
l:In my point of view, old man should live in the beadhouse.And that is a good choice for everyone.First of all, it is good for the old man. In the beadhouse, there must be nurses and doctors who are good at how to deal with the old man's disease and accidence, so the old man can get health care at anytime. Also the beadhouse can provide special food for the old to feet their need. And all the diets are designed by Dietitians, so it is much better to the old man's health than the common food cook at home. Then there must be other person
who may at the same age, so they can just chat with each other and never feel lonely.On the other hand, it is also good for the kids. Their children is just about their best time of life to fight for a better salary or a better social status. They don't have that much time to care about their parents. So it may leads to two results. One is they spend most time on their parents, their parents get a good care. But they failed in their career. And another is they spend most one the work, and their parents won't take a good care. But the result for parents is all the same---they feel sad either their children failed in their career or they don't be treated well. As a conclusion, if the old men live in beadhouse, children can fight for their future and the old men can get a good care. It is the best choice for both. 我全部用old man写真知道其专业词起思路应该挺清晰写截部用题其实需要用事实数据说反需要情情问题亲情问题纠缠陷入反圈套毕竟非重亲情传统家需要做主要说明养院比家更专业照顾更位专业各种员服务敬院幸福指数高住进养院更利于健康等同辅助说明家谁都希望孩事业功想拖累孩问题谈基本功讲理性反讲性反:From our perspective, old people shouldn't live in the beadhouse for the following reasons.First of all, although the beadhouse may provide a good service for the old people's physical health, however, mental health is much more important than the physical health. Old people just want to live with their children which can provide them pure love. And they also can feel this love from daily life at home. We cannot deprive their right to love and be loved. Because they are your parents who raise you up, who care about you, who really love you. The birds even know to feed their parents back. What about the human beings? They don't want you to spend too much time on them, but it doesn't mean that they don't need you, need your love, need your care.Secondly,if they live in the beadhouse, they won't feel happy. Since all the old people love the things doing as usual, it will be a huge change while they live in the beadhouse. They don't want anyting to change, especilly their home, they may cannot sleep for a very long time. And as usual, they may like to talk to their kids, teach their grandsons or granddaughters, chat with old friends, which make them happy. But all the things changed, they may feel miserable. That's the result we don't want to see.So,for the reasons above, we don't agree that let old people live in the beadhouse.终于写完觉非煽情要点基本都写段需要非煽情才能场观众基本赢写希望能用顺便给我吧午都搞东西能加加嘿嘿
自看吧二三辩问题:目录0.x:定义面1.x:相比相处容易产维持2.x:相要比相处使精神轻松3.x:相比相处所要付努力少(前面123我标准)4.x:其5.x:网材料补充 页各词定义0.1 相:相互慕0.2 相处:共同相互交往0.3 容易:①做起费事②发某种变化能性0.4 难:显指与容易相困难做起费事难达或处境艰难意思 0.5 【我】按照您定义我理解:劫匪受害者间算相处辩友相处定义太宽吧直看相处底意思呢按照数理解辩题专指相处啊【】按照定义劫匪受害者间相处【我】辩友坚持认确我能说您处语境理解真相独真谓举世皆醉您独醒啊0.6 辩友刚才攻辩知道原明明知道所谈相处般意义见面等短间相处却直要死抠定义讨论种情况辩友看树木见森林抠定义见语境呢要知道句相处指相处啊(攻辩结) 0.7 关于相定义些例: 想相定义包括亲情友情并且举相亲相例:我说按照您意思相亲应该指包括亲情友情各种敢朋友说我另相或另相亲辩友相亲相含义特殊语境啊 1.1 .【我】相种意识流交汇相处种物质流共我家都知道想总要比做困难既辩友认相种想要比相处种做困难呢(用辩辩词)【能答】想定比做容易相想能相并没某喜欢明星相啊(我答<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a.1 二)1.1 二. 【我】我承认我相概率我世某特定相概率并啊世几乎所都想相特定相概率乘60亿基数认相件事发概率辩友我再说问题…… 1.1 三【能答二】想定比做容易我却听说强迫自思维要比强迫自行难啊【我】:(我想答)论证强迫思维要比强迫行困难我并否认强迫思维比强迫行更难呢自愿想要比自愿做简单所都按照自意愿想导致强迫自思维困难;由于按照自愿做难所强迫自行简单 1.2 【我】网恋双并没起却相见钟情两没相处却相辩友难道说相要比相处困难【答】特例啊辩友要看数都相处没相啊【我】存种特例呢像物理某物理规律发现特例我说物理规律并确啊何况我给发现特例止证明辩友观点错误<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a696f6e 若相处基础认证我答相处相基础答:【我】:难难基础构建啊:辩友按您说相处相基础所相处比相容易您没看于家庭言挣钱花钱基础难道您说挣钱比花钱容易 1.4 少并代表难易:辩论场轮我说我尽力试图说服呢站言发尽力说服按照辩友您逻辑数做相容易说滔滔绝试图说服要比我站言发容易做 1.5 比较象必须同存才比较:辩友您说同间相处间相处没相辩友像狮虎要起比较哪更凶猛其没场我没办行比赛比较夜谁更凶猛所相相处同存才进行比较您直举些相处没相例呢麻烦采纳谢谢!


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