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Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 修改稿 reviewing 求祝福啊散掉全部金币啊
本人第一篇SCI文章,小修后编辑的小意见返回三四天了 如若文章接受290个金币全部散掉。祝福我吧,谢谢虫子们!
祝福我吧,谢谢虫子们! 祝福你!但楼主你散的金币太少了~~~:jok: : Originally posted by zhengruowen at
祝福你!但楼主你散的金币太少了~~~:jok: 只要中了全部散掉&&虽然只有280呵呵 祝福你啊~~
过了分享下经验啊~~ : Originally posted by lxhcqu at
只要中了全部散掉&&虽然只有280呵呵 我的要中了,也如数散尽 :tiger28::tiger28::tiger28:祝福LZ 祝福啊!!我最近在攒金币呢 恩恩&&一定要中!!!加油 日本的jap容易接受不?需不需要付钱给出版设啊?
楼主是做什么方面的? :jok:,楼主祝福你!我师兄修改稿两个月后接受!也祝你成功~! : Originally posted by echo_didi at
过了分享下经验啊~~ 谢谢亲爱的虫虫 : Originally posted by jn_zxdl at
祝福你 谢谢 : Originally posted by 无疆@行者 at
:tiger28::tiger28::tiger28:祝福LZ 谢谢您的花 非常感谢 : Originally posted by nilin1999 at
恩恩&&一定要中!!!加油 非常感谢:hand: : Originally posted by wbcui at
楼主是做什么方面的? 一审速度很快20几天 返回去现在10几天了 应该是要付钱 我主要是做等离子体的 : Originally posted by liuben822 at
:jok:,楼主祝福你!我师兄修改稿两个月后接受!也祝你成功~! 真的啊希望我也能中非常感谢谢谢 祝福你啊~~&& 查看话题
science of the total environment被拒稿的感想
两个审稿专家的意见,一个就提出了几条语法错误,另一个提出了几条major comments。总的来看,几条major comments也是有修改的余地的,不是致命的缺陷,最后的结果还是在编辑手里悲剧了。编辑的信里说,该杂志的竞争比较激烈,他们只考虑有创新性的研究。由于稿件量大,即使是没有什么大问题的文章,也很难在该杂志上发表。
现如今杂志的稿源充足,所以要求高了 这个编辑说的挺可观的,受教了 这么难啊,本来还打算投的,算了:( 谢楼主分享经验 俺投了一篇 都要四个月了 还没消息 不知是福是祸 偏宏观和政策的文章,审稿人比较容易引起大的分歧。 这个刊物慢成那样,别理他 看来,我比你幸运,直接被拒稿!
We thank you for submitting your paper to STOTEN. After careful internal editorial review, we regret to inform you that we have decided not to pursue further peer review of your manuscript. In reaching this decision, we have been guided by several factors including fit within the scope of the journal, balance among topics covered, novelty of the study, originality of methodology or interpretation model, whether the data collection is scientifically driven, adequacy of grammatical presentation, and interest to our readers and the general public. The potential to enhance the knowledge base needed to improve the quality of our environment and human health through research, policy, management, and education remains the over-riding factor in considering articles for publication.
No editorial comments are available for papers that are not sent for external peer review.
A primary reason for rejection is that we lack sufficient Journal space to publish all of the outstanding papers that are submitted. We receive more 2000 manuscripts per year and our rejection rate currently stands at over 70%.&&The policy of screening manuscripts is further mandated by available editorial resources which limit the number of submitted papers that can be sent for peer review each week.
We see this policy as being both ethical and fair to authors who wish to submit elsewhere without undue delay. Our electronic system for managing manuscripts allows us to implement efficient screening and prompt turnaround times, sometimes in less than 24 hours. We receive many solid and interesting papers that we must turn down, and we wish you success in publishing elsewhere.
In spite of the unfavorable outcome for this particular manuscript, we trust that you will continue to support the journal in future.
Sincerely 我的STOTEN,修改后2周了,还在with editor,真是有点担心了! Originally posted by kinguoke at
偏宏观和政策的文章,审稿人比较容易引起大的分歧。 俺投的就是这个方向的:tiger14: :tiger10::tiger10: : Originally posted by zhj3450 at
We thank you for submitting your paper to STOTEN. After careful internal editorial review, we regret to inform you that we have decided not to pursue further peer re ... It is serious&& 查看话题
Journal of separation science的reponse to decision letter
有投过Journal of separation science的请帮一下吧!
