
日-日 农历丁亥年(猪年) 日-日 农历戊子年(鼠年)
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(二)商标。2008年,全省驰名商标、著名商标、知名商标认定数量都有了明显增长。国家工商总局认定的驰名商标数为24件(认定数为历年之最),认定总数已达103件,跃居全国第三。认定江苏省著名商标650件,其中,再认定351 件,新认定299 件,全省著名商标总数达1859件,比去年净增长242件。各省辖市认定知名商标总数达4223件,比上年度净增加437件。2008年全省注册商标数3.24万件,总数达23.8万件,位居全国第三位,其中,农产品注册商标30274件,地理标志25件(其中证明商标20件,集体商标5件)。2008年,商标注册数排名靠前的省辖市依次是苏州、南京、无锡、常州、扬州等;商标注册数排名靠前的行业依次是制造业、农林牧渔业、租赁和商务服务业等,服务商标注册10704件,比上年增加8358件,呈现出增长迅速的态势。
(三)著作权。2008年全省各类作品著作权登记8400件,同比增长34.70%,其中:一般作品著作权登记5465件,同比增长22.45%,名列全国第二;计算机软件著作权登记2935件,同比增长65.53%,名列全国第五。全省国际版权贸易持续稳步发展, 涉外版权合同登记435份,其中图书版权引进合同 426 份(引进图书538种),同比增加33.9%。软件产业快速发展,2008年全省软件行业软件收入1262亿元,同比增长超过51%,软件业务出口24亿美元。
四、奥运知识产权保护成效显著。2008年,我省工商系统全力开展&保护奥林匹克标志专有权集中整治行动&,切实维护奥标权利人的合法利益。先后开展3次大规模保护奥林匹克标志集中整治行动,共出动执法人员6万人次,检查经营户17.13万户、商品交易市场7000余个,查结侵犯奥林匹克标志专有权案件214件,对不规范使用奥林匹克标志行为进行行政指导1500次。在奥运火炬传递期间,建立了保护奥林匹克标志以及相关权利的预警和应急机制,成立了突发事件应急指挥领导小组,明确责任,落实到人,保障了奥运火炬的顺利传递。省文化厅开展了&文化市场奥运保障行动&专项执法,对超市、商场、电脑城、电子城等周边地区的游商、摊贩贩卖非法音像制品的行为进行了清理整顿,查缴非法音像制品310余万张;查处了泰州&4.12&冒充迎奥运非法演出的违法案件,该案被文化部列为2008年全国文化市场十大案件之一。省版权局会同省通信管理部门,加强对网络非法转载奥运赛事的版权监管,关闭侵权网站16 家,保障了中外节目制作转播权利人的合法权益。
八、知识产权行政执法进一步加强。2008年,全省知识产权管理部门开展了&雷雨&、&天网&专利执法专项行动,联合开展专项执法检查30余次,共受理专利侵权纠纷案51件,结案33件,查处假冒、冒充专利案件10起。全省工商系统共查处各类商标违法案件1766件,其中涉外案件112件,没收和销毁商标标识139825件,没收、销毁侵权商品822件,罚款1727.41万元。全省版权行政管理部门行政处罚案件314起,查处各类网络侵权案件53起,关闭侵权网站16 家。在软件预装市场检查中,查处预装盗版操作系统97件,预装盗版办公软件38件。收缴盗版品450.2万件(张、册、盘),罚款194.94万元。南京海关查获涉嫌侵犯知识产权案件121起,案值693万余元人民币,侵权嫌疑货物(物品)20.3万余件。其中,货运渠道查获案件23起,案值510.1万余元人民币,侵权嫌疑货物17.9万余件;行邮渠道查案件98起,案值183.3万余元人民币,侵权物品2.3万余件。全省文化系统共受理举报1250件,收缴非法音像制品1000多万张,出动执法人员8万余人次,组织大规模集中执法行动20多次,处罚案件5170件,吊销许可证10家,取缔各类无证文化经营场所667家,罚款2000多万元。省外经贸厅高度重视贸易促进活动中的知识产权保护工作,进一步加大了对广交会、华交会、高交会、东盟展等重点展会的知识产权监管力度。
IN YEAR 2008
Joint Meeting of Intellectual Property of the People&s Government of Jiangsu Province
In 2008, under the right leadership of CPC Jiangsu Committee and Jiangsu Provincial People&s Government, the IPR cause of Jiangsu took the perspective of scientific development as guidance, feasibly implemented the &Outline of National IPR Strategy,& constantly strengthened macro management, intensified coordination during the work as well as cooperation among departments, and solidly pushed forward progress of the work.&& As a result, a remarkable achievement was made in year 2008.
