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They were dubbed 'nai...
以下内容均来自reddit:主帖:怎么这么多球员都跑到中国踢球了?这世界是怎么了?ArsenalLSB123“Asamoah Gyan nets £227,000-a-week contract to become one of world's top earning players”“吉安周薪227000镑,成为世界上排的上号的高薪球员之一” [–]Liverpoolxves93
This is mental. I actually didn't know Ronaldo and Messi were on around 600k pounds per week. That is absolutely nuts. 疯了啊。我之前还不知道C罗和梅西能拿差不多60万镑一周。真他娘的刺激。[–]Western Sydney WanderersOstapBenderBeyDoesn't every kid dream of playing for Shanghai International Port Group FC? Or Tianjin Economic Technological Development Area FC?难道不都是“儿-上海国际港口集团队-梦”或者“儿-足球队-梦”的吗? [–]Western Sydney Wandererssuperduperspam 31 指標 2小時前
or the Western Sydney Wanderers! 或者儿悉梦! [–]Internazionalenarron25 2 指標 52 minutes ago
As someone who grew up in Tianjin, yes I did dream about playing for Tianjin TEDA. 作为一个天津长大的孩子,我的确梦想过为效力。[–]Liverpooldog_west 45 指標 3小時前 Money.一个字:钱[–]Newcastle Unitednorthdancer 1 指標 2小時前 Same reason why people go to Qatar for work跟很多人跑去打工一样[–]ArsenalGoonerJake 12 指標 3小時前 Glory.为了荣耀![–]passfish 0 指標 4小時前 Everyone knows that if you want true fame and respect in football, you have to have played in china.谁都知道,如果你为了赢得名声和尊重,那得去中国踢球。[–]AC Milanimprob[S] 8 指標 1 天前 Have no idea but i have heard that it may be a way for Chinese businessmen to launder their own money. First it was Guangzhou who focused on landing stars from Europe, then Shanghai Shenhua and now Hebei Fortune, Jiangsu Sainty and a couple other teams as well我不知道,不过我听说中国商人会借来洗钱。最开始是不断从欧洲买巨星的广州恒大,然后就是和现在的江苏苏宁、河北华夏幸福,还有其他的一些球队。[–]Chinataofennanhai 10 指標 1 天前 Most of the investors in Chinese football aren't doing shady business so they don't need to launder their money through player deals. I think there is an exception though that is Tianjin Quanjin, who has definitely earned the money through some mostly illegal pyramid scheme selling.大部分中国界的老板们都不是搞那些不可告人的买卖的,所以他们不需要去洗钱。我认为权健可能是例外,他们的钱都是搞传销赚来的。
Most of the business in this window is being conducted by Jiangsu who have new owners. That's why there has been a lot of moves made for players this window.Money as always is the reason they agree to go.这个转会窗的交易基本都是新入主的江苏苏宁在兴风作浪啊。这也导致了很频繁的人员流动。钱还是这些球员愿意去中国踢球的原因。[–]Kaizer ChiefsPostius 3 指標 1小時前 Most will say the money which is true offcourse but this does not answer the question of WHY.Why is because China wants to become a atleast top 10 nation in soccer. This is a official party guideline (and what the party wants basicly is law). China wants to be one of the top countries in the world (in some regards they already are, for example production). However they not only want to be a great producer of our junk and stuff they want to have a positive world image etc. One of the ways to do this is good achievements in sports area's that are populair around the world. Football is one of the most obvious. So they are currently pumping a lot of money in the chinese football and academies. They know they currently suck, they also have learned that with their populaition, some western knowledge and their discipline you can become the best in the world at a lot of stuff.I honestly woudnt be surprised if 10-20 years from know China is a regular top 10 of the world. It sounds a bit ridiculous but do not underestimate how strongly willed the chinese can be once they set their mind on something (in line with the party directives).