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加州生活 你该知道这些事
维基告诉我们,加州是美国西部太平洋岸边的一个州,无论是在地理丶地貌丶物产丶还是人口构成上都十分多样化。由于早年的淘金热,加州有一个别名叫做金州(The Golden State)。加州人口美国第一,2014年居民3880万。加州GDP全国最高:2014年占全美13.3%,是世界第9大经济体。除了这些人尽皆知的信息,作为加州人我们对加州了解多少呢?1.In-n-Out不仅仅是汉堡,它是一种生活方式在加州最幸福的事情之一就是可以吃到IN-N-OUT!乍看之下,会以为IN-N-OUT的菜单里只有单一的几样可以选择,但其实它有自家的秘密菜单!2.北加与南加的对抗让将其他手足之争汗颜你会认为你的家出现了问题。其实所谓加州就是关于南北之间的对抗,无论是高校运动队丶专业运动队丶音乐丶生活方式,或者是任何你能想象的事情,它们之间的竞争都要分出胜负。3.加州有地道的墨西哥饮食这里说的不仅仅是Taco Bell。加州的墨西哥餐厅在全国首屈一指,比南方还要正宗,即使是路边餐车销售的老墨食物和炸玉米饼。4.你可能不会和影视明星做邻居加州不是洛杉矶,但大多数州的社区更不可能有这么多的著名影星,无论他们怎么搬家,都不可能与安吉丽娜·朱莉和尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯为邻。5.滑雪丶冲浪丶滑板,所有青少年的最爱6.在这之前,你从没见过真正的自然从哪里开始呢?优圣美地丶太浩湖丶大量的森林丶死亡谷……太多了,尽管它们都很独特。7.这里有地震,但它们真的没什么大不了真的,地震在加州不算什么。不过,大多数人还没意识到一般的地震震级都很低,只有轻微的隆隆声。当然一旦大震来临,情况就不这么简单了。8.加州人知道一切关于生鲜食品的知识加州人可以吃到令人吃惊的新鲜蔬菜和水果,这里的农贸市场巨大,商品五花八门,身处那里像过一个美食节,加州人只需要准备好被宠坏。9.鳄梨,无处不在的鳄梨加州人的成长过程中都有鳄梨的相伴,寿司丶沙拉,甚至汉堡,每一样菜里都能找到鳄梨。10.加州不是洛杉矶加州不仅有电影明星和海滩。事实上,加州还有延绵的山脉和广袤的平原。11.是的,加州会下雪加州有太浩湖丶优圣美地丶大熊湖丶马默斯山,......这样的例子不胜枚举。更重要的是,很多人每年去那里是为了寻找雪的乐趣。加州的天气是惊人的,比任何地方都好。12.寿司的发明地可能是日本,但加州是最好的听说过加州卷吗?鱼很新鲜,厨师都是高手。加州卷在美国各地盛行,后来传回日本,成为寿司的其中一道款式。13.人们使用的所有技术都出自加州雅虎丶谷歌丶苹果,拥有它们的是加州。更重要的是,一些最优秀的工程技术学院也在这里。加州有硅谷,甚至是这里的幼儿园也拥有iPhone和高科技。人们喜欢听的音乐有些也是电子合成的。14.“历史”对加州来说,始于1849年东部那些有年代的建筑让人惊奇,这在加州看不到,为什么?因为这里的文明从1849年淘金热才开始的,因此这里的建筑如果是历史性的,那么它很可能是从1900年或之后出现的。15.嬉皮士曾是一个真实的存在,他们现在在加州仍无处不在他们的历史是惊人的,有时甚至是悲剧性的。16.从增肥到减磅,在这里想要健康出奇地容易想要一个健康的饮食和生活方式?加州很容易。这里有很多素食主义者和特色餐馆,保健食品商店和健身房也一应俱全。如果你想慢跑,大部分地方还能找到极好的登山步道。杂志上看到的任何好莱坞美食,在这里都能吃到。17.公司里休闲周五的装扮在加州每天都会发生你知道吗?加州科技公司的员工从不会说的话是:我决定不了今天带哪条领带。通常情况下,在加州的任何部门,办公室着装都较宽松。即使有着装要求,只要你不想,也不会过于刻板。来源: 侨报网
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ChineseInLA总共有40107条点评, 32230次评分在加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis)就读是一种什么体验?
在加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis)就读是一种什么体验?
