
就会为两个50进行投注和计算;2.5 则会赢一半,比赛入了3球的话,你就赢了一半。100元,而3球的那分部盘口就打个平手,你就输一半,一个盘口分为两部分,会将你的本金平均分为两部分进行投注和计算.5球的那部分盘口、和输一半的机会:1.5&#47。复式盘口的计算,比赛入了3球的话,投了U2O是英文OVER---“超过”的意思,如此类推---U2/3的盘口100元.5 也会输一半.5那部分盘口,就是说赢了2,当比赛入2球的话。例如。3,当比赛入2球的话。代表大球U是英文UNDER---“低于”的意思,而3球的那部分盘口则打个平手;2,就是说输了2.0计算) 。4,这时你只能收回50元的彩金(如果赔率为2,如此类推----O2&#47,这时你收回150元的彩金(如果赔率为2,会出现赢一半;3的盘口100元.5&#47,投了O2.0计算)2。代表小球以上你所列的是“复式大小盘口”
设初速度方向为正,则v0=6m/s; v=-12m/s;则加速度a=v-v0t=-12-60.2 m/s2=-90m/s2;负号说明加速度方向与正方向相反,即与初速度方向相反,即负方向;故答案为:90;负.
例:在变速直线运动中,下面关于速度和加速度关系的说法,正确的是(&&&&& )A.加速度与速度无必然联系B.速度减小时,加速度也一定减小C.速度为零时,加速度也一定为零D.速度增大时,加速度也一定增大
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#以下评论皆来自redditON: 埃弗顿 2-2 阿森纳 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&[C]【Leicester City】messy_messiah 274 points 20 hours ago&Arsenal's no Leicester, but I think they've got a shot.厂子虽然不是我狐,但我觉得他们客场打埃弗顿还是有机会的。[C]【Leicester City】ujussab 38 points 19 hours ago&Who needs Sanchez when you have Mahrez当你有马雷斯的时候,还要桑切斯作甚[C]【Arsenal】TheBooBooBaron 156 points 19 hours ago&Sigh. If only our back line was a tight as our kits.哎,要是我厂的防守和球衣一样紧就好了。[C]【Sunderland】SocraticWisdom319 132 points 19 hours ago&Arsenal look like they just upped the difficulty level to legendary and can't quite cope with it yet.阿森纳看起来像是刚把难度调到了传奇级别,突然适应不了了。[C]【Arsenal】Honey_Otter 118 points 19 hours ago&I look forward to our 75th minute substitution and change in tactics after watching more of the same for the next 30.We aren't fucking Barcelona. Sign a not shit DM and stop trying to recreate that Norwich goal every time we get the ball near the box.我们又不是他妈的萨村。签个差不多一点后腰,然后别一到禁区前面就想着复刻上赛季对诺维奇那个进球。[C]【Arsenal】johnwaters29 37 points 19 hours ago&Exactly. We only had two of those goals last year. Trying to recreate it every 5 minutes is the most aggravating thing to watch. Shoot. The. Fucking. Ball.绝壁。我们去年只有2个那样的进球。然后最绝望的就是每隔5分钟就想试着来一次。你麻痹倒是射门啊![C]【Barcelona】knowsalotofthings 63 points 18 hours ago&"You're being too predictive, Mr. Wenger.""Alright, put Sanchez off.""Wha...""Exactly. I'm French."“你的招式已经被我识破了,温先生。”“行行行,给我把桑切斯换下来。”“擦……”“是的,我就是法国淫。”[C]【England】redditstreaming 146 points 19 hours ago&Lexus should make a car called "Sanchez" then someone can buy it and say, I own 'a Lexus Sanchez'.凌志应该造辆车就叫“桑切斯”,然后有人买了之后便可以说,我有辆“阿雷克萨斯-桑切斯”。[C]【Manchester United】mthrfkn 86 points 19 hours ago&If you expect Ozil to defend, you're going to have a bad time.要是你指望厄齐尔防守,你就要出事了。[C]【Germany】w_pc 81 points 19 hours ago&Everton might have the best looking kits in the PL埃弗顿的球衣可能是英超最好看的了吧[C]【Manchester United】mar_oso 35 points 19 hours ago&Those new Everton kits are sharp looking. Umbro knows how to make a nice looking kit.埃弗顿新球衣看起来超级好看。茵宝就是懂怎么做出好球衣啊。[C]TheBlueNomad 54 points 19 hours ago&One thing Lukaku learned from Drogba is how to bully Arsenal.卢卡库从抓巴那里学的唯一一招大概就是怎么搞阿森纳了。[C]【Everton】senor_bacon 317 points 1 day ago&Fuck.操咧。[C]【LA Galaxy】Vagabond21 151 points 1 day ago&ball don't lie出来混迟早要还的[C]【Arsenal】b_smizzle 104 points 1 day ago&After that offside goal I think its pretty fair. I can't believe we came back with 7 minutes left! Went mad in my living room!