许多人球员蜂拥到中国都是为了钱,没错,但为什么是中国?因为他们足球TOP10内的国家。这是官方的发展大计(河蟹河蟹河蟹)。中国想成为世界上最屌的国家之一(某种程度上已经是了,比如出口产品)。但是他们不单想成为一个出口大国,还希望成为一个形象正面的国家。其中一个手段就是在有影响力的体育项目上取得突破,第一选择自然是足球了。所以他们现在在足球领域包括青训上猛地烧钱。中国人当然知道现在他们的足球很烂,但是他们也明白他们利用庞大的人口,西方的经验以及与生俱来的纪律性,可以办成很多漂亮的事情。讲真,如果中国队在10-20内跃升到世界的top10,我一点也不会感到意外。虽然听着有点荒唐,但别低估了中国人办事的决心(在党的领导下)。[–]Liverpoolimwatters 3 指標 2小時前 China actually takes football seriously. They have big ambitions.中国人对待足球真不是闹着玩的。他们雄心勃勃啊。
But they will still be shit with the lack of infrastructure and youth training. Kids are often discouraged from chasing their football dreams. In addition, there's tons of corruption and match fixing. China will never ever be a great footballing country. 不过他们的基础设施和青训还是很糟糕。儿足梦总是被无情打击。加上贪污和假球,中国足球永无辉煌之日。[–]Chelseacyberguy5 1 指標 3小時前 Heard the food's pretty good.因为听说东西好吃。[–]Eintracht Frankfurtafito 1 指標 3小時前 Yeah if you look at the transfers at the domestical transfers in China, there were several Chinese players you've never heard about (and probably never will) being bought for 7m, 10m, 12m, prices that are significant even for Euroepan teams. There has to be more to the whole story but I can't find anything on it, most is talking about how their market will soon collapse due to the stock crisis but in return they just spend more and more.如果你看看中国联赛的本土球员转会,有些你根本连名字都没听过(或者永远也不会听说过)的球员被卖出700万镑,1000万镑,1200万镑,放欧洲这边来肯定都被强势围观了。这些奇葩的数字肯定还有我找不到了,大家都在说他们股市崩盘了球市也跟着死翘翘,然而他们继续买买买...[–]Bournemouthhmunkey 1 指標 2小時前 The team owners are losing so much money it's ridiculous. Their TV deals are worth something like $15m a year per team…他们那些俱乐部老板都在亏钱的啊,好奇怪。中超的电视转播分成摊到每支球队上也就一年1500万美元左右...
[–]Malm? FF2002_the_yearoflinux 1 指標 4小時前 idk but i always loved chinese culture and food and feel really connected to china so in case the league becomes really popular, any advice on which team to follow?不管了,我一直都喜欢中国文化,感觉和中国很有缘。现在中国联赛这么火爆,大家介绍几支球队我粉一粉吼不吼啊? [–]Southamptonjoethesaint 8 指標 4小時前* Well you're a Malmo fan, who I see as the Manchester United of Sweden. The Manchester United of China is Guangzhou Evergrande. They have Ricardo Goulart and Paulinho and they're managed by Scolari so they're really strong. Last season they had Elkeson as well.Elkeson just moved to Shanghai SIPG, who are managed by Sven Goran Eriksson (Swedish - there's a connection for you), and also have Asamoah Gyan and Tobias Hysen (Swedish) never mind they just sold him.Then there's Beijing Guoan who are state-owned and play at the pretty massive &Workers Stadium&, which I find amusing. They have Renato Augusto and Kleber.That's all I've bothered to learn so far.Edit: Hysen got sold about half an hour after I posted.喏,你是马尔默的粉丝,在我看来马尔默就是瑞典联赛的曼联。“中国曼联”就是广州恒大了。他们有高拉特和保利尼奥,主教练是斯科拉里,够猛!上赛季还有埃尔克森。埃尔克森刚转会到上海上港,主教练是埃里克松(你老乡),球员有吉安,海森(刚卖了)。然后还有北京国安,国企控股球队,主场是我觉得蛮有意思的气势如虹的“工人体育场”,他们有奥古斯托和克莱伯。我就知道这么多了... [–]LiverpoolDecapre-Sun 2 指標 2小時前
Guangzhou almost always have amazing kits, always try and get one from my girlfriends cousin.恒大的球衣总是很赞啊,我老是想从女友她表妹那搞一件来...----------------------------------------------------------------------