I. A new pattern of enforcing the IPR strategy was established.&In order to carry out the &Outline of National IPR Strategy,& and to further enable the IPR system to play an important role in building an innovative province, the 17th Executive Meeting of the Provincial Government approved the implementation of &Outline of IPR Strategy of Jiangsu Province,& in which the promotion of the implementation of the IPR strategy was regarded as the focus of the work in Jiangsu in response to the financial crisis, with the purpose of expanding domestic demand, sustaining economic growth, and carrying out restructuring.&Furthermore, the IPR strategy, the science and technology strategy, and the talents strategy were determined as three major strategies for enhancing the innovative province construction in Jiangsu, so as to make strategic plans and deployments for the development of the IPR cause in Jiangsu.&The &Outline& stipulated objectives, key tasks, and corresponding policies and measures for the development of the IPR cause in Jiangsu in a period of time in the near future, and laid a solid foundation for giving full play to strengths and advantages in science and technology, talents, opening up, and manufacturing industry in Jiangsu, increasing the number and improving the quality of the IPR output, enhancing the capability of IPR transformation and application, optimizing the environment of IPR management and protection, cultivating and developing enterprises endowed with IPR advantages, and constructing the province with IPR advantages.&To carry out the &Outline of IPR Strategy of Jiangsu Province,& all cities of Jiangsu took positive actions to start practical work of implementation and organization.&Suzhou revised the local IPR strategy, and formulated the guidance opinions on the implementation of the IPR strategy.&Wuxi established a target of developing the city on the basis of quality and IPR.&Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Changzhou, Nantong were also actively planning the implementation of local IPR strategy, so that an IPR implementation layout that the province and the subordinate cities are working in cooperation to promote the strategy was initially formed.
II. Macro management of IPR was strengthened.&&Patent Promotion Rules of Jiangsu Province,& was passed in the first examination in the 5th Executive Meeting of the Provincial Government and the Standing Committee of the Provincial People&s Congress.&&Rules of Enterprise IPR Management&, a local standard of Jiangsu, was formally promulgated and implemented.&The &Regulations on Protection of Copyright in Jiangsu Province& (Draft to Be Approved) was drafted.&A batch of normative documents including &Opinions on Brand Strategy to Promote Science Development,& &Opinions on Strengthening IPR Management of Enterprises in International Economic and Trade Field,& &Notice of Further Standardizing Examination Before Judgment and Registration of Judicial Recognition of Well-known Trademarks,& and &Regulations on Copyright Contract Registration& with the purpose of accelerating the standardization of the IPR management in the province.&The construction of the Office of Joint Meeting of Intellectual Property of the People&s Government of Jiangsu Province was strengthened, duties were clearly defined, and full-time staffs were assigned to the Office, so that a foundation was laid for the smooth operation of the joint meeting mechanism.&A regular work meeting system, liaison meeting system, information circulating system, and coordination meeting on major issues were established.&The construction of the work coordination mechanism was enhanced, the functions of the coordination mechanism of the Joint Meeting of Intellectual Property were brought into full play, and more than 30 activities of various forms were coordinated and organized throughout the year.&Nine forward-looking research topics such as &Research on Performance Evaluation Index System of the Implementation of IPR Strategy in Jiangsu Province&, &IPR Safeguarding and Aids Mechanism in Jiangsu Province&, &Research on IPR Statistical Index System of Enterprises& laid theoretical foundations for guiding the IPR work of the province.&Provincial Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Jiangsu launched a special research with the theme of &Implementing Brand Strategy and Promoting Transformation of Economic Development Mode of Jiangsu&, and concluded the &Report on Fully Implementing the Brand Strategy and Accelerating Transformation of Economic Development Mode in Jiangsu&, which provides a reference for the decision-making of the government and sectors.