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一个是美国NIKE公司的品牌.是MICHAEL JORDAN代言的.中国也出了个无赖品牌,叫QIAODAN.使中国消费者以为他们之间有关系.但.我可以告诉你.是完全没有关系的
扫描下载二维码亚锦赛球衣有趣一幕 约旦球衣出现俩“乔丹”
约旦(音同乔丹)身着中国乔丹体育赞助球衣比赛讯 北京时间8月8日消息,亚锦赛上,身披中国品牌赞助球衣的球队并不在少数。而最“奇葩”的,莫过于上届亚锦赛亚军约旦男篮。这支球队由中国品牌乔丹体育赞助,于是在球衣上便出现了有趣的场景。众所周知,约旦的国名为Jordan,而在球衣的正面,也印着Jordan。某种程度上来说此Jordan起到了双关的作用,既是约旦国名的那个Jordan,又映射乔丹体育的那个Jordan。同时乔丹体育的那个logo标志,也赫然出现在了球衣之上。不过作为上届亚锦赛的亚军,本届亚锦赛上约旦队并没有派出全部的主力,阿巴斯,等中国球迷熟知的名将都未能参加,因此球队的战绩也是差强人意。勉强以E组第4的身份杀入8进4的淘汰赛后,已被伊朗淘汰。值得一提的是,在八强战中淘汰约旦的伊朗男篮,也是由某中国品牌赞助。而亚锦赛上中国体育品牌所赞助的球队,已然成为一道亮丽的风景线。
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v9.14 a-d-e-1Rania: The Rose of Jordan|拉尼娅:约旦玫瑰-关于人物的英语作文-英语作文-小荷作文网
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Rania: The Rose of Jordan|拉尼娅:约旦玫瑰
It is late afternoon&that time when children grow restless and become hungry. And so Queen Rania of Jordan&Her Majesty to her subjects, Mama to her four young children with King Abdullah&sets about preparing supper with the help of her daughters, princesses Iman, 9, and Salma, 5. As the girls and their mom work, a nanny looks after 10-month-old Prince Hashem, while King Abdullah&dressed in his off-duty uniform&appears briefly in the family's newly built palace in Amman. Nearby, the couple's eldest son, 11 year-old Prince Hussein, plays a computer game. “I am influenced by my son,” the queen says with a laugh. “I listen to everything from 50 Cent1& to Coldplay2& to Alicia Keys3& to Norah Jones.4 ”
Yes, Her Majesty Queen Rania&at 35, the world's youngest queen, who presides with her husband over a kingdom that dates back several thousand years&is a Coldplay fan. She's also a fashion designer's darling, a Desperate Housewives5& fan and an outspoken6& advocate7& in her Muslim country for long-taboo8& causes like women's rights and victims of child abuse. Whether commanding much attention at the 2004 World Economic Forum or just sitting on the floor with a dozen children watching a puppet9& show, Rania, as she is called by her friends, “Is a good example of modern royalty,” says her friend Katie Couric. “She is such a terrific spokesperson for her country and the whole region. I admire her so much when I talk about her.”
Unlike her European counterparts10, the Kuwait-born Rania faces the hard task of balancing modern and ancient worlds. “She has to be aware of modern attitudes while not offending her own country's traditions and yet push just enough to ensure progress,” says her friend Pat Mitchell, president and CEO of PBS 11. Rania has used her Jordan River Foundation to establish the country's first-ever center for abused children and to promote small loans for women starting their own businesses&moves that might have offended Jordan's male-dominated society, were it not for her smooth political charms. Says Mitchell:“She has threaded the needle very carefully.”
The balancing act extends to her 12-year marriage, itself a unique mix of traditional and modern mores12 . Rania praises Abdullah's “really good” barbecue13& he admires her modern decorating sense in the hilltop palace they moved into last year. Yet in a region where women traditionally have little say in what happens around them, “she has a natural ability to communicate without offending,” says Abdullah, 43, who unexpectedly ascended the throne14& in 1999.& (His mother is Hussein's second wife, Princess Muna.) “We really work as a team,” he says. “She covers areas that I am unable to dedicate much time to.”
Rania says she relies on her own background to connect with her countrymen&and women. “I understand where they are coming from,” she says. “I am a product of this society and I can relate to them.” She was born the middle of three children to pediatrician15& Faisal Yasin, 71, and his homemaker16& wife.
