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视频-回顾姚明巅峰之战 38分11板6帽中国火箭起飞
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点击上面蓝色字NBA篮球实用技巧 一键关注!努力做最好的篮球微信What kind of player was Yao Ming? (self.nba)曾经的姚明是个什么样的球员?submitted 12 月 前 by bearshandsI didn't watch basketball when he was in his prime. From the little exerts I read on wiki and on here, it seems like he was a good player that was derailed by overwork and injuries.姚明处于巅峰时我还没有看篮球,从我在维基百科和这里了解的些许信息来看,他看上去像是个很不错的球员,但是伤病和过度劳累阻碍了他的发展。[–]San Diego Rocketsmintz41 He was an incredibly skilled player who was unstoppable in the paint but could also step out and hit shots from midrange. He was just too big. His body, especially his legs and feet, just couldn't keep going through NBA seasons and playing with the Chinese team in the summer. None of his injuries ever healed properly either because he was rushed back by the Chinese.姚明是个不可思议的技术娴熟的球员,在内线无解,而且拉出去还有一手中距离篮子。他的身材太巨大了,身躯,特别是腿和脚。因为夏天还要替国家队打球,他没有办法健康地撑下整个常规赛。正因为天朝对他的死艹,他的伤病从来没有得到很好地治疗康复。[–]bearshands[S]
Where would he rank in all time centers if he stayed healthy? Top 10? Top 15?如果姚明能保持健康,他在中锋里的历史地位能排多少?前10,还是前15?[–]San Diego Rocketsmintz41probably top 10很可能是前10[–]Heatsalad2422 If a prime Yao was on the pacers now instead of Hibbert, what do you guys think he would average vs miami?如果把巅峰姚明放到步行者里替换希伯特,你们觉得他面对热火能打出什么数据?[–]Supersonicszhengxw if prime Yao was on the Pacers, they win the series in 5-6 games.如果巅峰姚明在这支步行者里(上赛季的季后赛),步行者将在5-6场内解决热火[–]San Diego Rocketsmintz41 He would probably average something in the region of 26/10/4. 26 being a conservative number, as they don't have a single player within about 8 inches of his height姚明很可能会砍下场均26+10+4,26分已经是很保守的估计了,因为热火所有球员都比姚明矮8英寸以上。How would yao ming in his prime be compared to todays top centers (self.nba)submitted 2 月 前 by Spurskemar7856so against cousins,Howard,gasol,tim duncan, al jefferson巅峰姚明放到现在的联盟,与考辛斯,霍华德,邓肯,艾尔-杰弗森他们相比如何?[–]Supersonicsgray_matter_23 Top 5 player in the league, best Center no question.联盟中Top5级别的球员,最强的中锋,毫无疑问。[–]RocketsLulSayWhat Best center by a decent margin too而且是领先别人几个身位的最强中锋 [–]KnicksJason72799 best center in the game, without a doubt.毫无疑问,联盟最强中锋[–]Lakersmthrfkn
I went to a lot of Rockets versus Lakers games at Staples, I was even at that game where he suffered the injury that would eventually force him to retire. With the way Artest went off for Houston in that series as well, they could have taken the Lakers if Yao was healthy IMO. Yao looked unstoppable a lot of the time, and I always felt that he wasn&#39;t being fed the ball enough.湖蜜:我去斯台普斯看过很多火箭vs湖人的比赛,那一次姚明遭受最终导致他退役的受伤的那场比赛我都在场。那个系列赛里阿泰斯特爆发了,如果姚明能保持健康,在我看来火箭已经淘汰湖人了。很多时候姚明看上去都是无解的,而且我总是感觉他得到的喂球还不够多。[–]thehumangenius23 I always say the team who wins is the better team, no matter what. but that series...the rockets were taking to the Lakers and the lakers had no answers. it was only after Yao went down that the tables turned.I guarantee Houston would&#39;ve won that series, probably in 5 or 6.我一直都跟人说,不管什么原因,谁赢下了系列赛谁就是更好的球队。但是那个系列赛。。。火箭让湖人完全无解。在姚明受伤之后局势才扭转了过来。我保证,火箭本来是可以赢下那个系列赛的,可能5-6场之内。[–]Lakersmthrfkn I went to every LA game that series, yeah it was scary.湖蜜:那个系列赛每个湖人的主场我都去了,没错,真是吓死我了[–]RocketsLulSayWhat took the champs to game 7. We definitely had a shot at the chip that year if Yao was healthy. Nuggets we would&#39;ve beaten and that Magic team would be easy too. Yao H2H against Dwight = easy money 火蜜:我们把冠军逼到了第7场。毫无疑问姚明那个赛季如果健康的话,我们有机会夺冠的。我们会在西决干掉掘金,总决里魔术也很容易对付。姚明vs魔术=睡觉打魔兽,小菜一碟[–]KingsIncoherentAndDumb He had the chance to be all-time great. Along with his teammate in T-Mac, the basketball gods robbed the fans via injury姚明本有机会成为历史级的伟大球员,他的队友麦迪也是如此。而篮球之神用伤病打劫了球迷。[–]LakersJesusSama God, he was Shaq levels of unstoppable sometimes. So big, so much talent, such a great shot上帝,姚明有时候就是沙克级别的无解,身材太巨大了,非常有天赋,出色的投篮。视频:姚明生涯十佳球姚明生涯高光时刻gif(图来源于网络搜集)隔扣加内特扣麦基命运时常爱捉弄人,天道未必一定会酬勤,成功也未必仅仅是天赋加努力就能实现,然而无论如何,当一个球员付出了他的所有,他理应得到众人的赞赏和褒扬.竞技体育的残酷在于,不是所有的球星都能在退役时像篮球之神乔丹那样荣誉满贯,然而这并不妨碍他们的伟大被历史铭记.</p
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