&Nanjing Customs conducted a special research on the implementation of the Outline of National IPR Strategy, and concluded the &Research Report on the Implementation of the Outline of IPR Strategy of Nanjing Customs,& which sets forth the guidelines, strategic countermeasures, and specific measurements of the implementation of the IPR Strategy.&The IPR statistical work was improved, and a classification and statistics index system for patents, trademarks, copyrights, new agricultural plants, layout-designs of integrated circuits, software copyright, as well as the IPRs of colleges and universities, research institutes, enterprises, and provincial, municipal, and county levels in Jiangsu was established, which played a significant role in representing the status of IPR in Jiangsu and implementing the decision-making in work.
III. Output of the IPR reached a record high.
(1) Patents.&In 2008, the number of patent applications in Jiangsu 128,002 in total, which was 43.9% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, 21% higher than the average increase of the country, and ascending from the second to the first place of the country in 2007.&Among them, the numbers of three patent applications of inventions, utility models, and designs were respectively 22,601, 23,379, and 82,022, which were respectively 36.33%, 40.96%, and 47.03% more compared with the corresponding period
the quantity of the invention patent applications had a significant increase over the previous year.&The number of granted patents in the province was 44,595, which was 40.37% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, 23% higher than the average increase of the country.&Among them, the numbers of three granted patents of inventions, utility models, and designs are respectively 3,508, 16,029, and 25,058, which were respectively 58.02%, 23.83%, and 50.90% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, and the quantity of the granted invention patents was significantly increased.&The number of patent applications in the enterprises was 59,718 in total, which was 54.3% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, occupying 46.65% of the total amount of the province, wherein the number of the invention applications was 10,791, which was 41.02% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, occupying 47.74% of the total number of invention patents in the province.&The number of the granted patents in the enterprises was 23,925, which was 63.43% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, occupying 53.65% of the total number of the granted patents in the province, wherein the number of granted invention patents was 1,431, which was 79.32% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, occupying 40.79% of the total number of the granted invention patents in the province.
(2) Trademark. In 2008, the well-known trademarks, famous trademarks, and known trademarks had a significant growth in their numbers.&The State Administration for Industry and Commerce identified 24 well-known trademarks (the most in history).&Till the end of
well-known trademarks were identified in total, ascending to the third place of the country.&The State Administration for Industry and Commerce identified 650 famous trademarks of Jiangsu Province, among which 351 famous trademarks were re-identified, and 299 famous trademarks were newly identified.&The total number of the famous trademarks in the province was 1859, with a net increase of 242 over the previous year.&In cities directly under the province, the number of the identified known trademarks reached 4,223, with a net increase of 437 over the previous year.&In 2008, the 32.4 thousand trademarks were registered, and the total number of registered trademarks was 238 thousand, ranking the third in the country.&Among them, the registered trademarks of agricultural products were amounted to 30,274, and the registered trademarks of geographical signs were amounted to 25 (including 20 certification trademarks and 5 collective trademarks).&In 2008, the cities directly under the province holding the top-ranking numbers of the registered trademarks were sequentially Suzhou, Nanjing, Wuxi, Changzhou, and Y the industries having the top-ranking numbers of the registered trademarks were sequentially manufacturing, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, leasing, and business services.&The service registered trademarks were amounted to 10,704, with an increase of 8,358 over the previous year, presenting a momentum of rapid growth.