官方:热鸟转会河北华夏幸福[–]BenficaJPVazLouro_SLB 23 指標 4小時前 But did he get a private beach tho?给他提供私人海滩了吗?[–]BenficaJPVazLouro_SLB 8 指標 15小時前 But does he also get an helicopter tho?直升机也有吧?[–]uniy64 9 指標 15小時前 Nah, no one can get a helicopter in Hebei. Too close to capital you know.不,在河北搞部直升机那不作死吗。离北京太近了,你懂的[–]AS RomaDurban-Poison-10 5 指標 17小時前 I'll miss Gervi, on form he was very exciting. He is going to rip defenses in that league apart with his pace and dribbling.我会想念热鸟的,他的状态很好。他到了中超以他的速度和技术肯定能把那的后卫日个遍[–]Arsenal14Deadsouls 3 指標 13小時前 Always able to burst past and dribble through defenses that didn't know what to expect next.Mostly because he himself didn't know what to do next.总是能把后卫过掉,然后发生啥事就不知道了大部分时间他自己都不知道下一步该干什么
[–]CelticANuclearError 2 指標 11小時前 Huh, Wiki has their captin as Du Wei.Christ that name brings back bad memories.啊哈,维基了一下原来那支球队的队长是杜威我的天,不堪回首的往事。[–]Pumas7sqr 1 指標 5小時前 With his name maybe they thought he was Brazilian.这名字,大概他们以为他是巴西人吧[–]AS Romazachbquick 7 指標 2小時前 He was an infuriating player to watch, but he was bizarrely effective at times. Glad to see him go, but I wish him the best.他有时让你怒火焚身,偶尔让你欲罢不能。好走不送,一路平安。[–]BenficaPinPanPum 45 指標 5小時前 And FIFA just loses one of the best pacers of the gameSuch a sad dayFIFA(这里应该指的是游戏)又失去了球场上的一位田径好手悲伤的一天... [–]Arsenalkirikiriki 15 指標 3小時前 Gervinho and Ibarbo both out of Europe热鸟和伊巴尔博都离开欧洲了
[–]FC Energie Cottbus00Laser 4 指標 2小時前 colombian league is in FIFA tho哥们,哥伦比亚联赛也是FIFA的好么...[–]JuventusCanta15 5 指標 2小時前 I don't understand why he is leaving while still in his prime.我不理解为什么他还在美好年华中就这么离开了 [–]WolvesDingle_bells 5 指標 2小時前 MONEY钱
[–]JuventusCanta15 5 指標 2小時前 Ah now i do.啊这我就懂了[–]WolvesDingle_bells 4 指標 2小時前 Oh he is going to love life in Hebei. Lovely green and lush scenery, fresh air, friendly locals, and absolutely no problems with food safety whatsoever.噢,他要去享受生活了。自然豪华的美景,干净的空气,友好的当地人,当然再也不会吃坏肚子了。
拉米雷斯即将转会江苏苏宁[–]EstoniaDontEatTheChildren 10 指標 7小時前 Why do these Chinese super league clubs overpay for these players?怎么中超球队都愿意花这么多钱搞这些球员去?[–]Chelseafuckyouidontneedone 2 指標 7小時前 Because it's a price no one else would match and one we can't say no to因为这个价钱几乎没人能够匹配,真有这等好事我们也没办法说不。[–]RangersBelvedre 2 指標 6小時前 But surely they could have gotten him for less then 25 million我觉得他们可以以低于2500万镑的价格得到他[–]Chelseafuckyouidontneedone 2 指標 6小時前 Eh, we're not exactly a club that has to sell players that see minutes.They needed to literally make us an offer we couldn't refuse额,我们不是那种为了钱就会卖即战力的球队。他们要撸就拿钱来砸吧。[–]ChelseaPandaWrestler 7 指標 7小時前 Because players like him are superstars in that league and not many players are willing to go there unless they are past their primes physically and cant compete in top leagues.像拉米雷斯这种球员到那些联赛那就是王旭的级别了,很少有球员愿意去那里,除非他们巅峰已过,已经不能再适应顶级联赛。[–]Vancouver Whitecapskurtios 5 指標 6小時前 Surely Chelsea would've let him go for less than £25 million though? Outrages wages, fine, but the reported transfer fees seem high too.少于2500万镑切尔西肯定不会放人吧?好吧,貌似报道那边的报价真挺高的。[–]Chelseajoepo32 1 指標 1小時前 He did just sign a new 4 contract a couple months ago. It's what probably drove up his price.他几个月前才新签了4年合约,身价自然水涨船高了。