投一篇文章,要求大修,已经修改,可是不知道reponse to decision letter是简单回答一下已做改动,详细的修改内容(比如表格、段落中的具体改动)放在revision manuscript中用红色标注,还是把具体的改动内容也复制一份到reponse to decision letter里边?下边是审稿人的意见和我的回复,看看这两个版本的reponse to decision letter哪个正确?谢谢!!!
意见---1.3-In Page 12 (line 57)-Page 13 (line 4), the explanation of the phrase should be expanded.
Answers: Thanks for your suggestions. The explanation of the phrase have been expanded, at the same time, we have made the corresponding modification in the manuscript. Details are as follows:
&&“Based on polarity matching principle, solute is easy to dissolve in solvent which has similar polarity with it, such as non-polar solute dissolve in non-polar solvent easily and polar solute can easily dissolve in polar solvent. The experiment result indicated that 90% ethanol is fit with the polarity of TSS, which leads to easy desorption of TSS from the resin. Thus, 90% ethanol was selected as desorbent for TSS and used in the dynamic desorption experiment”.
意见----1.3-In Page 12 (line 57)-Page 13 (line 4), the explanation of the phrase should be expanded.
Answers: Thanks for your suggestions. The explanation of the phrase have been expanded, at the same time, we have made the corresponding modification in the manuscript.
Answers: Thanks for your suggestions. The explanation of the phrase have been expanded. At the same time, we also made some corresponding modification in the revised manuscript. Details are as follows:
&&“Based on polarity matching principle, solute is easy to dissolve in solvent with the similar polarity, namely non-polar solute dissolves in a non-polar solvent easily, while polar solute can easily dissolve in a polar solvent. The experiment result indicated that 90% ethanol is fit with the polarity of TSS, which leads to easy desorption of TSS from the resin. Thus, 90% ethanol was selected as desorbent for TSS and used in the dynamic desorption experiment”. : Originally posted by 自私的猫1988 at
Answers: Thanks for your suggestions. The explanation of the phrase have been expanded. At the same time, we also made some corresponding ... 您好,您的回帖很有帮助,可以加一下您的qq吗,第一次投稿,还是有些问题不明白。 : Originally posted by < at
您好,您的回帖很有帮助,可以加一下您的qq吗,第一次投稿,还是有些问题不明白。... 很少用,可以站内信 : Originally posted by 自私的猫1988 at
很少用,可以站内信... 您好,非常谢谢您的帮助,昨天晚上十点把修改稿发出去,凌晨两点就accept了,很激动。看邮件中有个附件,是Color and Page Agreement,里面有些东西不知道咋填。
1. 那个稿号是写:jssc..R1 还是 jssc.?
2. Author是把所有的作者都写上去,还是写第一作者,还是通讯作者?因为我看留的位置就一短横线,很少。
3. 最后的签名,签哪些人?
再次谢谢您! : Originally posted by < at
您好,非常谢谢您的帮助,昨天晚上十点把修改稿发出去,凌晨两点就accept了,很激动。看邮件中有个附件,是Color and Page Agreement,里面有些东西不知道咋填。
1. 那个稿号是写:jssc..R1 还是 jssc.2 ... 1. 稿号jssc.& && &R1是修改1次的意思
2. Author一般是通讯 Thank you!!! : Originally posted by 自私的猫1988 at
1. 稿号jssc.& && &R1是修改1次的意思
2. Author一般是通讯... thank you !!!求帮忙下载一篇wiley online library的文献_百度知道
求帮忙下载一篇wiley online library的文献
/abstract不胜感激题目. A.com/doi/10:E.wiley://onlinelibrary./abstract" target="_blank">http.1965<a href="http.1002/app:Thermal stability of coordination polymers作者://onlinelibrary./app. Tomic期刊./doi/10
Thermal stability of coordination polymers.1965,文献已给你上传?shareid=&uk=" name="app.pdf<file fsid="195" link="/share/link,还望采纳&nbsp,希望对你的研究有所帮助请下载附件吧.0


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