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【352# 世界上最好喝的汤】┢┦aΡpy 残叆的甜蜜吃喝生活☜♥☞
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(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
像燕宝啊 江南美眉啊 牡丹MM啊等等等等。。。
┢┦aΡpy 残叆的甜蜜吃喝生活☜♥☞ 故重新起航
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花落,缘尽,人散... 转身之后,花落人亡两不知...
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Powered by DZ X3.2#!*A5%j9 – How to Encrypt Your File System
Protecting your data has become more important than ever. Let's look at some options for encrypting Linux file systems.
Everyone has either a laptop or a netbook or a desktop that carries, in many cases, some personal information – credit card numbers to buy those important system upgrades, Facebook logins, account numbers, incriminating photos of our high school days, etc. They are all stored on our systems in various forms, including cookies. Never mind that hackers are breaking into systems at an unprecedented rate (OK, most of them are Windows systems) requiring a defensive response from users. All of this has pointed out the need for encrypting our file systems for our protection.
Encryption, for those that aren’t familiar with it, is the process of taking information (data) and applying an encryption algorithm (sometimes called a cipher) to hide the information (i.e. not able to read it) from all who do not posses the knowledge of how to decrypt it (usually involves some sort of key). The whole concept of cryptology (hiding information or encrypting and decrypting it) is very ancient concept. There has been a battle over a long period of time to send data or information securely to those who are intended to read it versus people who access to that information even thought they are not the intended recipients. There are literally hundreds of books on the subject and it is under constant research (if you’ve got a good idea there are people who want to talk to you and possibly fund your research). While not an authoritative source of information, one possible place to start your readings is . There is a brief overview of
and an ever briefer article on . Otherwise, Google is your friend in looking for information to help your explorations.
If you want to look at encryption a little more, there is a reasonable
that talks at a very high level about how encryption works. For a very simple introduction it shows how to do what is called a substitution cipher. The classic example for people reading this article and who remember
is called . This is a really simple example of encryption (but it is not strong encryption).
There are basically three options when talking about encrypting your data on a Linux system. The options are: (1) encrypting a single file, (2) encrypting a directory (with or without a virtual disk), or (3) encrypting a physical block device. Encrypting files is fairly straightforward and there are various tools for doing this. For example, there is , , and
which is a one-time pad encryption tool. The most popular tool is probably . It comes with just about every Linux distribution. However, the point of this article is about encrypted file systems for Linux so it will focus on the other two options.
There are several options for encrypted file systems or encrypted partitions. This article isn’t intended to be an exhaustive listing of options or a HOWTO on the various options. Rather it’s intended to wet your appetite so you can explore the details of the various options yourself.
While wikipedia is perhaps not the most authoritative source of information about cryptography or encrypted file systems, there is a simple
of file systems. It’s definitely not complete but it at least lists options as a starting point.
The point of this article is to point out some good options for encrypting your Linux file systems. It is not intended to be an exhaustive examination of each solution. Rather, it is just a quick glance so you can see how easy or hard it is to encrypt file systems. As with all new topics around data and storage, be sure to backup your data prior to trying something new. To get moving, let’s start with the approach of encrypting a directory or file system.
As previous mentioned one approach to encryption is to actually encrypt a directory tree or to encrypt a file system. This approach does not focus on the block device itself, but instead focuses on the file system or even a directory such as a user’s home directory. This allows you to encrypt just user data or project data which is likely to be more important than the OS.
One of the scenario’s that this protects against is the theft of a laptop. If the laptop isn’t running (i.e. you haven’t entered the pass phrase) when someone tries to login and access your data, they may be able to see the files, but the data is encrypted and accessible.
This article is going to consider two approaches to directory or file system encryption. The first first is ecryptfs and the second is EncFS.
One of the most known Linux file system encryption solutions is called
(Enterprise Cryptographic Filesystem). It has been in the kernel since version 2.6.19 and is fully configured in some distributions. It is still undergoing development so be careful with any data you use with ecryptfs. However, there are a large number of reports of people successfully using it, particularly with Ubuntu.