[–]AC MilanPippoPLZ 27 指標 1 天前 Yeah, not happening, same deal as Luiz Adriano, Gervinho I guess.切,不可能,我感觉也就跟阿德里亚诺和热鸟一样。(注:然而鼻涕哥已经来中超了,虽然去的是华夏)[–]AC MilanTorehe 21 指標 1 天前 Its rumoured Jiangsu doesen't guarantee wages every week. Thats why they have failed to sign Gervinho, Luiz Adriano and Guarin.传闻苏宁给的是没有保障的周薪合同。这也是他们没能够拿下热鸟,阿诺和瓜林的原因。[–]Newcastle Unitedyour_pet_is_average 1 指標 1 天前 How does that work? They just say, &sorry, this week is a non-guaranteed week, come back next Tuesday.&?这是咋搞的的?“不好意思,这周不是保障周,下周二请早?”[–]AC MilanTorehe 1 指標 1 天前 Probably if they get into Financial troubles, or if you're not performing.应该是以防他们突然遇上资金困难,或者你没有上场比赛的时候能省着点花吧。[–]Stoke City_TAFKAR_ 5 指標 1 天前 Chinese clubs have been doing a lot recently.中国的球队这段时间动静好大啊[–]ChelseaRyRyLloyd 9 指標 1 天前 To me, a legend. Will always remember 'that' lob at the Nou Camp, will be engraved into the history of the club because of that.对于我来说,拉米雷斯就是传奇。我会记得在诺坎普的那记挑射,这个进球会被载入俱乐部的史册。[–]BenficaJPVazLouro_SLB 2 指標 1 天前 Wish he doesn't go and doesn't ruin his career希望他别走,别毁了自己的职业生涯[–]Chelseafuckyouidontneedone 76 指標 1 天前 I love Rambo and we're definitely light in midfield but £25mio is about 2x what his value is.Kind of have to sell我很喜欢拉米雷斯,我们中场也很缺人手。但是2500万镑差不多是他身价的两倍。还是卖了吧[–]Liverpoolfartballoon 24 指標 1 天前 Giving them the budget to outbid us on Teix...钱到手他们又来截胡抢特谢...[–]ArsenalBoredSausage 40 指標 1 天前 Just wondering, aside from the massive wages, what is the appeal of playing in China?纯粹好奇,除了赚很多钱,去踢中超有什么乐趣可言?
[–]Corinthians86753Onieeine 477 指標 1 天前 Really really really massive wages.是很多很多很多炒鸡多钱。[–]Stabaekmotown_philly 209 指標 1 天前 &A chance to influence the footballing culture of one of the greatest countries in the world& or whatever people say when players go to the MLS.“一次到世界上响当当的国家进行足球扶贫的机会”大概跟那些到美职联踢球的球员说的差不多[–]wayv__ 142 指標 1 天前 &The standard of play is higher than I expected and improving all the time&“这里的足球水平比我想象中要高,而且不断在进步”[–]Tottenham HotspurNatrolleonBonaparte 28 指標 1 天前 Peking Duck为了北京烤鸭[–]PhilippinesEyeSpyGuy 10 指標 1 天前 Peking duck is one of the legit best things ever. I would move to Beijing for it北京烤鸭简直人间极品。我愿意为了它移居北京。[–]Stoke Citysam3123 93 指標 1 天前 The contrast between the threads of players signing for Asian clubs and the likes of Giovinco singing for MLS clubs is staggering. One group chase the money to some footballing backwater, the other is buliding a football culture. Amazing这些签约亚洲俱乐部的球员,包括加盟MLS的乔文科,他们的合同里的薪金真是令人目瞪口呆。不过一边是为了捞钱,另一边是为了打造足球文化。真刺激。[–]BarcelonaSoupBowl69 3 指標 1 天前 Pretty much the top voted comment in every thread about a player signing for an MLS team is &enjoy retirement.&很多关于球员签约MLS球队的最亮评论是“退休快乐”...[–]Chelseanewyorkzola 39 指標 1 天前 I'll preface my statement by saying I love Chinese football. I attended Chengdu Blades games as a boy and have gone to a handful of Guoan games in the last couple years. I've also attended more MLS games than most fans of European teams.However, the MLS is on a different level of not just play, but professionalism. There is (AFAIK) much less corruption in the MLS and greater dedication (and success) in developing youngsters. Furthermore, instances like Drogba not getting paid at Shenghua would never happen in the United States. 先说明:我热爱中国足球。