(3) Copyrights. In 2008, the registered copyrights of various works in the province were amounted to 8,400, which was 34.70% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, wherein registered common works copyrights were 5,465, which was 22.45% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, ranking the s registered computer software copyrights were 2,935, which was 65.53% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, ranking the fifth in the country. &International copyright trade in the province continued to develop stably, as registered contracts of foreign copyright import were 435, wherein there were 426 contracts of book copyright import (the imported books were 538), which was 33.9% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year.&The software industry developed fast, and the income of the software industry of the province in 2008 was RMB 126.2 billion, which was over 51% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year.&The software export reached US$ 2.4 billion.&
(Note: The statistic data from 2000 to 2005 is the registration number of common works copyrights, and the statistic data after 2006 is the summation of registration number of common works copyrights and computer software copyrights.)
(4) New agricultural plant rights.&In 2008, the applied number of agricultural plant rights of the province was 73, which was over 43.1% compared with the corresponding period in 2007, as 40 types were authorized, slightly more than the previous year.&Altogether RMB 5.75 million of special fund was arranged to support the construction of 13 project gene bases.&The cumulative applied number of agricultural plant rights in the province since 2000 was 382, and the authorized number was 146, ranking the fifth in the country.
IV.&Olympic IPR protection was very effective.&In 2008, the industrial and commercial authorities in Jiangsu organized the &Campaign for Protecting the Exclusive Right of Olympic Symbol& to feasibly protect the legitimate interests of Olympic symbol holders.&Three large-scale campaigns for protecting the Olympic symbol were conducted, and 60,000 person-time law enforcement officers were deployed to inspect 171,300 businesses and more than 7,000 markets.&In
cases of infringing the exclusive right of Olympic symbol were settled, and 1500 administrative instructions were issued for correcting the behavior of non-standard use of the Olympic symbol.&During the Olympic torch relay, the early warning and emergency mechanisms of protecting Olympic symbol and relevant rights were established, and an emergency command and leadership group for sudden events was founded, so as to clarify responsibilities to individuals, thereby guaranteeing the Olympic torch relay.&The Culture Department of Jiangsu Province launched the special law enforcement campaign for &Olympics guarantee in cultural markets&, in which the behaviors of peddlers and stallholders in areas surrounding supermarkets, shopping malls, computer markets and electronic markets vending illegal audio-visual products were corrected, and over 3.1 million illegal audio-visual products were confiscated, and &4.12& fake Olympic Games welcoming performance in Taizhou (one of ten important cases in the cultural market in 2008 listed by the Ministry of Culture) was investigated and dealt with according to laws.&The provincial Copyright Bureau and the provincial Communication Management Department strengthened the copyright supervision over the illegal broadcast of Olympic events on the Internet, and closed 16 infringing websites, and thus guaranteed the legitimate interests of Chinese and foreign program producers and broadcasters.
