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Location in Kosovo
 o Mayor
 o City
572 km2 (221 sq mi)
652 m (2,139 ft)
Population (12–2013)
 o City
 o Density
370/km2 (960/sq mi)
 o Summer ()
(in Albanian)
Prishtina or Pri?tina (: Prishtin?, IPA:  ( ) or : Приштина), is the
and largest
of . It is the administrative center of the homonymous municipality and .
The city has a majority
population, alongside other smaller communities. With a population of about 500,000, Pristina is the second-largest
city in the world. Geographically, it is located in the north-eastern part of Kosovo close to the . The city is situated some 250 kilometres north-east of , 90 kilometres north of , 520 kilometres south of
and 300 kilometres east of .
During the , what is now the area of Pristina was envolved by the . Pristina was home to several
people at the . The king of the ,
brought various tribes together in the area of Pristina in the 4th century BC, establishing the . The heritage of the classical era is still evident in the city, represented by ancient city of , that was considered one of the most important Roman cities in the . In the middle ages, Pristina was an important town in
and also the royal estate of , , ,
conquered the , Pristina was classified as an important mining and trading center on the market, due to its strategic position near the rich mining town of . The city was known for its trade fairs and items, such as
and goat hair, as well as gunpowder produced by artisans from Pristina in 1485. The first mosque in Pristina was built in the late 14th century, while under the Serbian rule. Pristina has always been considered as a city where tolerance and coexistence in terms of religion and culture has been part of the society in the last centuries.
Being the capital city, Pristina is considered as the heart of Kosovo because of its central location and its importance in finance, commerce, media, entertainment, arts, international trade, education, service, research and healthcare. Almost all domestic and foreign companies, media and scientific institutions have their headquarters in the city.
The name of the city is derived from a
form *Pri?ь?ь, a possessive adjective from the personal name *Pri?ьkъ, (preserved in the
surname Pri?ek, in the Old
personal name Parzyszek, and in the Polish surname Pryszczyk) and the derivational suffix -ina 'belonging to X and his kin'.[] The name is most likely a
of the personal name *Pri?ь, preserved as a surname in
Pri?, and Polish Przybysz, a
of the Slavic personal name Pribyslavъ.
A [] connects the name Pri?tina with the
word pri?t (пришт), meaning 'ulcer' or 'tumour', referring to its 'boiling'. However, this explanation cannot be correct, as Slavic place names ending in -ina corresponding either or both to an adjective or the name of an inhabitant lacking this suffix are built from personal names or denote a person and never derive, in these conditions, from common nouns ( 2007: loc. cit.). The inhabitants of this city call themselves Prishtinali in local
or Pri?tevci (Приштевци) in the local Serbian dialect.
Historical affiliations
4th Century BC–2nd Century BC
c. 168 BC–c. 330 AD
c. 330–c. 850
c. 850–c. 1018
's Bulgaria
's Bulgaria 1072
1218–c. 1241
() 1941–43
() 1943–44
situated south-east of Pristina. The city played an important role in the development of one of the most important cities in .
The earliest traces of human life in the area are dated from the
period, with further traces in the
and . The succeeding , , Bubanj-Hum,
cultures, were active in the region. During the
lay within the areal of the , which is characterised by the , black and grey pottery.
The area what is now Pristina has been inhabited for nearly 10,000 years. Early
findings were discovered dating as far back as the , in the areas surrounding Pristina, which includes Mati?an,
and . In the , King
brought various
tribes together in the region, establishing the . After the
conquest of Illyria in 168 BC, Romans colonized and founded several cities in the region, which they named Dardania.
During the Roman period, Pristina was part of the province of .
was considered one of the most important Roman cities in the . In the , Ulpiana became a Roman municipium. The city suffered tremendous damage from an earthquake in 518 AD. The
decided to rebuild the city in great splendor and renamed it
but with the arrival of Slav tribes in the
the city again fell into disrepair.
The inscription above the entrance of
built during the Ottoman rule
In Serbian 's Life of Saint Simeon, written between 1201 and 1208, the
(counties) of Sitnica and Lipljan are mentioned, which had territory around present-day Pristina. Pristina was an important town in , having been a royal estate of , , ,
and . The medieval fort of Vi?egrad, whose ruins lie three kilometres east of the city centre, was mentioned in Milutin's time, and served as his capital, and the nearby
was founded by him in ca. 1315.
