请问有chuck bass blair经典台词的铃声吗

绯闻女孩Blair and Chuck-经典台词语录,那么的有爱(中英文对照)
很有爱的绯闻女孩Blair and Chuck-经典台词语录大全绯闻女孩经典台词-第一季03Blair: Do you like me? B:你喜欢我吗? Chuck: Define &like&. C:定义喜欢。绯闻女孩经典台词-第一季18集Chuck: You don&t belong with Nate, never have, never will. Blair: You don&t belong with anyone. C:你并不属于N,从来不会,并且永远不会。 B:你不属于任何人。绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季01C:Please don't leave with him. C: 请不要和他走。 Blair: Why? Give me a reason and &I'm Chuck Bass& doesn't count. B:为什么?给我个理由而&I am chuck bass&不算。 Chuck: 'Cause you don't want to. C:因为你不想跟他走。 Blair: Not good enough. B:不够好。 Chuck: 'Cause I don't want you to. C:因为我不想你跟他走。 Blair: That's not enough. B:还不够。 Chuck: What else is there? C:还有什么呢? Blair: The true reason, I should stay right where I am and not get in the car. Three words.Eight letters. Say it...and I'm yours.B:真正的理由啊,我应该不上车的理由!三个字,八个字母,说出来,那我就是你的了。 Chuck: I... I ... C:我....我...... Blair: Thank you. That's all I needed to hear. B:谢谢,我要听的已经够了。绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季B:whatever you're going through,I want to be there for you. B:不管你去哪里,我都会跟随着你的。 C:you are not my girlfriend. C: 你不是我的女朋友。 B: but I am me , you are you.we are chuck and blair,blair and chuck. The worst thing you've ever done,the darkest thought you have ever had.I will stand by you through anything. B:但是我是我,而你是你。我们是恰克和布莱尔,布莱尔和恰克。你做过的最坏的事情,你有过的最黑暗的时刻,我都会伴随着你。 C: why would you do that? C:你为什么要这样做? B:because I love you. B:因为啊! C:well,that's too bad. C:噢,那太糟糕了。绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季07Chuck: Not quite. Eight letters. Three syllables. Say them and I'm yours. C:不是的。八个字母,三个字,说出它们,我就是你的。 Blair: I'm already yours, you're ruining the mood with all this talk. B:我已经是你的了。你在这个谈话中彻底的破坏了气氛。 Chuck: You can't say it. You wanted it from me. C:你不能这么说,你先向我要的。 Blair: I'm prepared to settle. B:我已经准备解决了! Chuck: Maybe I'm not. C:噢?也许我还没有。 Blair: Chuck Bass, I...will never say those words to you. B:恰克柏斯,我....永远都不会对你说那些字!!! Chuck: Then you will never have me. C:那..你就永远不会拥有我。 Chuck: I chased you for long enough, now it's time you chase me. C:我已经追逐你够长时间的了,现在,换你来追求我。绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季08Chuck: The reason we can't say those three words to each other, isn't because they aren't true. C:我们无法对对方说出那些字的原因不是因为那些话是假的。 Chuck: Look i'd rather wait. Maybe in the future... C:我宁愿再等等,也许在未来.... Blair: I suppose there could be some excruciating pleasure in that. B:我猜那一定是极度痛苦的快乐吧。绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季B:I can&t answer N&question while I&m waiting for you to answer mine. What are we,Chuck? B:当我还在等候你给我的回答的时候,我无法回答N给我的问题。(N向B求好。) C:I want you to be happy. C:我希望你能快乐。 B:Tell me if what you feel for me is real or if it is just a game.If it&s real,We will figure it out.But if it&s not...Then please,Chuck.Just let me go. B:告诉我,你对我的感觉是真的,还是那只是一场游戏?如果是真的,那我们会圆满的。如果那不是真的,那么,拜托你恰克,就让我离开吧。 C:It&s just a game. C:这仅仅是一场游戏而已。 {此刻的C傻傻的认为B跟着N才会。哎。} 。。。 S:Chuck,why did you do that? S:恰克,你为什么要那么做? C:{大大的深呼吸}Because I love her.And I can&t make her happy. C:因为我爱她,而我自己不能带给她快乐。绯闻女孩经典台词-第二季25Blair: I know you told Serena you love me. B:我知道你告诉司琳娜你爱我。 Chuck: Serena heard wrong. C:司琳娜听错了。 Blair: Last year you told Nate, this year you told Serena. You tell everyone but me, why can't you tell me? B:去年你告诉奈尔,今年你告诉司琳娜,你告诉所有人除了我,为什么你不可以告诉我呢? Blair: You can't run, you have to stay here and here it this time. Chuck Bass, I love you. I love you so much it consumes me. I love you and I know you love me too. Tell me you love me and everything we've done, all the gossip and the lies and the hurt will have been for something. Tell me it was for something. B:你不可逃走。你此时此刻必须流下来。恰克柏斯,我爱你。我如此爱你,以致快要被爱耗尽。我爱你而且我知道你也爱我。告诉我你爱我那一切都如我们所愿了。绯闻少女的谎言和伤害会变成某事而已。告诉我,告诉我那些事情。 Chuck: Maybe it was, but it's not anymore. C:也许曾经我有爱过,但,再也没有了。 