Ecryptfs is a what is called a “stackable” file system that “stacks” on top of other file systems (called the lower file system) such ext2/3, jfs, xfs, etc. (any file system that has extended attributes). It encrypts and decrypts the files as they are being written to or read from the lower file system. It operates on the files one at a time instead of at a block device or partition level. The metadata associated with the file is stored with the file itself on the lower file system. This can make the encrypted files a little larger than the decrypted version but there are some clear
to this approach:
It allows files from different users to use different encryption keys, controlling access to the data
You can move or copy the files to a different location and they can be decrypted with the correct key (encryption of whole partitions or devices requires a different process before the files can be accessed).
You can give the file to other users and they can decrypt it as long as the correct key is given to them as well.
You can use typical backup processes that use incremental processes because they can easily detect differences in files in the lower file system. This is almost impossible with encrypted partitions or block devices.
A few quick disadvantages:
It takes CPU cycles to perform the encryption and the requirements are not small
Since there is some time involved to encrypt the file system, the speed (performance) of the file system is definitely less than the lower file system. In fact, it can be quite a bit less in some cases. So don’t use an encrypted file system if performance is a key consideration or unless security (encryption) is an extremely important requirement.
As you might expect there is a kernel component and a userspace component to ecryptfs. The kernel component is fairly easy and has been in the kernel since 2.6.19. It is included with some distributions such as Ubuntu. If you build your own kernel or to need to modify an existing kernel then be sure that you have the following options enabled:
The “MD5 digest” and “AES cipher algorithms” options should be enabled (look under the Crypotgraphic API section)
The “Enable access key retention support” option should be enabled in the Security options section.
The “eCrypt filesystem layer support (EXPERIMENTAL)” option should be enabled in the Filesystems/Miscellaneous filesystems section/subsection.
For these options, the “Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers” option must be enabled in the main section. See this
for details on kernel options. Also note that by default ecryptfs uses the
but other options can be specified.
The userspace tools for ecryptfs can be obtained from the ecryptfs site. Follow the directions from the website that explain how to build and install the tools.
Assuming that ecryptfs is active, either in the kernel or as a module, then you can proceed to configure your account to use ecryptfs. A simple way to get started is to just mount an ecryptfs file system in your account (i.e. a single directory).
mount -t ecryptfs /home/laytonjb/private /home/laytonjb/private
The first path is the lower directory (the lower file system where the data is actually stored). In this cases the full path is used. The second path is the ecryptfs mount point. In this example, they are the same, but they don’t have to be. But for this particular example, the lower file system and the mount point are the same to help ensure that ecryptfs has access to the files in the lower file system. Any file that is written to /home/laytonjb/private is encrypted and written to /home/laytonjb/private on the lower file system. So effectively, it looks like the directory, /home/laytonjb/private, is encrypted.
Ecryptfs uses a configuration file, .ecryptfsrc, when mounting a file system. The file is located in the user’s home directory and contains various options. The mount first reads this file but if all of the information is not there, it will prompt you for more information. The most important option is typically a pass phrase or a cipher (encryption process) but the configuration file also allows you to specify encryption ciphers.
To decrypt a file in this example, just copy it from the mount point to an non-encrypted directory. For example,
$ cp /home/laytonjb/private/file1.txt /home/laytonjb/public/file1.txt
Ecryptfs will decrypt the file, file1.txt, and it will be put in the directory, /home/laytonjb/public which is not an encrypted file system.
This quick example shows how to create an encrypted directory in your /home account. It is also possible to encrypt a user’s entire /home. This can be done by root or by the user (as long as they have permission for the mount point – which they should).
Recently there was a
found in ecryptfs that allows the pass phrase associated with a mount to be written into the logs on an Ubuntu installation. Even though the log was only readable by root, it does mean the the ecryptfs passphrase is on the system in decrypted form.
Finally, there are some blogs and tutorials that describe the intricate details of how to use ecryptfs.
There is another option for encrypted file systems – . The interesting aspect of this file system is that is based on . For those not familiar with FUSE, it is a kernel module that allows access to the VFS in the kernel. Consequently you can create a file system entirely in user-space using the FUSE API.