院校简介:加州大学戴维斯分校简称UC Davis,有时也缩写为UCD,成立于1905年,位于美国西部小城戴维斯(Davis,CA),是一所大型公立综合性全国大学,下设校设10个学院, 以管理、法律、健康科学、社会科学、人文及艺术等科系著称,同时也是世界环境科学、农业和可持续发展的研究和教育中心。2017年USNews美国大学排名,加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校排第44名。001地理位置UC Davis位于北加州的戴维斯——一座大学城,离加州首府萨克拉门托(Sacramento)同时也是UC Davis Health System总部所在地仅二十分钟车程,距旧金山、优胜美地国家地质公园、太浩湖等地都在两小时以内的车程校园环境:UCD是加州大学十所分校内校园占地面积最大的一所, 占地面积七千多英亩。Davis拥有标准化的主图书馆 Shields Library和为不同学科设立的图书馆Health Sciences Libraries、Physical Sciences & Engineering Library。学校有设施齐全的健身房ARC(Activities & Recreation Center),还有两个室外游泳场地,网球场等各种运动场地。高大上的表演艺术中心Mondavi Center和即将在下个月开幕的艺术博物馆Manetti Shrem Museum也都是校园内的亮点。住宿环境加州大学戴维斯分校大学宿舍On Campus Housing 加州大学戴维斯校区提供学生宿舍给申请者,但是将视申请先后次序及床位供给决定。学生将安置在双人房。UC Davis 为新入学的大学生提供两年的校内住宿保证。文化生活加州大学戴维斯分校属于公立常春藤联盟。旧金山的宽宏大度是一种浑然天成的气质,是在饮食、建筑、音乐等所有城市生活层面上不经意的自然流露。在这里,除了美味新鲜富于创意的加州菜之外,你也可以吃到全美最棒的法国大餐、意大利菜、日本料理和中国美食;在这里,遍布全市的维多利亚式房屋固然赏心悦目,希腊罗马式的“艺术宫”、雕龙镂凤的唐人街城门、地道东洋味的日本城五重塔、北滩上漆着意大利彩画的餐馆一样让你目不暇接;在这里,各种你所期望的大城市中的艺术表演应有尽有,世界级的芭蕾舞、高雅的古典音乐、百老汇的音乐剧、缠绵悱恻的爵士乐,无分高下,共同浑然溶入旧金山的城市节拍之中。这一切都应验了美国作家威廉·萨洛扬所说的,“如果你还活着,旧金山不会使你厌倦;如果你已经死了,旧金山会让你起死回生。自然景观旧金山看上去像是欧洲的翻版,因为这里有太多的咖啡屋。旧金山人对咖啡的钟爱近乎于疯狂,他们倾向于用咖啡匙来度量生活。旧金山市区与周围城镇均以桥梁相连,色彩缤纷的低层小楼盘山而建,市内有大小岗峦42座,不少街道相当陡斜。最具特色的景点是“九道湾”弯道最陡处达20-45度,汽车开足马力也不一定能爬得上坡去。这些地段的公共汽车只能使一种特制的电缆车。气候旧金山气候冬暖夏凉,阳光充足,被誉为“最受美国人欢迎的城市”。因长期受海风影响,旧金山夏天的日高温通常只有20摄氏度左右;雨季为一月到四月间;冬天虽冷,但鲜有降雪。最高温度为9月的平均22°,最低温度为1月的8°。交通情况旧金山国际机场位于圣布鲁诺,距离市中心14英里。奥克兰和圣何塞也有国际机场。旧金山机场分为三个相连的区域:南区、国际区和北区。上层离港,下层入港。机场的抵港大厅设有商店、租车、饭店登记和旅游咨询处等全方位的服务。国际机场巴士从机场下层发车,开往市中心旅馆区,到站用蓝色标出。私营的往返公共汽车在上、下层都有发车点,终点不限。从机场到市中心的车程在非交通高峰时间为半小时左右。阿姆特拉克铁路连接着旧金山、洛杉矶、西雅图和芝加哥。米申街425号的越湾总站有火车售票处。旧金山火车站在第四大道和镇角街相邻处,也是加州铁路线到圣约瑟的终点站。“灰狗”长途客运运营旧金山到全美各地的公路路线。“绿龟”客运虽然速度较慢,但比较便宜而且路线也很多。长途客车从米申街的越湾总站发车。旧金山市南的1号公路是从洛杉矶到旧金山风景最美的公路线,走与之平行的101国道能更快一点。市北的101国道从尤里卡穿过金门大桥由南向北。80号州际公路穿过湾桥从萨克拉门托向西南方向延伸。有缆电车是旧金山最有特色的交通工具,是旅游热点之一。有三条路线其中从Powell街到渔人码头线是观光客常常乘用的。缆车行走缓慢,而且要等1-2小时才能上车。票价5美元。公共汽车发行一日,三日,七日票Passport。可在指定日内无限制使用,分别为6美元,10美元,15美元。也可以一次买10个汽车代币8美元,节省2美元。这些票在各缆车站和中国城的商店、书店都有出售。 机场/接机信息: 一般到戴维斯是选择到旧金山机场,从北京、上海都可以直飞。也可以选择再转到Sacramento国际机场。学生可以联系学校安排接机。那么在加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis)就读是一种什么体验?@霍晶晶课余生活还是很丰富的,各种Club和兄弟姐妹会都可以成为社交和成长锻炼的平台。平时如果学习倦了,还可以去设备很齐全的健身房舒展一下筋骨。在Davis最受众人瞩目的就是Picnic Day,这相当于像学校一年一度的Open House一样,对外展示本学校和周边的文化,规模也是空前的盛大。@Rosemary来Davis已经一年多了,还记得去年来的时候,从萨克拉门托机场到Davis的高速路两边全是一望无际的农田。当时就觉得这下真的进村了。总的来说,UCD的地理位置相对于其他UC系统学校是一般的。虽说萨克拉门托机场坐公交就能到,但萨克拉门托机场没有直飞回国的航班,需要多次转机。旧金山机场离Davis开车需要一个多小时,除了Davis airporter之外没有其他的公共交通方式到达机场,所以也无法做到想走就走。来之前我知道Davis是一个小型的大学城,没想到确实很小,市中心骑自行车十几分钟就可以转一圈。在这里待久了会感到无聊,或许是小城市的常态,因此个人感觉不习惯在小城市生活的同学可能会不适应UCD的地理位置,玩的和吃的地方都相对较少或者离得远。@Sylvia LinUCD是有名的农校,所以有各种动物和农场。想学这些专业的朋友一定要好好利用资源啦!@佚名生活: 当地人很nice。 周围是大片的农田。如果大一住宿会的话会有可能住在牛棚边上,非常乌托邦。学校乃至周围下城的绿化很好,与周边郊区枯草地可以形成鲜明对比,突兀感让人一看会觉得是块人为用心修饰的世界。加州阳光很好,就是昼夜温差太大了。娱乐: 呵呵,日常娱乐肯定不及大城市。 不过,学校有一些其他公立学校少有的浪漫,比如会去伦敦进口一些铁皮古董大巴(坐上它说真的能把你午饭颠出来)。每逢各种莫名其妙节日都会有鼓号队吹些欢快的曲子和parade。这些都是导致了我会觉得很迪斯尼的最直接原因。@Tiannan Hu先讲讲和中国的“村”相似之处:娱乐不多,风景不多。整个戴村没有一家KTV,村里最大的景观大概就是学校里的植物园和养马场养牛场。有时候有别的同学想到我们村玩,基本就是学校里转一圈马上带他去附近的萨克拉门托。但是如果你看到这觉得在UCD读书很无聊的话就错了!虽然本地没什么玩的,但和中国的“村”不一样的地方在于,戴村交通很便利,重要的铁路穿村而过,戴维斯是所有途径的火车必停的一站。这条铁路极大地改变了村民的生活,因为有了它,不管是去旧金山圣何塞这样的大城市,还是纳帕优胜美地太浩湖蒙特雷这些旅游胜地,都非常便利。