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《GRE ISSUE 写作论证论据素材大全》电子版
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出门在外也不愁Unit 2 A Path to FollowA FAMOUS QUOTEWhen one door of happiness closes, another opens. ―Helen Adams Keller 一扇幸福之门关闭时,另一扇便会开启。 ― 海伦?亚当斯?凯勒Helen Adams Keller (1880
-1968), US author, political activist and educator. Though blind deaf from an early age, she learned to read, write, and communicate with sign language, and trav the world over, crusading for improvement in the education and life of the physically disabled. 海伦?亚当斯?凯勒是美国的作家、政治活动家和教育家。虽然她自幼失明又失聪,但是她学会了读和写 用手语与人交流,旅行足迹遍及全世界,一生致力于改善残障人的生活和教育事业。 Speaking Activity Showing Gratitude Sample DialogueRead the following conversation. Pay attention to how the speakers show gratitude and respon each other.Mr. Wang: Mr. Wilson, since you're leaving for home tomorrow, would you accept this little p as a souvenir from China? Mr. Wilson: Oh?Thank you very much but you really shouldn't have? Mr. Wang: It's a mere trifle. I hope you'll like it. Mr. Wilson: It's exactly what I've been wanting for a long time. I shall always remember Chi the happy days I've spent with my Chinese friends here. Mr. Wang: I hope you'll come and see us again next year. Mr. Wilson: Well, Mr. Wang, I should certainly like to do that. Mr. Wang: It's a date then. Mr. Wilson: Mr. Wang, I think it's time for me to leave now. Thank you again for the trouble you've taken to make my visit a success. Mr. Wang: I'm only too glad to have been of help to you. Mr. Wilson: Goodbye. Mr. Wang: Goodbye. Guided PracticeDirections: Express thanks to a friend who helped you. Use your own information. You may use following tips to help you.Thank you very much but you really shouldn't have? I shall always remember? I hope? Thank you again for the trouble you've taken to? I'm only too glad to have been of help to you. Text A Cracked or Perfect: We Can Make a Difference!New Words cracked adj. damaged with lines on its surface but not completely broken 破裂的,有裂纹的 bearer n. a person whose job is to carry something 挑夫 pot n. a container of various kinds, made for a particular purpose 罐,容器 pole n. a long thin straight piece of wood or metal, used especially for supporting things crack n. a line on the surface of something where it has broken but not split into separat parts 裂纹;裂缝 deliver v. to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to 递送; portion n. one part of something larger 部分 stream n. a small narrow river 小河;溪 master n. a man who has people working for him, often as servants in his home (男)主人 accomplishment n. an impressive thing that is done or achieved after a lot of work 成就;成 imperfection n. a fault for weakness in somebody/ something 缺点;瑕疵 miserable adj. very unhappy or uncomfortable 痛苦的;非常难受的 perceive v. to understand or think of somebody/ something in particular way 理解为;将??视 为 bitter adj. making y caused by great unhappiness 令人不快的;使人悲痛的 apologize v. to say that you are sorry for doing something wrong or causing a problem 道歉; load n. the total amount of something that something can carry or contain 装载量;容纳量 flaw n. a mistake in something that means that it is not correct or does not work correctly 缺点 compassion n. a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help 情;怜悯 trail n. a path through the countryside (乡间的)小路,小径 reply v. to say or write something as an answer to somebody/something 回答;答复 decorate v. to make something look more attractive by putting things on it 装饰;装潢 grace v. to make somet to decorate something 为??增色;为??锦上添花 moral n. a practical lesson that a story, an event or an experience teaches you 寓意;教益 being n. existence 存在 Phrases and Expressionsbe ashamed of to feel shame or embarrassment about somebody/something or because of somethin have done 为??感到惭愧 leak out to allow liquid to get out through a small hole or crack 渗漏;泄露 feel sorry for to feel pity or sympathy for somebody 怜悯;同情 take notice of to pay attention to somebody/ something or know about something 注意 cheer?up to