EncFS is somewhat similar to ecryptfs in that it does require a new file system. Rather EncFS encrypts the file and stores it in a specific directory (a lower file system using the terminology of ecryptfs). The
states that encfs is defined as a “Pass-through filesystem vs encrypted block device”. While a bit complicated this description is very accurate – EncFS is stackable file system in the same vein as ecryptfs.
Building and installing EncFS is fairly easy to install. The first thing to check is if your kernel is FUSE capable. Many distributions have FUSE capable kernels so be sure to check your distribution. If not, you can download FUSE from the website and install it.
Next, you download the latest copy of EncFS from the . The current version as of this article is 1.5-2 date September 7, 2008. It has a few dependencies:
FUSE version 2.6 or newer
rlog – C++ logging library
OpenSSL versions 0.9.6 through 0.9.8 (other version are untested)
boost – a C++ utility library – version 1.34 or later
Be sure these dependencies are installed prior to building EncFS
Once everything is installed then mounting an EncFS file system is fairly easy.
$ encfs /home/laytonjb/private /home/laytonjb/private
The syntax is fairly similar to ecryptfs – the first path is the lower file system path (the directory that stores the encrypted data). The second path is the mount point for the file system. Notice that you can mount it just like you did ecryptfs so the lower file system is the same as the mount point.
To umount a file system is a little different since it uses FUSE. In this case, you have to use a FUSE command:
$ fusermount -u /home/laytonjb/private
There are lots of tips on using EncFS floating around. Here is a quick sample:
link is a good (and detailed) description of a user’s experience using EncFS.
is a good blog that talks about EncFS and has a couple of good tips for practical user
There is also a good
of how to use EncFS with Debian
There is a nice
that talks about using EncFS in three easy steps
There is another
on using EncFS (a simple but effective one)
There are also some nifty tools and scripts floating around the web for using EncFS. Perhaps the best one is .
stands for Pluggable Authentication Module and they can be used for a variety of things including activating processes or scripts upon login. Pam-encfs mounts any EncFS file system when you log in.