Chuck: You were right. I was a coward running away again, but everywhere I went, you caught up with me. So I had to come back. C:你是对的。我是一个一次次逃跑的懦夫,但无论我去到那里,我都在想你,所以我必须回来。 Blair: I want to believe you, but I can't. You hurt me too many times. B:我想要相信你,但是我无法做到。你伤害我太多次了。 Chuck: You can believe me this time. C:你这一次可以相信我。 Blair: Oh. That's it? B:哦?就这样? Chuck: I love you too. C:我也爱你。 Blair: But can you say it twice? No i'm serious, say it twice! B:可不可以在说两次,我是认真的,再说两次。 Chuck: I love you, I love you, that's three, four, I love you. C:我爱你,我爱你,这是第三次。第四次,我爱你。绯闻女孩经典台词-第三季C:I want you to be happy.(暗示做的所有事都是为了她。)However that's achieved. C:我只要你快乐。不管用什么方法来实现。 {感人啊。} B:What if we need game?What if without them we are boring? B:其实如果我们需要游戏怎么办?万一没了游戏我们会对彼此厌烦怎么办? C:We could never be boring. C:我们永远不会彼此生厌。 B:You say that but i know you,you are chuck bass. B:你虽然这么说,但是我了解你,你是恰克柏斯。 {C很甜蜜的笑了。是感觉到B很在乎他吧。} C:I am not chuck bass without you. C:没有你我不是恰克柏斯。绯闻女孩经典台词-第三季C: And you'd do this to me? 看看你对我做了什么? B: What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢? C: I'm Chuck Bass,and I told you I love you. 我是恰克&拜斯,我还告诉你我爱你。 You're saying I'm easier to win over than a bunch of pseudo-intellectual,homesick malcontents? 你说的是我比一群书呆子和恋家的愤青更容易赢吗? You'd really insult me like this. 你这真是对我的耻辱。 B: That's not how it is. 不是这样的。 C: It's exactly how it is. 就是这样的。 So the next time you forget you're Blair Waldorf, 如果下次你忘了你是布莱尔&霍道夫, remember, i'm Chuck Bass, and I love you. 记得,我是恰克&拜斯,我爱你。C: I'm chuck bass !Who cares! B: I do! Don't you understand,I always be here. So no matter waht you're doing to yourself,don't do that to me.天台上那一幕绯闻女孩经典台词-第四季02B:just because you're dressed poorly doesn't mean you're not Chuck BassC:Why would I want to be him?B:You should've told me you got shotC:I'm surprised you didn't shoot me yourselfB:I have,many times,in my dreams.The good ones.But if you were really hurt,i would want to know.C:When i woke up,my I.D. was gone.Nobody know who i was,nobody was coming to look for me.I realized i might be alive,but Chuck Bass didn't have to be.B:Changing your name doesn't change who you are.C:It's a good start.A chance to lice simply,earn people's respect,maybe become a person someone could love. B:Someone did love you. And...you owe it to her,and everyone else you're leaving behind not to run away,which is what you're doing.And i don't think that great man you're talking about wanting to be is a coward.I think he would face up to what he did.C:I destroyed the only thing i ever loved.B:I don't love you anymore.But it takes more than even you to destroy Blair Waldorf.C:Your world would be easier if i didn't come back.B:That's true.But it wouldn't be my world without you in it.绯闻女孩经典台词-第四季04Chuck: You just brought back my worst self. This means war, Blair. Me versus you. No limits.第四季06Just gonna stand there and watch me burn 你是不是就打算站在那看着我五内如焚 But that&s alright because I like the way it hurts 不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉 Just gonna stand there and hear me cry 你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣 But that&s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie 不过没关系,因为我连你的谎言都爱,连你的谎言都爱&
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因为是你,因为是我,相信爱情,!求I AM CHUCK BASS的铃声,那句超经典的define love three words, eight letters的铃声_百度知道
求I AM CHUCK BASS的铃声,那句超经典的define love three words, eight letters的铃声
好的话。。追加一百分! 为什么都没人回答?伤心的很啊~~~
安个酷狗音乐播放器 在酷狗上下呗~~三个版本都有的~~~我刚下,下来的话就发你邮箱~~我也特别喜欢Chuck,不过我更喜欢Blair……如果他能够不伤B就好了……
出门在外也不愁chuck bass的所有铃声。_百度知道
chuck bass的所有铃声。
还要有那句define like。谢谢谢谢。啊不好意思 忘了留邮箱了
出门在外也不愁求绯闻女孩里面的开头的那段有xoxo的,还有chuck bass 的话作为铃声可以给我么!!!TAT求!!!!_百度知道
求绯闻女孩里面的开头的那段有xoxo的,还有chuck bass 的话作为铃声可以给我么!!!TAT求!!!!


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