The first historical record mentioning Pristina by its name dates back to 1342 when the Byzantine Emperor
described Pristina as a 'village'.[] In the course of the 14th and 15th centuries, Pristina developed as an important mining and trading center thanks to its proximity to the rich mining town of , and due to its position of the Balkan trade routes. The old town stretching out between the Vellusha and Prishtevka rivers which are both covered over today, became an important crafts and trade center. Pristina was famous for its annual trade fairs (Panair) and its goat hide and goat hair articles. Around 50 different crafts were practiced from tanning to leather dying, belt making and silk weaving, as well as crafts related to the military – armorers, smiths, and saddle makers. As early as 1485, Pristina artisans also started producing gunpowder. Trade was thriving and there was a growing colony of
traders (from modern day ) providing the link between Pristina's craftsmen and the outside world. The first mosque was constructed in the late 14th century while still under Serbian rule. The 1487 defter recorded 412 Christian and 94 Muslim households in Pristina, which at the time was administratively part of the .
the founder of .
In the early Ottoman era,
was an urban phenomenon and only spread slowly with increasing urbanization. The travel writer , visiting Pristina in the 1660s was impressed with its fine gardens and vineyards. In those years, Pristina was part of the V???t?r?n Sanjak and its 2,000 families enjoyed the peace and stability of the Ottoman era. Economic life was controlled by the guild system (esnafs) with the tanners' and bakers' guild controlling prices, limiting unfair competition and acting as banks for their members. Religious life was dominated by religious charitable organizations often building mosques or fountains and providing charity to the poor. During the
in the late 17th century, Pristina citizens under the leadership of the Catholic Albanian priest
pledged loyalty to the Austrian army and supplied troops. He contributed a force of 6,000 Albanian soldiers to the Austrian army which had arrived in Pristina. Under Austrian occupation, the Fatih Mosque (Mbretit Mosque) was briefly converted to a
church. Following the Austrian defeat in January 1690, Pristina's inhabitants were left at the mercy of Ottoman and
troops who took revenge against the local population as punishment for their co-operation with the Austrians. A French officer traveling to Pristina noted soon afterwards that "Pristina looked impressive from a distance but close up it is a mass of muddy streets and houses made of earth".
The Monument of
in the centre. Brotherhood and unity was a popular slogan of the .
The year 1874 marked a turning point. That year the railway between
started operations and the seat of the vilayet of Prizren was relocated to Pristina. This privileged position as capital of the Ottoman vilayet lasted only for a short while. from January until August 1912, Pristina was liberated from Ottoman rule by Albanian rebel forces led by . However, The
opposed the plan for a , preferring a partition of the European territory of the
among the four . On October 22, 1912, Serb forces took Pristina. However, Bulgaria, dissatisfied with its share of the first Balkan War, occupied Kosovo in 1915 and took Pristina under Bulgarian occupation. In late October 1918, the 11th French colonial division took over Pristina and returned Pristina back to what then became the 'First ' on the 1st of December 1918. In September 1920, the decree of the colonization of the new southern lands' facilitated the takeover by Serb colonists of large Ottoman estates in Pristina and land seized from Albanians. The interwar period saw the first exodus of Albanian and Turkish speaking population. From 1929 to 1941, Pri?tina was part of the
Plaque on a war memorial in Pristina. The text reads At this location on October 23, 1944, German Nazis executed 104 Albanian patriots who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of their country - Society of anti-Nazi and national liberation veterans of Kosovo.
On 17 April 1941, Yugoslavia surrendered unconditionally to axis forces. On 29 June,
proclaimed a greater Albania, with most of Kosovo under Italian occupation united with Albania. There ensued mass killings of Serbs, in particular colonists, and an exodus of tens of thousands of Serbs. After the capitulation of Italy,
took control of the city. In May
local Jews were arrested by units of the , which was made up mostly of Muslim Albanians. The Jews were later deported to Germany, where many were killed. The few surviving Jewish families in Pristina eventually left for Israel in 1949. As a result of World War II and forced migration, Pristina's population dropped to 9,631 inhabitants.