V.IPR work of Universities and Colleges was taking new steps.The IPR management agencies, system construction, and academic research of universities and colleges were further strengthened.&The power of a series of IPR offices of universities and colleges such as Nanjing University, Southeast University and Nanjing Normal University was further strengthened, and their functions were enhanced.&Nanjing University and Nanjing University of Science and Technology actively accelerated the construction of IPR colleges, Hohai University and Jiangsu University established IPR research institutes (center), and some universities and colleges arranged for special IPR management personnel, regulated and enforced a series of IPR rules and regulations such as &Regulations on IPR Management&, &IPR Protection Measures&, and &Regulations on Patent Management&, which all promoted the standardization and systematization of the IPR work.&The provincial Education Department organized IPR and legal experts from key universities in Nanjing to give speeches and consultation in central and northern Jiangsu about the theme of &Scientific and Technical Innovation and IPR Protection in Universities and Colleges,& which created a good atmosphere of &Respect Knowledge, Encourage Innovation, and Protect IPR,& enlivened IPR work of universities and colleges, and boosted IPR creation of universities and colleges.&According to the statistics, in 2008, universities and colleges in the province totally applied 4,903 patents, wherein the granted patents were 2,231.&Among the patent applications, the invention patents made up 70%; among the granted patents, the invention patents accounted for 48%.&The number of the patent applications was 32% more compared with the corresponding period in 2007, the number of the invention patent applications was 33% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, the number of the granted patents was 31% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year, and the number of the granted invention patents was 29.5% more compared with the corresponding period in the previous year.&In the selection of &Ten Outstanding Patent Inventors in Jiangsu Province& in 2008, five out of the ten outstanding inventors are from universities and colleges, accounting for 50% of the total number.&In 2008, universities and colleges in Jiangsu signed 1,321 contracts of technology transfer in total, and the contract prices were RMB 340 million, wherein IPR licenses and transfer contracts were 318, accounting for one fourth, and the contract prices were RMB 140 million, accounting for 41%.
VI. New progresses were achieved in the IPR work of enterprises.Centering on promotion of establishment of enterprises& IPR creation, application, protection, and management capabilities, it continued promoting the IPR work of enterprises as a focal point, organized and conducted large-scale trainings on enterprise IPR management, and facilitated the IPR work of enterprises to cover a wide range.&Concentrating on promotion of establishment of enterprise IPR institutions and systems, establishment of patent information platform, and talent cultivation, the IPR management departments continued organizing and implementing the enterprise IPR strategy promotion plan, and 188 enterprises in Jiangsu Province became new implementation units of the strategy promotion plan.&Aiming at promoting the enterprise IPR management norm, it organized to compile, promulgate, and implement the &Enterprise IPR Management Norm& as a local standard in Jiangsu Province, such that the enterprise IPR work is guided to be largely advanced.&It strongly promoted the cultivation work of IPR advantageous enterprises, designated 132 key enterprises for cultivation, regulated the cultivation plan, strengthened classified guidance, and cultivated a number of IPR advantageous enterprises.&In 2008, the number of enterprises with an annual amount of patent applications over 100 reached 156 in Jiangsu Province, which was 69.57% more compared wi the number of enterprises with an annual amount of patent applications over 300 reached 16; and the number of enterprises with an annual amount of patent applications over 500 reached 7.&In order that the enterprises can respect and protect IPR, are honest and faithful, abide by the law, and operate with faithfulness, the Promotion Plan of the &Legal and Genuine Copy& pledge is continued to be carried out.&The Provincial IPR Bureau, the Provincial Industrial and Commerce Bureau, and the Provincial Copyright Bureau jointly issued the &Management Measures on Enterprises Pledging &Legal and Genuine Copy& in Jiangsu Province,& and newly admitted 91 enterprises pledging &Legal and Genuine Copy&.&The legitimation of software was reinforced continuously, and new achievements have been obtained in encouraging enterprises to use legitimate software.&In
enterprises completed the application of legitimate software.
Top 10 Enterprises for Patent (Domestic) Applications
in Jiangsu Province in 2008
Name of Enterprise
Number of Applications
Foxconn (Kunshan) PC Connector Co., Ltd.
Wujiang Yongda Plastic Products Co., Ltd.
Wujiang City Yongli Technological Products Co., Ltd.
Wujiang Shengze Shengtian Silk Weaving Technology Factory
Jiangsu Fashion Garment Co., Ltd.
Gearex Technical Ceramic (Kunshan) Co., ltd.
Goodbaby Child Products Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Anj Biotech Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Fansky Linen Co., Ltd.
Wujiang Xiangxing Textiles Co., Ltd.
Top 10 Enterprises for Invention Patent (Domestic) Applications in Jiangsu Province in 2008
Name of Enterprise
Number of Applications
Suzhou Anj Biotech Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen ZTE Corporation, Nangjing Branch
Foxconn (Kunshan) PC Connector Co., Ltd.
