切尔西肯尼迪怎么了 肯尼迪被开除了吗?

如何看待切尔西球员肯尼迪在中国行期间公然辱华? - 知乎69被浏览59390分享邀请回答.cn/n1//c2.html————————最新事件,切尔西主教练71分钟派肯尼迪上场,这说明切尔西这个俱乐部根本没把中国球迷当回事。最让人气愤的是,切尔西来中国赚钱,骂中国人,而且还有中国切尔西球迷洗地。从华夏幸福的拉维奇辱华,到切尔西俱乐部所谓的道歉后接着让肯尼迪登场,我现在明白为什么我们出去到国外,被黑人歧视了。根本不团结,某些切尔西球迷还在给俱乐部洗地,切尔西吧里直接吧主把所谓的微博账号的那种道歉当成真心实意,有这样的球迷,难怪人不尊重你。附,转载虎扑的投诉方式,希望大家投诉切尔西的这次行动,让舆论起来,下次他才知道尊重中国!切尔西官网上有一个投诉渠道,在下拉框里选Report Discrimination,但是只能短信或电话,如果有英国的jr可以来一发。
To whom may it concern,
Robert Kenedy Nunes Nascimento, the Chelsea player, just published controversial contents on his Instagram, claiming “porra china” and “acorda china vacilao”, during the International Champions Cup in Beijing, China. His offensive discriminative speech had caused strong dissatisfaction and indignation in Chinese football fans. After the incident broke out, Chelsea Football Club did not make any official apology on their social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), nor did Kenedy himself (he deleted his apology on Instagram). Chelsea’s manager Conte sent him on field at 71’ during the game with Arsenal. In short, Chelsea Football Club and the player himself did not show any sincere apology on this incident.
According to official statistics, China has 170 million fans watching Premier League, and the TV rights fees in mainland China is over 100 million pounds. This incident is going to cause sever damage on the international image and attractiveness of Premier League and English football, since a lot of Chinese football fans are planning on a boycott of Chelsea FC. I consider that FA, the governing body of English football, has the responsibility of supervision and punishment on the inappropriate actions of football clubs and players.
In the history of English football, the discriminative actions have been punished strictly. John Terry had his England Captaincy stripped, was banned for four domestic matches and fined 220,000 pounds. Luis Suarez got an eight-match ban and a ?40,000 fine. And there were more samples. I consider that the FA should treat the incident of Kenedy equally as the discrimination on black people, since he provoked extensive anger and protest – see the booing and condemning on him during the warm up of that game. Please urge Chelsea FC and Kenedy to make official and sincere apology, in order to preserve the image of Chelsea FC and English football, and compensate the considerable insult that China and Chinese had received. Otherwise, the image of Chelsea FC and English football will continue deteriorating, and the loss will be massive.
Hope we Chinese fans can get a just result.
A Chinese football fan.
FIFA官网投诉链接,可以勾选non-discrimination一项,内容可以直接粘贴上面的邮件,但是记得要把FA都改成FIFA,把FA, the governing body of English football改为FIFA, the governing body of international football。发生地点China PR,预计损失unknown或者选最高的那个,发生时长recently,发现时间In the past 7 days,下面框框打钩,获知途径随便选,然后send。最后可以建立一个账户来查看结果12956 条评论分享收藏感谢收起肯尼迪的初步处分结果,你能接受吗?是时候原谅切尔西了
切尔西唯一授权官方机构时博国际首发声明:切尔西俱乐部就此确认肯尼迪已回到英国,他将不再代表切尔西参加亚洲巡回赛Chelsea FC can confirm that Kenedy has returned to the UK and will play no further part in the Club's pre-season tour of Asia. 《伦敦旗帜晚报》:对中国发表侮辱言论的肯尼迪,已经被切尔西罚款。除此之外,他也会被孔蒂排除出下赛季阵容。三次道歉+罚款+清除出一队,这样的结果可以接受吗?平心而论,这件事情切尔西真是无妄之灾。做的不好的点就是出事了没有在24小时内及时公关,他自己发的insta story,又不是Insta,我觉得官方应该也不会有专员24小时盯着一个边缘球员的社交网络的。球员得到了应有的惩罚,在剩一年合同的情况下开除出一线队,基本上他的豪门生涯就已经结束了。切尔西也损失了国内潜在的赞助商们,一批不少的赞助金和一大批球迷的支持,况且,短期内我觉得切尔西也别想来中国进行商业活动了。有些JRS觉得应该把他处理了,问题是现在再有一年合同的情况下,况且他水平也就这样,闹出这种事情,把他往哪里处理?不要说豪门了,我觉得英超中下游俱乐部们都不会想要他的。更多的听证会,针对这个人的处罚,需要英足总和国际足联来办了,我觉得切尔西能做后续措施都做到了。
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人民网北京7月24日电 效力于英超冠军球队切尔西的球员肯尼迪因在社交媒体发布辱华内容遭到中国人民广泛抗议。在其两次道歉之后,24日他又通过切尔西官网再次向中国人民道歉,表示“深刻认识到我的所作所为是完全错误的”。以下为其道歉全文:


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