utilizes a pure zone defense (as opposed to the defensive three-second rule), which allows frontcourt players to stand in the middle of the lane and discourage cutting, passing and dribble penetration.
The second major difference is the international game is a 40-minute game as opposed to the NBA 48-minute game. Lastly, the 3-point line is not as far as our 3-point line so the spacing on the court is different. However, starting in 2010, FIBA will eliminate the trapezoid lane and move to our rectangular lane. They're also moving the 3-point line back to just over 22 feet from 20 feet 6 inches. So our rules are gradually becoming more similar, which makes sense given the international nature of the game. The international game will then more closely resemble our game.
NBA.com: Looking ahead to next season, what other changes to the game would you like to see?
SJ: We think that our game is in a really good place now. There isn't any major aspect of the game that we think needs to be addressed with drastic rule changes such as the ones in 2001. We continue to monitor our existing game and make sure we maintain its style and look based upon our observations and metrics, such as shooting percentages, shot locations on the floor, field-goal attempts, possessions per game and fouls called
那些老派的教练嘲笑了球员们打球很脏的观点,他们称NBA已经消除了这样的表现。 “我不认为还有打球脏的球员了,”一位西部球队教练说,“在80年代和90年代的时候,你可以暗算球员,但是现在就是罚款和禁赛,现在是一个得分的体系了,没有之前那种强制执行者 (凶狠的人)了 ,现在谁像查尔斯-奥克利一样?没有这样的人,这是因为规则,一个小后卫可以激恼你多少呢?戴拉维多瓦还是一个替补,他不脏,这些家伙都不脏。”
SPOX:让我们换一个关键词:1998年,你进入了联盟,在你看来,那个时候的NBA比赛跟现在区别大吗? 卡特:我认为,跟大约15年前相比,如今我们正在打着完全不同的篮球比赛。随着时间的推移,NBA官方不断地修改比赛的规则,所以我觉得现在得分变得简单了,从而使得比赛出现了更高的比分。比赛中的防守方在退守时显得非常不容易。但是,这样的改变是否运行在正确的道路上?老实说,我也说不好。不过,就我个人而言,现在还能留在这个联盟里静静地看着这一切的变化,观察事态发展的方向,还是挺酷的,联盟中的某些变化确实有着积极的作用。 &
科比:“It’s more of a finesse game. It’s more small ball. Which, personally, I don’t really care much for,” Bryant said. Like so many from the old-school – even at 35, Bryant qualifies – he is befuddled at the soft stuff now that passes for physical play. “Makes me nauseous,” he said. “You can’t touch a guy…. “Nowadays, anybody can get out there and get to the basket – you can’t touch ‘em,” he said. “Back then, if you have guys putting their hands on you, you have to have the skills to be able to go both ways, change directions, post up and have that mid-range game, because you didn’t want to go all the way to the basket because you’d get knocked [down].”& &霍伊博格谈到了现今的这支勇士以及1995-96赛季的72胜公牛,他表示,“关键在于时代的比较,球员的比较,现在的规则同那个时候相比远远不同。自从我执教球队开始对阵勇士开始,现在我会说他们是史上最伟大的球队。哈哈哈,开玩笑,说实话,我认为没有一支球队能够及得上那支公牛。那支球队太难打了。如果迈克尔-乔丹在这个取消了手部接触防守(Handcheck)规则的时代打球,我认为他能够轻而易举每晚得到40分。斯科蒂-皮蓬、丹尼斯-罗德曼还有乔丹都很难防守,他们是一支非常难以对付的球队,他们还能投篮。事实就是如此,尤其是对于分析家来说,他们总是会比较球队,时代以及球员。这是一个很有趣的讨论。”
麦迪: 麦迪还指出,他注意到了NBA改变“手部接触防守(hand check)”规则后的重大改变,那就是攻击篮筐变得更加容易了。 在谈到杜兰特离开雷霆以及拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克的可能性时,麦迪表示,“我不知道你如何才能离开那样的球队。” 麦迪表示,在不依靠攻击篮筐以及充分利用手部接触防守规则的情况下,杜兰特场均就能够得到8-10分
克劳福德 网易体育9月12日报道:“现在的NBA和过去的NBA已经有了很大不同了,你觉得如果乔丹在今天打球的话,场均得分会是多少?”另一位球迷提出了一个很有意思的话题。“在现在的这个联盟里,场均40分是轻而易举的事情,”克劳福德说道。
[&此帖被Goat杨文理在 12:20修改&]
发自手机虎扑 m.hupu.com
这几天,总是有朋友问我,咱们的河南篮球联赛——HNBA,这季后赛也该打了吧?    HNBA河南省男子篮球联赛赛程及参赛队员名单      是的,分区四强赛即将在下周正式开战!    而且是主客场制比赛!!    郑州、洛阳、南阳、开封——这就是传说中“东邪西毒南帝北丐”的“四大天王”么?此番中原论剑,谁执牛耳?    谁胜谁败?谁进谁出?悬念迭出,精彩纷呈!    想想还是有些小激动呢!      河南篮球“四大天王”出炉
三万元戒指花落谁家?      具体场地还未最终落实,一旦敲定,老徐会第一时间发给大家的!    下面就是季后赛的赛程表,拿走不谢!    赛季nba什么时候开始_百度知道


更多关于 2018年中国小篮球联赛 的文章

