
The experienceof one of the first GM crop farmers in Europe
Gilles-Eric S&ralini
G-E 塞拉利尼
Network on
Risks, Qualityand Sustainable Environment MRSH,
University of Caen,
Accepted 22 January, 2016
Scholarly Journal of
Agricultural Science Vol.6(1),
pp. 9-10 Jan
pp. 9-10,2016年1月
Available online at
Thepurpose of this commentaryis not to detail the results of feedinga GMO to a dairy cow herd & which are presentedelsewhere in a scientific article & but rather to document the particular historical and sociological context. After the court case pertaining to this affair ended, the author had access to the archives of the courts, to the lawyer’s summary, to the farm archives and to the farmer’s testimony.
该项评论的目的不是详细描述喂养转基因饲料给奶奶群的结果 -- 另外一篇科学性文章对此进行介绍
-- 而是记录相关的具体历史与社会背景。涉及此事件的法庭诉讼结束后,作者得以访问法庭的档案、律师的概述、农场的档案以及农民的证词。
Key words: GMO; dairy
Bt176; court case.
Gottfried Gl&ckner was one
of the first
farmers to defend and promoteagricultural biotechnology, believing that it would improvehis crop yields and milk production. He was an experienced manager of a conventional &dairy
farm (80 &
the maximum cultivatedarea for GM Bt maize reached 10 ha in 2001) in &Weidenhof,
Hessen, Germany. He also produced conventional crops. He grew the first GM crop as soon as it was commercialized in Europe for food and feed. This was the GM maize Bt176, which produced an insecticidal Bt toxin that had never been tested on mammals& an omissionthat was not known at the time. He used the engineered plant for the first and longest-term feeding of dairy cows with an agricultural GMO in history, from 1997 to 2002.
detailed farm-level observation was performed because unusual and important health problems arose in the cows in 2001, when the GM maize was reachingits maximum level of 40% in the diet (Gl&ckner and S&ralini, 2016). These problems were not at first believed to be associated with the GMO. Only after investigation by the farmer during the following year was a link suspected.
and S&ralini, 2016)。这些问题一开始并未认为与转基因作物相关。通过这位农民2002年期间进行调查开始怀疑存在这样的相关性。&
Detailed data were
kept regarding the feed,
blood, and urine andmilk analyses, and regular veterinary inspections
were carriedout. The proportion of healthy cows in the herd decreased to only 40% in 2002, coinciding with the progressive increase in the percentage ofthe GMO in the diet. At that time up to 10% of deaths were preceded by a long-lasting paresis syndrome, without hypocalcemia or fever, but with biochemical signs of kidney failure,as well as mucosal and epithelial problems.
microbial origins for the diseases were found, but the specific Bt DNA was detected in milk (Gl&cknerand S&ralini, 2016). The presence of the GMO in the diet was duringthe described period the only intended management change on thefarm.
没有发现疾病微生物起源,但是在牛奶中发现特定转基因Bt176的DNA(见论文:Gl&ckner and S&ralini, 2016)
The dairy farm closed
in December 2004. All
the remaining cows were
sold at thistime
because of the health problems following the introduction of the GMO in the diet, causing an important economic loss for the farm from 2001. At this time, the GM maize had been very limitedto 12 tons (around 500 ha) of seeds per year on the German market. Bt176 maize was officially withdrawn by the European Union in 2007.
& 2004年,这个养牛场不得不关闭。此时,所有剩余的牛都卖掉了,由于饲料中引进转基因作物造成的健康问题,造成养牛场从2001年起陷入重大经济损失。此时,转基因玉米每年在德国市场上销售的种子量已经非常有限,每年仅12吨(大约500公顷)。2007年,欧盟官方决定撤除转基因Bt176玉米。&
First court case
On 2 February2002, the farmer wrote to Syngenta, the developer of Bt176 maize, stating that the diseases were linkedto the GMO in the diet.
On 21 February his lawyer advised him to stop feedingthe cows with this diet.