to make somebody/something more cheerful 振奋起来;使变得 take advantage of to make u to make use of an opportunity 利用 Proper Names India 印度(南亚国家) Text A Pre-reading Questions 1. Do you ever feel ashamed? 你曾经感到过羞愧吗? 2. What suggestions have you got from your teachers or anybody else about how to gain confid 关于如何增强自信,你从老师或者其他人那里得到过什么建议? Cracked or Perfect: We Can Make a Difference! A water bearer in India had two large pots. Each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. ①One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's ho ②The cracked pot arrived only half full. For fully two years this went on every day, with the b delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, while the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its imperfection and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it ha made to do. ③ After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer on by the stream. &I am ashamed of myself, and want to apologize to you.& &Why?& asked the bearer, &What are you ashamed of?& &For these past two years I have been able to deliver only half my load because this crack i side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master's house. ④Because of my flaws, yo don't get full value from your efforts,& the pot said. The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and out of compassion he said, &As we r to the master's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path.& And so as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beau wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it up. ⑤But at the end of the trail, it felt bad because half its load had leaked out, and so again he expressed his feelings to the wat bearer. The water bearer replied by saying, &Did you notice that there were flowers only on your sid the path, and not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, a took advantage of it. ⑥I planted seeds on your side of the path and every day,while we've been walking back from the stream, you've watered them. ⑦For two years I've been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master's table. Without you being just the way you are, he woul have such beauty to grace his house.& The moral of this story is that we all have our faults, but we all have a path to follow and path we take must have a reason to our being. ⑧ Key Sentences 1. Each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. 每一个水罐挂在扁担的一端,他将扁担担在肩上。 2. One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's house. 其中一个水罐上边有一条裂缝,而另一个是完好的。从小溪到主人家的路很长,完好无损的水罐带回满满 水。 3. ?the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, while the poor cracked pot was ashame its imperfection and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made do. ??完好的罐子对自己的成就很自豪,然而破陶罐因为自己的瑕疵感到很羞愧,为只能完成一半的工作而 堪。 4. For these past two years I have been able to deliver only half my load because this crack side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master's house. 过去的两年以来,由于我这边的裂纹一路漏水,只能带半罐子水回到主人家。 5. And so as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it up. 于是当他们上山时,旧水罐注意到温暖的阳光照耀着路一旁美丽的野花,这使得它振奋起来。 6. That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. 这是因为我已经注意到了你漏水这个缺点,并且我利用了它。 7. I planted seeds on your side of the path and every day, while we've been walking back fro stream, you've watered them. 我在你的这一侧种了些花籽,每天我们从小溪回来时你都给花浇水。 8. The moral of this story is that we all have our faults, but we all have a path to follow that path we take must have a reason to our being. 这个故事的寓意是:我们每个人都有缺点,但我们都有自己要走的路,而这条路一定可以说明我们存在的 Exercises Ⅰ. Checking Your Comprehension 1. The story tells us that we should_______. A) be ashamed of our faults B) not laugh at others' faults C) face our faults and turn them to our advantage D) not compare our faults with others' merits[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]Directions: Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passag【正确答案】C 【答案解析】本题考查课文中故事的寓意。课文最后一段阐述了故事的寓意,即我们每个人 都有缺点,但我们都有自己要走的路,而这条路一定可以说明我们存在的意义。答案为 C。 2. The perfect pot_______. A) was embarrassed for the cracked pot B) felt sympathetic towards the cracked pot C) felt sympathetic towards the bearer D) took pride in its achievement[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】D 【答案解析】课文第二段第一句提到,那个完美的罐子对自己的成就非常自豪,D 项中 take pride in 与文中 be proud of 是同义关系,以??