鉴于那个越位进球我觉得这结果挺公平的。最后7分钟完成逆转太难以置信了!我在客厅里抓狂了![C]【Manchester United】DictatorshipWorks 25 points 1 day ago&Still a decent result, Still think Everton need a small bit more dept in midfield to finish out some of the bigger games.比赛结果依然很棒,依然觉得埃弗顿想要拿下关键比赛的话,中场还是需要加强一点深度。[C]【Manchester City】Off_Topic_Oswald 231 points 1 day ago&That meaty French forehead.看看那法国大肉丸。[C]【Manchester United】TheLeviathong 68 points 1 day ago&High-stakes game, levelled by high steaks.大场面,肉料也要足。[C]【Liverpool】Thesolly180 233 points 1 day ago&Everton got tired near the end, they defended well all game, and ran most of the match. Arsenal’s midfield dissapeared until the final 10, and after all the abuse of “Giroud isn’t good enough for Arsenal” he was the best player when he came on.埃弗顿临近结束的时候累坏了,他们整场防守都很好,几乎全场都在奔跑。阿森纳中场直到最后10分钟才解除隐身,然后听了那么多“吉鲁配不上阿森纳”之后,他上场证明了自己是最好的。[C]【Arsenal】Sulphur32 55 points 1 day ago&Apparently Giroud's match fitness after his holiday was in doubt or something显然在假期之后,吉鲁的状态有些异常[C]【Tottenham Hotspur】nefron55 83 points 1 day ago&I think this showed that in the right type of game, Giroud can be very valuable to a top 4 and title challenging side.我觉得这已经说明在特定的比赛中,吉鲁也能成为一支前4、争冠球队非常有价值的一员。[C]【Arsenal】FootballClubSandwich 57 points 1 day ago&He's an excellent Plan B, fierce in the air and not afraid to battle with CBs, but I think we need a better first choice他是个非常好的B计划,空霸一枚,也不畏惧和中卫对抗,但我觉得我们还是需要一个更好的首选前锋[C]【Arsenal】cookiemonster points 1 day ago&Naismith: Scored an offside goal, and spent the rest of the match rolling on the floor.奈史密斯:进了个越位球,其他时间都在滚草皮。[C]【Liverpool】idgaf_neverreallydid 119 points 1 day ago&I really don't like Steve Naismith.我真的不喜欢奈史密斯。[C]【Arsenal】actionaaron 45 points 1 day ago&I fackin hate divers.我他妈的最恨跳水运动员了。[C]【Arsenal】FootballClubSandwich 348 points 1 day ago&Naismith has quickly become one of my least favorite players, diving whenever anyone breathes on him奈史密斯迅速成了我最不待见的球员之一,随便谁对他吹口气就倒了[C]BringinItDown1 290 points 1 day ago&And then trying to act like a hardman the other 50% of the time. Wank job.剩下50%的时间还装得自己很tough,傻缺。[C]【Arsenal】bellend1234 88 points 1 day ago*&Sky Sports News sources can confirm he is inbred.(重口,不喜勿进)天空体育消息已经确认奈史密斯父母是近亲。ON: 切尔西 2-0 莱斯特城 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&[C]【Arsenal】essdotc 53 points 1 day ago&Lol. Taylor Fletcher looks like some guy they just pulled in from the pub.哈哈哈,泰勒-弗莱彻像是他们刚从酒吧里拉来踢球的。[C]【Benfica】The_Worst_Bassist 88 points 1 day ago&I think I'm in better shape than Taylor-Fletcher.我觉得我身材比泰勒-弗莱彻好。[C]【Chelsea】TheLonelyGhost 48 points 1 day ago&He looks like he would be the first one to the pub after the game.看起来他可能是历史上第一个喝完酒直接来比赛的球员。[C]【Chelsea】Watoskyv 182 points 1 day ago&Ivanovic MOTM伊万诺维奇全场最佳[C]【Chelsea】idonotownakindle 57 points 1 day ago&Yes, i don't really see how he can get benched after his performances in the first two games.It's definitely a battle between Azpi and Luis.