After a round table at the German Ministryof Health in Berlin on 13 March 2002, official test materials were sampled and the lack of microbialorigin for the diseases was confirmed by various universities. &&&
Syngenta phoned and
visited the farm,
concluding that they
did not believe
the problems were due
to their GMO, though they offered no other explanations.
Afternumerous oral and written requests by the farmerfrom 2001, in April 2002 Syngentapaid &43,224.62 out of the &97,374 lost by the farmerduring 2001, which represented the costs of the deaths and veterinary analyses, as well as the losses in milk production and feed.
However, the company did
not detect the presence of the Bt toxin in the feed, althoughthe GMO was genetically modified to produce high levelsof this toxin, and althoughit tested positive in an analysis by an official laboratory in 2002 (Gl&ckner and S&ralini, 2016, Annex).
and S&ralini, 2016)。&
In order to avoid a court case, in January 2003 the representative of the company finally proposedto the farmer a compensation payment amounting to 50% of his losses. For 2002 alone, these were already estimated at &143,213.60. The farmer refused the informal proposal (see below) and sued Syngenta.
The case went tocourt
in December 2005 and was completedin the same month (DistrictCourt Giessen, judgement of March 7, 2007, Az. 3 O 564/05; and the appeal in Higher Regional Court Frankfurt, judgement of February 6, 2009, Az. 2 U 128/07).
3 O 564/05;向法兰克福高级地区法院提出上诉,2009年2月6日裁决,案号Az.
2 U 128/07)。&
After the court case, the company proposed a settlement whereby they would pay at first &70,000 andthen &100,000. The farmer finally lost the case in 2009 over a technicality: the lack of the signatureof the farmer’s wife on a document. They had been divorcedin 2005, after she left the family (including three children aged 17, 15 and 13) and the farm in 2000, forminganother couple.
A second personal court case overlapping the first
The second court case
overlapped with the
firstand ended with the farmer being jailedfrom 2006 to 2007.
His wife complained for the first time in May 2003 (DistrictCourt Friedberg, Hessen, Az. 605 Js 673/03 and appealin Giessen Regional Court in March 2005 8 Ns 605 Js 673/03) of violence by her husband “in October 1999 or the new year of 2000”, she said in court, without medical or other testimony.
Hessen,案号Az. 605
Js 673/03,2005年3月在Giessen地区法院上诉,案号8
Ns 605 Js 673/03),庭审时她声称丈夫“1999年10月或者2000年新年”对她施暴,但未能提出任何医学或其他证据。&
Just before this complaintwas filed, Syngenta had pressured the farmerin January 2003 to accept compensation of 50%. After the farmerrefused and said that hewould sue Syngenta, thecompany’s representative told him that something was going wrong with his wife.
Up to this time, the farmer’swife had made no complaintof violence. The ex-wife also appointed a new lawyer at that time. GottfriedGl&ckner was unfortunately absent from the Higher Court in Frankfurt in November 2005 (General Prosecutor, ref. 2 Ss 209/05)because his lawyer told him it was not necessaryto attend, adding that he, the lawyer, would represent him. But the lawyer did not attend court this could have led the judge to pronounce an unusually severe sentence.
