
Let's find it _____the computer now. A.in B.on C.at D.off 选哪个?哦,对了,各位顺便帮我翻译一下这几个句子吧.1.我和哥哥每周打一次网球.2.康康常常在晚饭后听一会儿音乐.3.请稍后.4.我们正在使用仁爱英_百度作业帮
Let's find it _____the computer now. A.in B.on C.at D.off 选哪个?哦,对了,各位顺便帮我翻译一下这几个句子吧.1.我和哥哥每周打一次网球.2.康康常常在晚饭后听一会儿音乐.3.请稍后.4.我们正在使用仁爱英
Let's find it _____the computer now. A.in B.on C.at D.off 选哪个?哦,对了,各位顺便帮我翻译一下这几个句子吧.1.我和哥哥每周打一次网球.2.康康常常在晚饭后听一会儿音乐.3.请稍后.4.我们正在使用仁爱英语练习册.我们能从中学到很多.5.这本书我能借多久?请在三天后归还.
此题选B..翻译:1.My brother and I play tennis once a week .2.Kangkang often listens to music for a mement after supper .3.Wait a moment ,please .4.We are using the exercise--book of Ren Ai .We can learn a lot from it.5.How long can I keep the book Please return it three days later .
My brother and I
play tennis every week.Kangkang often listen to the music in after dinner.. Please laterWe are using love English exercise books. We can learn a lot.How long can I keep this book? Please in three days later returned.
1.My brother and I
once a week .2.Kangkang
often listens to music for a mement after supper .3. Wait a moment ,please .4.We are using
the exercise--book of R...
你好,以下是你要的正确答案,请认真查看:单选题选ALet's find it _in____the computer now.
翻译句子的答案如下:1.My brother and I
play tennis once a
week.2.Kangkang often listens to
music for a while after di...翻译英语短文帮我翻译了这篇英语短文 ,谢谢1 During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis. Some of my classmates were very good at this game and I often tried to compete with them to_百度作业帮
翻译英语短文帮我翻译了这篇英语短文 ,谢谢1 During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis. Some of my classmates were very good at this game and I often tried to compete with them to
翻译英语短文帮我翻译了这篇英语短文 ,谢谢1 During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis. Some of my classmates were very good at this game and I often tried to compete with them to improve my skill. In high school I spent many hours playing outdoor sports. I enjoyed team sports like basketball and volleyball. In my senior year I started to practice tennis. Sometimes I would find a partner to play tennis with me, but as yet I am not very good at this sport. Tennis requires great strength in the arms and legs as well as strong concentration on the game. 2 There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.
1在我的中学岁月期间我经常喜欢去休息室打乒乓球。 我的一些同学在这场比赛上是非常好,并且我经常设法与他们竞争改进我的技巧。 在高中我度过了演奏户外运动的许多小时。 我享受象篮球和排球的团体性运动。 在我的高年级我开始实践网球。 有时我会找到一个伙伴打与我的网球,但是我不非常善于这体育。 网球要求在胳膊和腿的巨大力量并且在比赛的强的集中。 那里2是我享受,例如游泳,赛跑的许多体育和跳舞。 然而,我喜...请帮我翻译会计资料公司法部分,我不要有道啊,google这类的电子翻译,希望人工翻译,如果不错可以加分▲Removal of directors:a director may be removed from office by ordinary resolution at a meeting of which sp_百度作业帮
请帮我翻译会计资料公司法部分,我不要有道啊,google这类的电子翻译,希望人工翻译,如果不错可以加分▲Removal of directors:a director may be removed from office by ordinary resolution at a meeting of which sp
请帮我翻译会计资料公司法部分,我不要有道啊,google这类的电子翻译,希望人工翻译,如果不错可以加分▲Removal of directors:a director may be removed from office by ordinary resolution at a meeting of which special notice to the company has been given by the person proposing it: s 168.On receipt of the special notice the company must spend a copy to the director who may require that a memorandum of reasonable shall be issued to members: they also have the right to address the meeting at which the resolution is considered.The articles and the services contract of the director cannot override the statutory power. However, the articles can permit dismissal without the statutory formalities being observed, for example dismissal by a resolution of the board of directors.The power to remove a director is limited in its effect in four ways:Restrictions on power to remove directors(1) Shareholding qualification to call a meeting: In order to propose a resolution to remove a director, the shareholders involved must call a general meeting. (2) Shareholding to request a resolution: Where a meeting is already convened, 100 members holding an average £100 of share capital each may request a resolution to remove a director: s338.(3) Weighted voting rights: A director may have weight voting rights given to them under the constitution for such an eventuality, so that they can automatically defeat any motion to remove them as a director: Bushell v Faith 1970(4) Class right agreement: It is possible to draft a shareholder agreement stating that a member holding each class of share must be present at a general meeting to constitute quorum. If so, a member holding shares of a certain class could prevent a director being removed by not attending the meeting.▲Memorandum of associationThe memorandum is a simple document which states that the subscribers whish to form a company and become members of it. ▲Company Constitution- The constitution of a company consists of: the article of association & resolutions and agreements- Resolutions directly affect the constitution of a company as they are used to introduce new provisions, or amend or remove existing ones-
Agreements made are also deemed as amending the constitution▲What is Bonus issues?A bonus issue is the capitalisation of the reserves of a company by the issue of additional shares to existing shareholders, in proportion to their holdings. Such shares are normally fully paid-up with no cash called for from the shareholders.▲Minority protection: S 994S 994 offers a statutory remedy to a minority if unfairly prejudicial conduct has occurred.Unfairly prejudicial conduct generally involves discrimination against a minority or exclusion of a director from a quasi-partnership company.