本人就坐火车去过上面提到的这些地方,美国的火车是很舒服的,虽然没有咱们的高铁快。除了交通,像戴维斯这样的“村”还有个好处,就是治安很好。我们村一年下来几乎没听说过抢劫强奸或者入室盗窃这样的犯罪,杀人放火什么的更是十年都不发生一两起,我经常晚上十点以后骑车回家,不用担心任何安全问题。去年万圣节那天晚上,我12点回家,路上还都是人。要知道美国的大城市晚上9点以后基本上就没什么行人了……所以相比于洛杉矶芝加哥这样的城市,这是戴村一大优势。戴村最常见的犯罪就是偷自行车……因为自行车多啊。戴维斯是美国自行车运动的圣地,村里还有个美国自行车名人堂。从学生到教授大多数人都骑车上下班,因为我们村从东到西也就骑车40分钟的样子,加上所有的路都有自行车专用道,何乐而不为呢?校园里除了公交和校内车辆禁止社会车辆进入,所以不用担心富二代飙车导致的交通事故……公交系统也很便利,本科生还可以免费乘坐。@董小锵小镇民风淳朴,环境好,不过每天大太阳会晒很黑。非常安全,在美国算难得了。@嘟嘟非常适合潜心学习的地方。但如果你是闲不下来坐不住的需要热闹的,建议慎重考虑,否则一定会失望的。想认识UC Davis的学长?可以到来自嗨学长官网查看学长资料可到嗨学长官网作为国内首家留学生申请档案展示平台,打造连接国内申请生和国外留学生之间的信息交流神器,打消国内申请生留学只能找中介的单一想法。申请期有成千上万的留学苦恼,在嗨学长只需一键解锁档案。
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This week, experts Barry Klein and John Atwood discuss what percentage of a club's revenue should come from personal training:
Q: “In a fitness center only club of 8,500 sf with a beginning membershipmesothelioma lawyers of 1,000 and membership of 2,000 when mature, what is the benchmark percentage of revenue between membership fees and personal trainer fees?”
A: The target membership vs. non-membership Foreign exchangerevenue for most clubs is generally 80%-20%. peritoneal mesothelioma For most small hairdressing beautify the features facial clubs, personal training is the key non-dues revenue source, so – assuming there might be health bar, pro shop, tanning, etc. – at least 15% ofhealing drugs medicine medicament revenue will need to come from personal training.
However, specific Cancer carcinoma circumstancesmesothelioma attorneys&&need to be considered. An 8500 square foot club that already has 1000 members is at reasonable capacity. Growing to 2000 members implies a facility with a low price point whose success is predicated on an abundance (over abundance?) of members. lexington law firm It’s difficult to imagine such a club having a clientele that would lend itself to the target split of 80/20 mesotheliomadues vs. non-dues. Personal training might just be a “cherry on top”.
By comparison, an 8500 square foot facility with only 500 hairdressing beautify the features facialmembers would likely be much more dependent on personal training and other non-dues sources. At 1000 members,cheapest domain registration it seems a 15% target would be reasonable. Indeed,healing drugs medicine medicament much more could be possible. But, to grow to 2000 members, it seems that the energy and investment of the club would have to go toward that growth, and personal training might have to take a back seat.
Barry Klein, Owner
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A: The benchmark for allonline accounting degree clubs non-dues revenue website domain nameshas hovered around 30%, with 10.7% for clubs less than 20,000 feet, and 8.1% for fitness-only clubsatt voipForeign exchange.
The personal training piece of this shows high end clubs reporting 10%-15% of total revenue coming from personal training, while the all clubs sample shows 3%-11%; and among fitness-only clubs 6%-14%. Keep in mind that these numbers represent a fairly small sample group and include only clubs that have their act together enough to keep and report their numbers.
