
。希望能够帮到你。MSR (Mountain Safety Research)于1969年由Larry Penberthy在美国的西雅图市为研究登山用品的安全性和可靠性而创立的
09-08-01 &匿名提问
  洋务派是在第二次鸦片战争以后、特别是在镇压太平天国运动的过程中逐渐形成、壮大的统治阶级内部的一个政治派别。当时洋务派的主要代表在中央是以奕?、文祥为代表的满族官员,在地方是以曾国藩、李鸿章、左宗棠、张之洞为代表的汉族官员。  尽管奕?贵为当时的恭亲王,并且是总理衙门的主持人,而且中央以满族官员为主,但是洋务派的主要活动势力并不是他们,而是掌握地方实权的都督和巡抚。原因何在呢?主要是因为当时的顽固派的势力太强大,洋务派并不敢在中央明目张胆的进行洋务活动。总理衙门尽管是洋务运动在中央的推动机构,但真正实施洋务运动的却是曾国藩、李鸿章等人。那么他们何以敢逆龙鳞而顶风推行洋务运动呢?他们就不怕遭到顽固派的阻挠甚至是打击?非也。其实顽固派对他们的活动也是非常不满的。但是,经受了两次鸦片战争打击和国内人民起义(主要是太平天国运动和捻军)的冲击,清朝统治者第一次感到了生存危机。而以镇压太平天国运动起家的曾国藩、李鸿章等人在镇压的过程当中认识到了西方坚船利炮的厉害,而且在镇压的过程当中也尝到了坚船利炮的甜头。所以他们决定学习西方的先进军事技术,加强自身的军事实力,企图以此来迅速的平定太平天国运动。由于他们不象顽固派那么冥顽不化,仇视一切外洋事物,而是愿意和外国人打交道,尽管目的是学习他们的军事技术。而西方人也希望清廷中能出现一批能和他们打交道的人。曾国藩等人的出现,使他们觉得自己的想法有了落脚点,所以把希望寄托在他们身上。被洋人吓破了胆的慈禧太后丝毫不敢得罪洋人,而曾国藩、李鸿章等人有洋人的撑腰,而且在镇压太平天国的过程中的确是功劳甚巨,慈禧太后保不定日后还得仰仗他们,所以并不敢对他们轻举妄动。更重要的是,慈禧太后也希望早日把太平天国运动镇压下去,维护、巩固自己的统治,而且她在夺取清朝最高统治权的过程中曾得到过西方国家的支持或默许,因此并不敢轻易得罪西方国家。因此,在洋务派的活动没有威胁到自己的利益时,慈禧太后对曾国藩、李鸿章等人的活动至少是采取了默许的态度。[编辑本段]洋务派的发展  洋务派在兴办洋务的过程中,由于没有一个健全的领导机构和统一的领导核心,所以在发展的过程中逐渐分化出几派。以曾国藩、左宗棠为代表形成了湘系集团,其中左宗棠又自成体系;以李鸿章为代表形成淮系集团;洋务运动后又出现了以张之洞为代表的洋务集团。还有沈葆桢,丁日昌等。  这几派在发展的过程中基本都是各自为政、互不隶属的,而且相互之间也存在着竞争甚至发生攻讦的现象,相互之间形成一种掣肘。比如在甲午海战之后,由于李鸿章和日本签订了《马关条约》后,张之洞就攻击他为“卖国贼”。因而洋务派的力量很分散,不能形成一种集团效应,也就没有推动洋务运动的有效发展。  洋务派在得到慈禧太后的默许后,于19世纪60年代到90年代掀起了一场以“师夷长技以自强”为目的的洋务运动。洋务运动是洋务派在“自强”、“求富”的口号下进行的一系列活动。主要是采用西方先进技术,创办了一批近代军事工业国藩创和民用工业,同时还进行了筹划海防、创办新式学堂、派留学生出国等活动,它也是洋务派的主张在经济、军事、和教育等方面的具体表现。洋务运动的内容很庞杂,涉及军事、政治、经济、外交等,而以“自强”为名,兴办军事工业并围绕军事工业开办其他企业,建立新式武器装备的陆海军,是其主要内容。值得注意的是,洋务派经营的这些近代企业,是以不改变封建生产关系为前提的。所办企业,具有很强的对外依赖性、封建性和一定程度的垄断性。因此,洋务派要在中国兴办近代工业企业和筹办海防,都不得不在工业技术、资本乃至管理上受帝国主义的左右和牵制。因而也就不可避免的在一定程度上加深了帝国主义对中国政治、军事和经济的控制。