急用 请求帮忙的邮件怎么写忙

急用!求帮忙_百度知道 急用!求帮忙 提问者采纳 During the summer holidays in 2010, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home, so I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner. I worked seven hoursa day for three weeks.        The job was hard and boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I nearly gave it up halfway. After all, I stuck to it with determination.        Every day I started off for work early in the morning and got home late in the evening. Finally I finishedthe job before the new term began.        Now, I understand what labor means. I think it is really a successful experience.答案唯   在2010年暑假期间,我想我应该做一些有意义的事情,而不是保持  在家里,所以我找到了一份工作在肯德基快餐店,那里工作更干净。我工作七个小时  一天三个星期。  工作是困难和无聊,似乎没完没了,这使我太累了,我几乎放弃了一半  的方式。毕竟,我坚持的决心。  我每天一大早就开始工作,晚上回家晚了。最后我完成了  在新学期开始前的工作。  现在,我明白了劳动意味着什么。我认为这是一个真正的成功经验。 提问者评价 你的回答完美的解决了我的问题,谢谢! 〆﹏落日般的忧伤 来自:作业帮 为您推荐: 其他3条回答 During my summer holiday in 2003, I found a part-time job as a cleaner in KFC. I did not realize that it was not an easy job before I did it.   I had to work seven hours a day, which would last three weeks. The job was tiring and boring because I had to get up early and went to bed late. Every day I had to repeat the same work, which nearly made me mad. I almost gave it up, but finally I sticked it out until the new semester began. The experience taught me a lesson that there is no free lunch.  I have to work hard to get what I want. So the experience is very meaningful and I know the value of labour During this holiday, I went to work for a company for working experience and I learnt a lot of useful things that will certainlly help me in my life. I found the work quite hard when I first started but I did my best and earned some money. This is the first time I used my own hand to earn money. When I recieved the envelope, I was so excited that I opened it immediately. And there they were, the first three hundred dollras I earned. I didn't use them all on buying thing I like but save them in my bank account. My parents were proud of me. 请问这是你写的吗 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁HTC816怎么发不了彩信啊?求大神帮助,急用_百度知道 HTC816怎么发不了彩信啊?求大神帮助,急用 提问者采纳 设置数据连接卡网络接点名称右角三点点恢复默认值即 提问者评价 太给力了,你的回答完美地解决了我的问题,非常感谢! 其他类似问题 为您推荐: 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁若|a|=21,|b|=27,且|a+b|=-(a+b),求a-b的值.急用_百度作业帮 若|a|=21,|b|=27,且|a+b|=-(a+b),求a-b的值.急用 若|a|=21,|b|=27,且|a+b|=-(a+b),求a-b的值.