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Japan App Annie Index for Games July 2014
LINE looks to extend its domestic game dominance through investments and partnerships in content-heavy games.
Japan is currently one of the three
for smartphone games. With a long history of video game development and consumption, Japan helped shape today’s home and portable console industries. Influential and wide-reaching pop culture, spanning manga, anime, novels and music, has built a unique ecosystem alongside games. App publishers striving internationally face strong competition here, as the games dominating Japan vary drastically from leading games worldwide.
App Annie is excited to announce the launch of the monthly Japan App Annie Index for Games. This report will provide a detailed look at the major movers in one of the app economy’s fastest-growing markets to help inform your business decisions in the region. To find out what’s hot in Japan in Apps, please check out the . For more information on global top apps and publishers, see the , , ,
charts for July.
1. 指数背后的技术
For the complete list of July’s top apps and publishers in Japan, click the chart above.
2. 本月表现突出的应用
LINE: Home Base and Beyond
While the Japanese mobile game market is booming, the competition is fierce, with unparalleled volatility and fragmentation.
For , a mega chat app with , games are not only a way to monetize, but also powerful tools to engage LINE’s user base. LINE currently is the #1 game publisher by downloads and #2 by revenue, second only to GungHo Online. Its flagship game is , a puzzle-matching game licensed by Disney. Players chain together Disney mini-avatars to clear the board. They can also purchase additional characters to add as pieces.
LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum is a puzzle-matching game featuring Disney character avatars.
Following in the footsteps of other big game publishers in Japan, LINE launched a
featuring new Frozen Tsum Tsum characters from July 11-21.
The game achieved
by July 24 and finished at #1 on both iOS’ and Google Play’s monthly download rankings in Japan. Another one of LINE’s casual games, , achieved
in June and launched a
from July 7-15, which may have helped it finish high in July’s download rankings.
LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum dominated game downloads in Japan for almost the entire month.
LINE has established itself as a clear leader in casual game monetization. However, these casual games frequently have . The company’s recent investment in , the developer of hit RPGs
and , might indicate that the company is expanding to more complex and hardcore game styles such as strategy and role-playing. Traditional Japanese console developers do not rely on social platforms for distribution. This could potentially be driving LINE to build
to secure additional sources of revenue. LINE plans to launch , a US$100MM investment fund, which will collaborate with independent game developers globally.
Disney: Publishing Two Franchises With One Engine
puzzle games with similar gameplay mechanics, finished at #8 and #9 on iOS’s monthly download rankings. Maleficent Free Fall launched on July 2, the same day the movie Maleficent premiered in Japan. Downloads for Maleficent Free Fall peaked in the subsequent two weeks along with a strong performance at the box office, mirroring Frozen’s movie and mobile game success in March.
Maleficent Free Fall climbed into the top 10 Games the first weekend after its launch in Japan.
Maleficent Free Fall has the potential to generate strong returns via
we see regularly employed by movie studios looking to maximize returns on their IP:
Direct Revenue — The title could yield steady returns over time.
Advertising — It served as a good piece of marketing for the movie on mobile.
Long-Term Engagement — Strong franchises such as Frozen Free Fall can have a much longer lifecycle than the movie, which can prompt user re-engagement with the brand and promote merchandise, theme park activities or even movie sequels.
Maleficent Free Fall’s game design is based on Disney’s recent hit Frozen Free Fall.
Dino Hunter: A Popular Job in Japan
finished #5 by downloads across iOS and Google Play despite releasing on July 9. Dino Hunter stands out as the only 3D first-person shooter game in the top 20 games by downloads in Japan — a space normally dominated by puzzle, role-playing and strategy games.
Dino Hunters climbed into the top 10 in iOS Games in Japan on July 12, shortly after its release.
The Japanese market has always had an appetite for high-quality 3D shooter/action games. Multiple titles from the Monster Hunter series on handheld game consoles have sold tens of millions of copies combined, consistently . For these genres,
define the gaming experience. But these are difficult to fine tune on smartphone platforms due to differing hardware profiles. Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores is Glu’s answer to this challenge.
