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微信公众号140被浏览87,589分享邀请回答youtube.com/watch?v=sMwAYFWYbRU&x-yt-ts=&x-yt-cl=3一个事实是,09年3月,卡利帕里离开孟菲斯,同意8年3165万美元的天价合约,出任该校男篮主帅(这也是当今大学篮坛第一高薪)。卡利帕里在离开孟菲斯之前的两年球队的核心分别是罗斯和泰瑞克-埃文斯。而哈桑参选的那届,首轮秀肯塔基就占5个。4为什么高四毕业没能直接上大学?一份08年的球探报告: According to Patterson School coach Chris Chaney, "Whiteside has a lot of academic work to accomplish, and could require an additional year of prep school." Whiteside was being actively recruited by Charlotte, but likely would not have qualified academically for admission to that school this year. He visited Marshall the weekend of November 1, and committed during his visit. Marshall can accept him as an academic sitout. Meaning he would be admitted to attend school next year, but could not play basketball. Whiteside is expected to sign a national letter with the Thundering Herd on November 12.成绩差。包括 辽宁哈德森 小牛莱多都有类似问题。5大学只打了一年就参选。但这一年时间里他还是做了不少事的。最佳防守阵容周最佳新人赛区2队(大一能有这个成绩不错了):等等多项指标在都非常好看:场均5.4次盖帽。大一就砍下过3次盖帽上双的3双。6这货确实天赋出众。一个细节,哈桑的鞋比其他人都要底薄,拖鞋体测的说法有一定的可信度。看最大摸高一栏,比其他人都要强出一截。模拟选秀也是乐透行情(14顺位),但是为什么最后是2轮秀?一份10年6月初的球探报告:Whiteside has an unbelievable amount of upside and room for development. This very talented big man has only scratched the surface of his immense potential. Whiteside has very good length and a frame that has the capacity to add much more muscle over the next couple of years. He has a good feel for the game as well as good ball-skills for a player of his height. Whiteside has good length coupled with good leaping ability which makes him a force on the boards when he sets his mind to it. He has the ability to snag offensive rebounds and quickly go back up for finishes, but Whiteside does not exert maximum effort throughout games all of the time. He will finish with decent back-to-the-basket moves, but he needs to get stronger to hold deep post positioning. He also can block shots when he tries, but he sometimes seems disinterested on the defensive end at times. As he gets stronger, Whiteside should develop into a dominant force on the next level on both ends of the court.前面一通夸,然后说比赛的时候不能一直专注努力,这个标签一贴上,除非有队伍给足够的机会证明,否则很难洗掉。但实际上这个“多动症”的标签是不是被夸大了呢?With a usage of 12.8 possessions per-game that ranks him just above average, Whiteside scored on a very solid 56.8% of his overall touches and turned the ball over at a low 13% rate.Whiteside received just 27% of his touches in the post, one of the lowest marks on our center rankings. Despite that fact, he scored 61.1% of those touches, good for third on our list. He was fouled on 16.1% of those shots, ranking him second. Whiteside was able to make a nice impact on the block despite his lack of lower body strength, showing a nice hook shot and unique touch for a player his age.(之前贴错了...)其实所谓的一紧逼就失误被夸大了,失误率其实没那么夸张。而且低位进攻效率还不错。另一点,球队当年没进NCAA64强比赛也对顺位挺打击的。其实当年和他的队友们的成绩还不错,可惜最后赛区冠军被休斯顿拿走...加上打另一个季后赛球队表现也很一般。7去了国王,主力位置正是肯塔基的考辛斯占着。基本只能混迹NBDL在下属球队打球,后来还来过四川金强和江苏同曦。我的观点是,一个被过度标签化的很有天赋的好球员,可惜,错失了关键的培养期。特别是经历了NBL单打的锤炼之后,需要重新学习不同情境下如何做挡拆 如何寻求配合等等。热火如果有足够的耐心,他至少不会像现在这样糙。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update8哈桑在NBL被同为10年落选的奥兹米库打爆过,这也是他离开NBL的可能原因之一。(也可能是因为参加需要夏季联赛)对比下白边