我还是小孩的时候看过几场成都谢菲联的比赛,过去几年也看了不少北京国安的比赛。我还没少看MLS的比赛,比某些欧洲俱乐部的球迷看的比赛还要多。但是,MLS和中国联赛相比不在一个水平上,除了球场上的竞技水准,还有他们的专业化。据我所知,MLS远不如中国联赛如此腐败,也在青少年培养上化了更多功夫(也更成功)。还有就是像爪巴在申花被欠薪这种事情放MLS是肯定不会发生的。[–]Portland Timberssixtycoffees 9 指標 1 天前 Honestly, I know people are just saying &money money money,& but there is also the appeal of being a big fish in a little pond. In the PL, Ramires was a solid player, but not really one who would ever win any major accolades or be regarded as a superstar. In China, however, he can be a star and become one of the faces of the league.讲真,我知道很多人说都是为了钱,不过也有一个可能是为了那种“鹤立鸡群”的成就感。在英超,拉米雷斯是个不错的球员,不过真不是那种拿奖拿到手软的巨星。在中国踢球的话,那他就是妥妥的明星,联赛代言人的水准了。
It's a cool country. Very safe, lots to see.那里不错啊。很安全,很多新鲜东西看。[–]Tottenham HotspurNatrolleonBonaparte 35 指標 1 天前 Not so safe for your lungs though.但对你的肺不太安全。[–]MiddlesbroughCramer02 20 指標 1 天前 Its alright he can just keep buying new lungs with the wages.没事,那份工资够换好几次肺的。[–]RC StrasbourgWeale 6 指標 1 天前 Are Chinese clubs aware that they could offer half these amounts and it would still be enough to convince the clubs to sell?中国球队不知道付这一半的钱就能把他搞来吗?[–]Liverpoolr0bski2 13 指標 1 天前 How do Chelsea always manage to get so much money for all their players?!怎么他车老是能把自家球员卖个天价啊?[–]Real Madridtoosantos[S] 3 指標 1 天前 That's what I want to know!我也想知道![–]ChelseaAlcibiadesXI 20 指標 1 天前 Buy Ivanovic for £50M and we'll tell.五千万镑撸走伊万,然后告诉你。[–]JuventusSputniki 3 指標 1 天前 A lot of them are genuinely great players - KDB, Lukaku, Schurrle, Ramires would all walk into the first teams of a lot of clubs.他们中的很多人真心是好球员——德布劳内、卢卡库、许尔勒、拉米雷斯这些在其他很多球队都是能踢上主力的。Suning is this incredibly rich home appliance seller a kind of similar to Bestbuy or something. I think they recently bought the club so they want to show they have money to spend. Still I don't think Ramires would be much useful to a Chinese team. He's more likely the type of player that will shine more with more technical stars around, instead of functioning as the pivot for the team himself.苏宁是中国家电业巨头,有点像百思买那种。我感觉他们是刚收购了俱乐部像展示一下自己多有钱。而且我感觉拉米雷斯不是很适合中国球队。他更多属于那种给一堆巨星打下手才能踢好的球员,自己当核心就捉瞎了。
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官方:拉米雷斯签约苏宁 itsjuanito: Guarin, Ramires, and Gervinho all in one day 瓜林,拉米雷斯,还有热鸟,同一天去了中国。 matjaus: Ramires goes to China, his card will be expensive AF. Could this be an opportunity to hoard some Fernandinho's as a substitute? 拉米雷斯去中国了,他带来的收益是不菲的。现在是不是该从板凳球员中培养一些费尔南迪尼奥那样的球员了? MeetTheTwinAndreBen: Well, to be fair as a season it really did suck. The champions league run was magical 实话实说,这个赛季拉米雷斯踢的跟翔一样,当年欧冠的表现确实是梦幻般的 uknowSawyer: Well, the CL run was part of the season so I wouldn't say it sucked. Pretty sure winning the CL makes up for whatever else happens that season. 中超也算这个赛季的一部分,你不能说拉米雷斯整个赛季踢得跟翔一样。只要能在中超夺冠,其他的一切都不重要了。 Nefari0ussindia:I'd like a repeat Champion's League run...我去重温一下他在欧冠上的表现。fma891usa: Make some fucking money in China man, and then come back to Stamford Bridge whenever you want, even if it is just to watch the boys play a game. Always loved this guy. 中国土豪真他娘的有钱,随时欢迎拉米雷斯回到斯坦福桥,哪怕是回来看看这些孩子们踢比赛也行啊,永远喜欢这个家伙! wondermiteengland: I'm gonna miss him. 我已经准备去想念他了。 Kouq: One of my favorite Blues of all-time. I already miss him. 