The communist decision to make Pristina the capital of Kosovo in 1947 ushered a period of rapid development and outright destruction. The Yugoslav communist slogan at the time was uni?ti stari graditi novi (destroy the old, build the new). In a misguided effort to modernize the town, communists set out to destroy the Ottoman bazaar and large parts of the historic center, including mosques, catholic churches and Ottoman houses. A second agreement signed between Yugoslavia and Turkey in 1953 led to the exodus of several hundreds more Albanian families from Pristina. They left behind their homes, properties and businesses. However, this policy changed under the
ratified in 1974. Few of the Ottoman town houses survived the communists' modernization drive, with the exception of those that were nationalized like today's Emin Gjiku Museum or the building of the Institute for the Protection of Monuments.[]
As capital city and seat of the government, Pristina creamed off a large share of Yugoslav development funds channeled into Kosovo. As a result, the city's population and its economy changed rapidly. In 1966, Pristina had few paved roads, the old town houses had running water and
was still a problem.
continued to be the largest town in Kosovo. Massive investments in state institutions like the newly founded , the construction of new high-rise socialist apartment blocks and a new industrial zone on the outskirts of Pristina attracted large number of internal migrants. This ended a long period when the institution had been run as an outpost of
and gave a major boost to Albanian-language education and culture in Kosovo. The Albanians were also allowed to use the Albanian flag.[]
Within a decade, Pristina nearly doubled its population from about 69,514 in 1971 to 109,208 in 1981. This golden age of externally financed rapid growth was cut short by Yugoslavia's economic collapse and the . Pristina, like the rest of Kosovo slid into a deepening economic and social crisis. The year 1989 saw the revocation of Kosovo's autonomy under , the rise of
and mass dismissal of ethnic Albanians.
Graves of those who died in the
in Pristina.
War-torn Pristina.
Following the reduction of Kosovo's autonomy by
in 1989, a harshly repressive regime was imposed throughout Kosovo by the Yugoslav government with Albanians largely being purged from state industries and institutions. The LDK's role meant, that when the
began to attack Serbian and Yugoslav forces from 1996 onwards, Pristina remained largely calm until the outbreak of the
in March 1999. Pristina was spared large scale destruction compared to towns like
that suffered heavily at the hands of Serbian forces. For their strategic importance, however, a number of military targets were hit in Pristina during NATO's aerial campaign, including the post office, police headquarters and army barracks (today's
garrison on the road to ).[]
Widespread violence broke out in Pristina. Serbian and Yugoslav forces shelled several districts and, in conjunction with paramilitaries, conducted large-scale expulsions of ethnic Albanians accompanied by widespread looting and destruction of Albanian properties. Many of those expelled were directed onto trains apparently brought to Pristina's main station for the express purpose of deporting them to the border of the , where they were forced into exile.
On, or about, 1 April 1999, Serbian police went to the homes of Kosovo Albanians in the city of Pristina/Prishtin? and forced the residents to leave in a matter of minutes. During the course of , a number of people were killed. Many of those forced from their homes went directly to the train station, while others sought shelter in nearby neighbourhoods. Hundreds of ethnic Albanians, guided by Serb police at all the intersections, gathered at the train station and then were loaded onto overcrowded trains or buses after a long wait where no food or water was provided. Those on the trains went as far as , a village near the Macedonian border. During the train ride many people had their
from them.
— War Crimes Indictment against Milo?evi? and others
Modern Pristina
The majority Albanian population fled the town in large numbers to escape Serb policy and paramilitary units. The first NATO troops to enter Pristina in early June 1999 were
special forces from FSK
and soldiers from the
22 S.A.S, although to NATO's diplomatic embarrassment Russian troops arrived first at the airport. Apartments were occupied illegally and the Roma quarters behind the city park was torched. Several strategic targets in Pristina were attacked by
during the war, but serious physical damage appears to have largely been restricted to a few specific neighbourhoods shelled by Yugoslav security forces. At the end of the war, almost all of the city's 45,000 Serb inhabitants fled from Kosovo and today only several dozen remain within the city.
As a capital city and seat of the UN administration (), Pristina has benefited greatly from a high concentration of international staff with disposable income and international organizations with sizable budgets. The injection of reconstruction funds from donors, international organizations and the
has fueled an unrivaled, yet short-lived, economic boom. A plethora of new cafes, restaurants and private businesses opened to cater for new (and international) demand with the beginning of a new era for Pristina.[]
A view of the city from the south towards the north.