今日:0 | 主题:130303
(转)最新科研证实转基因玉米影响生育能力 网易探索11月12日报道 奥地利政府于当地时间11月11日发布最新科学研究,首次证实转基因玉米会导致小白鼠繁殖能力下降。国际环保组织绿色和平警示:包括中国在内的各国政府需加强对转基因食品安全性的研究,同时呼吁立即停止任何转基因粮食作物的商业化审批和种植。此项研究由奥地利健康部和农业与环境部共同发起并资助,维也纳大学兽医学教授Juergen Zentek主持完成。研究结果显示,在长达20周以上的持续喂养评估实验中,被喂养饲料中含33%转基因玉米的小白鼠从第三代开始,后代的体重、体长和数量都明显减少。“这一研究结果明确证实了转基因作物对健康的威胁。我国对于转基因粮食作物的安全性研究和商业化审核需要更为谨慎,避免伤害到我国十三亿人的健康与未来。”绿色和平食品与农业项目主任方立锋说。该研究所用材料为孟山都公司研发的转基因玉米NK603(抗除草剂)和MON810(Bt抗虫)的杂交品种,在阿根廷、日本、菲律宾和南非等国家已通过生物安全审批。早在2004年和2005年,中国已经批准进口这两种孟山都公司的转基因玉米。今年7月9日,国务院总理***在国务院常务会议上审议并原则通过了转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项,其中包括在2020年前共200亿元的转基因研究专项资金。同时,据悉目前在中国已经有转基因水稻和转基因玉米在等待农业部商业化种植资格审批。方立锋说:“水稻是中国最重要的粮食作物,关系着十三亿人的吃饭问题。此次奥地利转基因玉米的研究证实转基因作物对健康的隐患。在这种情况下,我国在对待转基因作物——尤其是转基因水稻——的商业化审批时,必须慎之又慎。”值得注意的是,孟山都公司在2003年对该杂交品种曾进行了42天的雏鸡喂养实验,虽然实验发现了在鸡的翅膀重量等方面有显著不同,但当时却被孟山都公司判定为“生物学上不显著”。方立锋说:“对转基因技术的安全性研究时,这些生物公司有着自己的意见。我们鼓励中国政府充分考虑到转基因技术的长期安全性以及该技术涉及的知识产权隐患,将更多的资源投入到长期安全性的更彻底研究中,而不是仓促推动转基因技术的商业化。”
The experienceof one of the first GM crop farmers in Europe
Gilles-Eric S&ralini
G-E 塞拉利尼
Network on
Risks, Qualityand Sustainable Environment MRSH,
University of Caen,
Accepted 22 January, 2016
Scholarly Journal of
Agricultural Science Vol.6(1),
pp. 9-10 Jan
pp. 9-10,2016年1月
Available online at
Thepurpose of this commentaryis not to detail the results of feedinga GMO to a dairy cow herd & which are presentedelsewhere in a scientific article & but rather to document the particular historical and sociological context. After the court case pertaining to this affair ended, the author had access to the archives of the courts, to the lawyer’s summary, to the farm archives and to the farmer’s testimony.
-- 另外一篇科学性文章对此进行介绍
-- 而是记录相关的具体历史与社会背景。涉及此事件的法庭诉讼结束后,作者得以访问法庭的档案、律师的概述、农场的档案以及农民的证词。
Key words: GMO; dairy
Bt176; court case.
Gottfried Gl&ckner was one
of the first
farmers to defend and promoteagricultural biotechnology, believing that it would improvehis crop yields and milk production. He was an experienced manager of a conventional &dairy farm (80 & the maximum cultivatedarea for GM Bt maize reached 10 ha in 2001) in &Weidenhof, W&lfersheim, Hessen, Germany. He also produced conventional crops. He grew the first GM crop as soon as it was commercialized in Europe for food and feed. This was the GM maize Bt176, which produced an insecticidal Bt toxin that had never been tested on mammals& an omissionthat was not known at the time. He used the engineered plant for the first and longest-term feeding of dairy cows with an agricultural GMO in history, from 1997 to 2002.
A detailed farm-level observation was performed because unusual and important health problems arose in the cows in 2001, when the GM maize was reachingits maximum level of 40% in the diet (Gl&ckner and S&ralini, 2016). These problems were not at first believed to be associated with the GMO. Only after investigation by the farmer during the following year was a link suspected.
and S&ralini, 2016)。这些问题一开始并未认为与转基因作物相关。通过这位农民2002年期间进行调查开始怀疑存在这样的相关性。
Detailed data were
kept regarding the feed,
blood, and urine andmilk analyses, and regular veterinary inspections
were carriedout. The proportion of healthy cows in the herd decreased to only 40% in 2002, coinciding with the progressive increase in the percentage ofthe GMO in the diet. At that time up to 10% of deaths were preceded by a long-lasting paresis syndrome, without hypocalcemia or fever, but with biochemical signs of kidney failure,as well as mucosal and epithelial problems.