[编辑本段]洋务派的目的  洋务派发动洋务运动的根本目的是为了拯救清王朝,维护地主阶级的统治。走的是一条“实业兴国”之路。但是,事实并没有象他们期望的那样发展。中日甲午战争中中国遭到了惨败,直接标志着洋务运动的破产。洋务运动并没有使中国富裕强大起来。更重要的是,洋务派培养的一批近代人才,学习了西方先进的资产阶级思想,而且把这些思想进一步在中国传播,这不仅冲击了传统的封建思想,而且为以后中国资产阶级的活动,如康有为、梁启超等人在光绪朝组织进行的维新变法,孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命奠定了思想基础,而中国的资产阶级最后是推翻了清王朝的统治。因此可以说,洋务派培养的这批人才实际是清王朝的掘墓者。[编辑本段]洋务派的影响  结局影响及失败原因  结局影响:  洋务运动发生在中国近代社会新旧交替的特殊历史阶段中,是一次失败的封建统治者的自救运动。洋务派的主观目的是维护封建统治而不是把中国引向资本主义。它没有使中国富强起来,但在引进西方资本主义国家的先进技术,使中国出现了第一批近代化企业。同时也培养科技人员,为中国近代企业积累了生产经验,提供了基础条件。而在客观上也刺激了中国资本主义的发展。对外国经济势力的扩张也起到一定的抵制作用。为中国的近代化开辟了道路!在今天的视角,洋务运动对于促进中国的近代化意义尤显重大。   失败原因 :   洋务运动在当时的中国,其失败命运是不可避免的。第一,在不触动腐朽的封建制度的前提下,洋务派试图利用西方资本主义的某些长处来维护封建专制统治,这种手段和基础的矛盾,使洋务运动注定是不可能成功的。同时,洋务运动处处受到顽固派的阻挠和破坏,从而加大了洋务运动开展的阻力。第二,洋务派本身的阶级局限性,决定了他们既是近代工业的创办者和经营者,也是其摧残者和破坏者,其封建衙门和官僚式的体制,必定导致洋务企业的失败。第三,洋务运动的目的之一是抵御外侮,但洋务派在主持外交活动中,坚持“外须和戎”,对外妥协投降,他们所创办的近代企业有抵御外侮和“稍分洋人之利”作用,但却不能改变中国半殖民地半封建社会地位。甲午战争,洋务派标榜的“求强”“求富”目标未能实现,洋务运动基本失败。  洋务派提倡「中学为体,西学为用」,希望利用先进的技术维护封建统治,改革不触动封建制度。   洋务派创办的近代军事工业、民用工业及海军、学校军事工业:  1861年曾国藩创办的安庆内军械所,是洋务派仿造西式船炮的开始。  1865年曾国藩和李鸿章在上海创办的江南制造总局,是洋务派开办的最大的近代军事工业。  左宗棠创办的福州船政局是当时远东第一大船厂。  民用工业:李鸿章在上海创办的轮船招商局,张之洞创办的汉阳铁厂、湖北织布局等。  洋务派筹建的三支海军:南洋,北洋和福建。  学校:左宗棠创办的湖北船政学堂。
 Westernization is the second time after the Opium War, especially in the process of suppression of the Taiping movement evolved, growing within the ruling class as a political faction. Westernization was the main representative of the central is a Woodland ?, Wenxiang represented by Manchu officials, the local is based on Tseng Kuo-fan, Li, Zuo, Chang Chih-tung as the representative of the Han officials.