If you plan to have personal training as a major focus in your club then these numbers fall short for you. You really need to know what the benchmark would be for clubs alicante car hirethat are your size, demographic, fitness-only, and focus on personal training. Clubs that focus on personal training of course do much bigger PT numbers and the benchmark, if it were available, would reflect that.Cancer carcinoma.
Personal training should be theMesothelioma largest piece of your non-dues revenue equation and as a goal I would recommend that you shoot for 15-20% of overall Cancer carcinoma revenue from personalcheap term life insurance training.
One concernForeign exchange regarding your club model isMesothelioma that 2000 members in an 8,500 square foot club is a stretch, and if you hit 2,000 there may not be space for multiple trainers, with multiple clients, using the fitness area along with all the regular members.
John Atwood, Principal
Atwood Consulting
Phone: 508-654-6244
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2.& & & & 谷歌客户服务,你将会为与员工一起处理所遇到的事情感到惊奇。
3.& & & & 扮演一个角色,为员工们解决在面对会员们遇到的各种各样的难题。
4.& & & & 运用关于会员体验的健身行业文章。如果你富有创新能力,那么你就可以真正的从一篇文章中开发出一个培训员工项目。
休斯顿 Lite健身俱乐部
Inexpensive staff training system
Your staff is one of your most important assets as a club operator. It's in your best interest to give them the best possible training to ensure a quality experience for your members.
Vaughn Marxhausen and Thomas Kulp discuss inexpensive staff training systems:
Q: “Is it possible to give a good experience to members without paying a lot for expensive staff training programs? If so, how?”
A: A variety of things can be done in order to achieve extraordinary member experience through staff training that won’t drain the budget. Training can get expensive, so it’s important to be creative in order to watch the bottom line. Here are some options that are very effective, but not expensive.
Select a book about customer service that is in line with your company culture and give it out to your staff. Develop an in-house training program around it. &...if your staff is attentive to the members... and gives them what they want before they ask for it... you have just WOWed your member.&
1.Select a training DVD to purchase, which can be repeatedly used and implemented in a teaching modality or at employee meetings.
2.Google customer service, you will be surprised at all the things that come up that you can implement with your staff.
3.Role play with staff about handling various situations that may come up with members (a proactive approach).
4.Use industry articles about member experience. If you use your creativity, you could actually develop a training program from an article.
At the end of the day, if your staff is attentive to the members, shows them genuine care, assists them without being asked, hands out water and towels while exercising, gives them what they want before they ask for it and personalizes it, you have just WOWed your member. The trick is getting your employees to do all this without being told. It all begins from your company culture and developing a mission statement that your employees embrace.
Vaughn Marxhausen, Area General Manager
Houstonian Lite Health Club
A: it is absolutely possible to do it inexpensively. An experience is created by what the members’ perceive and your clubs ability to deliver more than what is promised.
The first and easiest way to get started is to change your own focus for a few hours. Walk in the new prospects , the new members, and the existing members shoes. Enter your club the way a prospect would enter, is it inviting? Is your staff smiling? Are they present at the desk? Is the visual experience exactly what you wish them to see? Have you sales staff give you a presentation, or have a friend visiting out of town go through and get the information that is given? How did they feel they were treated? Go through your member initiation process, ask the staff how they would handle a member that approaches them wanting better results. Get down to the ground level and probe the operation. Ask yourself are you delivering the experience that you desire.
Also, start a suggestion box or a comment bin, and go through it weekly. Invite members to give you feedback. Walk around your club, talk with staff and members and ask them what they like and don’t like.
There is no substitute for a great system, and keep in mind that many retention programs are designed to enhance the members experience and the small investment pays back large dividends.
None of these suggestion will cost you a thing, but your time to improve your business.
Thomas Kulp, Executive Director
Universal Athletic Club
健身俱乐部人口统计报告& &[大斌健美网翻译]& &[华健网]
Management Vision, Inc.
我认为这非常重要的是首先找出你的俱乐部想要的那种,在该地区谁是您的目标观众和有多少俱乐部,学校和企业都可能成为您的目标客户。 您还应该确保你真正了解你观察到的该地区的交通模式。例如,在洛杉矶,由于在一天的某些时间的荒谬交通,很多人不会驾驶超过1-2公里去健身房。另一方面,重要的是要获得良好的理解是否人们喜欢在家中或附近工作或学校的体育馆。 一旦你有了这些东西,就可以进行详细准确的人口研究,。
创办人兼总裁 瑜伽健身
Researching local demographics
Rick Caro, Jesse Keene, Karen Jashinsky, and Beth Shaw discuss researching demographic information for business plan development:
Q: “I am developing a club and am wondering, what is the best way to find information on demographics for a new club?”
A: It is imperative that a club owner understand the current market conditions at a particular site before embarking on the development of a new club. This Market Analysis involves the old proven economic law of supply and demand. In the case of a club, if demand for a particular club concept is greater than supply (i.e. competition), then it is likely that it is a &Go& situation. If supply is greater than demand, then a &No Go& conclusion is likely.
To analyze the demand side, one must do actual fieldwork and conduct drive-times (or walk-times if in a downtown urban area) in each of the 8 directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) at prime-time weekday evenings to be conservative. I can provide the specific instructions. Then, the intersection points for the Primary Markets as well as the Secondary Markets are defined. When they are each connected, the boundaries are specified. This forms the basis of a polygon (often, not a simple circle). This polygon is then transmitted to the computerized demographic service.