275磅 当然
A.D.也只有230多磅,不过二人的敏捷性明显不是一个量级。下肢力量可能是制约其对一些”奥兹米库型“内线的防守能力。同时爆发力也相对受制。9护框能力。盖帽是护框能力的一个指标。再看另一个指标。对手的篮下命中率。达到惊人的40.2%!作为对比,”效率大神“赖特也只是45%。10这货其实是有一些篮子的,中距离从高中就有。但是在NBA赛场还没展示过。11沉淀了一下信息,发现所谓的“多动症”可能和顺位的关系 以及球场表现的关系没那么直接。(当年讨论白边落到这个顺位的帖子)来自RealGM的媒体人这么说Whiteside does not have any attitude or character problems/issues from what I seen. There are reports that Whiteside has ADD. A lot of athletes that has ADD and could function very well. I don't know why GMs passed up the kid that was projected to go in the lotto. Unless his ADD is affecting his game (from my indications, it is NOT), this is probably one of the weakest excuses to pass a player imo. NOTE:His jersey number is #33. The reason why he chose that? Because that was his selected draft position.On record he said, he will use this as a motivating cause of working hard. He didn't expect to fall off the 1st round. He was pretty sincere and genuine when he talked about why he chose the #. Is that a bad thing to do? No. Is that any indication of a bad attitude? No. His so-called character issues are way overblown. In reality, he is a shy, humble kid with a good sense of humor.多动症:有很多运动员有多动症而表现出色,且白边的多动症并没有影响打球。态度问题:大学他穿的是21号,到了NBA穿自己顺位的33号,说以此激励自己。也不像是所谓的有态度问题。一如
老师说,多动症更多的影响的是球场外的表现,以至于他比同龄大一学生大将近两岁,影响了GM对其发展前景的估计。12另一些声音Older one and done rookie at 21Was ruled academically ineligible at Marshall before declaring for the draftJerome Jordan severely outplayed him His coach kicked him out of practice and benched him in Marshall's postseason tournament He played poorly in both tournament games国王球迷在他被裁的时候大多没有惋惜Very possibly the lowest BB IQ of any player I've ever watched. 3 years in and not only has the light not turned on for him at all but it looks like there's not even a bulb in the socket. I was a big Hassan homer during the draft, but after watching summer league, I knew he had to go.在Big Board里把他列为乐透秀的Aran Smith在球探报告里提到的缺点Still a work in progress offensively. At times looks awkward in the post but appears to be gaining confidence ... He's born in 1989, so he's nearly 2 years older than the average freshman. But his upside is unmistakable ... Needs to work on his free throw shooting (currently shooting below 40%) ... Feel for the game is still raw, but not terrible ... Still needs to develop his upperbody strength (at 230) but has a solid frame and muscle mass to work with ... Needs to develop his passing skills to find teammates when doubled ... Should work on his post skills and develop better range on his shot ... Also must look to become more sure handed and cut down on turnovers, although he shows soft hands, and should be fine as he gains experience ...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 (2.2更新)透过今天的比赛,能明显的感觉白边比之前在场上更自信了(他本身的言语里就是有种莫名的有些幼稚的过度自信)。很明显他现在已经不太满足于做一个护框 抢篮板的蓝领角色。而热火也似乎逐步为他解绑。除了篮下的补篮,空接,空位投篮,现在他低位背筐/面框的脚步也敢做了,在有防守人在脸前的情况下也敢投了。第四节那翻身跳投有点KG的意思....我甚至怀疑这个夏天他很可能放弃第二年那70多万的合同直接寻求新合同...(修正一下,是球队选项...16年成为完全自由球员)14(2.4更新)上场时间更多以后,体力问题相对显现。打35分钟的比赛,可能末期体力支持就有问题。有新理解再更新...16524 条评论分享收藏感谢收起9436 条评论分享收藏感谢收起ZT:周琦榜样!哈桑-怀特塞德在夏天休赛期疯狂地进行特训化身霍华德!!
引用3楼 @ 发表的:周琦那来的休赛期。。。。。。
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