
Copyright @ 2014 系统盒Home - 10in10
Welcome to the 10in10
Every year we organise a walking challenge in the English Lake District to raise money for the MS Society.
Ten peaks in the Lake District to be completed in ten hours – or a five peaks in five hours challenge.
New – No Cure Always Hope Ultra Route – a 39 mile classic fell running challenge over 25 peaks with 17,000 feet of ascent.
New – Everyday 10in10 – a chance to tackle one of three routes in your own time.
The annual 10in10 challenge was designed and created by Yvonne Booth in 2011. It was her response to her husband Duncan’s diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis in 2010. As a wife and mother of three sons, she wanted to do something positive and help raise money for research into this cruel illness.
Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating neurological disease with no cure.
Every June, hundreds of people walk over ten mountains in ten hours or five mountains in five hours.
Walkers are sponsored to take part – so far they have raised a magnificent &169,000 for research into Multiple Sclerosis.10in10diet
The 10 in 10 Diet is a total system that makes it easy to transition off meat and cook healthy food conveniently while keeping your grocery bill
under $150 a month per person, and reducing our contribution to climate
change – think 10% reduction by remembering 10 key points below.&&This site has been here since 2009 (writing March 2015). It gets pretty regular traffic. That's very encouraging. If you want to get up to speed quickly, or if you're in the choir and want lots of strong arguments for friends and family, then watch this powerful documentary: . The long & short of it is, the big environmentalist organizations that have put the onus for greenhouse gas reduction on fossil fuels (in other words, transportation) have been cowed by the ultra powerful meat industry (come on, I'm allowed one key pun), which is really by far the biggest emitter of CO2, methane and nitrous oxide. Plus, because methane is both a much more powerful heat-holder than CO2 and also a lot shorter-lived, reducing meat production would get that number down to 350 ppm (carbon dioxide and equivalents in the atmosphere) way faster than people driving less, etc.I was never a hardcore vegetarian, always willing to eat what was put in front of me in others' homes, so I have been enjoying some sustainably produced local meats, while supporting the farmers of our little market, but a very small amount. I'm big on stews and soups where the meat is very sparse among the veggies. Cowspiracy has changed my mind about what constitutes real 'sustainability'.
1. Eat like a peasant.Enjoy inexpensive but delicious vegetarian foods from different ethic traditions.2. Make it from scratch.Learn basic skills instead of paying for corporate processing plants to make your meals.3. Buy basic supplies.Supplies keep well. Groceries get forgotten at the back of the fridge and produce tons of trash. Stop driving to the store every day.4. Eat beans.Beans and lentils form the protein base of many countries' staple meals where frugal people don't use much meat.5. Cook big batches.Make your own convenience foods by making enough to freeze a stack of portions.6. Preserve in season.Buy fresh local fruits and vegetables in season and freeze, can or dry them.7. Buy local.Plan for a more localized future by supporting local growers.8. Grow your own.Even a tomato plant and a pepper plant on a balcony give you a measure of self-reliance. Look into a community garden if you don't have any space of your own.9. Be content.Observe your eating and shopping habits and question them. You may find you can be satisfied with a much simpler diet.10. Share.Invite your friends for meals. Have pot luck dinners. Surprise people!We have lived our lives by the assumption that what was good for us
would be good for the world. We have been wrong. We must change our
lives so that it will be possible to live by the contrary assumption,
that what is good for the world will be good for us. And that requires
that we make the effort to know the world and learn what is good for
it." —Wendell BerryIn this low-carbon vegetarian diet you'll find a limited
menu of carefully worked out meals and recipes to help you get off the
cycle of eating mindlessly (and expensively) now and feeling guilty
about it later. This is the complete opposite of making a hobby of
experimenting with gourmet cooking. It's also not about being too much
of a stickler for any 'ism'.
This diet is a way to fast track to a simpler, more peaceful life. It's totally
possible to really enjoy food while eating more like the majority of
people in the world.&
This simple system is vegetarian, organic when not prohibitively expensive, low on dairy but not totally vegan. Packaged food is avoided, but not banned. Local food in season is given priority, mostly as a practice for the possibility of future contractions in industrial monoculture and food distribution. Milk is used sparingly. The book The China Study cooled me off on dairy. Eggs are used mostly for for baking – in my case from small mixed farmers whose chickens have a life. I make yogurt to keep the yeast in check, say no more. Luckily we have a local organic creamery that sells lovely full-fat milk with which I make the thickest, creamiest yogurt.The name 10 in 10 Diet was based on the 10:10 Global.org campaign, which was reducing carbon footprint 10% in 2010. Now, since the name seems to have stuck, it's about 10% and .&
One key item is the . I believe it was a major factor in my fairly painlessly reducing my weight by two clothes sizes.