No microbial origins
for the diseases were found, but the specific Bt DNA was detected in milk (Gl&cknerand S&ralini, 2016). The presence of the GMO in the diet was duringthe described period the only intended management change on thefarm.
and S&ralini, 2016)
The dairy farm closed
in December 2004. All
the remaining cows were
sold at thistime
because of the health problems following the introduction of the GMO in the diet, causing an important economic loss for the farm from 2001. At this time, the GM maize had been very limitedto 12 tons (around 500 ha) of seeds per year on the German market. Bt176 maize was officially withdrawn by the European Union in 2007.
On 2 February2002, the farmer wrote to Syngenta, the developer of Bt176 maize, stating that the diseases were linkedto the GMO in the diet.
On 21 February his lawyer advised him to stop feedingthe cows with this diet.
After a round table at the German Ministryof Health in Berlin on 13 March 2002, official test materials were sampled and the lack of microbialorigin for the diseases was confirmed by various universities. &&&
Syngenta phoned and
visited the farm,
concluding that they
did not believe
the problems were due
to their GMO, though they offered no other explanations.
Afternumerous oral and written requests by the farmerfrom 2001, in April 2002 Syngentapaid &43,224.62 out of the &97,374 lost by the farmerduring 2001, which represented the costs of the deaths and veterinary analyses, as well as the losses in milk production and feed.
However, the company did
not detect the presence of the Bt toxin in the feed, althoughthe GMO was genetically modified to produce high levelsof this toxin, and althoughit tested positive in an analysis by an official laboratory in 2002 (Gl&ckner and S&ralini, 2016, Annex).
and S&ralini, 2016)。
In order to avoid a court case, in January 2003 the representative of the company finally proposedto the farmer a compensation payment amounting to 50% of his losses. For 2002 alone, these were already estimated at &143,213.60. The farmer refused the informal proposal (see below) and sued Syngenta.
The case went tocourt
in December 2005 and was completedin the same month (DistrictCourt Giessen, judgement of March 7, 2007, Az. 3 O 564/05; and the appeal in Higher Regional Court Frankfurt, judgement of February 6, 2009, Az. 2 U 128/07).
3 O 564/05;向法兰克福高级地区法院提出上诉,2009年2月6日裁决,案号Az.
2 U 128/07)。
After the court case, the company proposed a settlement whereby they would pay at first &70,000 andthen &100,000. The farmer finally lost the case in 2009 over a technicality: the lack of the signatureof the farmer’s wife on a document. They had been divorcedin 2005, after she left the family (including three children aged 17, 15 and 13) and the farm in 2000, forminganother couple.
A second personal court case overlapping the first
The second court case
overlapped with the
firstand ended with the farmer being jailedfrom 2006 to 2007.
His wife complained for the first time in May 2003 (DistrictCourt Friedberg, Hessen, Az. 605 Js 673/03 and appealin Giessen Regional Court in March 2005 8 Ns 605 Js 673/03) of violence by her husband “in October 1999 or the new year of 2000”, she said in court, without medical or other testimony.
Hessen,案号Az. 605
Js 673/03,2005年3月在Giessen地区法院上诉,案号8
Ns 605 Js 673/03),庭审时她声称丈夫“1999年10月或者2000年新年”对她施暴,但未能提出任何医学或其他证据。
Just before this complaintwas filed, Syngenta had pressured the farmerin January 2003 to accept compensation of 50%. After the farmerrefused and said that hewould sue Syngenta, thecompany’s representative told him that something was going wrong with his wife.
Up to this time, the farmer’swife had made no complaintof violence. The ex-wife also appointed a new lawyer at that time. GottfriedGl&ckner was unfortunately absent from the Higher Court in Frankfurt in November 2005 (General Prosecutor, ref. 2 Ss 209/05)because his lawyer told him it was not necessaryto attend, adding that he, the lawyer, would represent him. But the lawyer did not attend court this could have led the judge to pronounce an unusually severe sentence.


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