是的,我真不知道有这样的表现,他前2场怎么会坐板凳的。绝对应该Azp和路易斯竞争出场。[C]Mannd95 61 points 1 day ago&Drogba's return even had Roman on his feet. Great reception抓巴的回归让阿布都坐不住了,好买卖[C]Kyuss888 110 points 1 day ago&Courtois was simply phenomenal.库尔图瓦绝壁现象级。[C]【Chelsea】I_done_a_plop-plop 50 points 1 day ago&The speed of his distribution is the difference.他的离地速度是关键。[C]【England】redditstreaming 79 points 1 day ago&Chelsea played good however I am extremely impressed by Leicester. They aren't going down if they can keep this up.切尔西打得很好,但莱斯特让我印象很深刻。如果能保持这个势头他们不会降级的。[C]Mannd95 33 points 1 day ago&They went toe to toe with chelsea in the first half very impressively.他们上半场和切尔西针尖对麦芒。[C]【Chelsea】BookofJoe 46 points 1 day ago&I thought it was gonna be another Sunderland match...shudders还以为桑德兰的噩梦又要上演了……呼呼呼[C]【Chelsea】blahdr 35 points 1 day ago&Ivanovic plays like the hulk possessed but speaks like a shy girl in the post match interview :)伊万踢球的时候像是绿巨人上身,赛后采访时候说话害羞得跟个小姑娘似得:)[C]【Chelsea】robyto 80 points 1 day ago&a real striker...真前锋……[C]【Chelsea】Watoskyv 57 points 1 day ago&Even Abramovich was smiling, I haven't seen him do that in a long time.连阿布都露出了微笑,很久没看到他这样了。ON: 热刺 4-0 女王公园巡游者 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &[C]【Tottenham Hotspur】nssmuckers 79 points 22 hours ago&Chadli equalling Townsend and Lennon's combined goal total from last season.沙兹利刚追平了上赛季汤森和伦农的进球数总和。[C]【Belgium】UsernameAlreadyUsed 21 points 22 hours ago&And scoring more in 37 minutes than he did the whole of last season. I like it.Vertonghen also looking like he retrieved his form, now all I want is Dembele to be starting again.只用了37分钟就进了他上赛季的总量,我就喜欢。维东根看起来也在恢复状态,现在我只想登贝莱能够重回首发。[C]【Tottenham Hotspur】nssmuckers 123 points 23 hours ago&Eric Dier on pace for golden boot.戴尔正在全力追逐金靴。[C]【Tottenham Hotspur】BiffWhistler 40 points 22 hours ago&That Eriksen, not even Jesus had a first touch as perfect as that.埃里克森个小妖精,就是耶稣的停球也没他这么好。[C]【Chernomorets】martodve 16 points 22 hours ago&I must admit Navas' first touch isn't very good in comparison.我承认纳瓦斯的停球比不上这个。[C]【Liverpool】Elsa-of-Arendelle 62 points 22 hours ago&Nice new signing, this Lamela. Where did he play last season?新援不错哦,这个拉美拉。上赛季在哪踢球的?[C]【Tottenham Hotspur】pejasto 180 points 22 hours ago&Physio FC.康复室足球俱乐部。[C]【England】Pelly 67 points 22 hours ago&I don't remember him being an Arsenal player.印象中上赛季他不在阿森纳啊。[C]【Liverpool】KuzStuna 200 points 22 hours ago&I think tottenham fans are more surprised than QPR fans today我觉得今天热刺球迷比QPR球迷还吃惊[C]【Tottenham Hotspur】swiper33 221 points 22 hours ago&I haven't seen us play this well in ages. The first 40 were absolute porn for a yid.多少年没看我们打这么好了,开场40分钟就他妈跟看A片一样一样的。[C]【Tottenham Hotspur】cheftlp1221 97 points 21 hours ago&You can watch 40 minutes of porn at a time?你看A片能看40分钟?[C]【VVV-Venlo】Mark_This_Down 33 points 21 hours ago&Just skip to the good parts.我都直接跳过看正戏的。[C]【Tottenham Hotspur】smokey815 355 points 22 hours ago&This is fun, guys. Let's do it more often.这个太好玩了,弟兄们。再给我来一打。