My methods are as important as the ingredients in creating a lifestyle of mindful cooking. Just as restaurants train line cooks in specific procedures, I'm providing my efficient ways.You can take all the anxiety out of vegetarian nutrition, food spending, snacking, and cooking. This frees up space in your mind, money in your pocket and time in your day.Read more about how I reached this point .& &
with Yola.内容字号:
技术预览版现已公开提供下载,本文为新手朋友们详解一下常用的几个安装方法,请根据自己的需求选择最佳安装法。豆豆提醒大家,Win10技术预览版是微软为了接受技术人员反馈信息以进一步改进和完善产品而发布,其在使用过程中不可避免会出现一些bug或者软件兼容问题,因此不建议用它来替代当前正在使用的系统,最好先安装双系统或在虚拟机中体验Win10最新特性。一、 替代当前系统(即将当前系统升级至Win10技术预览版)下载镜像后,打开ISO镜像(注:Win8/8.1中直接双击即可,Win7中可用魔方虚拟光驱加载&,),直接运行镜像根目录中的setup.exe,如下图所示。▲&接受许可条款▲&检查安装环境。这可能需要一段时间,主要取决于你当前使用的系统中的软件数量▲&检查完成后,安装程序会列出你需要注意的事项,例如系统功能的缺失或现有软件的兼容性等。如果没有需要注意的事项则会出现下图所示结果。▲&在这里还可以更改升级后需要保留的内容。点击“更改要保留的内容”,出现下图内容▲&选择要保留的项目。注意,无论选择哪个选项,升级后当前系统都会被Win10技术预览版替代。其中的“个人文件”是指“用户”文件夹下的内容;具体哪些应用可以保留取决于这些应用在Win10预览版中的兼容性;如果选择“不保留任何内容”,升级后“个人文件”仍会被保存下来,移至名为Windows.old的文件夹中。点击下一步即可开始安装,如果你选择保留所有内容升级,这将可能是一个非常耗时的过程。本方法缺点是不能执行格式化安装(即纯净安装)。如果想执行格式化安装,请。二、组成多系统的最简单方法(保留原有的系统)首先我们要为Win10预览版准备一个分区。任何一个有足够剩余空间的分区都符合条件,不过还是建议单独准备一个干净的分区,如果体验后想删除,单独的分区可避免一些麻烦。分区:打开磁盘管理,找一个剩余空间较大的分区,右键单击选择“压缩卷”:▲&输入合适的大小(这里作为演示仅分配30GB空间,建议不小于40GB),点击“压缩”。之后会在你选择的分区后面出现一个未分配空间。▲&在未分配空间上右键单击,选择“新建简单卷”,再出现的窗口中一路点击“下一步”即可。注意,如果提示你需要将硬盘转换为动态磁盘,那是因为你的硬盘是MBR分区结构,主分区数量已经超过了该分区类型的最大限制――4个,此时请放弃分区操作。安装:下载镜像后,打开ISO镜像(注:Win8/8.1中直接双击即可,Win7中可用魔方虚拟光驱加载,),运行sources文件夹下面的setup.exe,如下图所示。▲&这里可任选▲&接受许可条款▲&选择“自定义”▲&选择刚刚分好的分区,这里为J分区,点击“下一步”就开始安装了。顺利的话,安装完成后将自动组成多系统。开机时将会提供多系统选择菜单。本方法的缺点是,不允许跨系统架构安装。比如,你不能在32位系统下用这种方法安装64位系统。如果要在32位系统下安装64位Win10预览版,请参考三。三、 一些通用安装方法(单系统、多系统任你选,不存在上述方法限制)这里推荐采用U盘安装法,同时支持UEFI和传统BIOS两种模式。下载镜像后,安装魔方(),在魔方“应用大全”找到魔方U盘启动,如下图按照图中的提示,只需要选择好U盘(一定要看仔细,别选错!)和镜像后,点击“开始制作”即可。注:如果提示要破坏U盘数据,请确认U盘没选错,点确定即可。制作好启动盘后,重启电脑。选择从USB启动即可进入安装环境。一般品牌机都有选择启动介质的快捷键,这些快捷键通常为F12等等,开机出现品牌机logo后按快捷键,然后在出现的列表中选择USB或者Removable类似的选项即可从USB启动,如下图所示如果找不到快捷键,可以在显示屏出现品牌标识的时候按DEL,F2,ESC等按键进入BIOS设置界面,在BIOS设置中找到Boot相关设置选项,将USB或者Removable选项设置为第一启动选项,最后按F10保存并退出即可。具体操作见下图。注意,不同电脑操作方法有差异,你可以在网上搜一搜对应型号的操作方法。▲&选择启动设置(Boot configuration)选项。▲&进入设置选项后,选择启动优先级设置选项。▲&调整USB设备(Removable Dev.)为第一启动设备▲&设置完成后。按F10,选择“OK”即可保存设置并重启。▲&再次重启后即可进入安装环境。按照提示操作即可。之后的安装流程按照提示操作即可,可参考论坛网友pingsheng的分享《》。除U盘安装法之外,还可用以下安装法:① 选择用软媒硬盘装机工具来安装,方法可参考《》。注意,使用该方法时请使用最新版软媒魔方内置的软媒硬盘装机工具()。② 零难度安装方法《》。扩展阅读:1、《》2、《》3、《》4、《》5、《》6、《》关注,锁定之家()微信搜索“IT之家”关注抢6s大礼!下载IT之家客户端()也可参与评论抽楼层大奖!