Handa Precision Electronic Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
Nantong Xinying Design & Services Co., Ltd.
Nanjing LG Panda Appliances Co., Ltd.
Toray Synthetic Fiber (Nantong) Co., Ltd.
Baoshide Machinery (China) Co., Ltd.
LG Electronics (Nanjing) Plasma Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Huaxian High Technology Co., Ltd.
VII. Regional pilot project of IPR was effectively promoted.&In 2008, Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Wuxi, and Yangzhou were listed as national model cities of IPR, Kunshan Economic and Technological Development Zone was listed as a national pilot park of IPR, 6 county-level units were recommended to implement the national strong county project of IPR, and Suzhou Industrial Park was checked and accepted as a national pilot park of IPR.&As a result, Jiangsu Province had 14 national model and pilot cities of IPR and 5 national pilot parks of IPR, and belongs to the first rank of China.&It undertook the national IPR pilot and model working conference for cities and parks and the national IPR pilot and model park on-the-spot meeting held by the State Intellectual Property Office in Nanjing and Suzhou.&The provincial IPR pilot and model work was continuously promoted.&In 2008, Jiangsu Province had a total of 43 counties (cites and districts) listed as provincial IPR model regions and 30 counties (cites and districts) listed as provincial IPR pilot regions, of which the amount of patent applications reached 101046, occupying 78.94% o the amount of invention patent applications reached 17935, occupying 79.35% o the amount of issued patents reached 37613, occupying 84.34% o and the amount of issued invention patent reached 3219, occupying 91.76% of the whole province.
VIII. The IPR administrative enforcement was further strengthened.&In 2008, the IPR management departments across the province launched special actions &thunderstorm& and &skynet& on patent enforcement, jointly conducted special enforcement and examination for more than 30 times, accepted altogether 51 cases related to patent infringement disputes, settled 33 cases, and investigated and dealt with 10 cases of unauthorized use of patents and patent counterfeits.&The industrial and commercial systems across the province investigated and dealt with a total of 1766 various trademark violation cases in which 112 cases involved foreign enterprises, seized and destroyed 139825 pieces of trademarks and 822 pieces of infringement goods, and the amount of fines being RMB 17.2741 million.&Copyright administrative authorities across the province gave administrative punishment to 314 cases, investigated and dealt with 53 cases of various Internet infringements, and closed 16 infringement web sites.&In the examination of software pre-installation market, 97 cases of pre-installed pirated operating systems and 38 cases of pre-installed pirated office software were investigated and dealt with.&4.502 million (sheets, books, disks, pieces of) pirated works were captured, and RMB 1.9494 million was fined.&The Nanjing Customs discovered 121 cases of suspected IPR infringements involving a value of over RMB 6.93 million and over 203000 pieces of suspected infringing goods (articles).&In the 121 cases, 23 cases were discovered in the shipping channel involving a value of over RMB 5.101 million and over 179000 pieces of suspected infringing goods, 98 cases were discovered in the mail channel involving a value of over RMB 1.833 million and over 23000 pieces of infringing goods.&Culture system across the province accepted a total of 1250 reports, captured more than 10 million illegal audio-visual products, dispatched over 80000 person-times for enforcement, organized large-scale centralized enforcement actions for more than 20 times, issued 5170 sanctions, revoked 10 operative permits, banned 667 non-licensed locations of various cultural business, and fined more than RMB 20 million.&The Department of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation of Jiangsu Province paid great attention to the IPR protection work in trade promotion activities, and further intensified the IPR supervision and management over important expositions such as Guangzhou Trade Fair, East China Trade Fair, High-tech Trade Fair, and ASEAN Expo.
