( )的天气预报

每年公历4月4日至6日之间有一天是清明节,清明是二十四节气之一的名称,同时也是是纪念祖先上坟扫墓的传统佳节,而清明节起源于寒食节,节日风俗有禁火、扫墓、踏青、荡秋千、踢蹴鞠、打马球、插柳等等。 从唐代开始,人们在清明扫墓的同时,也伴之以踏青游乐的活动。天气网在此为您介绍关于清明习俗、养生、常识、农事等等。
阳春三月,正值春暖花开时,绿城万物复苏,百花次第盛开。 天气小编整理了【2016赏花好去处】,收集了全国赏花的景点、赏花路线以及城市赏花攻略。让我们一起来欣赏这春光乍泄的美景吧!
天气新闻 &
& 福建古雷半岛水域两船相撞 9人遇险后被救(图)
福建古雷半岛水域两船相撞 9人遇险后被救(图)
  讯 海事局2日下午通报,古雷半岛东部水域发生一起两船碰撞事件,9名人员遇险。经紧急救助,1日晚间23时,遇险人员全部获救转移上岸,事故未造成水域。
天气网讯 昨天(2日)大家在享受清明假期的时候,沪宁高速发生56...
天气网讯 高考牵动着一大家子,近日,16省高考方案改革,文理不分...
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April 2, 2016
Chilly temperatures and snow are expected for the Midwest, East in early April.
April 2, 2016
Portions of the Southeast will be at risk for damaging wind gusts and perhaps a few tornadoes into Saturday evening.
April 2, 2016
The first full week of April will offer wintry conditions in the Midwest and Northeast and warm temperatures in the West. Rain will also start the week in the Pacific Northwest, with thunderstorms returning to the Plains and South later in the week.
April 2, 2016
Here's the latest on the severe weather and flooding hitting the South.
April 1, 2016
Here's the latest on the severe weather and flooding hitting the South.
April 1, 2016
Much of the U.S. is expected to experience warmer-than-average temperatures this summer.
April 1, 2016
Flooding washed away a railroad bridge near Opelika, Alabama.
March 31, 2016
As Winter Storm Troy moved across the West and Rockies, it snarled travel in its wake.
March 31, 2016
A large area of the U.S. will be at risk for damaging wind gusts, large hail and tornadoes on Thursday.
March 30, 2016
Snow continues in the Rockies and High Plains, while also developing over parts of the Great Lakes.
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By Dr. Jeff Masters
NOAA's Hurricane Hunters will have a new mission when they fly into the eyes of hurricanes this summer: issue plugs for their new corporate sponsor, eye makeup manufacturer Maybelline. At a joint NOAA/Maybelline press c...
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Weather Events
World Highest Temperature
The world's highest temperature for April
2 was 110 degrees and occurred at Khargone, India
Wildfire near Madison,
There is an active fire near Madison, , as detected by satellite with brightness of 401.
Wildfire near Telimele,
There is an active fire near Telimele, , as detected by satellite with brightness of 402.
Wildfire near Bogata Auk,
There is an active fire near Bogata Auk, , as detected by satellite with brightness of 418.
Wildfire near Berrigan,
There is an active fire near Berrigan, , as detected by satellite with brightness of 403.
Ontario, CA set a record high temperature of 85 for Apr 02
Ontario, CA set a daily record high temperature of 85 on April 02, 2016. The previous record high temperature was 81 degrees set in 2005.
Fort Bridger AP, Fort Brid, WY set a record high temperature of 55 for Apr 02
Fort Bridger AP, Fort Brid, WY set a daily record high temperature of 55 on April 02, 2016. The previous record high temperature was 53 degrees set in 2005.
Moriarty, NM set a record low temperature of 10 for Apr 02
Moriarty, NM set a daily record low temperature of 10 on April 02, 2016. The previous record low temperature was 17 degrees set in 1917.
Moses Lake, WA set a record high temperature of 75 for Apr 02
Moses Lake, WA set a daily record high temperature of 75 on April 02, 2016. The previous record high temperature was 74 degrees set in 2013.
Emporia, KS set a record low temperature of 27 for Apr 02
Emporia, KS set a daily record low temperature of 27 on April 02, 2016. The previous record low temperature was 28 degrees set in 2008.
Big Bear City, CA set a record low temperature of 26 for Apr 02
Big Bear City, CA set a daily record low temperature of 26 on April 02, 2016. The previous record low temperature was 35 degrees set in 1956.
Marathon, FL set a record high temperature of 88 for Apr 02
Marathon, FL set a daily record high temperature of 88 on April 02, 2016. The previous record high temperature was 87 degrees set in 2002.
Buena Vista, CO set a record high temperature of 56 for Apr 02
Buena Vista, CO set a daily record high temperature of 56 on April 02, 2016. The previous record high temperature was 52 degrees set in 2011.
Fredericksburg, TX set a record low temperature of 35 for Apr 02
Fredericksburg, TX set a daily record low temperature of 35 on April 02, 2016. The previous record low temperature was 38 degrees set in 2005.九 天 天 氣 預 報
大 致 多 雲 , 有 幾 陣 驟 雨 , 局 部 地 區 有 狂 風 雷 暴 。 早 晚 沿 岸 有 霧 。
短 暫 時 間 有 陽 光 , 初 時 有 幾 陣 驟 雨 。 早 晚 沿 岸 有 霧 。
部 分 時 間 有 陽 光 。 早 晚 沿 岸 有 霧 。
部 分 時 間 有 陽 光 , 稍 後 有 一 兩 陣 驟 雨 。 早 晚 沿 岸 有 霧 。
短 暫 時 間 有 陽 光 , 有 幾 陣 驟 雨 。 早 晚 沿 岸 有 霧 。
大 致 多 雲 , 有 幾 陣 雨 。 早 上 沿 岸 有 霧 。
大 致 多 雲 , 有 幾 陣 驟 雨 。
多 雲 , 有 驟 雨 。
多 雲 , 有 幾 陣 驟 雨 。
預測: 最高溫度
50%日數的最高氣溫介乎此範圍內(基於三十年氣候數據)[註 1]
50%日數的最低氣溫介乎此範圍內(基於三十年氣候數據)[註 1]
預測: 最高相對濕度
50%日數的最高相對濕度介乎此範圍內(基於三十年氣候數據)[註 1]
50%日數的最低相對濕度介乎此範圍內(基於三十年氣候數據)[註 1]
南 至 東 南 風
南 至 東 南 風
南 至 東 南 風
南 至 東 南 風
東 至 東 南 風
南 至 東 南 風
更新時間:11:30 日
(下次更新時間:16:30 日)
這中間50%範圍(即由第25百分位數至第75百分位數之間範圍)是基於 1981 - 2010 三十年間以當日為中位的五日最高/最低氣溫及相對濕度數據計算的。
預測準確度亦隨不同季節的不同天氣系統而有所分別。 一般來說,春夏兩季的天氣如霧、熱帶氣旋及強對流天氣等的變化較大,因此預測的不確定性亦會較高。


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