一直以来都是我最喜欢的切尔西球员之一,我已经开始想念他了。 tra8r: Always gave his all on the field , This seasons game against newcastle when he scored in the second half showed his passion and drive to win. Good bye Blue Buddy .. 永远记得他在场上的一切,这个赛季和纽卡斯尔的比赛中,他在下半场的进球激情四射并带领我们取得胜利。再见蓝色哥们! YungManila: Goodbye my hero. You lead the Brazilian renaissance at Chelsea and helped lead the team to new heights. Thank you, forever. 再见我的英雄。你为切尔西带来了具有巴西风格的文艺复兴,并让球队到达了新的高度,永远感谢你。 AZwildcatsNTusa: Hope he makes a boatload of money in China 希望他在中国能赚满一整船的票票。 Slannar: I know he wasn't our best, but to me, being a newer Chelsea fan and only keeping up the past 5 years, I thought he'd be the safest person of our squad, other than Terry, to assume would be with Chelsea until retirement. Nearly every game this season he didn't start I was screaming for him as a sub when we were down to help add some speed and spark to the squad. He'll be missed greatly, and I hope to watch him play in the Cup in 2018 我知道他不是我们最好的球员,但对我这个只是在五年前看球的切尔西新球迷而言,我认为他是我们防守端最为可靠的屏障,甚至强于特里,真希望他能在蓝军退役。虽然这个赛季他出场寥寥,但对于陷入低谷的我们而言,其实更需要他的速度和威慑力,我觉得这对他很不公平。他将被一直被我们想念,我希望2018的时候能看到他的身影。 thestig8:Ramires was brilliant at times. He was frustrating at other times. Will never forget his goal against Barcelona. Great servant of the club.£23 million is the reported price. Not bad...拉米雷斯有些时候表现的才华横溢,但有些时候则让人沮丧。永远不会忘记他对阵巴萨时的进球,伟大的角色球员,据说卖了2300万英镑,这倒也不坏。myvirginityisstrong:23 million is so fucking much it's incredible真难以想象,尼玛居然卖了2300万!Malforian:Read somewhere Ramires and Pato have the same agent......听说拉米雷斯和帕托是一个经纪人。Canta15:$$$美元美元美元JonF1:More like ¥¥¥楼上的,应该是人民币人民币人民币
瓜林即将天价转投中超[–]Internazionalesarcasm24 2 指標 13小時前 This is beautiful太好了[–]mindm4ster 1 指標 13小時前 was he shit for Inter?他很烂吗?[–]Internazionalesarcasm24 2 指標 13小時前 Beyond shit. Consistently wasted possession in good areas and would shoot from miles out with no chance of scoring. Every once in a while he'd come up with a big goal or assist but it wasn't nearly frequent enough to make up for the near-constant frustration he would cause. Good riddance.烂透了。经常丢球,经常无脑远射。偶有进球或者助攻的佳作,但是弥补不了平时糟糕的表现。这包袱总算是甩了。[–]InternazionaleCerozz 15 指標 14小時前 I still think this is a good deal(if it actually goes through and doesn't break down). EUR12m is less than original EUR15-18m, but its still a great deal for a soon to be 30 year old that is highly inconsistant and is on quite a big salary considering his role at our club.我觉得这份交易不错(如果真的达成而没有夭折的话)。1200万欧虽然不如最初的万欧,但是这份报价对于一个快30状态还不太稳定球员来说实在太好了。而且他的薪水相比在他在球队扮演的角色实在是太高。[–]AC Milanjapalian 7 指標 5 天前* Lol, this club looks like a bunch of fools, doubt any big name will go there anytime soon now. What an emotional roller coaster for their fans.哈哈,苏宁看着有点傻啊,我怀疑那些有名球员都不敢去这家俱乐部了。他们的球迷被这过山车似的转会搞疯了吧。[–]1. FC NürnbergLambchops_Legion 5 指標 5 天前 The transfer of Cheick Tiote also fell through to a Chinese club蒂奥特的转会也吹了[–]PSV EindhovenEpicThomTime 81 指標 7 天前 Ausilio is the king of the transfermarket.在转会市场,奥西利奥真不是针对谁...[–]FC Santa ClausCameranAlavi[S] 52 指標 7 天前 Over 30 million for Guarin and Hernanes. Pretty impressive.瓜林加上赫尔纳内斯快30m,操作感人。[–]Internazionaleazcii_ 11 指標 7 天前 Let's just hope we don't throw the money away on garbage...祈求别拿了钱又在二百五身上浪了...