After earning a business degree from the American University in Cairo, Rania's life changed forever in January 1993, when she attended a dinner party given by Abdullah's sister Princess Aisha. “The minute Rania walked in, I knew it was meant to be,”says Abdullah, who was an army officer at the time. “It was love at first sight.” His wife is more careful. “I knew he was King Hussein's son, and I was a bit wary17 of that,” she says. “But I think he was quite interested, and he tried very hard to gain my attention and things happened.” Five months later the pair married. “It was quick,” says Rania, speaking in flawless English. (Arabic is her first language.) She says because she wasn't famous the romance blossomed naturally: “Nobody knew who I was, which was good.”
Her anonymity18& didn't last long, particularly after King Hussein's 1999 death. Since then, Hussein's widow, the American-born Queen Noor, spends most of her time in the U.S. and London.
In the years following Abdullah's ascension, the royal couple says they have tried to remain as they were before they became monarchs. “We make sure to go to restaurants or go catch a movie somewhere, drive our own cars,” says Rania, who often picks up her children from school. Safety issues are always in the back of her mind&the late King Hussein, who faced opposition for his moderate views, survived several assassination19& attempts&but“it's not something I think about on a day-to-day basis,” she says.
Instead, the modern queen focuses on priorities: family and work. “You have to think about everything happening around you,”she says. “Only by doing this can you achieve a positive result.”
The full name of Jordan is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan located in the Middle East. It is a constitutional monarchy with representative government.
The majority of Jordan's 5.8 million people are Arabs descended from the various tribes that have migrated to the area over the years from all directions. More than 92% of Jordanians are Sunni Muslims, and about 6% are Christians.
Amman has served as the modern and ancient capital of Jordan. It is built on seven hills. Most of Amman's noteworthy history sites are clustered20& in the downtown area, such as: the ancient Citadel, the Great Temple of Amman, the Jordan Archeological Museum, the Roman Theater and the King Hussein Mosque, etc.
The River Jordan
The Jordan River, or River Jordan is one of the most sacred places, both historically and symbolically, for Christians throughout the world. It is associated with some of the most important events in the Bible.
The Dead Sea
The Dead Sea is 75 km long and from 6 to 16 km wide. It is fed by the Jordan River, but it has no outlet. As its name suggests, the Dead Sea is entirely devoid21 of plant and animal life. This is due to an extremely high content of salt and other minerals.
The Dead Sea is also famous geographically as “the lowest point on earth”, lying some 400 meters below sea level. It is today an important and rich source of minerals essential for agricultural and industrial development as well as for the treatment of various medical conditions such as psoriasis22.
是的,35岁的拉尼娅王后陛下与丈夫共同统治着这个拥有几千年历史的王国。她是世界上最年轻的王后。她既是酷玩乐队的乐迷,也是服装设计师的宠儿,还是《疯狂主妇》的忠实观众。她在这个穆斯林国家公然倡导维护妇女和受虐儿童的权利,这可是人们长期以来所忌讳的一个事情。她不仅在2004年世界经济论坛上引起众人的关注,还与孩子们一起坐在地板上看木偶剧。拉尼娅(朋友们这样称呼她)“成了现代王权的典范”, 她的好友凯蒂&库丽克如此评价她:“她业已成为这个国家,乃至整个地区的出色代言人。一谈起她,我对她钦佩不已。”
1. 50 Cent: 五十美分,原名柯提斯&杰克逊,美国著名的黑人说唱歌手。
2. Coldplay: 酷玩乐队(享誉英美,乃至全球的著名英国乐队,曾获四项格莱美大奖)
3. Alicia Keys: 阿莉西亚&吉丝(美国新生代女歌手,曾获R&B四个奖项)
4. Norah Jones: 诺拉&琼斯(爵士乐歌后,2003年曾以Come away with me获得两项格莱美大奖)
5. Desperate Housewives: 《疯狂主妇》或《绝望主妇》,美国时下热播的电视连续剧,美国艾美奖获奖剧目。
6. outspoken adj. 坦率直言的,直言不讳的
7. advocate& n. 拥护者,提倡者
8. taboo n. 禁忌,避讳
9. puppet &n. 木偶
10. counterpart& &n. 对应的人
11. PBS: Public Broadcasting Service (美国)公共广播公司
12. mores& &n. 道德观念
13. barbecue& &n. 烧烤
14. ascend the throne (君主)登基
ascend& &v. 登上
15. pediatrician& &n. 儿科医生
16. homemaker& n. 主妇
17. wary& adj. 谨慎的,警惕的
18. anonymity& n. 匿名,姓名不详
19. assassination& n. 暗杀,行刺
20. cluster &v. 群集
21. devoid& &adj. 全无的,缺乏的
22. psoriasis& &n. 牛皮癣,银屑病Everyone’s Money Book
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