为傲。答案为 D。 3. When the cracked pot apologized, the water bearer_______. A) had pity on it B) burst out in anger C) expressed great concern D) seemed somewhat indifferent[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】A 【答案解析】课文第七段第一句提到,the water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot,即挑水工对旧罐子感到同情。feel sorry for 与 have pity on 是同义短语, 同情??。答案为 A。 4. The water bearer showed the cracked pot the flowers on the way to_______. A) discourage the perfect pot B) draw attention to its merit C) praise the beauty of nature D) point out the imperfection of the flowers[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】B 【答案解析】本题考查挑水工让破罐子注意路边花的原因。根据课文第九段的大意可知,挑 水工告诉破罐子他的功劳。因为它漏掉的水浇灌了路边的花,所以挑水工能够采花回去装饰 主人的桌子。答案为 B。 5. The water bearer picked up the flowers to decorate_______. A) the perfect pot B) the master's house C) the cracked pot D) his own house[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】B 【答案解析】本题是对课文细节的考查,即挑夫采摘的花是用来装饰什么的。课文第九段倒 数第二句提到,挑水工能够采摘到这些鲜花来 decorate the master’s table.., to grace his house。答案为 B。 Ⅱ Building Your Vocabulary Section ADirections: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words gi the brackets.1. One_______ of living in the town is the lack of safe places for children to play. (advan disadvantage)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】disadvantage 【答案解析】句意:住在城市中的一个不利之处就是缺少让孩子玩耍的安全地方。根据后面 的句意可知缺少让孩子玩耍的安全地方是一项缺点。advantage 优势;disadvantage 缺 点。答案为 disadvantage。 2. All mail _______ were officially stopped for a short time during the strike. (deliver, deliveries)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问] 【正确答案】deliveries 【答案解析】句意:在罢工期间,邮递被官方临时禁止了。空格中填入的词与前面的 mail 一起在句子中作主语,因此应该填入一个名词形式的词。mail delivery 邮递,是固定搭 配。答案为 deliveries。 3. The students _______ the task in less than ten minutes. (accomplished, accomplishment)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】accomplished 【答案解析】句意:学生们不到十分钟就完成这项任务了。空格中的词在句子中作谓语动 词,因此应该填入动词 accomplish 完成。答案为 accomplished。 4. This effect was_______ understood by designers at that time. (imperfect, imperfectly)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】imperfectly 【答案解析】句意:那时候设计师们没有完全理解这个效果。空格中的词在句子中作状语修 饰后面的动词 understand,因此应该填入副词 imperfectly 不完美地。答案为 imperfectly。 5. She manages to stay _______ despite everything. (cheer, cheerful)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】cheerful 【答案解析】句意:不论遇到任何事情,她都设法保持愉快的心情。本题考查 stay 的用 法。注意 stay 后面接形容词或者名词作补语时,是作为系动词,表示维持某种状态。stay 作停留讲,可接副词。答案为 cheerful。6. We have to change the public's _______ that money is being wasted. (perceive, perception[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】perception 【答案解析】句意:我们要转变公众浪费金钱的思想观念。that 引导的同位语从句补充说明 空格中的先行词。因此空格中应该填入名词 perception 认知。答案为 perception。 Section BDirections: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.④decorate ⑥imperfection ⑤miserable portion ③flaws ①cracked ②compassion reply 1. She passed her tongue over her dry and_____ lips and tried to speak.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】cracked 【答案解析】句意:她用舌头舔了一下干裂的嘴唇,试图要说话。and 连接两个并列的成分 ――形容词 dry 以及空格中的词,因此空格中应该填入一个形容词,然后根据空格修饰的中 心词 lips 可知,cracked 有裂缝的,符合题意。答案为 cracked。 2. I was hoping she might show a little _____ for victims of war.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】compassion 【答案解析】句意:我希望她能对战争的遇难者们表示一下同情。空格中的词在句中作动词 show 的宾语,同时前面有形容词 little 修饰,因此应填入一个名词,且根据后面的 victims of war 可知,compassion 同情,符合题意。答案为 compassion。 3. There are serious ______ in the way we train our teachers.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】flaws 【答案解析】句意:我们培养教师的方式存在许多错误。形容词 serious 修饰空格中的词, 因此空格中应该填入一个名词的复数形式。空格中的词是评价说明后面的 the way,因此 flaws(错误、缺陷),符合题意。答案为 flaws。 4. You can use shells to ______ boxes, trays, mirrors or even pots.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】decorate 【答案解析】句意:你可以用贝壳装饰盒子、盘子、镜子或者罐子。use something to do something 使用某物做某事,因此空格中应该填入动词形式。由 shell 与后面的 box 等的逻 辑关系可知, decorate 装饰,符合题意。答案为 decorate。 5. She knows what has made life ______ for her employees.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】miserable 【答案解析】句意:她知道是什么让她的员工生活悲惨。what 引导的从句在句子中作宾语。 