
&VMware Player(免费vm虚拟机软件)V12.1.0.2487官方免费版
VMware Player(免费vm虚拟机软件)V12.1.0.2487官方免费版
VMware Player虚拟机软件软件介绍
  VMware Player是一个免费,可以让PC用户在Windows或LinuxPC上很容易的运行虚拟机。vm虚拟机支持的格式有:VMwareWorkstation、GSXServer/ESXServer、Microsoftvirtualmachines、SymantecLiveStateRecovery。  VMware Player最大的不同之处就是省去了制作虚拟机的功能,就像其名字一样,它只是一个系统“”,而不能用于创建虚拟系统。不过创建虚拟系统对一般的家庭用户来说,并不是很重要,因为制作虚拟机是非常麻烦的。 而现在,VMWare公司非常厚道地在 vm新版本中加入了“创建虚拟机”的功能,使得这个免费的软件的实用价值大幅提升了。VMWare Player虚拟机软件的优点:  C 免费的 VMWare Player 体积仅90多MB,相比5百多MB且还要付费的 VMware Workstation 无疑更适合个人用户使用  C 主界面清爽简洁,几乎所有的功能都不需要手工设置  C 对软驱、光驱、蓝牙和USB设备有很完善的支持,用户在虚拟系统中就象操作真实系统一样简单和方便  C 相比 Windows7 XP Mode,Player不仅对系统版本没有要求,对硬件也没有硬性要求,基本上是PC都能使用  C 虚拟系统完美支持Aero(磨砂玻璃特效),支持DirectX 9 3D加速,基本上能流畅玩很多游戏了  C 现在已经支持创建虚拟机,实用性比以前的VMware Player有极大增强  C 同时支持32位64位主机和虚拟  C 虚拟机现在支持 IPv6 网络VMWare Player 是免费玩转虚拟化的首选
VMware Player 7只支持Win7以上64位系统!32位和XP等系统请使用。
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扫红码得红包5亿红包100%中奖英语翻译"I tried to tell them,and my father gave me my first thrashing for telling lies.When afterwards I tried to tell my aunt,she punished me again for my wicked persistence.Then,as I said,everyone was forbidden to listen to me,to hear a word a_百度作业帮
英语翻译"I tried to tell them,and my father gave me my first thrashing for telling lies.When afterwards I tried to tell my aunt,she punished me again for my wicked persistence.Then,as I said,everyone was forbidden to listen to me,to hear a word a
英语翻译"I tried to tell them,and my father gave me my first thrashing for telling lies.When afterwards I tried to tell my aunt,she punished me again for my wicked persistence.Then,as I said,everyone was forbidden to listen to me,to hear a word about it.Even my fairy tale books were taken away from me for a time--because I was 'too imaginative.' Eh?Yes,they did that!My father belonged to the old school .....And my story was driven back upon myself.I whispered it to my pillow--my pillow that was often damp and salt to my whispering lips with childish tears.And I added always to my official and less fervent prayers this one heartfelt request:'Please God I may dream of the garden.Oh!take me back to my garden!Take me back to my garden!'"I dreamt often of the garden.I may have added to it,I I do not know .....All this you understand is an attempt to reconstruct from fragmentary memories a very early experience.Between that and the other consecutive memories of my boyhood there is a gulf.A time came when it seemed impossible I should ever speak of that wonder glimpse again."I asked an obvious question."No," he said."I don't remember that I ever attempted to find my way back to the garden in those early years.This seems odd to me now,but I think that very probably a closer watch was kept on my movements after this misadventure to prevent my going astray.No,it wasn't until you knew me that I tried for the garden again.And I believe there was a period --incredible as it seems now--when I forgot the garden altogether--when I was about eight or nine it may have been.Do you remember me as a kid at Saint Athelstan's?""Rather!""I didn't show any signs did I in those days of having a secret dream?"Chapter IIHe looked up with a sudden smile."Did you ever play North-West Passage with me?.....No,of course you didn't come my way!""It was the sort of game," he went on,"that every imaginative child plays all day.The idea was the discovery of a North-West Passage to school.The way to sch the game consisted in finding some way that wasn't plain,starting off ten minutes early in some almost hopeless direction,and working one's way round through unaccustomed streets to my goal.And one day I got entangled among some rather low-class streets on the other side of Campden Hill,and I began to think that for once the game would be against me and that I should get to school late.I tried rather desperately a street that seemed a cul de sac,and found a passage at the end.I hurried through that with renewed hope.'I shall do it yet,' I said,and passed a row of frowsy little shops that were inexplicably familiar to me,and behold!there was my long white wall and the green door that led to the enchanted garden!"The thing whacked upon me suddenly.Then,after all,that garden,that wonderful garden,wasn't a dream!" ....