IX. The power of IPR judicial protection was intensified.&In 2008, the Supreme Court of Jiangsu Province strongly promoted IPR trial reform, promoted the IPR trial work comprehensively, further intensified the power of IPR judicial protection, brought the trial functions into full play, for example, protecting IPR and inspiring independent innovation, made efforts to construct a legal environment for fair competition, provided a fair, high-efficient, and authoritative judicial safeguard for implementing the IPR strategy and constructing an innovative province, and made positive contributions for protecting legitimate interests of IPR holders and public interests of the society, promoting economic development, scientific and technological advancement, and culture prosperity, and constructing the socialist harmonious society.
Courts at all levels across the province tried altogether 2244 civil cases about IPR at first instance and 216 cases at second instance, with all-round increase in the amount of received cases, amount of resolved cases, percentage of resolved cases, and the ratio of received to resolved cases.&1815 cases at first instance and 198 cases at second instance were newly received.&A total of 1801 cases at first instance and 184 cases at second instance were concluded, an increase of 36% compared with the corresponding period in the previous year.&The percentage of resolved cases was 80%, with an increase of five percentage points compared with the corresponding period in the previous year.&The ratio of received to resolved cases was 99%, with an increase of two percentage points compared with the corresponding period in the previous year.&562 cases were judged, and the judgment rate was 28%.&391 cases were arbitrated.&964 cases were withdrawn through arbitration.&A sum of 1355 cases were arbitrated and withdrawn, and the arbitration and withdrawal rate was 69%.&
The public security organs across the province earnestly implemented the overall deployment of strengthening &Three Basics& Project of the Ministry of Public Security, fiercely seized the construction of foundation work of IPR criminal protection, controlled the trademark infringement behavior from the counterfeiting source, controlled the infringement commodities in the sector of market sales, and controlled the infringement behavior from the macro market.&They altogether put 232 IPR infringement crime cases on record, solved 218 cases, and seized 193 criminal suspects.&Among them, 53 were crime cases of counterfeit of registered trademarks involving an amount of RMB 21.11 million, 104 were crime cases selling commodities with counterfeited registered trademarks involving an amount of RMB 11.2737 million, 41 were crimes of sale of counterfeited registered trademarks involving an amount of RMB 31.163 million, and 14 were crime cases of infringement of business secrets.
X. Constant deepening of IPR propaganda activities. &The IPR system of Jiangsu Province emphasized on the propaganda of the Outline of IPR Strategy, and further popularized the IPR propaganda work into organizations, schools, enterprises, and communities and enhanced IPR consciousness in various circles of society by issuing publicity pamphlets, holding various lectures, and opening special columns for news propaganda.&The IPR system of Jiangsu focused on the propaganda of &Ten Outstanding Patent Inventors of Jiangsu& and &Excellent Patent Awards of Jiangsu&, which aroused attention concern from various circles of society, and built a favorable environment in which inventions and creations are encouraged and IPR is respected.&The industrial and commercial system in Jiangsu Province, in cooperation with Jiangsu Satellite TV, focused the attention on development of two propaganda platforms, namely, Brand Window and Jiangsu Trademark Communication, propagandized trademark regulations and policies, trademark development achievements, and typical experience of trademark strategies implemented by enterprises toward the majority of enterprises and the public, and enhanced pertinence and efficiency of trademark propaganda work.&The industrial and commercial system in Jiangsu Province held news conferences for Olympic symbol protection and an exhibition of achievements, and received satisfactory reactions from the public.&The copyright system in Jiangsu Province strengthened propaganda and education about knowledge of the Copyright Law, and promoted the knowledge of use of original copies by posters, square consultation activities, leaflets, and introduction of identification method of pirated products.&The Provincial Copyright Bureau and the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League of China together launched and organized activities such as &Copyright Protection on Campus& and &Colorful Summer Camp for Copyright Knowledge&, strengthened propaganda of knowledge of law about copyrights toward teenage and students, and built a favorable environment of copyright protection on campus.&Jiangsu Higher People&s Court organized and developed the Judicial Protection Month of IPR with the theme of &Judicial Protection of Rights and Encouragement of Innovation&, further strengthened judicial propaganda wok of the IPR, and achieved satisfactory achievements.&The Nanjing Customs organize the &4.26& IPR Protection Publicity Week, issued more than 7,000 propaganda pamphlets, set up more than 30 propaganda windows, gave consultation to over 500 persons, and explained and publicized IPR customs protection policies and regulations toward 30 domestic processing trade and postal enterprises in Nanjing.&Jiangsu Agriculture and Forestry Department made great efforts on enhancement of agricultural IPR, widely developed the agricultural IPR and varieties rights protection and propaganda activities in various forms, posted more than 120 propaganda banners, organized more than 1000 consultations, and issued more than 64,000 propaganda pamphlets.