There are key demographic variables that need to be singled out and studied. Often, these are not part of a standard demographic package. They are numerous including age, ethnicity, family income level, educational attainment, occupational level (not industry), size of household, ownership of residence, etc. These help define the profile of the residential market. One needs to know the norms to first understand the data. Then, the data needs to be interpreted using club industry penetration rates to create a Total Demand calculation. This also includes an analysis of the Commercial Working Marketplace to complement the Residential.
Once determined, this only addresses the Demand side. Then, the future club developer needs to identify all fitness facilities that lie within these two polygons that defined the Primary and Secondary Markets. The widest definition of competition is used and includes commercial health clubs of all sized and types, pure Yoga or Pilates studios, personal training studios, YMCAs/JCCs, other non-profits, university fitness facilities, public park and recreation facilities, military base recreation facilities, major condo/apartment facilities, member-owned clubs, etc. Each of these is analyzed completely and its total adult membership is determined.
One then compares the demand versus the supply to determine if the site is truly feasible or not.
Rick Caro, President
Management Vision, Inc.
A: I strongly suggest buying demographic reports for each town within a five/ten minute drive time from a fitness only facility, a 20/30 minute drive time for a facility with a pool and up to a 30/45 for a fitness facility with tennis and pool. You should buy these demographic reports before developing/building a club at a specific site. Select a site and start driving and watching the minutes go by depending on your type of facility. Write down the towns you go through. We
for our location search. They are a good price and offer a great selection of services. I wish you luck!
Jesse Keene, Founding Partner
Summit Health & Fitness
A: There are companies that can help you do a demographical analysis and study. You can give these companies some specific details such as the zip codes you are interested in targeting in (or the mile radius from the main zip code), income bracket, number of families, kids etc-you get some very specific information that can help you make some decisions.
I think it is also very important to first figure out what kind of club you want-who your target audience is and how many clubs, schools and businesses that might serve your target customer are in the area.
You should also make sure you really understand the traffic patterns in the area you are looking at. For example, in Los Angeles due to the ridiculous traffic during certain hours of the day many people will not drive more than 1-2 miles to get to a gym. On the other hand it is important to get a good understanding of whether people prefer a gym near their home or their work or school.
Once you have a good grasp of these things you can conduct a detailed demographic study.
Karen Jashinsky, Founder & CEO
O2 MAX Fitness
A: One of the best ways to find demographics is to go to the Chamber of Commerce in your town. Additionally a thorough drive through of the neighborhood looking at local stores, restaurants and schools will give you a good idea of your potential customers habits and lifestyles and how you can best attract them.
Ms. Beth Shaw , Founder & President
YogaFit Training Systems
问:“我的俱乐部正考虑增加一个新的目标,我们感到非常兴奋。不过,我们非常看好购买现有的俱乐部和新品牌作为我们的俱乐部之一的想法。问题是,在购买一个现有的俱乐部,是更好履行所有现有的成员,或为成员提供的机会,还是离开或吸引新的成员? “
bill.mcbride @
健身俱乐部老板在收购俱乐部之前,进行更多的检查和深入的市场调查分析,这比任何事情都重要。鉴于当前的经济环境,了解健身俱乐部当前的市场状况(供应与需求)是至关重要的。一 个俱乐部可能发展不是太好,这不仅仅是因为管理不善,也因为是俱乐部没有足够的市场。一个是党的市场分析是很有必要的。
此外,健身俱乐部老板需要进行独立评估今天的现实,什么是俱乐部的真正价值。如果俱乐部经营困难,人们就不可能支付大量的美元给俱乐部,并且有可能需要推迟支付时间。鉴于吸收适 当的债务来顺应所提供的股权的困难,俱乐部的总价格是大大的少于一两年之前。人们永远不会为俱乐部支付过高。同样,所有的交易应该说资产购置,而不是股票, 因此所有现有的俱乐部 责任与卖方同在。重新树立俱乐部的品牌是一个进步,为进入当地市场,并随着时间推移进行大型美元营销,需要花费真正的时间才可能见效。
New club, old memberships
Ask an Industry Leader
Bill McBride, Diogo Angelino, and Rick Caro discuss what to do with existing memberships when purchasing a new club:
Q: “My club is thinking of adding a second location and we're very excited. However, we're entertaining the idea of purchasing an existing club and re-branding it as one of our clubs. The question I have is, when purchasing an existing club is it better to honor all existing memberships or to offer members the chance to leave or purchase a new membership? ”
A: I agree with rebranding the club to your current brand. I also think you should consider allowing the members to remain (at least for some period of time) at their current rates.consider allowing the members to remain (at least for some period of time) at their current rates.This is an opportunity to increase both club’s dues rate for a “dual access” membership. You could raise the dues $5-$25 per month for dual access (depending on your price point, market and value proposition). A well thought out value proposition and brand strategy could increase average dues at both sites as well as offer your members a more expansive array of services and programming.
Mr. Bill McBride, Chief Operating Officer
Club One, Inc.
A: The best thing is to avoid at all costs, that existing customers cancel their memberships and put energy on retaining them at the club. As mentioned by Philip Kotler in his book of Marketing, “it costs up to six times more to raise a new customer than to retain an existing.” This is easy to understand, you know where the existing members are and their contacts, but you don’t know where and who are the potential members, so, work your data base and maximize the contacts you already have.