Pristina covers an area of 572 square kilometres (221 sq mi). Strategically placed in the north-eastern part of , the city is close to the
mountains. Due to its status as the capital city of Kosovo, Pristina has grown over the past years, that it has connected with . By road it is 520 kilometres (320 mi) south of , 90 kilometres (56 mi) north of , 250 kilometres (160 mi) north-east of , and 300 kilometres (190 mi) east of .
Pristina is one of the urban areas with the most severe water shortages in the nation. The population of the city have to cope with daily water curbs due to the lack of rainfall and snowfall which has left the city's water supplies in a dreadful condition. The current water resources do not fulfil the needs of the overgrowing population of Pristina. The water supply comes from the two main reservoirs of
and . However, there are many problems with the water supply that comes from these two reservoirs which supply 92% of the population in Pristina. As such, the authorities have increased their efforts to remedy the situation and to make sure that such crises do not hit the city again.
After the war of 1999, the city has changed dramatically.[] The City Park of Pristina has been fully changed with new stone pathways, tall trees, flowers have been planted and a public area has been built for children.[] Lately a new green place called Tauk Bashqe has been built a halfway between the G?rmia and the City Park.[] After the reconstruction of the Mother Teresa Square, many trees and flowers have been planted. Many old buildings in front of the government building have been cleared to provide open space.[]
Pristina has a
(Dfb in the ), with maritime influences. The city features warm summers and relatively cold, often snowy winters.
Climate data for Pristina ()
Record high °C (°F)
Average high °C (°F)
Daily mean °C (°F)
Average low °C (°F)
Record low °C (°F)
mm (inches)
Average precipitation days (≥ 0.1 mm)
Average snowy days
Mean monthly
Source: Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia
building in Pristina.
Being the capital city of Kosovo, it influences the politic, culture and economic aspects of the country. Pristina is the seat of the . The
is one of the most influential political figures in the nation as well as serving as an urban figure through the youth of the city.
is known for having the youngest population in , with an average of 25 years old. During the 2013 elections, , a professor of economics, gathered most of the youth of Pristina around his campaign also due to the fact that he was nearly 30 years younger than the former Mayor . His team and staff consisted of young people and Ahmeti delivered a more modern public image, presenting himself closer to the voters. A lot of young people chose to volunteer in his meetings, therefore his campaign in general represented a novelty in
politics. Ahmeti promised to go to work by public transport in order to save money from the use of expensive official cars and has been doing so until now.
The city council consists of 51 members. One out of three of the members have to be women according to the Statute of the Municipality approved in 2010. The city council has seen the
having the most members in all elections held until now. In the 2013 elections, although
lost to , the LDK won 18 seats in Assembly with
with 10. The
followed with 8 seats and the AKR with 4. The current head of the City Council is Halim Halimi from the LDK. In February 2014 a majority of the City Council after a heated debate, voted to sell the official car of the municipality in order to decrease the distance between the politicians and the population.
The population development in the last one hundred years.
In 2012, Pristina had a population of 205,133 inhabitants. The rural area as well as the area near the center of Pristina, in terms of
processes, is under the influence of population dynamics, both in terms of demographic regime, which is more expansive, and in addition mechanical population. This part of the municipality has a high density of population. The density of population is 247 inhabitants per square kilometres. While the population density of suburban area of the municipality without Pristina, as an urban center, is 123 inhabitants per km?
As an urban center with representative functions and its economic strength, has changed the population structure. With the surrounding space has become increasingly a concentration to a large population. While the mountain area, especially more distant areas have a displacement due to depopulation, especially after the . The network of settlements in the territory of the Municipality of Pristina has some specifics. Such as distribution of settlements depends on the degree of , natural conditions, socio-political circumstances, position. One of the features is also uneven distribution of the settlements. According to the last census in 1991 (boycotted by the Albanian majority), the population of the Pristina municipality was 199,654, including 77.63% Albanians, 15.43% Serbs and Montenegrins, 1.72% Muslims by nationality, and others. This census cannot be considered accurate as it is based on previous records and estimates.
