你有Adobe.Flash.Catalyst mac 的安转包吗?微信能发gif吗我一份吗?

> Adobe与Lion纠纷不断 Flash兼容成问题
Adobe与Lion纠纷不断 Flash兼容成问题 作者: 责任编辑:毕鹏 编译
  北京时间7月25日消息,据国外媒体报道,Adobe与苹果最新推出的Mac OS X Lion系统的众多程序存在兼容性问题,尤其是Flash。但Adobe声称二者并没有兼容性问题。
  近些年,乔布斯曾公开讽刺过Adobe Flash,认为该技术已落后于迅速发展的HTML5,并最终被HTML5取代。而iOS系统一直不支持Flash,据传新版Mac OS X甚至已经禁用了Adobe 的一项功能,因此Lion出现与Adobe不兼容的问题也不足为奇了。
  除了硬件加速问题外,Adobe还列出了一些“Lion兼容问题”的产品:Acrobat、、Fireworks、Flash Builder、Flash Catalyst、、Lightroom、Photoshop、Premiere Pro,带有Flash因素的Adobe产品无一幸免。
  Adobe更早前表示,Flash Builder、Flash Catalyst均不支持Mac OS X 10.7系统,且没有更新这些产品的计划。如果开发者或设计人员升级了Lion系统,同时又使用这些旧版程序,便会遇到兼容问题。
  Adobe方面解释称,Photoshop、Illustrator等问题程序将影响设计人员,Lion系统用户将无法使用Photoshop CS3、CS4和CS5的水滴特效,Illustrator CS5的另存为和导出窗口也被禁用。
  但Adobe否认OS X Lion不兼容Flash Player播放器一事,称最终发布的Mac OS X Lion其实也支持Flash硬件视频加速,之前的问题是在Mac OS X Lion正式发布前的版本上得到的错误测试结果。
下载 Adobe Flash Player 请点击:
用户评分:8.2 |
应用平台:Win XP/Win2000/Win98/Win ME
·苹果支付在上海已注册 不久登录中国
&&·Adobe: 最佳数字营销人员主导移动营销
&&·苹果正在计划 允许用户卸载iOS预装应用
&&·Apple Music系列广告 挖掘乐坛新生代
&&·VLC团队将推出Apple TV版视频播放器
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美女明星风景动漫手机最后登录13-11-15在线时间23 小时赞0 注册时间13-10-8积分26帖子精华0UID528726
注册日期: 13-10-8
帖子: 6|积分: 26
Safari 6.0.5
Mac OS X 10.8.5
求助大神门,我是新手,遇到这问题烦啊,为什么我的macbook pro安装adobe flash player一直卡在7%?就是卡在那里啊~~~
最后登录14-11-3在线时间2 小时赞29 注册时间05-4-22积分5455帖子精华0UID12
( 实习版主 )
分享于 13-10-8 15:07:32
Safari 7.0
Mac OS X 10.9
是装的时候卡在 7% 还是下载的时候卡住。
Adobe® Flash® Player 是一个跨平台、基于浏览器的应用程序..
( 日常工具 - 媒体播放 )
最后登录15-2-28在线时间342 小时赞34 注册时间08-3-27积分3842帖子精华0UID64497
( ☆☆☆☆ )
分享于 13-10-8 16:18:06
Safari 7.0
Mac OS X 10.9
最后登录13-11-15在线时间23 小时赞0 注册时间13-10-8积分26帖子精华0UID528726
分享于 13-10-9 13:54:34
Safari 6.0.5
Mac OS X 10.8.5
最后登录14-5-16在线时间4 小时赞0 注册时间12-8-27积分22帖子精华0UID400581
分享于 14-3-24 22:04:48
Safari 6.1.2
Mac OS X 10.7.5
最后登录15-9-9在线时间270 小时赞1 注册时间14-2-9积分454帖子精华0UID563798
分享于 14-3-25 13:30:09
Chrome 33.0.
Mac OS X 10.9.2
只能一直等,或者DNS开8.8.8.8……我当时是在实验室20Mbps的宽带下装了1个多小时……“好大”的Flash啊……您的位置: >>
& 教程下载页
Flash Catalyst 测试版预览
类别: Flash
< 出品的教程: Flash Catalyst 测试版预览 (Flash Catalyst Beta Preview)
主讲: Mordy Golding
Flash Catalyst 是Adobe新推出的一款应用程序,目前正处于测试阶段,并在提供下载,Flash Catalyst 使得设计人员无需写一行代码就能够快速的创建交互式的Flash内容和富互联网应用。
在本教程中,Mordy Golding 演示了Catalyst的工作流程,着重强调了工具的直觉本质(intuitive nature),并示范如何在短时间内获得成果。Flash Catalyst 就像是设计人员与开发人员之间的一座桥梁,它可以让设计者在熟悉的应用程序环境下工作,如Photoshop 、Illustrator,同时能够在后台自动生成开发人员所需要的代码。
Flash Catalyst is a new Adobe application that is currently in beta and available for downloading at , that allows designers to quickly create interactive Flash content and rich internet applications without having to write a single line of code. In Flash Catalyst Beta Preview, Mordy Golding demonstrates a workflow that emphasizes the intuitive nature of the tool, and shows how to achieve results in a short time. Meant to bridge the gap between designers and developers, Flash Catalyst allows the designer to work with familiar applications, such as Photoshop and Illustrator, while automatically generating the necessary code in the background for the developer. Exercise files accompany the course.
Software works on: Mac and Windows
& 2004 - 2008 CGrealm.org你的位置: >
> Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 MacOSX
Adobe Flash Builder(之前称为 Adobe Flex Builder)软件可以帮助软件开发人员使用开放源 Flex 框架快速开发跨平台富 Internet 应用程序 (RIA) 和内容。它包含对智能编码、调试及可视设计的支持,提供功能强大的测试工具,这些工具可以提高开发速度并创建出性能更高的应用程序。
Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 (Mac OS X) | 1.13 GB
Adobe Flash Builder (formerly Adobe Flex Builder) software is designed to help software developers rapidly develop cross-platform rich Internet applications (RIAs) and content using the open source Flex framework. It includes support for intelligent coding, debugging, and visual design and features powerful testing tools that speed up development and lead to higher performing applications.
Adobe Flash Builder software accelerates Flex application development. It is an Eclipse based development tool enabling intelligent coding, interactive step-through debugging, and visual design of the user interface layout, appearance, and behavior of RIAs. This application also integrates the complete Flex framework, as well as its component library, compilers, or debuggers.
Here are some key features of "Adobe Flash Builder":
Powerful coding tools:· Develop using a powerful Eclipse based IDE that includes editors for MXML, the ActionScript language, and CSS, as well as syntax coloring, statement completion, code collapse, interactive step-through debugging, and automatic generation of common code.
Rich visual layout:· Visually design and preview user interface layout, appearance, and behavior using a rich library of built-in components. Extend the built-in Flex framework components or create new ones as needed. Import functional application UI created using the Adobe Flash Catalyst interaction design tool.
Native support for Adobe AIR:· Create applications for the Adobe AIR runtime with Flash Builder, including all the tools required to build, debug, package, and sign AIR applications. Adobe AIR lets you quickly develop RIAs for the desktop using the same skills and codebase you use to build RIAs for the browser.
Code refactoring:· Quickly navigate through code or restructure it by renaming all references to a class, method, or variable. Flash Builder adds move refactoring.
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