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来源:深度系统 发布于: 08:45   浏览:
此前,微软Windows系统负责人乔北峰(Joe Belfiore)在Build2015大会期间曾表示最新一代系统的内核部分已接近完成,用户界面部分完成大概85%,应用完成65%。因此,在最近的版本中我们能够在系统中看到更多界面UI细节上的变化。现在,IT之家已经获取到Windows10预览版10123版本,为大家带来独家爆料直播。
[下午5:41:15]&本次关于Win10预览版10123的爆料内容到此为止。正如你所看到的那样,新版本中更多的是一些细节的变化,包括Microsoft Edge浏览器中新增的隐私浏览模式、密码和表单记忆功能以及新标签启动等新内容。另外,设置中新增了一些选项,其中最值得关注的是针对触摸板的高级功能。
[下午5:33:39]&在之前的爆料中,我们发现 Win10 Mobile 将允许开发人员和企业更方便的安装和测试应用,现在在桌面版中也包含了此功能,无需将 Modern 应用发布到应用商店(类似于 Android 系统中允许手动安装 apk 应用程序包)。而在时代,类似的应用安装功能只能通过命令才能完成。
[下午5:32:11]&在 Windows 更新设置中,我们发现了新增的&延迟升级&功能,该功能或许能允许企业用户选择晚一些获得 Windows 的更新,而不必完全关掉更新功能,微软为了让大家升级,真可谓是用心良苦啊。
[下午5:30:44]&在隐私设置中可以看到,Win10桌面版和移动版一样也提供了运动数据的统计,可能是支持运行在便携式平板上,亦或是支持对接微软手环(Microsoft Band)等运动设备?我们拭目以待。
[下午5:26:16]&设置中的开关按钮之前被人吐槽是借鉴自 iOS 的开关控件,现在经过修改更加贴近 iOS 的样式了!另一个细节是,后退按钮被改到了界面左上角,这样的设计非常方便鼠标点击,不得不值得肯定的!
[下午5:25:10]&接下来看看系统设置界面。之前曝光的 10102 中许多未翻译的位置还保留着乱码,在 10123 中已没有此问题,例如设置应用。看起来更加清爽。对比之后可以发现,&设备&类别的图标从原来的&笔记本和打印机&更新为了用&键盘和音箱&表示。
[下午5:20:28]&微软小娜 Cortana 目前已经可以正常使用,不仅可以更换为中国版专有的小面团动画图标,并且任何时候对电脑说&你好,小娜&都可以调出小娜来帮忙,和手机版功能已经一模一样。最新版Cortana小娜左侧菜单中新增了&反馈&菜单项。
[下午5:17:25]&最新版Microsoft Edge浏览器的版本号直接跳到了13,难道这意味着Win10中的IE是12吗?让我们拭目以待吧!
[下午5:15:15]&这个版本中的Microsoft Edge浏览器开始支持保存网页上输入的密码和表单数据了。
[下午5:12:35]&和IE一样,在Microsoft Edge浏览器中可以选择在启动时显示新标签页,并且可以设置新标签页的样式
[下午5:10:53]&再来看看万众期待的 Microsoft Edge 浏览器有什么变化。虽然 10123 中它的名称还没有改为 Edge,但仍然包含了不少变化,例如:
&&已经支持 InPrivate 浏览
&&在 10108 中被IT之家爆料的动态磁贴 3D 切换效果,在 10123 中也继续存在。


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