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In the UK, area code 020 (or +44 20) is London.
In the Netherlands, area code 020 (or +31 20) is Amsterdam. Other countries have area code 020, or codes beginning with 020. C&ountry code +20, dialed as 00 20 from many places, is Egypt. (The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is 00, but North America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses 0011, and many other countries use different prefixes.)
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020 is the area code for London. Numbers beginning 3561 are allocated to Sky, but they do not publish more detailed information about which area they specifically cover.
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020 is the area code for London in the UK.
London numbers beginning with '7247' are allocated to BT and used mainly around Bishopsgate.
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In the United Kingdom, 020 is the area code  allocated to London. It covers a large area, including central  London, most of the outer boroughs and small parts of some  nei&ghbouring counties. 
 The 020 prefix is used primarily for the city's fixed, landline  phone service, with mobile phones and pagers usually using a  separate, nationwide range of numbers beginning with 07. This is  standard practice in most of Europe, where mobile phones are  charged at a different rate to standard landline phone calls and  accordingly are not assigned geographic area codes. 
 About London phone numbers 
 The 020 code has existed since April 2000, when it replaced two  separate area codes for inner and outer London (0171 and 0181). 
 An 020 area code is always followed by an eight-digit local number.  When calling between two normal London (020) phone lines, the area  code is optional and calls can be made using just the eight-digit  local number. 
 Occasionally, people will mistakenly refer to '0207' and '0208'  codes, despite neither ever having been an area code for London.  For example, (34 was renumbered to (020)
 (shorter area code, longer local number) during the year 2000, but  may be incorrectly quoted as (34 by individuals who are  more familiar with the old way of writing London phone  numbers.
Location of individual numbers 
 Although telephone numbers can be moved between locations and  operators, it is sometimes possible to get an idea of where a  London phone number was originally allocated to by looking at the  first four digits after the (020) area code. For example, numbers  beginning (020) 7928 are allocated to BT's Waterloo telephone  exchange. Some websites provide lookup facilities. 
 Specific London number blocks asked about
users  previously include: 
 (020) 3035 xxxx - Telephone company "Plus Telecom" 
 (020) 3286 xxxx - Telephone company "Cable and Wireless" 
 (020) 3301 xxxx - Telephone company "Frontier Systems" 
 (020) 3511 xxxx - Telephone company "Unitel Communications" 
 (020) 7222 xxxx - Westminster (BT) 
 (020) 7233 xxxx - Westminster (BT) 
 (020) 7247 xxxx - Bishopsgate (BT) 
 (020) 7277 xxxx - Walworth, Bermondsey and New Cross (BT) 
 (020) 7253 xxxx - Clerkenwell (BT) 
 (020) 7388 xxxx - Euston (BT) 
 (020) 7511 xxxx - Albert Dock (BT) 
 (020) 7580 xxxx - Bloomsbury (BT) 
 (020) 7890 xxxx - Telephone company "Verizon" 
 (020) 8638 xxxx - Telephone company "Wavecrest" 
 (020) 8783 xxxx - Molesey (BT) 
 (020) 8853 xxxx - Greenwich (BT) 
 (020) 8861 xxxx - Harrow (BT) 
 (020) 8955 xxxx - Various north west London exchanges (BT) 
 It's in London - indicated by the first three digits 020. Although  a quick search on the BT website returned no information for 02073. 
 In the UK, area code 020 (or +44 20) is London. 
 In the Netherlands, area code 020 (or +31 20) is Amsterdam. 
 Several other countries have area code 020 or codes beginning with  020. 
 (The plus sign  means "insert your international access prefix here." From a GSM  mobile phone, you can enter the number in full international  format, starting with the plus sign. The most common prefix is  00, but North  America (USA, Canada, etc.) uses 011, Japan uses 010, Australia uses  0011, and many  other countries use different prefixes.)
+ 5 others
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 If this is a LONDON, UK, number then the correct format for the number is:
The London area code is (020) and local numbers have &eight digits.
The area served by 8661
is Sutton and Belmont.
These numbers were previously in the -xxxx block, and before that in the 081-661-xxxx, block.
Way before that they were originally in the 01-661-xxxx block, pre 1990. There is no such area code as 0207 or 0208.
020 is the area code for London in the United Kingdom. Within the (020) area code, numbers starting 8202 are allocated to BT for use in Hendon - although numbers can of course& be moved to new locations and different operators over the years.
In the United Kingdom, 020 is the area code for London.
The following four digits of the number, 7138, show that the number was originally issued by Cable & Wireless. It is &not possible to give a more precise location, and a quick web search shows numbers in the range 020 7138 xxxx in use right across London, from the inner city right out to Heathrow and beyond.