Although Yi ? expensive for the then Prince Kung, and is host of Yamen, and the central government dominated by Manchu officials, but the forces of Westernization is not their main activities, but rather to master the local power of the military governor, and governor. Why? Mainly because the forces of the diehards at the time was too strong, Westernization, and not the conduct of foreign affairs in the central flagrant activities. Yamen although promoting the Westernization Movement in the central institutions, but the real implementation of the Westernization movement was Tseng Kuo-fan, Li Hung-chang and others. How dare they Dragonscale the wind against the Westernization Movement to implement it? They are not afraid of being diehards resistance and even fight against? Definitely not. In fact, the diehards of their activities are also very unhappy. However, suffered two Opium Wars and national popular uprising against (mainly the Taiping movement and Nien) the impact of the Qing rulers, for the first time felt the crisis of survival. The movement started with the suppression of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Tseng Kuo-fan, Li Hung-chang and others in the process of suppression of the Western gunboats recognize the powerful, but also in the process of repression has also tasted the sweetness of gunboats. So they decided to learn advanced Western military technology, and strengthen its own military strength in an attempt to quickly pacified Taiping Rebellion. Because they do not like the diehards so stubborn, hostile to all things oceanic, but is willing to deal with foreigners, even though the purpose is to learn from their military technology. The Westerners also hope that the Qing court to appear in a number of energy and they are dealing with people. Tseng Kuo-fan and others have enabled them to feel that their ideas with the ultimate goal, so place their hopes on them. Were foreigners terrified of the Empress Dowager Cixi did not dare to offend foreigners, but Tseng Kuo-fan, Li Hung-chang, who has the backing of foreigners, but also in the process of suppression of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is indeed a very huge credit, the Empress Dowager Cixi in the future have to rely on the uncertain security them, so they did not dare to act rashly. More importantly, the Empress Dowager Cixi also hope that as soon as possible to the suppression of the Taiping movement, maintenance, and to consolidate his rule, and she was the highest in the acquisition of the Qing Dynasty during the rule of the right and has received the support or acquiescence of the Western countries and, therefore, not easily offend the Western countries. Thus, in the Westernization of the activities are not a threat to their own interests, the Empress Dowager Cixi of Tseng Kuo-fan, Li Hung-chang and other human activity is at least taken a tacit attitude.
[Edit this paragraph] the development of Westernization
Westernization Westernization process in the set up, as lead agency does not have a sound and unified leadership of the core, so the process of development gradually differentiated out of a few to send. To Tseng Kuo-fan, Tso, represented by the formation of the Department of the Group of Hunan, where Tso also self- to the formation of Li Huai, represented by the D Westernization Movement and later appeared with Chang Chih-tung as the representative of the foreign affairs group. There Shen Pao-chen, Ting Jih-chang and so on.
These were essential in the development process is fragmented, non-subordination, but also exists among competing or even the phenomenon of attacks from each other to form a constraint. For example, after the Sino-Japanese naval battle, due to Li and Japan signed a &Treaty of Shimonoseki&, the Chang Chih-tung attacked him as &traitors.& Westernization and thus the strength is fragmented and can not form a group effect, it does not promote the effective development of the Westernization Movement.
Westernization, after obtaining the acquiescence of the Empress Dowager Cixi in the 19th century 60's to 90's set off a the &barbarians technology in order to self-reliance& for the purpose of the Westernization Movement. Westernization Westernization movement was in the &self-strengthening& and &seeking the rich& in a series of activities carried out under the slogan. Is used mainly advanced Western technology, establishment of a group of modern military-industrial Kuo-fan hit and civil industries, and also conducted a planning Hai Phong, established a modern school, sending students abroad and other activities, it is also the idea of Westernization in the economic, military, and the education, in its concrete manifestation. The contents of the Westernization Movement is very heterogeneous, involving military, political, economic, diplomatic, etc., but to &self-reliance& in their titles, to establish the military-industrial and other start-up around the military-industrial enterprises, the establishment of new weapons and equipment of the army and navy, is its main content. It is noteworthy that Westernization and modern business enterprise, does not change based on the premise of feudal relations of production. Run enterprise, with strong external dependence, feudal and to a certain degree of monopoly. Therefore, the Westernization of China to set up modern industrial enterprises and organize coastal defenses have had in the industrial technology, capital management, as well as the left and right and pinned down by the imperialists. Therefore, it is inevitable to some extent in the deepening of imperialism on China's political, military and economic control.