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System Administration[转]看完之后,肚子抽筋了
1.老板:卖袜子啊!三块钱一双啊! 我:便宜点嘛,十块钱三双! 老板:我进价都不止这个数啊,卖不了&& 2:我有次去买羊肉串 伸出4个手指对老板说&来3根羊肉串& 老板蒙了&几根?& 我又伸出3个手指说&4根&&& 3:我们的总经理姓周,一次他打电话来,我正开车,一紧张张口就说:&周总理&&& 4:中午做饭,妈妈给我一盆胡萝卜:&去,把胡萝卜切成肉丁!&5.我记得我上高中时,见一要好的哥们在校门外买大饼吃,你们也知道嘛,高中时期用脑过度经常会饿,我就马上跑上去先是捶了他一下,然后就夺下他的大饼就啃了一口,还骂骂咧咧的说,真不够意气,买饼也不带我买一个,结果一口饼还没咽下去,抬眼一看才发现认错人了,这也就算了,我后来居然边说对不起还边把我咬了一口的那个大饼往那男的手里一塞就跑了,整个过程一气呵成!!! 记得当时跑回学校大门往回看时,那男的还站在摊子前手拿那个缺了个口的大饼发愣呢。我到现在有时候想起这事还忍不住捶自己两下!!!!6.买冰棍。1.5元。给老板10元。老板找零8.5元。然后把8.5元扔进垃圾桶。想想不对,又把冰棍扔进垃圾桶。手上留了一个冰糕纸&&寒 最后自己在那里翻垃圾桶~ 7:某日在米线店吃饭上得很慢很饿。终于按耐不住拍桌咆哮之,本来是想说再不上米线我就把桌子掀了! 结果说成:&老板!!!!再不上米线我就把桌子吃了!!!!& 全店沉默3秒后爆笑到桌子下面&&丢人&& 8.一天,我和表哥去赶公交车,好不容易等来一辆,可车上的人太多了,前门根本就挤不上.我们只好在前门刷了卡,从后门上车,可车上的人实在太多,后门也挤不上. 于是,司机大哥就和我们商量:&我先发动车,慢点开,你们跟在车后面跑跑.&我和表哥这个纳闷啊:这算什么办法啊?可也没有办法,只有跟在车屁股 后面跑.眼看车开出大概有十来米,忽然一个急刹车,车上的乘客把持不住身体,全部倒向车的前面去了,后门一下子腾出好大一块地方.这时,司机大哥得意地招 呼我们:&快上,快上......& 9:本人姓朱,管理单位机房。有次有人打我手机:&鸡科长,你在猪房吗?&当时狂骂那家伙一顿 10:单位祝词,一位领导说:&祝大家身体愉快&&&憋住,没词了。 11:爸妈吵架,我爸气的说了句:"我给你滚出去!" 12:高中的时候打篮球,A得球后,无私的传给了B,B轻松进球.过了一会,B得球,A大声喊着把球传给他.B却自己把球投出.结果A大怒喊到:刚才真是瞎了我的狗眼&& 全场笑晕 13:大学的时候,我们问一个哥们曼联的战况如何,他激动的说:&曼联输了,贝克汉姆领到两张黄盘下场了!& 14:印象里小学时的班长极其严肃,一次自习课,教室里人声鼎沸,班长维护了几次秩序之后终于忍无可忍,站起来一拍桌子怒吼道:谁再吵,把他嘴打断!!!&&全班肃静 15:刚上大学,军训,连长不知道是哪里的口音,喊口令&&&向左钻!&&向右钻!& 16:高二时,我们的语文老师是一个刚从南昌调到北京的老教师,他的口音特重.他的儿子靠上了清华建筑系,这也是他来北京的目的,他特为他儿子骄傲,总和我们说起他儿子,每次都这么说&偶(我)蛾(儿)子是青蛙(清华)大学蟾蜍(建筑)系的&... 蛾子如果到了青蛙和蟾蜍那里,不就成了点心了吗... 17. 修理电脑时,一口痰吐到了主机箱里,结果电脑弹出发现新硬件~ 18. 一人正骑车飞驰,忽听有人唱:gogogo,心想:靠,我也会,啊累啊累只听轰的一声摔在沟里,这时旁边的人说:**,告诉你沟沟沟,还骑19:昨一同事问我。节日的节怎么写?我回答:草字头下面加一个节日的节去掉草字头!全体人员爆笑!我还一时没有反应过来~~~~~~~! 20:和领导等众人喝酒,举起酒杯大声道:&让我们同归于尽吧!&当时脑子太热了...... 21:老板,有没有手纸充饥卡? 22:记得有一次去买一种叫伊丽莎白的水果,我张口就说:老板,莎士比亚多少钱?老板当场就呆了 23:经理开会一般对抽烟的说:抽烟的都掐死!! 24.一兄弟上厕所,结果误入女厕,进去之后发现没有小便池,感觉不对,幸好女厕内没有人。他便若无其事地走出来。正在开门的时候,遇到一mm进来,那mm和他打一照面,脸一红,头一低,转身钻男厕去了。25.高中时候,班里一哥们,1981年生,不大,就是特老相...... 以下是他坐公交时发生的一点事情: 高二时候,这哥们座公交去学校,因为路途长,百无聊赖的时候,邻座的一个35岁左右的男人跟他搭话,那人张嘴就来句:&大哥,去哪里?& 这哥们也许是平常遭遇这样的待遇多了,也并不万分惊奇,颇平静的回答:&三中&。那男人第二句话:&噢,去看孩子吧?孩子上学挺苦的......& 那哥们脸部抽搐了一下,没吭声。 第三句话:&大哥,你孩子上几年纪了?&那哥们是真烦了,也不解释,顺口来了句:&高一& 这个时候,经典出现了。那男人异常惊奇地瞪大眼睛看着那哥们,看了足足十秒钟,来了句:&大哥,那您结婚可是挺晚的啊!& 26.早上赶公共汽车,到站台的时候,汽车已经启动了。于是我只好边追边喊:&师傅,等等我!师傅,等等我呀!& 这时一乘客从车窗探出头来冲我说了一句:&悟空你就别追了。&27.我上大学时跳过一个巨可怕的集体舞,需要急速摔倒、高...
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