[C]【Liverpool】Thesolly180 96 points 22 hours ago&You have a strong squad and they're now gelling as a team, and you now have a strong manager yous can be dangerous this season.你们的阵容很强大,今年又拧成一股绳,现在还有个强大的教头,这赛季你刺不得了。[C]【Liverpool】Shigglywoopwoop 260 points 22 hours ago&On the other hand QPR are fucking dreadful.反过来说,QPR真是一坨翔。[C]【Tottenham Hotspur】swiper33 89 points 22 hours ago&All we need to do now is keep our position in the league. Shouldn't be too hard right?所以现在我们要做的就是保持住这个排名。不会太难吧?ON: 桑德兰 1-1 曼联 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&[C]【Sporting KC】Therev143 226 points 21 hours ago*&How much would it cost to buy the entire Costa Rican back five? Surely catching the opponents offside 20 times a game would be better than this.买下整条哥斯达黎加后防线要多少钱?我确定看对手越位20次都比这场好看。[C]【Liverpool】spillbreak 175 points 20 hours ago&Probably less than Shaw cost to be honest..说实话加起来估计还不如肖贵……[C]ScummyMunro 132 points 20 hours ago&Manchester United's most senior centre back is Phil Jones. What a time to be alive.曼联最有经验的中后卫是菲尔-琼斯,生亦何欢。[C]【Liverpool】Copps 336 points 20 hours ago&Angel di Maria's live plane footage迪马利亚飞机路线实拍[C]【Manchester United】onelegged 34 points 20 hours ago&I laughed then cried.笑cry了。[C]【Chelsea】ArkonOlacar 185 points 21 hours ago&Put Mata in a blue shirt, he scores. Coincidence? I think not...马塔穿蓝衣服就进球了,巧合?我不这么觉得……[C]【Chelsea】leofootball 22 points 20 hours ago&phew he won't be wearing blue against us.还好他打我们的时候不会穿蓝衣服。[C]【Arsenal】IThinkThisIsRight 425 points 21 hours ago*&My exgirlfriend and I have more chemistry than this Man U defense我跟我ex的默契都比这条曼联后防线好[C]【Leicester City】messy_messiah 168 points 21 hours ago&Man U's defense gets caught ball watching more than /u/IThinkThisIsRight 's exgirlfriend.曼联后卫瞪球被抓现行比LS那位的ex还多。[C]balfoursyournephew 105 points 20 hours ago&Man U's defence gets shafted more than /u/IThinkThisIsRight's ex-girlfriend.曼联后卫换姿势比LZ的ex还频繁[C]immerc 180 points 20 hours ago&Man U's defence is just as filled with inexperienced young men as /u/IThinkThisIsRight 's ex-girlfriend?曼联的后防线跟LZ的ex一样被毫无经验的年轻人塞满了?[C]【Finland】dharms 200 points 20 hours ago&I just leave this here.随便传个图。[C]【Chelsea】wizard points 21 hours ago&Cleverly is god awful克莱维利差到一定境界了[C]【DC United】dukeslver 40 points 21 hours ago&He looks like the worst player on the pitch by a huge margin感觉他以巨大优势当选了本场最差球员[C]Plantjuice 165 points 20 hours ago&I love how Cleverley tried two moderately difficult passes towards the end of the game and both go horribly wrong. Absolutely stealing a living at utd.我喜欢比赛结束前克莱维利那段,尝试了2个一般难度的传球都错到离谱。他在曼联绝对是混日子。[C]【Stevenage】Ajayyyyy 94 points 21 hours ago&RVPs getting pretty grey...RVP惨老了很多……[C]newtral 13 points 21 hours ago&i quite like silver fox RVP我很喜欢银狐范佩西[C]【Pune FC】ironmenon 624 points 20 hours ago&Utd's midfield was so bad, Cattermole didn't even feel the need to get a yellow.曼联的中场也太差了,卡特莫尔都觉得不用吃黄牌就能搞定他们。[C]ehkala 98 points 19 hours ago&I wonder why United didn't go for Fabregas.不明白为什么曼联不搞小法。