[–]Orlando CityMacysMcNugget 15 指標 7 天前 Damn we got lucky on this transfer. Can't believe they actually paid that much for him.Hopefully we can get that creative midefielder we desperately need.雾草咱们走大运了。真不敢相信他们能给他这么多钱。真希望赶紧买急需的创造型中场。[–]karijay 3 指標 7 天前 Guarin's flowchart is very simple.Receive the ball ----------& shootThere is no other option.瓜林踢球可简练了接球————》射门!“没有更好的办法~”[–]Verminator96 2 指標 7 天前 That's why he defended Icardi when Osvaldo was pissed at him for shooting selfishly难怪伊卡尔迪被奥斯瓦尔多喷太独比他跳出来洗地了[–]InternazionaleTometek 5 指標 7 天前 The birds around the San Siro are thankful for this.圣西罗的鸟儿谢主隆恩。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
官方:瓜林签约申花 tomorri1: Wish him the best of luck. He wasn't the greatest players but it was one of few at Inter at the moment that seemed to genuine cared about the team. 希望他未来好运。他不是最棒的球员,但他却是现在能真正帮助国米的一小部分球员当中的一员。 PazzaInter22: Can't forget the goal vs. Milan. 无法忘记他在对阵AC米兰时的进球。 PediatricUrologist: This looks just like a comment chain from the Ramires post just replace Inter with Chelsea and Milan with Barcelona. 打进AC米兰的那球,就和拉米雷斯为切尔西在欧冠决赛中打进巴萨的那球如出一辙。 Cerozz: Yeah. I appreciate everything he did for the team. Sure he was hard to get rid off and had gotten worse over time, but I don't undestand the hate some people have for him. Like its his fault for our last few mediocre years. 耶!我是欣赏他为球队所做的一切,但随着时间的推移,你想处理掉他也会更加困难。不过我无法理解为何一些球迷会记恨与他,好像过去那些平庸的赛季都是因他的错误所致。 DepressedMagneto: he'll probably be bored after a year and come back to europe 一年之后,他肯定会感觉厌倦并重回欧洲的。 Getting a PROFIT off of Guaro!! Talking about Mission Impossible. Good job, Ausillo 卖掉瓜林大赚一笔!!谈起生意来无所不能,干得好,奥西利奥! Giaccherinho: Does someone from China want Hernanes? Please? 中国土豪们考虑一下埃尔纳内斯吧,求求你们了。 Dylan0812: Damn, these Chinese clubs are pulling off some good transfers. 该死的,这些中国俱乐部完成了不少很棒的转会。 william701: Where's all this fresh renminbi coming from? 那么多新鲜的人民币是从哪来的啊? PortoOllsworth_Greyjoy: He was a really inconsistent player for us, he'd either turn out an incredible performance, or he'd be an afterthought. However, his long shots were always a great weapon. Don't know how he played at Inter, but it feels weird how a talented player like him, still with quite a few good years ahead of him, chooses to play in China. 他是一个让人捉摸不透的球员,有时候他的表现难以置信惊为天人,但有的时候又反应慢半拍。不管怎样,他的远射确实是很棒的武器。反正是搞不清楚他在国米的表现,但让人难以置信的是,像他这类天才球员怎么会做出这样的选择,而且在他之前也有很多优秀的球员去中国踢球了。 next_DanDy: Don't find it weird at all. He turns 30 this year. He was never a fast player and he's a middlefielder. Playing at high level will only become harder from here. He's just thinking ahead. Maybe he doesn't feel like he's ever going to play for a top european club again, so he just accepted this deal so he makes some extra money for a few years before he retires. LS有啥想不开的,他都30岁了,他不可能永远都是一名速度型中场,在高水平联赛踢球对他而言可能会越来越难。他想的很长远,也许他认为他的能力已经达不到欧洲顶级俱乐部的要求,索性不如接受这笔交易,趁退役之前这几年多赚点养老金。 Poet-Laureate: Anyone know a way to watch the Chinese league without going to China? 有谁知道除了去中国之外,还有什么办法能看到中国的联赛么? MoonCrawlerVG: Guess I'm going to have to start making a Chinese League team in Fifa 17... 哥要在FIFA17中开档一支中国球队了。
我觉得有可能FIFA17会有中超 这么多5大联赛外援 而且今年也有中国队


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