我试着去告诉他们,我爸爸因为我撒谎第一次打了我,当我后来是这告诉我阿姨的时候,她又因为我恶劣的一意孤行罚了我.然后,就像我说的那样,每个人都拒绝听我说的,拒绝听关于那件事的一个字.甚至我的童话故事书被拿走--就因为我想象力太丰富.额?是的,是他们做的!我爸属于老学校.我的故事又回到我这里了,我对着我的枕头耳语--我窃窃私语的嘴唇感觉到枕头又湿又咸都是我幼稚的泪水.我在我经常公式化而又不真诚的祷告里加这个真诚的要求:“请求神阿,我也许可以梦见那个花园,哦!让我回到我的花园!让我回到我的花园啊!”= =实在是翻译不下去了.我只能帮你到这里.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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In , thrashing occurs when a computer's
subsystem is in a constant state of , rapidly exchanging data in memory for data on disk, to the exclusion of most application-level processing. This causes the performance of the computer to degrade or collapse. The situation may continue indefinitely until the underlying cause is addressed. The term is
for various similar phenomena, particularly movement between other levels of the , where a process progresses slowly because significant time is being spent acquiring resources.
does not have enough pages, thrashing is a high
activity, and the
rate is high. This leads to low CPU utilization. In modern computers, thrashing may occur in the paging system (if there is not sufficient
or the disk access time is overly long), or in the communications system (especially in conflicts over internal bus access), etc. Depending on the configuration and algorithms involved, the
of a system may degrade by multiple . Thrashing is a state in which the CPU performs 'productive' work less and 'swapping' more. The CPU is busy in swapping pages, so much that it can not respond to users' programs as much as required. Thrashing occurs when there are too many pages in memory, and each page refers to another page. The real memory shortens in capacity to have all the pages in it, so it uses 'virtual memory'. When each page in execution demands that page that is not currently in real memory (RAM) it places some pages on virtual memory and adjusts the required page on RAM. If the CPU is too busy in doing this task, thrashing occurs.
systems, thrashing may be caused by programs or workloads that present insufficient : if the
of a program or a workload cannot be effectively held within physical memory, then constant data swapping, i.e., thrashing, may occur. The term was first used during the tape operating system days to describe the sound the tapes made when data was being rapidly written to and read. An example of this sort of situation occurred on the
series , in which a particular instruction could consist of an execute instruction (which crosses a page boundary) that points to a move instruction (which itself also crosses a page boundary), targeting a move of data from a source that crosses a page boundary, to a target of data that also crosses a page boundary. The total number of pages thus being used by this particular instruction is eight, and all eight pages must be present in memory at the same time. If the operating system allocates fewer than eight pages of actual memory, when it attempts to swap out some part of the instruction or data to bring in the remainder, the instruction will again page fault, and it will thrash on every attempt to restart the failing instruction.
To resolve thrashing due to excessive paging, a user can do any of the following:
Increase the amount of RAM in the computer.
Decrease the number of programs being run on the computer.
Replace programs that are memory-heavy with equivalents that use less memory.
Assign working priorities to programs, i.e. low,normal,high.
by replacing loops like:
// recall that in C, arrays use Row-major order
int m[256][256];
for (column=0; column&256; column++) {
for (row=0; row&256; row++) {
m[row][column] = foo();
int m[256][256];
for (row=0; row&256; row++) {
for (column=0; column&256; column++) {
// consecutive columns reside in adjacent memory locations
m[row][column] = foo();
As with , thrashing is best-known in the context of memory and storage, but analogous phenomena occur for other .
The term is also used for misses between other levels of the , not just paging (memory to disk): when a small set of faster storage space, intended to be used to speed up access to a larger set of slower storage space, is accessed in a way that cancels out any benefits from the faster storage. An example of this is cache thrashing, where main memory is accessed in a pattern that leads to multiple main memory locations competing for the same cache lines, resulting in excessive . This is most problematic for caches that have low .
Quite similar is TLB thrashing, where the
(MMU), which is used to translate virtual addresses to physical addresses, has a working set of more pages than can fit in its cache, the
(TLB). TLB thrashing can occur even if instruction cache or data cache thrashing are not occurring, because these are cached in different sizes. Instructions and data are cached in small blocks (), not entire pages, but address lookup is done at the page level. Thus even if the code and data working sets fit into cache, if the working sets are
across many pages, the virtual address working set may not fit into TLB, causing TLB thrashing.
Frequent , due to failure to allocate memory for an object, due to insufficient free memory or insufficient contiguous free memory (due to ) is referred to as heap thrashing. A similar phenomenon occurs for processes: when the
– so not all interacting processes are scheduled to run at the same time – they experience process thrashing, due to being repeatedly scheduled and unscheduled, progressing only slowly.
has original text related to this article:
Denning, Peter J. (1968).
(PDF). Proceedings AFIPS, Fall Joint Computer Conference 33: 915–922.
Performance Optimization and Tuning Techniques for IBM Processors, including IBM POWER8,
(PDF). Proceedings of Third . pp. 22–30.
: Hidden categories:目录&&&&&&&
&&&操作系是控制其他程序运行,管理系统资源并为用户提供操作界面的系统软件的集合。 操作系统(英语;Operating System,简称OS)是一管理电脑硬件与软件资源的程序,同时也是计算机系统的内核与基石。操作系统身负诸如管理与配置内存、决定系统资源供需的优先次序、控制输入与输出设备、操作网络与管理文件系统等基本事务。操作系统是管理计算机系统的全部硬件资源包括软件资源及数据资源;控制程序运行;改善人机界面;为其它应用软件提供支持等,使计算机系统所有资源最大限度地发挥作用,为用户提供方便的、有效的、友善的服务界面。操作系统是一个庞大的管理控制程序,大致包括5个方面的管理功能:进程与处理机管理、作业管理、存储管理、设备管理、文件管理。目前微机上常见的操作系统有DOS、OS/2、UNIX、XENIX、LINUX、Windows、Netware等。但所有的操作系统具有并发性、共享性、虚拟性和不确定性四个基本特征。


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