[C]【Cardiff City】TheJoshider10 338 points 19 hours ago&Because he "didn't fit the system", same as Kroos. But you know, Cleverley and Fletcher do, right?因为他“不符合体系”,就跟克罗斯一样。但你也知道,克莱维利和弗莱彻绝对体系球员,对吧?[C]【Feyenoord】sophietje010 712 points 20 hours ago&Congratulations to Louis van Gaal with his first point恭喜+2拿到第一分[C]JohnnyFiveLive 430 points 19 hours ago*&Good example of why pre-season games mean fuck all证明季前赛都是扯淡的绝佳例子[C]【Argentina】kimboslice11 56 points 20 hours ago&When can Rojo play罗霍什么时候能上场[C]【Juventus】Kriajo96 146 points 20 hours ago&After seing this i dont think he want to play看完这个我不确定他是不是想上场[C]【Bayern München】likwitsnake 1059 points 20 hours ago&[C]【Arsenal】part points 20 hours ago&[C]【United States】vaevictis037 139 points 20 hours ago&Don't see how Di Maria fixes the issues in the center of the park.不知道迪马利亚来了要怎么在中路拯救这球队。[C]limited_inc 240 points 20 hours ago&It reminds me of Mata last year, pure marquee signing to please the fans for a week or two.让我想到了去年的马塔,为了取悦球迷1、2个礼拜的大手笔签约。[C]【Liverpool】Ironprox 927 points 20 hours ago&Sunderland dropping points against man utd. Who would've thought?桑德兰对阵曼联竟然丢分了。赛前谁会想到?[C]【Cardiff City】ThatGavinFellow 517 points 20 hours ago&If they want to remain safe from relegation they need to get 3 points from the mid table clubs early on in the season and send a positive message.如果他们想保级,就要在中游球队身上拿足分,这场比赛传达了积极的信号。[C]【Newcastle United】CWhiteman92 149 points 20 hours ago&Y'know how on Football Manager where one "big" team gets inexplicably relegated.....?Well......你们都知道FM里面大球队降级的节奏吧……?好吧……[C]【Sunderland】Hobbits_Foot 285 points 19 hours ago&Sunderland won't go down man, haway now.桑德兰不会降级的,滚粗吧。[C]【Liverpool】GhostOfMozart 274 points 20 hours ago&I've said it before I'll say it again, Manchester United are no longer capable of winning when they're playing badly.我已经说过了,现在我再说一遍。曼联已经不再是那支发挥不佳的时候也能赢球的球队了。[C]【Liverpool】Thesolly180 388 points 20 hours ago&Fergie definitely had a deal with Satan.爵爷一定是和撒旦有过什么交易。[C]【Liverpool】ajwz 234 points 20 hours ago&In the list of clubs who most desperately need to sign new players, utd just overtook Blackpool在亟需买人补强的球队名单中,曼联已经超越了布莱克浦[C]【Manchester United】meean 251 points 20 hours ago&God help us.神啊,救救我吧。[C]【Manchester United】ColdandTense 182 points 20 hours ago&We are fucking garbage.我们真他妈是垃圾。[C]damq 391 points 20 hours ago&As a Liverpool fan, I agree 100%作为利物浦球迷,我100%同意[C]【Portugal】BRUNO-GOMES 103 points 20 hours ago&Van Gaal and his 3 CB'sValencia crosses are one joke范加尔和他的三后卫瓦伦西亚的传中就是个笑话[C]【Valencia】joavim 605 points 20 hours ago&& &Valencia crosses are one jokeListen here you little shit.& &瓦伦西亚的传中就是个笑话小兄弟说话注意点儿[C]【Arsenal】mahalobradda 221 points 20 hours ago*&Blackett, Keane, Cleverly, Welbeck, Fletcher, Young. It's crazy to think that these are guys that United are playing. Skill wise they seem more suitable for a mid table club like Villa.EDIT : I was probably a bit harsh including Welbeck.布莱克特、基恩、克莱维利、维尔贝克、弗莱彻、扬。这些球员给曼联踢球太疯狂了。技术层面说,他们更适合中游球队维拉。编辑:把黑贝算在里面可能有点过分了。[C]【Aston Villa】bambinoquinn 415 points 20 hours ago&Cleverly? No thanks克莱维利?