London, Ewell, Borehamwood, Loughton, Bushey, Chessington,  Chigwell, Buckhurst Hill, Whyteleafe 
 020 is the telephone area code for greater London. With number  portab&ility, any specific 020 number could be located anywhere  within the greater London 020 area, not just the neighbourhood  traditionally associated with that prefix.
That's a London dialling code - seems to be referring to the Brent area of London.
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UK telephone area code 020 is London, including both the former  "Inner London" and "Outer London" zones. A number beginning with  020 7485 is most likely a BT landline in K&entish Town, but with  number portability any particular 020 number could be located  anywhere in the greater London 020 zone, served by any local  telephone company.
Just because this classic show is over doesn't mean we aren't still thinking about it (or watching reruns, constantly). Even for die-hard fans, we bet there's still a few thin&gs you never knew about Seinfeld!
This is not Nana's bag of tricks, but these are some of the best kitchen hacks ever. Too bad she had to make do without them.This is perfect for stick butter that will not spr&ead easily or takes too long to melt into a baking recipe. The butter must be almost frozen for this to work, and then grate it just like a block of cheddar. It is easy to sprinkle on toast or stir into a recipe and will melt quickly.Eggs have a porous shell that slowly lets air in through time. If there are some questionably aged eggs in the refrigerator, test their freshness by submerging in a bowl of water. If it lies on the bottom it could be anywhere from one to nine days old. If it stands upright then it is about 10-13 days old, but if it floats in any direction it is more than 14 days old and most cooks would throw it out.There always seems to be a little sauce left over, whether it is from a pasta, stir-fry, or gravy. This tablespoon leftover are not usually worth the storage space. However, if frozen in ice cube trays, and they will store easily in a freezer bag once solid. Then they are available for single servings or as a starter for another dish.It may seem like an unnecessary extra step but putting a container of ice cream in a freezer storage bag is well worth it. This prevents air and odorous flavors from getting in the container. Simply bag the container and remove as much excess air as possible before sealing. This will ensure the ice cream does not become rock hard or absorb that strange mystery freezer taste.Little fingers have a hard time being patient watching a parent cut their toast, waffle, or pancake with a fork and knife. To speed up the process use a pizza cutter. Slice strips in one direction, turn the plate and go the other way. This is a fast way to cut cute little breakfast squares for cute and hungry little ones.Yogurts are now available in numerable flavors and self-serve packaging. It is easy to make healthy calcium packed pops using an individual cups that have an evenly shaped container. Poke a popsicle stick through the tear off wrapper, without opening it. Leave in the freezer overnight or until hardened. Tear the lid off as usual and the "pop" can be slid out for eating.Citrus fruits have little cells of juice inside them that hold onto the juice in little pockets. To extract as much fresh juice from the fruit as possible, roll it on the counter to break open those pockets before slicing into it. Press down while rolling hard enough to mash it a little, but not hard enough to cause it to break open.Frozen grapes are a wonderful summer snack, but they are also good for chilling wine. The frozen juice inside the grape will cool a glass of wine without watering it down the way an ice cube would. Moreover, they look pretty when resting at the bottom of a glass and make tasty munchies between glasses.Ever wondered how the bakery down the street makes their own muffin cups without making a mess or creating bubbles? It's easy with parchment paper and a glass that fits into a muffin cup. Tear off a piece of parchment paper and use the glass to press it into the muffin cup. Fold it pretty or crinkled crazily, but either way use the glass to press the paper into place and it will hold its shape long enough to pour in the batterThe hardest part of cooking enchiladas, chicken salad, or barbeque chicken sandwiches is shredding the chicken. It shreds easiest when it is hot, which usually means burnt fingertips. Next time, place hot boneless, skinless, chicken breasts into a mixer and put on low speed. Allow the bowl to turn until the mixer blades shred all the chicken. It may be necessary to stop and start a few times, but this is much better than burnt fingers.After being stored for long periods of time, honey will begin to crystallize due to evaporation. It is a natural process that occurs with all honey and does not mean it has gone bad. Melt the honey again by placing the container upright in a pot of warm water on the stove. Keep an eye on it as it slowly melts to be sure the container does not leak or melt. Once melted the honey will stay liquid again for several days. Repeat the process as needed.Fish has a tendency to break apart and stick to any grill surface. Place a layer of sliced lemons down first, and then arrange the fish on top. The lemon will steam into the flesh of the fish creating a great flavor and will prevent any sticking or breaking. In addition, the grilled lemon slices make a pretty garnish.
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