
为什么我的苹果6p 短信铃声和别人自带的都不一样?
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苹果 手机铃声 制作软件- 搞笑 短信 铃声
开发商:Stevan Djukic
打开 iTunes 以购买和下载 App。
Get Awesome Ringtones 2016 for iPhone! This is the Best Melodies and Funny Sounds Collection that will leave you out of breath every time your phone rings. The audio app has magnificent songs that make your phone unique and so awesome. Personalize your device right now and become instantly popular with this soundboard app!? Follow the instructions how to set ringtones and enjoy listening to the best sounds!Enjoy listening to the best sounds and melodies! Pick up some of your favorite cool sound effects and set as a cool ringtone mp3, contact ringtone, SMS tone, cool notification sound, alert sound or even as a cool alarm tone. You will be surprised how one small thing like this top ringtone app can make such miracles to your iPhone. Try it now and see it for yourself!? Beautiful melodies to personalize your phone!Personalize your phone with this cool ringtone maker! These latest sound effects will transform your phone and make it super cool. Wake up with a smile on your face with the best alarm tones that will make your day! If you like texting and chatting, these audio effects are the fantastic as cool sms tones and cool notification tones. Enjoy!Awesome Ringtones 2016 for iPhone - Best Melodies and Funny Sounds Collection is free to download and play!
iPhone 屏幕快照
免费类别: 版本: 1.0大小: 22.3 MB语言: 英语开发商: Stevan Djukic兼容性: 需要 iOS 7.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
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