In 2004 it was estimated that the population exceeded half a million, and that
form around 98% of it. The Serbian population in the city has fallen significantly since 1999, many of the city's Serbs having fled or been expelled following the end of the war. In early 1999 Pristina had about 230,000 inhabitants. There were more than 40,000 Serbs and about 6,500 Romas with the remainder being Albanians.
and the . (left) The Catholic . (right)
As the rest of the country, the majority of its population consider themselves . The small minority of Pristina’s religious population, practices Christianity in the form of
and . It has always been considered as a city where tolerance and coexistence in terms of religion and culture has been part of the society in the last centuries. When the city became under the rule of the Serbian Empire during the , Eastern Orthodoxy was a predominant faith other than Roman Catholicism.
All inhabitants of Pristina have the right to freedom of belief, conscience and religion, which are guaranteed to all persons in Pristina and Kosovo. Christianity has been around in Pristina for a long time, going back all the way to the time of the
and . Islam in Pristina began to be spread very early, during the Ottoman Rule. Before the
in 1369 the whole Balkan was Christianized by the Western and Eastern Roman Empire. From that time until 1912 Kosovo was governed by the Ottoman Empire resulting in high level of Islamization.
Pristina is the economic heart of
and home to many domestic and international companies operating in the country. Major roads and railways pass through Pristina and connect the northern part of the country to the south and the west with the east. Since the , the city has undergone significant changes in the past 9 years, vastly modernizing and expanding the road infrastructure, urban transport and air transport. Years before its declaration of independence in 2008,
and in particular its capital Pristina have been a large financial and business center in the
of 4.0% in 2009.
The Lakrishte area, a former industrial zone in the center of Pristina, was designated by the government as high-rise area with many complex buildings. The regulation of this plan started in 2008. Some of the buildings include the ENK Tower (among the largest in the Balkans), the World Trade Center, the AXIS towers and the Arting Highrise.
is one of the largest in the .
Pristina traffic in the evening.
Pristina is the transport hub of road, rail and air in . The city's buses, trains and planes together all serve to maintain a high level of connectivity between Pristina many different districts and beyond. Analysis of Traffic Police have shown that from 240.000 cars registered in , around 100.000 cars or 41% of them are from the region of Pristina.
is located near the city centre.
is the first motorway constructed in the region and linking the Albanian border at the village of V?rmic? with Pristina. The construction of the motorway started in April 2010 and finished in 2013. The R7, along the
in Albania, have set the travel time from Pristina to
to 3 hours. Once the remaining E80 Pristina- section project will be finalized and completed. The project will link the
near the town of
between the disputed - border.
is a currently under construction. Forming part of the , it is the second motorway constructed in the region and will link the capital with the Macedonian border at , which is about 20 kilometres from .
is located some 15 kilometres southwest of Pristina. It is Kosovo's only international airport that handles over 1.7 million passengers per year and the only port of entry for air travelers to Kosovo. In year 2006 PIA was awarded the best Airport 2006 award. It is under the authority of the Republic of Kosovo. The Airport is a secondary hub for
Pristina effectively has two train stations.
lies west of the center, while
is Kosovo's railway hub. Pristina is serviced by a train that travels through Pristina to
daily. The station is located in the industrial section of Pristina.
Pristina is the primary tourist destination in
as well as the main air gateway to the country. It is known as a university center of students from neighbouring countries as , ,
and Serbia. In 2012, Tourism in
attracted 36,186 foreign visitors. which represents 74.2% Most foreign tourists come from , , , , , , , with the number of visitors from elsewhere growing every year.
The city has a large number of luxury hotels, modern restaurants, bars, pubs and very large nightclubs. Coffee bars are a representative icon of Pristina and they can be found almost everywhere. The largest hotels of the city are the
situated in the heart of the city. Other major hotels present in Pristina include the Emerald Hotel, Sirius Hotel and Hotel Garden.
Some of the most visited sights near the city include the
and , which are also among the most visited places in country. Pristina has played a very important role during the World War II, being a shelter for Jews, whose cemeteries now can be visited.
Media in Pristina include some of the most important newspapers, largest publishing houses and most prolific television studios of Kosovo. Pristina is the largest communications center of media in . Almost all of the major media organizations in Kosovo are based in Pristina. The television industry developed in Pristina and is a significant employer in the city's economy. The four major broadcast networks, , ,
and KLAN KOSOVA are all headquartered in Pristina.
(RTK) is the only public broadcaster both in Pristina and in all of Kosovo as well, who continues to be financed directly by the state. All of the daily newspapers in Pristina have a readership throughout Kosovo.