You should honor all existing customers, make them feel at home and surprise them with the opportunity to belong to the hall of fame for being part of the club that was renewed. If they feel special to be at your club, they will remain happy at the club and will give referrals of potential customers to sign memberships.
There’s a few tip’s to honor existing members:
Praise them with a honorary pack for
Give them the opportunity to feel special by putting their names on a Hall of Fame Board where everyone
Give them, as a special offer, 3 free weeks exercise to give to friends, family or colleagues, in return they just have to give you 3 names and contacts (referrals);
Give them the opportunity to be able to help change what in their opinion was less well at the club, let them be your best consultants.
Work hard to retain existing customers and build success from there!”
Diogo Angelino
Solplay Hotel and Health Club
A: It is more important than ever that club owners undertake more scrutiny and do deeper analysis before purchasing a club. Given the economic climate, it is vital to understand a club’s current market conditions (supply versus demand). A club may be underperforming -- not just because management is not as adept as ideal -- but because the market is inadequate. A proper market analysis is required.
In addition, an independent valuation is needed to determine in today’s reality what a club is really worth. If it is struggling, one can not pay a substantial amount of dollars -- and maybe needs to pay them over time. Given the difficulty of attracting proper debt to go with the equity which is to be provided, the total price of a club is a lot less than 1-2 years ago. One should never overpay for a club. Also, all deals should be asset purchases (not stock), so any liabilities of the existing club stay with the seller. Re-branding a club is a process, takes real time for its effect to register in the local market and substantial marketing dollars over time.[+ Expand]
President of Management Vision, Inc.
本周,科林米尔纳和Emily Liskow专家谈论了老年人市场计划和利润中心:
对于老年人口(如大多数), 我们已经发现当让他们参加组训练或团队训练时,会员维护率和会员资格利用率呈现增长趋势。我们可以提供专门化的小组课程,做为组锻炼计划的一部分(会费或是非会费),或者是打破他们的团队训练来创造一个附加收入流。
Emily Liskow
How to create profit centers in senior citizen market?
This week, experts Colin Milner and Emily Liskow discuss programming and profit centers for the senior citizen market:
Q: &I operate a family club and we're interested in adding some services for the senior/mature market. What type of services would you recommended especially those that will help maximize our non-dues revenue?&
A: Exercising in a group setting is always more enjoyable th team training and specialized classes are a great way to target a specific demographic.
For the older demographic (as with most), we have found that the retention rate and utilization rate increases when we can get them involved in a group or team. This helps build a sense of community and creates accountability. Specialized group classes can be offered as part of the group exercise program (fee or non-fee), or they can be broken off into team training to create an additional revenue stream.
Some of the programs that have worked well for us at The Boston Racquet Club are:
Stretching Class: Stretching is fundamental at all ages and fitness levels. It is a great way to get the blood flowing and people into the gym. This class can be 15 minutes long, or up to an hour. Yoga for Beginners: A small group exercise class promoted to the &un-flexible& and the &Mature Yoga.&
Walking groups: Ideal for before work, during lunch or after work. Great program to promote to companies.
Zumba (dance classes): This 'dance' class is good for all ages. It is a fun workout and can be adjusted to any fitness level.
Squash: Squash is a great cardiovascular workout. This sport can be played well into the later years and acts as a social network.
Emily Liskow, General Manager
The Boston Racquet Club
A: Create and charge extra for a Balance Center.
Why? Because:
Few older people are screened by their physicians for balance issues until they fall.
One out of every three people older than 65 will fall this year.
Strength and balance training programs could reduce the number of falls by up to 40 percent.
The program would include the following elements:
Balance and fall risk-assessments.
A outcomes report to be sent to the client's doctor, balance specialist and your billing department. Your balance specialist then discusses a course of action with the client's doctor.
Once a program is created schedule the client's first session. Note: You can find these specialized trainers at California State Fullerton's Center for Successful Aging, or other college or university. Sit back and dream about how you could turn the concept of a balance center into a profit center.
The programming area will have basic wobble boards and strength equipment to a cobblestone path, or more sophisticated computerized strength and balance tools.
After the training session, your clients can read one of your many publications or handouts on balance. They may also register for your weekly educational seminar.
This is only the start. Now it's your turn. Sit back and dream about how you could turn the concept of a balance center into a profit center.
Mr. Colin Milner, CEO
International Council on Active Aging (ICAA)
What are the top three reason people join in?
This week, our own industry research expert, Katie Rollauer, discusses the top reasons people join health clubs:
Q: &Based on the most up to date research, what are the top three reasons for people joining a health club? Are there differences between age groups and sex?&
A: There are many reasons why people join health clubs. This is evident by the total number of health clubs and different types of clubs out there to join. Some clubs offer any activity and amenity a person could want, while others focus on a few core activities. Whatever the consumer goal, there is a health club out there designed to help meet that goal.
IHRSA recently (April 2009) conducted a survey of 1,000 Americans and asked them why they are attracted to their health club, what their personal goals were, and if they were not members of a health club, what prevented them from joining. The responses were very interesting. When members were asked what attracted them to their current health club, the top 3 selections were made (multiple selections were allowed):
& & * For their overall/health & wellbeing (69% of health club members)
& & * For the variety of equipment, strength and cardiovascular equipment (55%)
& & * In order to get my work out in, rather than to socialize (48%) When we take a closer look at the responses by analyzing the demographic data we get a better understanding of what motivates people to join clubs and continue to exercise at them
Exercising for overall health/wellbeing was the most frequently selected response by all health club members. However, the most notable demographic consumer group citing this reason were those who have incomes over $80,000. Income appears to play a significant role when working out wit members with incomes between $41,000 and $80,000 cite this reason more so than those who make less than $40,000.