空格中的词修饰前面的名词 life,因此应该填入逻辑上能修饰员工生活的形容词, miserable 悲惨的,符合题意。答案为 miserable。 6. My father used to be a perfectionist and would never tolerate ______.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】imperfection 【答案解析】句意:我的父亲曾经是一个完美主义者,无法忍受瑕疵。空格中的词作动词 tolerate 的宾语,同时根据前面的 perfectionist 的属性可知,imperfection 瑕疵,符合 题意。答案为 imperfection。 Section CDirections: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word.1. You should be apologizing _____ your customers for wasting their money.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】to 【答案解析】句意:你应该为浪费顾客的金钱而向他们道歉。apologize to somebody 是固 定短语,向某人道歉。答案为 to。 2. You should be ashamed _____ yourself for telling such lies.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】of 【答案解析】句意:你应该为撒谎而感到羞愧。be ashamed of 是固定搭配,为??感到羞 愧。答案为 of。 3. The details were supposed to be secret but somehow leaked _____.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】out 【答案解析】句意:细节本应该保密,但是不知怎么被泄露了。leak out 是固定搭配,泄 漏。be supposed to 本应该。答案为 out。 4. I feel sorry ______ anyone who has to drive in this sort of weather.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】for 【答案解析】句意:我对任何需要在这种天气中驾驶的人表示同情。feel sorry for 是固定 搭配,为??难过。答案为 for。 5. Don't take any notice ______ what you read in the papers.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】of 【答案解析】句意:不要在意你在纸上看到的任何东西。take notice of 是固定搭配,注意 到??。答案为 of。 6. Yesterday, I______ advantage of the good weather to paint the house.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】took 【答案解析】句意:昨天我趁着好天气粉刷了房子。take advantage of 是固定搭配,利 用??。根据前面的时间状语 yesterday 可知,时态应该是过去时。答案为 took。 Ⅲ Bridging the GapDirections: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. You choose a suitable one from the list given.⑥After ③loudly ①placed ⑤down ⑨contained ④load ②remove ⑩obstacle ⑧where ⑦picked In ancient times, a king had a boulder 1 on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to se anyone would 2 the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers(朝臣)came simply walked around it. Many 3 blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did an about removing the big stone out of the way.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】1. placed 2. remove 3. loudly 【答案解析】1.根据 boulder 与 roadway 的逻辑关系可知,石头是被放置在路上,因此 placed 放置,符合题意。答案为 placed。 2.空格中的词在句子中作谓语,因此应该填入动词形式,同时根据本段最后的 remove 可知,remove(移动)符合题意。答案为 remove。 3.空格中填入的词在句子中作状语,修饰后面的动词 blamed,因此应该填入副词形式, loudly blamed 大声指责。答案为 loudly。Then a peasant came along carrying a 4 of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasan 5 his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. 6 much pushing, he finally succeeded.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】4. load 5. down 6. After 【答案解析】4.空格中的词修饰后面的 vegetables,通过观察各个备选词可知,a load of 是固定短语,许多、大量。答案为 load。 5.空格前面一句中提到,农民 carry 大量的蔬菜,同时根据空格后面的 move 可知,农 民需要放下担子去移动石头。lay down 放下,是固定短语搭配。答案为 down。 6.通过分析 push 与 succeed 的逻辑关系可知, push 后才能 succeed ,因此 after 在??之后,符合题意。答案为 After。As the peasant 7 up his stuff, he noticed a purse lying on the road 8 the boulder had been. purse 9 many gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never understood.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】7. picked 8. where 9. contained 【答案解析】7.前文中提到,农民放下担子后移开石头,因此此时需要拾起担子。pick up 拾起、检起,是固定短语。答案为 picked。 8.空格中的词引导后面的从句修饰前面的地点状语 on the road,因此关系副词 where 符 合题意。答案为 where。 9.空格中填入的词在句子中作谓语,根据 purse 与后面的 gold coins 的关系可知,空 格中应该填入一个“包含”意思的动词。答案为 contained。 Every 10 presents an opportunity to improve one's condition.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】10. obstacle 【答案解析】10.空格中的词在句子中作主语,联系前文及备选项,挡路的 boulder 代表了 许多的障碍、困难,因此进行抽象归纳后可知,每个障碍后都代表着更好的机会。答案为 obstacle。【参考译文】 古时候有一个国王,他把一块大圆石头放在一条车道上,然后他躲起来看是否有人会搬开这块大石头。一 的商人和朝臣们路过此地都绕了过去。许多人还大声地责备国王没有使道路保持畅通无阻,但是没有一个人把 搬出道路。 后来,一个携带着蔬菜的农民沿路过来了,他走近看到这块大石头,于是放下担子,试图把石头挪到路边 用力推动以后,他最后成功地移走了石头。 当这个农民拿起他的东西时,他看到了一个钱包躺在路上,就在原来放石头的地方。钱包里盛满了金币, 有一张国王写的便条,指出:金子是赏给从路上移开石头的人。这个农民得到了别人没想到的东西。 每一个障碍物都会给予改善一个人状况的机会。 Ⅳ Translation Section ADirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in th brackets.1. We_________________(本航班延迟起飞,谨致歉意). (apologize)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问] 【正确答案】apologize to you for the delay of the fligh 我们对本航班延迟起飞,谨致歉意。 