An important event which affected the development of the media, is that in
since 2005 is established the Journalism Faculty within the Faculty of Philology in which are registered a large number of youth people.
is the earliest institution of cultural heritage in Kosovo, established with the goal of preserving, restoration-conservation and presentation of movable heritage on the territory.
is known for its unique history, and the style of the building designed by Croatian architect, Andrija Mutnjakovi? followed by controversies about the outside appearance of it.
As the capital city of the , it is the center of cultural and artistic development of all
that lives in . The Department of cultural affairs is just one of the segments that arranges the cultural events, which make Pristina one of the cities with the most emphasized cultural and artistic traditions. Pristina is home to the largest cultural institutions of the country, such as the , ,
and the . Among the local institutions are the
which has more than 1.8 million books, periodicals, maps, atlases, microfilms and other library materials.
There are many foreign cultural institutions in Pristina, including the Albanian , the German
and . Other cultural centers in Pristina are, the French
and the . The Information Office of the
was also established in Pristina.
is one of the most precious archaeological artifacts of the country and has been adopted as the symbol of Pristina.
The Clock Tower served as a means of informing the town in order to let people know when to pray as well as the traders closing their shops. (left) The . (right)
Historical monuments in Pristina are made up of 21 monuments out of a total of 426 protected monuments all over . A large number of these monuments date back to the
Since 1945, the
authorities followed the idea of constructing a modern Pristina by relying in the urban development motto “destroy the old, build the new” and this resulted with major changes in the structure of the buildings, their function and their surrounding environment.
However, numerous types of monuments have been preserved, including four mosques, a restored orthodox church, an , a public fountain, a clock tower, several traditional houses as well as European-influenced architecture buildings such as Kosovo Museum. These symbolize the historical and cultural character of Pristina as it was developed throughout centuries in the spirit of conquering empires (, ,
The Hivzi Sylejmani library was founded 70 years ago and it is one of the largest libraries regarding the number of books in its inventory which is nearly 100.000. All of those books are in service for the library's registered readers.
The Mbret?resha e Dardanis? (Queen of Dardania) or Hyjnesha ne Fron (The Goddess on the Throne) is an artifact that was found during some excavations in 1955 in the area of , a suburb of Pristina. It dates back to
and it is made of clay. In Pristina there is also "Hamami i Qytetit"(The City Bath) and the house of Emin Gjika which has been transformed to the Ethnographic Museum. Pristina also has its municipal archive which was established in the 1950s and holds all the records of the city, municipality and the .
Well-known singer
was born in Pristina to
is considered to be very rich in genres and their development. But before talking about genre development, a key point that has to be mentioned is without doubt the rich
of Kosovo most of which unfortunately has not been digitalized and saved in archives. The importance of folklore is reflected in two main keys, it is considered a treasure” of cultural heritage of our country and it helps to enlighten the
of that time, and the importance of that is of a high level especially when mentioning the circumstances of our territory in that time. Folklore has also served as inspiration and influence in many fields including music composition in the next generations One of the most notable and very first composers, Rexho Mulliqi in whose work, folklore inspiration and influence is very present.
When highlighting the music creativity and its starts in Kosovo and the relation between it and the music creativity in Albania even though they have had their development in different circumstances, it is proved that they share some characteristics in a very natural way. This fact shows that they belong to one "Cultural Tree".
Some of few international music artists of Albanian heritage are born and raised in the city including ,
The city of Pristina hosts only three active theatres such as the , Oda and Dodona Theatre placed in center of Pristina. They offers live performances every week. The National Theatre is placed in the middle downtown of the city, near the main government building and was founded in 1946. ODA Theatre is situated in the Youth Centre Building and Dodona Theatre is placed in Vellusha district, which is near Ibrahim Rugova Square.
is the highest ranked theater institution in the country which has the largest number of productions. The theater is the only public theater in
and therefore it is financed by Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport. This theater has produced more than 400 premieres which have been watched by more than 3 million spectators.
playing piano in
Festivals and events are one of some things that people in Pristina enjoy properly, without rushing to get it over with. Despite having quite a small territorial space, Pristina has a pleasant number of festivals and events. The diversity of festivals makes it possible for people of different tastes to find themselves in a city this small.
screens prominent international cinema productions in the
and beyond, and draws attention to the Kosovar . It was created after the . After its ,
looked for ways to promote its cultural and artistic image.