不,谢谢[C]【Chelsea】AAAristarchus 167 points 20 hours ago&This is not even a joke. Only a fool would bench Delph for Cleverly.这哪里是笑话。白痴才会上克莱维利不上德尔福。[C]【Aston Villa】bambinoquinn 147 points 20 hours ago&Well Roy Hodgson is a fool好吧霍奇森就是个白痴[C]【Liverpool】ICritMyPants 7 points 14 hours ago&We already know. sigh早就知道了。哎……[C]【Manchester City】YOYO-TOURE 138 points 20 hours ago&Oh man, I feel so bad for Di Maria, about to join an awful team欧,兄弟,我真为迪马利亚感到可惜,要加盟一支这么糟糕的球队[C]【Leicester City】ujussab 366 points 20 hours ago&He should join a much better team.Like Leicester.他应该有个更好的归宿才对。比如莱斯特城。往期传声筒:
黑曼联黑的飞起啊 我这个军密看到笑呵呵
不过我觉得天使还是可以给MU带来一些变化的 MU球员实力还是很强的
[C]【DC United】dukeslver 40 points 21 hours ago
He looks like the worst player on the pitch by a huge margin
[C]immerc 180 points 20 hours ago
Man U's defence is just as filled with inexperienced young men as /u/IThinkThisIsRight 's ex-girlfriend?
[C]【Arsenal】IThinkThisIsRight 425 points 21 hours ago*?My exgirlfriend and I have more chemistry than this Man U defense我跟我ex的默契都比这条曼联后防线好[C]【Leicester City】messy_messiah 168 points 21 hours ago?Man U's defense gets caught ball watching more than /u/IThinkThisIsRight 's exgirlfriend.曼联后卫瞪球被抓现行比LS那位的ex还多。[C]balfoursyournephew 105 points 20 hours ago?Man U's defence gets shafted more than /u/IThinkThisIsRight's ex-girlfriend.曼联后卫换姿势比LZ的ex还频繁[C]immerc 180 points 20 hours ago?Man U's defence is just as filled with inexperienced young men as /u/IThinkThisIsRight 's ex-girlfriend?曼联的后防线跟LZ的ex一样被毫无经验的年轻人塞满了?哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
[C]【Newcastle United】CWhiteman92 149 points 20 hours ago
Y'know how on Football Manager where one "big" team gets inexplicably relegated.....?
[C]【Sunderland】Hobbits_Foot 285 points 19 hours ago
Sunderland won't go down man, haway now.
[C]【Chelsea】TheLonelyGhost 48 points 1 day ago
He looks like he would be the first one to the pub after the game.
Grand Arthur never dies.
I laughed then cried ←@句g樾cry不太妥?
【Vive la France!】法国队吧吧刊第五期
[C]【Portugal】BRUNO-GOMES 103 points 20 hours ago
Van Gaal and his 3 CB's
Valencia crosses are one joke
[C]【Valencia】joavim 605 points 20 hours ago
Valencia crosses are one joke
Listen here you little shit.
[C]【Cardiff City】ThatGavinFellow 517 points 20 hours ago
If they want to remain safe from relegation they need to get 3 points from the mid table clubs early on in the season and send a positive message.
我觉得英文的send a message跟中文直译的传达信号并不符。
主要是中间LZ漏掉了Early on in the seanson并且没有注意最后一个and[C]Mannd95 61 points 1 day ago&Drogba's return even had Roman on his feet. Great reception&抓巴的回归让阿布都坐不住了,好买卖&应该不是好买卖的意思,而是说切尔西上下对德罗巴回归很重视,阿布出席表示了尊重。(没看球,我猜阿布去现场了?)还有8楼也指出的&[C]【Chelsea】TheLonelyGhost 48 points 1 day ago&He looks like he would be the first one to the pub after the game.&看起来他可能是历史上第一个喝完酒直接来比赛的球员。&他看起来会是赛后第一个冲进酒吧的球员。[ 此帖被吃饭打呼噜在 16:02修改 ]
[C]Mannd95 61 points 1 day ago
Drogba's return even had Roman on his feet. Great reception
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