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  有关于赌博的一些知识大家都知道了没,比如以下的:  21点:blackJack  庄家:dealer  花牌:face Cards  胀死:bust  玩家:player  平手: push  下注: wager  叫牌: hit  停叫: stay  翻倍停叫: double down  天生21点、黑杰克: blackJack  保险: insurance  分牌: split  投降: surrender  赔率: odds  牌的付数: decker  算牌: card counting  庄家停叫: dealer stands on  五牌自动胜:Five card Charlie  A牌投降:Early surrender against ace  10点投降:Early surrender against ten  一对A分牌后可以加牌:Player may draw to split aces  六牌自动胜:Six card Charlie  一对A分牌后可以再分牌:Player may resplit aces  两张牌后仍可以对10点投降:Late surrender against ten  七牌自动胜:Six card Charlie  两张牌后仍可以对A投降:Late surrender against ace  只能分牌成两手:Resplit to only 2 hands  庄家不检查天生21点:A出现:No-peek: ace showing  玩家只能在9-11点翻倍:Player may double on 9-11 only  庄家不检查天生21点:10点出现:No-peek: ten showing  玩家不能再次分牌:Player may not resplit  玩家分牌后不能翻倍:Player may not double after splitting  玩家只能在10点11点翻倍:Player may double on 10,11 only  庄家在软17点叫牌:Dealer hits on soft 17  天生21点赔6:5:Blackjack pays 6-5  玩家在17点平手输:Player loses 17 ties  玩家在17,18点平手输:Player loses 17,18 ties  玩家在17-19平手输:Player loses 17-19 ties]  玩家在17-20平手输:Player loses 17-20 ties  玩家在17-21平手输:Player loses 17-21 ties  单手游戏:single hand  多手游戏:Multiple hand  换牌21点:Blackjack Switch  提前投降:early surrender  后来投降:late surrender  超级七点:super sevens  同花配:royal match  花牌同花:royal match  普通同花:easy match  连胜:Streak  大于/小于13:Over/Under 13  绝对对子:pair square  平手赔:tie bet  甜蜜16点:Sweet Sixteen  挑战对子:Dare any pair  幸运女神:Lady Luck  奖金21点:Bonus Blackjack  累计奖金21点:progressive blackjack  三管齐下:three way action  双生21点:twin blackjack  完美对子:Perfect Pairs  幸运21点:Bonanza Blackjack  高/低:Hi/LowPoker  7牌同花顺: 7 cards stud  德州同花顺扑克:Texas Hold’Em  标盘:button  底注:ante  盲注:blind  开牌:the open  跟注:call  加注:raise  看注:check  封牌:fold  共牌:community card  拍底:the flop  转底:the turn  河底:the river  底牌:pocket card  门牌:door card  第三路:third street  第四路:forth street  第五路:fifth street  第六路:sixth street  转牌: the turn  三同点:trip(le)  头牌:head card  同花:flush  两可: draw  顺子:straight  边张顺子:outside straight  中张顺子:inside straight  表露:tell  虚张声势:bluff  换牌扑克:draw poker  花牌同花顺 :royal flush  四同点:four of a kind  满堂红: full house  万能牌:wild card  旁观:sitting out  底池:the pot  轮空:pass  抛牌:discard  换牌:Replacements  闲牌中决定大小的:kicker  成手:name card  轮盘赌:Roulette  直注:Straight bet  分注:split bet  路注:street bet  角注:corner bet  线注:line bet  列注:column bet  12注:dozen bet  对注: even bet  入牢:en prison色子:crap  掷手:shooter  出场掷:come out roll  垃圾点:crap  基本点:the point  镇盘:puck  通过注: Pass bet  通过线: pass line  不通过注: don’t pass bet  不通过线: don’t pass line  来注: come bet  不来注: don’t come bet  机会注:Odds bet  压数注:Place Number bet  预测注:preposition bet  放注:Place bet  买注:buy bet  置注:lay bet  失注:lost bet  补注:Put Bet  大6: big 6  大8: big 8  难4: hard 4  难6: hard 6  难8: hard 8  难10: hard 10  易4: easy 4  易6: easy 6  易8: easy 8  易10: easy 10  任何垃圾点注:Any Craps bet  范围注:field bet  跳注: hop bet  角注: horn bet  赌2:2 bet  赌3:3 bet  赌7:7 bet  赌11: 11 bet  赌12: 12 bet  置注机会注:lay odds  买注机会注:buy odds  赢注:win bet  输注:lose bet  百家乐:  平手注:Tie bet  走势:Riding Trends  牌九:Pai Gow  低手:low hand  前手:front hand  高手:high hand  后手:back hand  犯规: foul  拷贝: copy  合作坐庄:co-bank  赌场代做:house way  任逍遥:let it ride;free ride  红利:bonus  边注:Side bet  扑克翻花:Poker persuit  加勒比扑克:Caribbean Poker  叫:call  够格:qualify  奖池游戏:progressive game  网络同花顺:cyberstud  岛国累计奖同花顺扑克:Island Progressive Stud Poker  电动扑克:video poker  杰克及更好:Jack or better  万能两点:Duce wild  全美国式:all american  万能小丑:Joker wild  五同点:five of a kind  A和花牌:Aces and Faces  10点或更好:ten or better  万能2点及小丑牌:Deuces and joker wild  双万能小丑:Double joker  双倍奖金:double bonus  超级大奖:super jackpot  翻倍:double up  减半翻倍:half double up  大扳手:Megajack  奖金扑克:Bonus Poker  万能7点:Sevens wild  轻松2点:loose deuces  全揽扑克:Pick’em Poker  额外奖金万能2点:bonus Duce wild  A和8:Aces and eights  豪华奖金扑克:Bonus Poker Deluxe  红利黑桃:bonus spades  冲击波:shock waves  双翻:double up  老虎机:slot  转轮:wheel  赔付线:payline  松:loose  紧:tight  繁华区:strip  非繁华区:off strip  市中心:downtown  转:spin  符号:symbol  动态老虎机:variable slot  押宝:sic bo  色子点值:Dice Face  两个色子点值:Two Faces  总点值:totals  赌大小:small or big  特定三同点:triple  任何三同点:any triple  两点组合:Two of a kind  金路:keno  选13:Pick 13  选:pick  红狗:red dog  跨度:spread  平手:tie  下注法:betting system  机会成熟学说:the doctrine of the maturity of the chances  蒙特卡罗谬论:Monte Carlo fallacy  倍注诀窍体系:Martingale system  取消下注法:The cancellation betting system  老式人的色子下注法:An Old Timer’s Guide to Beating the Craps Table  混沌学说:chaos  不规则碎片理论:fractal3-5-7  扑克:3-5-7 Poker  投降:surrender  电子赛马:derby  赌前两名:quinella  扑克战:battle, royale  软件介绍:  真钱模式:play for real  娱乐模式:play for fun  杀手鲸: killer whale  金钱轮盘:money wheel  六六大顺:Big 6  刮刮卡:scratch card  三牌扑克:three card poker  底注:ante  对注:pairplus  加勒比21:Caribbean 21  浮漂:Pontoon  西班牙21:Spanish 21点  全亮21点:Double Exposure  超级21:Super 21  宾果:Bingo  疯狂T型:Crazy T’s  疯狂L型:Crazy L’s  疯狂U型:Crazy U’s  超级宾果:Super Bingo  弹球游戏:Pachinko  王牌组合:King of the Deck
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