急用 ∵|a+b|=-(a+b)∴a+b<0∴a=21 b=-27或a=-21 b=-27∴a-b=48或6 |a+b|=-(a+b)则a+b≤0由已知a+b<0则a=21,b=-27,此时a-b=48;或者a=-21,b=-27,此时,a-b=6 ∵Ia+bI=-(a+b)∴a+b≤0∵当a=21,b=-27时,a+b<0 当a=-21,b=-27时,a+b<0所以①当a=21,b=-27时 a-b=21-(-27)=21+27=48②当a=-21,b=-27时 a-b=-21-(-27)=-21+27=6综上所述,a-b=48或6 6;因为|a+b|=-(a+b)得a,b都是负数。又因为|a|=21,|b|=27,所以a=-21,b=-27a-b=6 因为|a+b|=-(a+b)得a,b都是负数。又因为|a|=21,|b|=27,所以a=-21,b=-27a-b=6 因为绝对值后是取相反数的,所以(a+b)为负数 a为-21时,b只能为-27 ;a为21时,b只能为-27 则a-b=6或48 ∵—(a+b)=|a+b|∴-b-a=|a+b|(0)既:a>b①a=—21 b=-27∴a-b=6②a=21 b=-27∴a-b=48 ∵|a+b|=-(a+b),∴a,b都是负数∵|a|=21,|b|=27∴a=-21,b=-27-21-(-27)=6 ~\(≧▽≦)/~用侧面描写的方法写一篇描写《月夜》的400字作文,急用,求帮助!_百度作业帮 用侧面描写的方法写一篇描写《月夜》的400字作文,急用,求帮助! 用侧面描写的方法写一篇描写《月夜》的400字作文,急用,求帮助! & &夜幕降临的时候,月亮升起来了.她像是望着我们,对着我们笑.她那圆圆的脸庞有些嫣红,也许是暗暗的粉红,像一个红红的灯笼挂在天边.月亮懒懒的往上升的时候,就像是背着一个大包袱,慢慢地向上爬,一纵一纵的,看起来很累.费了好大的劲,月亮才冲出了地平线,挂在了半空中.这时,她脱去了红装,换上了金黄色的纱巾,用白玉般的笑脸来迎接我们这些云云众生.可是我们再看看她的面庞,就又感到是蓝月亮,绿月亮,蓝微微,绿莹莹,也许月亮姑娘是个变脸大王,美得令人惊奇. & &在我心中,月亮不光会变换各种瑰丽的色彩,还像很多美丽的东西.月亮很圆的时候,就像一个玉盘,天上的仙女们正在吃盘子中的大仙桃.月亮还像彩色的气球,那气球下面有一根线,我顺着就爬了上去,月亮这个大气球把我带到了海边,欣赏了美丽的海景.月亮有时是月牙,这时我想起了小时候的一首儿歌,是歌唱月牙的:“小小的月亮弯弯的船,玩玩的船儿两头尖,我在小小的船上坐,只看见闪闪的星星蓝蓝的天.”夜空中的月牙真的像一条小船,我多么想飞到这条金船上,划起双桨,在夜空中神游呀. & & 看见夜空中的月亮,我联想到了八月十五.八月十五月儿圆,这天晚上,家人们坐在一起,吃月饼,赏月亮,快乐乐,高高兴兴.圆圆的月亮就像一块大月饼,吃在嘴里,一定会又香又甜. & &都说月亮里面住着嫦娥.有一个传说故事叫“嫦娥奔月”,嫦娥和后羿是一对夫妻,因为后羿射死了九个太阳,使大家不再生活在苦海之中.王母娘娘表彰后羿,给了他一颗仙丹,说:“一个人吃了它可以成仙,两个人一人一半可以长生不老.”后羿拿这颗仙丹回家了,后羿的一个弟子知道了仙丹的事,看后羿不在家就来偷仙丹.嫦娥不给他,一下子把仙丹吞到了肚子里,一下子就变轻了,飞上了天空,来到了月亮上.在月亮上,嫦娥很伤心,因为他和后羿分开了,天天思念着. & &想到了上面这些,我觉得月亮更美了.若有帮助请点击我回答下的【选为满意答案】按钮,不要摆着问题不处理,浪费百度资源,谢谢!★★★★★★还望亲给予好评★翻译成英文,求各位大神帮忙急用啊 1我想我应该和她谈一谈. 2杰克说他有重要的事情要做. 3他问这本书是不是很贵.4我只想知道她当时在西方一个国家读书.5我认为玛丽赢不了比赛.6有时候这_百度作业帮 翻译成英文,求各位大神帮忙急用啊 1我想我应该和她谈一谈. 2杰克说他有重要的事情要做. 3他问这本书是不是很贵.4我只想知道她当时在西方一个国家读书.5我认为玛丽赢不了比赛.6有时候这 翻译成英文,求各位大神帮忙急用啊 1我想我应该和她谈一谈. 2杰克说他有重要的事情要做. 3他问这本书是不是很贵.4我只想知道她当时在西方一个国家读书.5我认为玛丽赢不了比赛.6有时候这位母亲不知道他的儿子最需要什么.7抱歉我迟到啦.8她告诉我说她可以自己完成这项工作.9我不知道你对不对.10你能告诉我你怎样解决这个问题. 3.Is this book very expensive?4.I only want to know which country she studied in.5.I don't think Mary can win the game.6.Sometimes this mother doesn't know what her son need.7.I'm sorry I'm late.8.She told me that she can complete this task by herself.9.I don't know whether you are right.10.Can you tell me how to solve this problem? 1 I think I should talk to her. 2 Jack said he has something important to do.3 He asked if this book is expensive. 4 是不是打错了?5 I think Mary cannot win the competition. 6 someti... Is this book expensive?I only want to know that she was teaching in a Western country.I don't think Mary will win the game.Sometimes the mother does not know what her son needs most.


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