One of major festivals include the
that was established for the first time on the occasion of the 200th birth anniversary of
in 2010 by the Kosovo Chopin Association. The festival is becoming a traditional piano festival held in spring every year. It is considered to be a national treasure. In its 5 years of formation it has offered interpretations by both world-famous pianists such as , , Kosovo-Albanian musicians of international renown like , Alberta Troni and local talents. The Festival strives to promote the art of interpretation, the proper value of music and the technicalities that accompany it. The Festival has served as inspiration for the formation of other music festivals like Remusica and Kamerfest.
is one of the most prominent cultural events taking place in the capital. It is an annual music festival which gathers young and talented national and international musicians from all over the world. This festival works on enriching the Kosovar cultural scene with the collision of the traditional and the contemporary. The festival was founded by back then art student, now well known TV producer, musician, journalist and manager of the Kosovo's Philharmonic Orchestra, .
Pristina had always a development in trading due to its position of the Balkan trade routes. Fairs started since the medieval period, at the time when it was famous for its annual trade fairs and its goat hide and goat hair articles. Despite that fact Pristina, or Kosovo in general is not known for occurrence of fairs. With the development of culture and especially after the last war in 1999, Pristina had a progress on holding these kinds of events. Every year various types of trade fairs take place in the capital city. The essence of these fairs
some last only an afternoon while others may last around 3 days, a week or even longer. They have grown in size and importance over the years. These fairs are organized annually and are open to trade visitors and public. The number of exhibitors and visitors is usually very high.
, honorary members include
Nobel Prize winner,
Pristina is host to many higher education institutions. Finance, arts, journalism, medicine, dentistry, pharmaceuticals, veterinary programs, and engineering are among the most popular fields for foreigners to undertake in the city. This brings a many of young students from other cities and countries to Pristina. It is known for its many educational institutions such as the ,
and the . Today, the city hosts a considerable number of intellectuals, professors, academics, students and professionals in various spheres.
Among the first schools known in the city were those opened during the Ottoman period. Albanians were allowed to attend these schools, most of which were religious, with only few of them being secular.
Media in Pristina include some of the most important newspapers, largest publishing houses and most prolific television studios of Kosovo. Pristina is the largest communications center of media in . Almost all of the major media organizations in Kosovo are based in Pristina. The television industry developed in Pristina and is a significant employer in the city's economy. The four major broadcast networks, , ,
and KLAN KOSOVA are all headquartered in Pristina.
(RTK) is the only public broadcaster both in Pristina and in all of Kosovo as well, who continues to be financed directly by the state. All of the daily newspapers in Pristina have a readership throughout Kosovo.
An important event which affected the development of the media, is that in
since 2005 is established the Journalism Faculty within the Faculty of Philology in which are registered a large number of youth people.
Pristina is the center of sport in , where activity is organized across amateur and professional levels, sport organizations and clubs, regulated by the
and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport. Sport is organized in units called Municipal Leagues. There are seven Municipal Leagues in Pristina. The Football Municipal consists of 18 clubs, the Basketball Municipal 5 clubs, the Handball Municipal 2 clubs, Table Tennis and Chess 6 clubs each, the Karate Municipal 15 and the Tennis Municipal 2 clubs.
Football is the most popular sport in the city. It is represented by , which plays their home games in the .
has been also one of the most popular sports in Pristina and is represented by . It is the most successful basketball club in Kosovo and is part of the Balkan League. Joining it in the Superleague is another team from Pristina, RTV 21.
is a traditionally organised sport and cultural event at the
since 2000. Apart from indoor basketball success, Che Bar team has been crowned the champion of the national championship in 2013. This victory coincided with Streetball Kosovo's acceptance in the .
is also very popular. Pristina's representatives are recognised internationally and play international matches.[]
Pristina is
is the subject of a territorial dispute between the
and the . The Republic of Kosovo
on 17 February 2008, but
it as part of its . The two governments
in 2013, as part of the . Kosovo has received formal recognition as an independent state from
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Selmani, Arber. .
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Wikimedia Commons has media related to .
Wikivoyage has a travel guide for .
 "". . 22 (11th ed.). 1911. p. 361.
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