& & * When we take a look at how age/generation factors into selection we see that Generation Y (19-29 year olds) are most likely to cite the following reasons more so than the Eisenhower Generation:
The variety of equipment, strength and cardiovascular equipment
Access to group exercise classes
My friends and family work out at the club While Generation X (20-33 year olds) are most likely, as compared to the Eisenhower Generation, to cite that they use the club because they feel obligated to go because of the money they spend on membership. Baby Boomers are most likely, as compared to the Eisenhower Generation, to cite that they use the club because their friends and family work out there.
& & * As for how gender plays into the selection process, it seems that women are most likely to select a health club to gain access to group exercise classes, more so than men. See below for more detailed reasons why members choose their health club, as well as the personal goals that motivate them to exercise there and what prevents others from joining a health club.
当你回过头来考虑你的全盘计划时,您应该看到一致性。如果您想做一个市场的低成本成员,那么你的计划应与这个目标相一致(包括目标会员、费用结构、预期裁员等)。 同样,肌肉健身房、妇女健身、特警健身房、老年人健身房等都是各不相同的。祝您好运!
巴里克莱因 ,Elevations健身俱乐部老板
Clubsource Development Partners LLC董事长
乔奇鲁利先生,Gainesville Health & Fitness Center
How to Create and Implement A Strategic Plan
This week, experts Barry Klein, Joe Cirulli, and Jill Kinney discuss how to create and implement a strategic plan:
Q: &I am currently developing a small independent club. What are some tips on how to create/implement a strategic plan?&
A: This is a wise question!
The key issue to consider is why your facility will be unique. Every fitness facility has the same check-list of features – weights, cardio, etc. Why will your facility stand out? To whom will it appeal? Are there enough of these target prospects in your market (an 8 to 12 minute travel time from your facility).
With a unique value proposition and confidence that there is a market, you must create financial projections and you must write a business plan. “Thinking about it” is not adequate (and banks and investors will need a written plan). Use this as an opportunity to run various scenarios. The most likely scenario is that your initial revenue will be ½ of your projections and your expenses will be twice your projections (trust me…).
When you step back and consider the full scope of your plan, you should see consistency. If you want to be the low-cost player in your market, then your plan should be consistent with that vision (in terms of target members, expense structure, expected attrition, etc.) Similarly, the profile of muscle gyms, women’s-only gyms, Gen X gyms, senior citizen gyms, etc. are all different. Good luck!
Barry Klein, Owner
Elevations Health Club
A: A good strategic plan begins with a thorough understanding of the marketplace and leads to realistic expectations on the most critical aspect of your new business, the membership projections.
Start with a model that identifies the number of people (residents & workforce) within a 10 minute radius of your club. Take into account only those people who meet your age, income and educational criteria. Multiply this number by 17-20% (the average percentage of the population likely to join a health club.) This will give you a good estimate on the number of people in your market who are likely to join any health club.
Now, develop a complete list of all of the competitors in the marketplace (including facilities that may not be exactly like your club model) and estimate their membership capacity (not their current membership level). Reduce the number of likely health club joiners by the competitors capacity and you will have a good sense of how many available likely health club joiners their are in your market. This number should be 2-4 times higher than the number of members you need to be financially successful.
In the process of creating this market analysis, you will gain not only insight into the number of members you are likely to attract, but the competitors strengths and weaknesses. Together, this should predefine the challenges you are likely to face in launching your new club.
Good luck!
Jill Stevens Kinney, Managing Director
Clubsource Development Partners LLC
A: The first step is Strategy. Determine what separates your club from the competition. Why would someone be willing to spend his or her money on your service versus a competitor? Then everyone in your organization has to understand it be aligned behind it. That means the Vision, Mission, Core Values, Core Purpose and Culture of the organization has to be defined and well understood. Everyone has to support it.
The Structure of the company has to be designed to accomplish it. So design a company that is easy for the customers to do business with.
Determine what separates your club from the competition. Execution is what usually separates out the exceptional companies. The best mechanism I have found is a regular 2-hour meeting every Monday morning for all management. During that meeting we evaluate how we're doing in a number of areas. Everyone knows what their responsibilities are and that they'll be held accountable for them. Once a year we set the Strategic Plan and Budget. We evaluate our progress on a monthly basis at these meetings.
It's the staff that makes up the culture. The value of knowing the core values of a company is that it makes you aware of the type of people that should be working there. Your entire hiring process should be designed around finding people who have the same values as the company. Trying to change a person's core values is virtually impossible.
Develop the team's Leadership Skills and always being on the lookout for new Talent.
Mr. Joe Cirulli, President & Owner
Gainesville Health & Fitness Center
这个古老的问题:是现有蛋还是先有鸡呢?如果不花钱的话就没法挣钱, 并且如果你没有钱你就不能挣钱!但是如果你仔细观察,你会发现用几美元都可以削减开支增加收益。
Health Club Marketing Success in 3 Easy Steps
Are you randomly throwing marketing strategies against the wall, hoping for something to stick? This type of marketing is commonplace in struggling health clubs. The more successful clubs have a plan and follow these three steps…
Marketing is not rocket science, but it is easy to fail if you do not have a system in place. Stop wasting your marketing dollars and follow these simple steps to health club marketing success.