▲去除董事:董事可能会被一个普通决议,其中特别通知该公司已被特定会议上提出它的人从办公室:第168条。关于特别通知后,公司必须花费副本导演谁可能需要一个合理的备忘录须发给队员:他们也有权利,以解决在该决议的会议予以审议。条款和服务合同的董事不能覆盖的法定权力。但是,可以允许解雇的文章没有被观察的法定手续,例如解雇,由董事会决议。有权罢免董事是有限的,其在四个...山花绽放 “山花网球队”上周到云南选“苗子”|网球|网球运动_凤凰资讯
山花绽放 “山花网球队”上周到云南选“苗子”
原标题:山花绽放 “山花网球队”上周到云南选“苗子”山花网球队”在云南的选拔活动持续了近一周时间 都市时报记者 杨海冬去年的中国网球公开赛,揭幕大戏当属李娜与德约科维奇的“性别大战”,而陪这两位顶尖选手完成表演的,是两位被称为“山花”的小队员独支玛和优米卓玛,她们来自云南,“山花网球队”也从此进入了更多人的视线中。刚刚过去的这个周末,“山花网球队”在海埂训练基地完成了新一批队员的选拔,10名来自、德宏、红河、玉溪以及曲靖的6到8岁儿童成功入选,成为了又一批等待绽放的“山花”。本周,他们就将启程前往北京,在北京世纪东方学校开启一段文化课与网球训练并行不悖的新生活。从最初的为云南贫困山区里的孩子提供更高水平的文化和网球培训,到如今成为网球职业化之下的新探索。“山花网球队”中,能否走出下一个李娜?缘起前女排名将的一次旅行成就了“山花网球基金”杨希是前中国女排名将,正是她2007年的一次旅行,才有了“山花网球基金”的诞生。那一年,杨希到云南旅行,傍晚的广场上当地的女孩儿手挽着手,热烈地跳着少数民族的锅庄舞,她们的身材修长健壮,动作简单但是协调,那么地有生命力,纯净得就像初生的婴儿,那种单纯与活力感染了她,“她们应该能够走出大山,完全可以有一个不同的人生。”于是,杨希在香格里拉、丽江等地进行了挑选,选拔的条件并不苛刻,要求父母必须在农村,家庭贫困,孩子的身高明显比同龄的孩子高。最终,10名女孩入选,她们告别了父母,走出了大山,开始接触此前一无所知的网球。“当地很多孩子的人生可能就是长大之后外出打工,所以她们的父母都很希望孩子能够走出去。我不敢说她们一定能在球场如何,但承诺一定能帮助她们上大学。”谈及当时为何让这批孩子接触网球运动,杨希说,“我们当时之所以选择网球,是因为网球是世界上影响力最大的运动之一,希望帮助少数民族孩子能在这个领域证明自己。”与此同时,“山花网球基金”在2008年正式成立,目的是致力于提高中国网球水平,培养贫困山区少数民族孩子从事网球训练,对“山花网球基金”所资助对象在训练比赛、文化学习、生活等方面给予经费帮助。另类不以培养运动员为目的文化课没丢英语讲得棒挑选完苗子,如何规划“山花“们的下一步以至于未来?退役后就在美国学习和生活的杨希有着清晰的认识,她认为体育和教育是不能分离的,“我们按照国家教育大纲让她们完成各项文化课学习,同时进行网球训练。训练的目的不是为了把她们培养成运动员,而是让她们通过参加体育活动,得到身体、精神和品质方面的受教育机会。”“因为山花网球基金,所以她们就被称为‘山花队’了。”杨希说。“山花”们先是在沈阳待了一段时间,等到条件成熟以后便来到了北京,除了进行网球训练以外,还要接受正规的基础文化课教育。由于从一开始队里的网球教练就是外教,所以6年下来,姑娘们个个练就了一口流利的英语。在上周的山花选拔中,10岁的格茸拉此作为“前辈”,随外教一起回到了云南,她的任务就是为参与选拔的小朋友们进行动作示范,外教在一旁解释动作要领时,还未等翻译说话,她已经做起了动作,“英语基本都能听懂了,只是有些太过专业的词汇还是要请教中文老师。”格茸拉此是2012年被挑中的“山花”,短短两年的时间,她已经征战过多项全国比赛,就在前不久的云南省省运会上,她还拿到了甲组比赛的第五名,要知道,她的对手年龄普遍都比她大两岁,“在那边比赛的机会很多,所以提高也非常快。”尽管训练和比赛的时间安排得满满当当,但文化课的学习,他们并没有丢。格茸拉此告诉都市时报记者,所有队员每天早自习之后会进行两个小时的训练,之后就是两节文化课的学习,午休之后又开始网球训练,晚饭过后则是进行晚自习,文化课的内容有英语、数学、语文、音乐、美术等,而一些年纪更大的孩子,则会增加一些其他科目。
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48小时点击排行中国网球队奥运名单:李娜领衔 蒋宏伟报名翻译
  新浪体育讯 北京时间7月10日,参加伦敦奥运会的中国体育代表团在北京正式成立。中国代表团一共621人,其中包括运动员396人,人数仅次于北京奥运会的639人。中国队将参加除足球、手球和马术之外的23个大项,212个小项。
  领队&& 孙晋芳(女)
  翻译&& 蒋宏伟
  彭帅(女) 郑洁(女) 李娜(女) 张帅(女)
相关专题:专题 |专题 
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