XI. IPR training was organized solidly.&In 2008, the provincial IPR management system utilized various resources and adopted various ways to positively conduct IPR training.&The provincial IPR management system held four-phase training courses of IPR engineers and foreign patent application practice, and 225 IPR engineers from enterprises, 150 patent agents, and enterprise IPR administrative staffs attended the training courses.&The Nanjing Customs organized the four-phase training courses of IPR posts and law enforcement skills attended by more than 130 staffs from departments such as legal system, inspection, and customs clearance.&The Provincial Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau together with the Nanjing Customs organized an IPR training for 100 brand enterprises, and organized IPR and international trade training courses to be trained in Hong Kong for the first time.&The Jiangsu Higher People&s Court held the training courses of the courts in charge of patent cases, and achieves favorable effects.&The leadership group on &Applying Legitimate Software to Work& in Jiangsu Province held three-phase training courses of use of genuine software in enterprises, which was attended by about 200 persons.&The cities directly under the province held twenty-five-phase training courses of use of genuine software in enterprises, which was attended 1390 persons from by 965 enterprises in total.
XII. IPR cooperation and exchange was deepened.&In 2008, the intellectual property system of Jiangsu Province further enforced external cooperation and exchange, widened the cooperation field, and enhanced the cooperative level.&The intellectual property system of Jiangsu succeeded in hosting China-Mongolia IPR Enforcement Symposium held by the State Intellectual Property Office of the PRC and the Mongolian Intellectual Property Office, in cooperation with the Jiangsu Development & Reform Commission and the Ministry of Economic Affairs Baden-Wuerttemberg of Germany, held China-German (Jiangsu-Baden-Wuerttemberg) IPR Protection Symposium, and signed an IPR Cooperation Memorandum with the Department of Economic Affairs Baden-Wuerttemberg.&The intellectual property system of Jiangsu, in cooperation with U.S.&Department of Justice, U.S.&Patent and Trademark Office, and U.S.&Chamber of Commerce, held the China-US (Jiangsu) Law Enforcement Symposium on Internet IPR Infringement and the China-US (Jiangsu) IPR Protection Symposium, and held four formal talks with the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), which enhanced the cooperation in the IPR field.&The intellectual property system of Jiangsu held the Cross-Strait (Jiangsu) IPR Exchange Meeting, which promoted the exchange and cooperation with the Taiwan region.&The World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO), the State Copyright Bureau, the Provincial Copyright Bureau, and Nantong Municipal Government initiated a research project with the theme of &Nantong Home Textile Copyright Protection&, which focused on the research of the demonstration bases of excellent cases of WIPO copyright protection.&The Copyright Association of Jiangsu sent staffs to the Taiwan region for practice investigation and exchange.&The Provincial Industrial and Commerce Bureau, together with relevant departments (organizations) such as Hong Kong Customs, U.S.&Chamber of Commerce, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) held various symposiums and forums in terms of protection and development of exclusive right of trademark, and increased comprehension and trust.&Wide external cooperation and exchange laid a solid foundation for expansion of IPR work in Jiangsu province and diversified international cooperation, and established a favorable international image of Jiangsu Province that it respects and protects the IPR.
版权所有:江苏省知识产权局 |


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