[Edit this paragraph] The purpose of Westernization
Westernization Westernization Movement launched by the fundamental purpose is to save the Qing Dynasty, to maintain the rule of the landlord class. Walking is an &Industrial and rejuvenating the country& road. However, the fact is not as developed as they expect. Sino-Japanese War in China was a fiasco, directly indicates the bankruptcy of the Westernization Movement. Westernization Movement did not make China rich and powerful themselves. More importantly, the Westernization train a group of modern people, to learn the advanced Western bourgeois ideology, but also to disseminate these ideas further in China, which not only the impact of the traditional feudal, but also for the future activities of the Chinese bourgeoisie, such as Kang Yu-wei and Liang Qichao Guangxu towards organizations in the reformist Reform, 1911 Revolution led by Sun Yat-sen and laid the ideological foundation for the Chinese bourgeoisie and finally overthrew the Qing Dynasty rule. Therefore we can say Westernization of these people are actually trained the Qing dynasty grave-diggers who.
[Edit this paragraph] the impact of Westernization
Influence on the outcome and the reasons for failure
Influence on the outcome:
Westernization Movement took place in the inter-face of modern Chinese society special historical stage, a failure of the feudal rulers of the self-help movement. Westernization of the subjective purpose is to maintain the feudal rule, rather than China toward capitalism. It does not make China rich and strong, but the introduction of advanced technology of Western capitalist countries, so that China has produced its first batch of modern enterprise. But also to train personnel for China's modern business and accumulated production experience, providing the basic conditions. The objective also stimulated the development of capitalism in China. Foreign by 洋务派是在第二次鸦片战争以后、特别是在镇压太平天国运动的过程中逐渐形成、壮大的统治阶级内部的一个政治派别。当时洋务派的主要代表在中央是以奕?、文祥为代表的满族官员,在地方是以曾国藩、李鸿章、左宗棠、张之洞为代表的汉族官员。  尽管奕?贵为当时的恭亲王,并且是总理衙门的主持人,而且中央以满族官员为主,但是洋务派的主要活动势力并不是他们,而是掌握地方实权的都督和巡抚。原因何在呢?主要是因为当时的顽固派的势力太强大,洋务派并不敢在中央明目张胆的进行洋务活动。总理衙门尽管是洋务运动在中央的推动机构,但真正实施洋务运动的却是曾国藩、李鸿章等人。那么他们何以敢逆龙鳞而顶风推行洋务运动呢?他们就不怕遭到顽固派的阻挠甚至是打击?非也。其实顽固派对他们的活动也是非常不满的。但是,经受了两次鸦片战争打击和国内人民起义(主要是太平天国运动和捻军)的冲击,清朝统治者第一次感到了生存危机。而以镇压太平天国运动起家的曾国藩、李鸿章等人在镇压的过程当中认识到了西方坚船利炮的厉害,而且在镇压的过程当中也尝到了坚船利炮的甜头。