Step 1: Allocate A Percentage Of Your Total Revenue To Your Marketing Efforts
Don't wait until you need a boost in your revenues to begin marketing. Your marketing efforts should never end. Marketing textbooks will tell you that the average amount you should put toward marketing is 13% of revenues. Not profits, revenues. You might think, &I'm not even making enough money to pay myself!&
Ah, the age old question: what comes first, the chicken or the egg? You can't make money without spending money, and you can't spend money if you don't have money! But if you look closely, you will find some areas to cut costs or increase profit centers by a few dollars.
Step 2: Create a Marketing Plan
Successful marketing is not a one-time mailer or purchasing ad space because someone came to your door with an amazing ValPak offer. If you perform a la carte marketing, you will never experience a steady flow of prospect traffic. You need to set aside an uninterrupted hour this week to create your marketing plan. Begin by creating a separate page for each month of the year. After evaluating your budget, you should know how much you can allocate to marketing. Think about what type of marketing works best at certain times of the year. For example, January is New Years Resolutions, March is Prepare for Bikini Season, June is Summer for Free, August is Back to School.
Those are the obvious ones. If you're a Northern club, you have cold weather set in faster than in the Southern states. If you're in the South, people want to beat the heat during the summer by exercising indoors. Or maybe your demographic will help determine your marketing plan. If you live in a blue collar area, what better time to advertise than tax return time! Or if you have childcare at your facility, the summer is a perfect time to give parents a break from their kids while they work out?
Based on the theme of the month, what types of marketing will best reach your prospects? Perhaps a direct mailer in January? Getting involved with youth organizations in the Spring and Summer? Is there a parade or festival? Think of ways you can volunteer or get involved. Obviously your plan might need to be tweaked as the months progress, or if you're presented with unique marketing opportunities. As a health club owner, you are accustomed to constantly bobbing and weaving.
Step 3: Don't Try To Do It All Yourself
You have enough responsibilities. And think about this...If your marketing efforts are extremely successful, are you the one who will have to sell all the memberships? While an increase in members is always a good thing, is your sanity worth it? In addition to managing the club, handling member concerns, monitoring billing and member check in, managing personal trainers, maybe even training a few people yourself, cleaning the club, training your staff, and finding time to eat...can you imagine trying to give tours and sell a few memberships a day and follow up with missed guests?
Whew! I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Allocate certain marketing responsibilities to your staff, outsource your printing, hire a local boy scout troop or youth group to distribute door hangers, hire a cleaning agency, get a third party billing system. Get other people to do these tasks and free up your time to work on your business, not in your business.
The point is that you have enough o, but these are the foundational elements to successful marketing of your fitness business. Create a budget, develop a plan, and don't try to do everything yourself. Follow these three steps and you will set the stage for marketing success!
Clubsource Development Partners LLC
How to increase prices without negatively affecting retention
This week, expert Jill Stevens Kinney gives advice to a Pakistani club operator who looking to increase dues without negatively affecting retention:
Q: We solely rely on cash payment from customers owing to an absence of EFT direct debit system and also because this country is largely a cash based society. We have prepaid monthly membership, which means that the customer has the option every month to bail out of the contract if he seems a discrepancy between the price-value relationship. This, in turn, makes us work very hard in the sense that we're unable to estimate our attrition rates.
How does one determine the right time to increase prices and still uphold the value proposition for the customer?
A: It was not that long ago that the US health club industry felt that the public would not accept EFT payments for membership. We began offering lower dues to members who were willing to try the EFT billing system. Within a short period of time, the majority of members were selecting this option. We continued to offer the cash payment option at a premium price.
I recommend that you get into a practice of increasing your dues once a year. Let members know they can expect to see an increase in dues, relative to increased costs, each year. You can explain that your club prefers not to solve these increased costs with staff or service reductions.
The best time to do a dues increase is in conjunction with your busiest sales season. In the US, this is typically January when clubs experience a high volume of new memberships as people make New Year's resolutions to take better care of themselves.
My suggestion is that you consider combining these two issues into one solution. I recommend that you revise your membership pricing structure. Increase the cost of your current cash payment membership offer and offer a new EFT membership at the current dues rate. Notify all of the existing members that you are imposing a dues increase but they can choose to avoid this increase if they sign up for EFT billing.
Jill Stevens Kinney, Managing Director
Clubsource Development Partners LLC
事实是俱乐部用言语和行动将最优质的服务告诉他们的员工,他们是第一位的。每一天对待员工要尊重,公平支付工资并给他们提供晋升的机会,激励他们给顾客提供更优质的服务。优质服务的真正信徒知道如果不是员工第一,会员们不可能在优先名单上有高的排名,并不能实际得到一直在都要求的服务。那是因为心怀不满的员工都是懒洋洋的。如你猜的那样,最坏的是他们当着会员的面说自己对健身俱乐部的失望。 世界上所有的培训项目都不会提示促使员工们培养会员关系,除非对他们进行管理培训,让他们认识到帮助业务增长的自身利益。底线:没有事实能够逃离一个快乐的员工会带来快乐的会员。这里就是优质服务,会员销售和会员保留不得不开始的地方。这让我们产生这样的问题:你如何建立一支快乐的团队?尽管没有任何事情可以使员工永远处于快乐的状态,你可以树立高的工作士气和积极性。


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