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If you've had stomach issues that can't be explained, it may be time to try eliminating dairy products from your diet. Many people cannot tolerate dairy products, but they eat& them anyway because dairy is such a huge part of their diet. If you're wondering how you can live a dairy-free lifestyle, this guide will help you understand the foods you can and can't eat, as well as some good replacements that will have you enjoying a dairy-free diet. You'll feel better before you know it.Lactose is a type of sugar that is found in milk products. Although it has been in our diets for hundreds of years, many people find that too much of this sugar gives them stomach pains and digestive troubles and choose to eliminate it from their diets. Many people eliminate dairy from their diet without being diagnosed a it's easy to eliminate it from your diet to see if your symptoms get better. Many people aren't diagnosed, but follow a dairy-free diet with good results.If you are lactose intolerant or eliminating dairy from your diet, you must avoid all types of milk and cream, including half and half, as well as any foods made with milk. This includes cheese, sour cream, yogurt, and butter. You
even though they are sometimes grouped in with dairy products and that's where you'll find them in your grocery store. They are lactose-free and should not give you digestive troubles like dairy products.There are plenty of decent substitutes for milk. The most popular products include soy, coconut, and almond milk, although you'll find milk made out of rice, hemp, and flax seeds. Which one you choose will depend on your personal preference and for what you are using them. Many of these products contain added sweeteners, so be sure to buy unsweetened versions if you are watching your sugar intake. As more and more people are adopting a dairy-free lifestyle, products such as dairy-free sour cream and yogurt are popping up on the market.Cheese is one of the hardest products to give up, but there are many substitutes. Some are made of soy, while others are made of nuts, and you can buy them shredded or in blocks. The quality of dairy-free cheeses varies considerably, although there are some that are quite good. The best way to find some that you like is generally through trial and error, which may be expensive at first. Be careful about some nut cheeses, as these sometimes will contain traces of dairy products. Always read labels. If something says "vegan," it is 100 percent dairy-free.Contrary to popular belief, you can get plenty of calcium by eating foods other than dairy products. Leafy greens are especially high in calcium, and contain plenty of other vitamins and minerals that will keep you healthy as well. Most non-dairy milks are fortified
read labels to see exact amounts. If you are concerned about getting enough calcium, you can always take a supplement as well, but talk to your do you might not need as much as you think.While it may take some adjustment, you can enjoy a dairy-free diet without feeling as though you are giving up your favorite foods. With more and more people adopting a vegan lifestyle, free of all animal products, you have more options than ever before. In addition to large companies creating excellent substitutes, many restaurants are adding dairy and animal-free items to their menus as well. Before long, adopting a dairy-free lifestyle will be a piece of cake.If you are severely lactose intolerant, you need to watch out for processed foods. Read all labels, even products that you may not expect, such as canned chicken broth, chewing gum, and canned tuna fish can have ingredients that are derived from dairy products. Most ingredients are labeled as "milk" in some form, but also look out for words like "whey" and "casein," both of which are derived from milk and dairy products.
Almond milk is becoming one of the more popular drinks of choice. For people with lactose intolerance or who have to eliminate the casein, or milk protein, this is a good choi&ce. It is more expensive than traditional cow's milk, but it is readily available in most grocery stores. You can even make almond milk at home.Almond milk is made from almonds but does not have the taste, per se. For example, if you eat a traditional sugar cookie, you will note the almond extract in the cookie. Tasting almond milk is not like that. It is a creamy product that has a slightly darker color than cow's milk, because of the nuts used in the process. The only flavoring added to the product is vanilla. That also contributes to the darker color of the milk.The biggest reason why almond milk is better than cow's milk is that it is non-dairy. For people who are on vegan diets, they will not consume cow's milk. Almond milk is an acceptable alternative to cow's milk. There are many people who suffer from milk allergies. Often, you will see it surface in people with asthma or inflammatory bowel disorders. The consumption of dairy products must be reduced or eliminated from their diets. Therefore, almond milk is a preferred alternative.Anything you would use cow's milk for can have almond milk as a replacement. The ratio of almond milk to cow's milk is the same. This is not a concentrated product and does not need any liquid added to it. If you do a lot of cooking or baking, you might consider making almond milk yourself to save on the cost of buying it from the store. The cost of a carton of almond milk can be almost twice the cost of a similar sized carton of cow's milk.You can use almond milk in any recipe calling for cow's milk or canned milk. In addition, many biscuit recipes call for buttermilk. You can make buttermilk by adding either a teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar to the almond milk. Let it sit to curdle and then use it in the recipe. Milkshakes, smoothies or other protein drinks are delicious with almond milk. You might want to experiment with some recipes before making large batches to ensure that you get the desired result from almond milk.You can drink almond milk straight just as you would a glass of cow's milk. For some, this might seem odd. However, once you get used to the taste and consistency, it will be hard to go back to cow's milk. One of the products in the store now is chocolate almond milk. This would be like drinking a glass of chocolate cow's milk. In addition, variations of chocolate shakes and mochas are possible using this product.For people who are lactose intolerant, almond milk is an excellent source of protein and effectively replaces the old glass of cow's milk. This not only benefits people who choose a different diet, but those who are required to adopt a different diet. The new products that contain chocolate now put this more on the level of traditional milk consumption, while being dairy free. Anyone who suspects that dairy is becoming a problem in their diet should try to replace cow's milk with almond milk.Lactose free almond milk got its beginnings during medieval Europe. It was used in favor of animal milk because of the longer shelf life. Animal milk would sour if not made into cheese quickly. Almond milk did not.
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