所以他们决定学习西方的先进军事技术,加强自身的军事实力,企图以此来迅速的平定太平天国运动。由于他们不象顽固派那么冥顽不化,仇视一切外洋事物,而是愿意和外国人打交道,尽管目的是学习他们的军事技术。而西方人也希望清廷中能出现一批能和他们打交道的人。曾国藩等人的出现,使他们觉得自己的想法有了落脚点,所以把希望寄托在他们身上。被洋人吓破了胆的慈禧太后丝毫不敢得罪洋人,而曾国藩、李鸿章等人有洋人的撑腰,而且在镇压太平天国的过程中的确是功劳甚巨,慈禧太后保不定日后还得仰仗他们,所以并不敢对他们轻举妄动。更重要的是,慈禧太后也希望早日把太平天国运动镇压下去,维护、巩固自己的统治,而且她在夺取清朝最高统治权的过程中曾得到过西方国家的支持或默许,因此并不敢轻易得罪西方国家。因此,在洋务派的活动没有威胁到自己的利益时,慈禧太后对曾国藩、李鸿章等人的活动至少是采取了默许的态度。[编辑本段]洋务派的发展  洋务派在兴办洋务的过程中,由于没有一个健全的领导机构和统一的领导核心,所以在发展的过程中逐渐分化出几派。以曾国藩、左宗棠为代表形成了湘系集团,其中左宗棠又自成体系;以李鸿章为代表形成淮系集团;洋务运动后又出现了以张之洞为代表的洋务集团。还有沈葆桢,丁日昌等。  这几派在发展的过程中基本都是各自为政、互不隶属的,而且相互之间也存在着竞争甚至发生攻讦的现象,相互之间形成一种掣肘。比如在甲午海战之后,由于李鸿章和日本签订了《马关条约》后,张之洞就攻击他为“卖国贼”。因而洋务派的力量很分散,不能形成一种集团效应,也就没有推动洋务运动的有效发展。  洋务派在得到慈禧太后的默许后,于19世纪60年代到90年代掀起了一场以“师夷长技以自强”为目的的洋务运动。洋务运动是洋务派在“自强”、“求富”的口号下进行的一系列活动。主要是采用西方先进技术,创办了一批近代军事工业国藩创和民用工业,同时还进行了筹划海防、创办新式学堂、派留学生出国等活动,它也是洋务派的主张在经济、军事、和教育等方面的具体表现。洋务运动的内容很庞杂,涉及军事、政治、经济、外交等,而以“自强”为名,兴办军事工业并围绕军事工业开办其他企业,建立新式武器装备的陆海军,是其主要内容。值得注意的是,洋务派经营的这些近代企业,是以不改变封建生产关系为前提的。所办企业,具有很强的对外依赖性、封建性和一定程度的垄断性。因此,洋务派要在中国兴办近代工业企业和筹办海防,都不得不在工业技术、资本乃至管理上受帝国主义的左右和牵制。因而也就不可避免的在一定程度上加深了帝国主义对中国政治、军事和经济的控制。[编辑本段]洋务派的目的  洋务派发动洋务运动的根本目的是为了拯救清王朝,维护地主阶级的统治。走的是一条“实业兴国”之路。但是,事实并没有象他们期望的那样发展。中日甲午战争中中国遭到了惨败,直接标志着洋务运动的破产。洋务运动并没有使中国富裕强大起来。更重要的是,洋务派培养的一批近代人才,学习了西方先进的资产阶级思想,而且把这些思想进一步在中国传播,这不仅冲击了传统的封建思想,而且为以后中国资产阶级的活动,如康有为、梁启超等人在光绪朝组织进行的维新变法,孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命奠定了思想基础,而中国的资产阶级最后是推翻了清王朝的统治。因此可以说,洋务派培养的这批人才实际是清王朝的掘墓者。[编辑本段]洋务派的影响  结局影响及失败原因  结局影响:  洋务运动发生在中国近代社会新旧交替的特殊历史阶段中,是一次失败的封建统治者的自救运动。洋务派的主观目的是维护封建统治而不是把中国引向资本主义。它没有使中国富强起来,但在引进西方资本主义国家的先进技术,使中国出现了第一批近代化企业。同时也培养科技人员,为中国近代企业积累了生产经验,提供了基础条件。而在客观上也刺激了中国资本主义的发展。对外国经济势力的扩张也起到一定的抵制作用。为中国的近代化开辟了道路!在今天的视角,洋务运动对于促进中国的近代化意义尤显重大。   失败原因 :   洋务运动在当时的中国,其失败命运是不可避免的。第一,在不触动腐朽的封建制度的前提下,洋务派试图利用西方资本主义的某些长处来维护封建专制统治,这种手段和基础的矛盾,使洋务运动注定是不可能成功的。同时,洋务运动处处受到顽固派的阻挠和破坏,从而加大了洋务运动开展的阻力。第二,洋务派本身的阶级局限性,决定了他们既是近代工业的创办者和经营者,也是其摧残者和破坏者,其封建衙门和官僚式的体制,必定导致洋务企业的失败。第三,洋务运动的目的之一是抵御外侮,但洋务派在主持外交活动中,坚持“外须和戎”,对外妥协投降,他们所创办的近代企业有抵御外侮和“稍分洋人之利”作用,但却不能改变中国半殖民地半封建社会地位。甲午战争,洋务派标榜的“求强”“求富”目标未能实现,洋务运动基本失败。  洋务派提倡「中学为体,西学为用」,希望利用先进的技术维护封建统治,改革不触动封建制度。   洋务派创办的近代军事工业、民用工业及海军、学校军事工业:  1861年曾国藩创办的安庆内军械所,是洋务派仿造西式船炮的开始。  1865年曾国藩和李鸿章在上海创办的江南制造总局,是洋务派开办的最大的近代军事工业。  左宗棠创办的福州船政局是当时远东第一大船厂。  民用工业:李鸿章在上海创办的轮船招商局,张之洞创办的汉阳铁厂、湖北织布局等。  洋务派筹建的三支海军:南洋,北洋和福建。  学校:左宗棠创办的湖北船政学堂。
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