3. 更多有影响力的应用
The White Cat on the Roof
Launched on July 12, ’s new role-playing game, , finished #6 in Google Play monthly game downloads in Japan. The game’s major innovations include its paw control (ぷにコン) system, city-building and multiplayer. The paw control system uses one-finger (often thumb) gestures to replace virtual sticks and buttons used in earlier action games, providing the same control experience across different screen and hand sizes. City-building aspects increase the content depth of the game by replacing the collectible card aspects prevalent in other games. These simulated cities reflect the relative strength of players, offer in-app purchase opportunities, and set the foundation for social features in future. The White Cat Project is bringing many innovations to the market.
Taiko no Tatsujin RPG dadon! Marches Into the Top 10
Launched on July 3, the iOS-exclusive game
rapidly climbed the download charts in the first week after its release. Taiko no Tatsujin (literally translated as Drum Master) has long been a successful franchise in arcades and on console platforms, with a large fan following in Japan and around the world. The two previous Taiko no Tatsujin iOS games were both simple paid music games with extra songs sold as in-app purchase. This time, BANDAI NAMCO added storylines and added RPG gameplay. This may be a strategic decision to increase its in-app purchase opportunities through both extra songs and other types of virtual items that are typically sold in role-playing games.
Sword Chronicles Provides Another Lift for gumi
finished #3 on iOS’ monthly download rankings following its release on July 17 and a massive advertising campaign. Its downloads on Google Play spiked in late May and early June. While the publisher bet on feature phones and HTML5 games in the past, gumi’s
significantly improved after it shifted focus towards native gaming on smartphones. Sword Chronicles may have the potential to become another long-term earner
alongside Brave Frontier.
For those of you also looking for an update on Japan’s top apps outside of games, please check out the . To keep up-to-date with all the changes at the top of the app and publisher charts, check out the complete set of .
App Annie Index 中报告的发行商和应用排名按照下载量和收入估算得出,信息来源于 App Annie
。所有用户都可以使用 App Annie 的应用追踪解决方案获取每日历史排名表和主页专题 App 数据,由 .
因为游戏指数已涵盖游戏,所以应用指数提供的信息并不包括游戏应用。 请注意,游戏指数进行公司排名的唯一依据是发行商的游戏下载量和收入,但应用指数的排名依据是公司除游戏以外的应用的下载量及收入 。
Through September 2013, similar versions of the same app with different names (e.g., STEINS;GATE and STEINS;GATE HD were ranked separately). Effective with October data, similar versions of the same app with different names will be unified (e.g., STEINS;GATE and STEINS;GATE HD are now aggregated and ranked as a single STEINS;GATE unified app).
App Annie游戏指数和应用指数中的公司和合并应用排名基于前1000名单里的应用。
In the first month in which an app becomes unified, its rank change in the Index will compare the unified app that month vs. its highest-ranking individual app in the month prior. As a result, rank changes for newly unified apps may overstate ranking increases from June 2014 to July 2014.
需要注意的是 App Annie Index 所用的排名方法不同于 iOS 应用商店的方法。在iOS应用商店中,对于某个类别的应用的排名将包括所有与该特定类别匹配的主要类别或次要类别的应用。因此,一个应用可以出现在iOS应用商店-或在App Annie Store Stats排名中多个类别里。
在Google Play,一个应用只能一个分类在一个类别中,所以没有双重分类。
有时,发行商可能会决定将当前应用从一个类别转到另一个类别。在这些情况下,App Annie指数的计算将基于它随后月份中的分类。鉴于在App Annie指数分为游戏报告和应用报告,上述情况是指一个应用由游戏类改为非游戏类时,这个应用会被重分类至另一个指数报告,反之亦然。
在 App Annie Index 中,所有应用和发行商都在其母公司名下报告(如适用);例如,Brave Frontier (ブレイブフロンティア) 应用就是在母公司gumi Inc.名下,而非其直接发行商Alim Ltd. 。注意,如果你在 Store Stats 查看gumi母公司页面,你会看到发行商所在的母公司是 ,包括Alim Ltd。Brave Frontier (ブレイブフロンティア)会被列在
公司和应用排名均基于发行时的 App Annie DNA 关系。App Annie NDA 关系随着时间迁移而改变。
App Annie指数收入排名是基于iOS应用商店和Google Play的付费下载收入和应用内购买。不包括应用内广告收入。
本报告中使用的部分商标或图片可能属于第三方及其所有者所拥有。App Annie对这些商标不享有权利。
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