
刘备 曹操 谁的手下最有才!
要求两个处室人数超过15,那么你就先找一个方案让任意两个处室也凑不够15人.5和8可以都抽,因为5+8=13.之后剩下的都选7,因为8+7=14,这样总共抽调5+8+7+7+7=34人,此时任意两个处室都不超过,注意是超过15.之后再加上一个人,就会有两个处室过15,所以我感觉是35.但是你没有给答案啊.小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
小弟是做非晶结构计算的,用linus下的vasp软件计算,计算原子数大约在200左右, 准备配一台工作站,求大神指导一下!
1& &&&Dell Precision T7610 BTX Base
1& &&&Dell Precision TW 机箱
1& &&&英特尔至强处理器 E5-2620 v2 (六核 HT, 2.1GHz Turbo, 15 MB),Dell Fixed Precision Tx610
1& &&&启动硬盘或 启动卷少于 2TB
1& &&&16GB (4x4GB) 1866MHz DDR3 ECC RDIMM
1& &&&1TB 3.5英寸 Serial ATA (7,200 Rpm) 硬盘
1& &&&集成 LSI 2308 6Gb/s SATA/SAS 控制器 - SW RAID 0,1,10
1& &&&第 1 个散热器
1& &&&8x 超薄 DVD+/-RW 光驱
1& &&&电源线(中国
1& &&&2 GB NVIDIA Quadro K2000 (2DP & 1DVI-I) (2DP-DVI & 1DVI-VGA 适配器)
现在不配E5 26xx-V2至少也是E5一代的。
楼主帖子里的E5-2620 v2这个主频太低,只有6个核,不利于计算,这个机器还不如花4k配台i7算了
自己组装或者找一个店让老板组装,E5-2680 V2 ×2 ,内存8G×4=32G,大概4w左右
扫描下载送金币本题是武汉市2012年元调试题阅读理解,求每题的答案详解包括本题是如何解出来,其他选项怎么排除必有重谢Six miners( 矿工) were excavating(挖掘) coal in a deep mine.Suddenly,the mine fell down and the exits wer_百度作业帮
本题是武汉市2012年元调试题阅读理解,求每题的答案详解包括本题是如何解出来,其他选项怎么排除必有重谢Six miners( 矿工) were excavating(挖掘) coal in a deep mine.Suddenly,the mine fell down and the exits wer
本题是武汉市2012年元调试题阅读理解,求每题的答案详解包括本题是如何解出来,其他选项怎么排除必有重谢Six miners( 矿工) were excavating(挖掘) coal in a deep mine.Suddenly,the mine fell down and the exits were blocked (封锁).Accidents always happened in that area.By experience,they knew that the biggest problem was lack of oxygen.The air in the mine could only keep them alive for three hours.Among the six miners,only one had a watch.So they made him tell them the time every half an hour.When the first half of an hour passed,the miner who had a watch said,"Half an hour passed." He worried because he knew that he was telling them how far they were from death.Then he got an idea.He decided not to make his friends die so painfully.The second half of an hour passed,but he said nothing.When another fifteen minutes passed,he said,"An hour already." In fact,it had passed 75 minutes.Another hour passed,the miner said,"Another half an hour." The other five miners all thought that only 90 minutes had passed.Only the miner who had a watch knew that 135 minutes had already passed.Four hours after the accident,rescuers (救援者) came.To their surprise,five of the miners were still alive and only one died - he was the one who had a watch.This is the power of faith.The miner who had a watch gave hope to his friends.However,he died because he knew the truth.56.The reading is mainly about ______A.how the accidents happenedB.why the miners had three hours to lastB.one miner giving hope to his friends to live C.the six miners helping each other to stay alive57.The biggest problem in the mine was ______A.faith B.water C.food D.air58.We learn from the reading that ______A.accidents seldom happened in that areaB.the six miners had no experience of accidentsC.five of the miners stayed alive for more than 4 hoursD.a watch is helpful for miners' lives to last59.The reason why one miner died was that ______A.he was the weakest one among the six B.he knew the exact time in the mineC.the other five had no watches D.he was last to be taken out60.The rescuers had thought ______A.only one of the miners would have diedB.only one of the miners would have been aliveC.no one of the miners would have diedD.no one of the miners would have been alive
56,C(印错了?第二个B)57,D58, C59,B60,D6名矿工在很深的矿井下采煤.突然,矿井倒塌,出口被堵住,矿工们顿时与外界隔绝.这种事故在当地并不少见,凭经验,他们意识到自己面临的最大问题是缺乏氧气,井下的空气最多还能让他们生存3个半小时.6人当中只有一个人有手表.于是大家商定,由戴表的人每半小时通报一下.当第一个半小时过去的时候,戴表的矿工轻描淡写地说:“过了半小时了.”但是它的心里却是异常地紧张和焦虑,因为这是在向大家通报死亡线的临近.这时他突然灵机一动,决定不让大家死得那么痛苦.第二个半小时,他没有出声,又过了一刻钟,他打起精神说:“一个小时了.”其实时间已经过了75分钟.又过了一个小时,戴表的矿工才第三次通报所谓的“半小时”.同伴们都以为时间只过了90分钟,只有他知道,135分钟已经过去了.事故发生四个半小时后,救援人员终于进来了,令他们感到惊异的是,6人中竟有5人还活着,只有一个人窒息而死——他就是那个戴表的矿工.这就是信念的力量.由于幸存者意识模糊,人们无法知道那位牺牲者是何时停止报时的,但他给了同伴求生的希望,自己却因为知道真相而没能坚持到底.分析:在一些特殊时刻、特殊场合,善意的谎言具有特殊的力量,它可以给人带去希望.相较之下,此时的真相却会让人绝望.


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