【答案解析】apologize to sb. for sth.指因某事向某人致歉。(航班的)延迟常用 delay 表示。答案为 apologize to you for the delay of the flight。 2. His daughter looked such a mess that ___________________________(他为她感到害躁). (be ashamed of)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】he was ashamed of her 他看到女儿搞得一塌糊涂,他为她感到害躁。 【答案解析】be ashamed of 为??感到羞愧,是固定搭配。look a mess 看着一塌糊涂。 答案为 he was a shamed of her。 3. He decided to help Jane as ________________. (他同情她的遭遇). (feel sorry for)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】he felt sorry for her bitter experience 他决定帮助珍妮,因为他同情她的遭遇。 【答案解析】feel sorry for 同情??。遭遇可以译为 bitter experience。答案为 he felt sorry for her bitter experience/misfortune 。 4. Don't ____________ (理会别人的议论). (take notice of)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】take notice of others' words/comments 不要理会别人的议论。 【答案解析】take notice of 是固定搭配,在意、注意。答案为 take notice of others' words/comments。 5. Many schools ____________________(没有充分利用因特网). (take advantage of)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】don't take full advantage of the Internet 许多学校没有充分利用因特网。 【答案解析】take full advantage of 是固定搭配,充分利用 。答案为 don't take full advantage of the Internet。 Section BDirections: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then anoth Then we are frustrated that the children aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they a After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy whe are beyond that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his her act together, when we get a nicer car, when we are able to go on a vacation, when we retire. truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when? 【参考译文】 我们总是说服自己,结婚生子以后生活会好一些。然后因孩子年幼我们被搞得很心烦意乱,期待他们长大 活将更加满意。孩子长到十几岁,我们不得不对付他们的青春期的烦恼。我们认定,当他们过了那个年龄阶段 将过得幸福。我们总是对自己说,当我们与配偶齐心协力时、当我们买了一辆漂亮的汽车时、当我们能够去度 当我们退休时,我们的生活就完美了。事实是,再也没有比此时此刻更好的时间了。如若不是,更待何时? Ⅴ Organizing Your IdeasDirections: Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph.1. They needed to say &thank you&, and so good manners dictated I should accept their thanks gracefully. 2. I used to have difficulty accepting kind remarks and praise from others. 3. Then one day I realized that, if I did not accept another person's compliments, I was not giving them a chance to &pay back& for the things I had done to help them. 4. I would just mumble something along the lines of &It's nothing.& 5. Not accepting their &thank you& meant I was leaving them in debt, in a way.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】排列句子顺序: 2 ― 4 ― 3― 1 ― 5 【答案解析】做句子排序题首先要浏览一下各项,掌握段落大意。然后找出每句的关键词, 在此基础上进行排序。关键词――used to,just mumble,then one day,they say thank you,not accepting。Ⅵ Reflecting on the Text When students first enter university, they feel excited and eager to get familiar with their environment and make friends. Yet, as time goes by, the excitement gradually wears off and they to get bored with the lectures and complain about the food and everything. If that is your exper plan how to overcome it so as to be able to make the most of your life at university. If not, im your best friend is having this problem and try to help by offering some sensible advice. 【参考译文】 当大学生刚刚进入大学时,他们感到兴奋、急切想熟悉新的环境、结交朋友。然而,过了一段时间以后, 绪逐渐减弱,他们开始变得心浮气躁,厌倦上课、抱怨食物及各种事物。如果你有亲身经历,制定计划如何克 使得你的大学生活更加有意义。如果没有,假设你最好的朋友有此问题,设法帮助他并提出一些合理的建议。 【解题思路】本题是说大学生在熟悉大学环境之后,变得心浮气躁,开始抱怨各种事物。要求对此现象提 建议。 1.明确这种行为是不合理、不正确的(unreasonable and incorrect)。 2.提出解决这种问题的合理建议(advice)。 (1)可参加课外活动(extracurricular activities),加入学生会(student council)。 (2)去附近大学校园,变换环境(other universities)。 (3)适当的体育锻炼可以增强身体素质,转移注意力,如跑步、爬山等(sports,climbing?)。 3.最重要的是要摆正心态,适应周围环境并和老师同学处好关系。 Text B New Words humility n. the quality of not thinking that you are better than other people 谦逊;谦虚 sightseeing n. the activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist 观光; treasure n. a highly valued object 珍宝;宝物 fellow adj. used to describe somebody who is the same as you in some way, or in the same sit 同类的;同伴的 unfortunate adj. caused by bad luck 不幸的;倒霉的 panhandler n. a person who asks other people for money in the street 叫花子;乞丐 folk n. people in general 人们 elderly adj. used as a polite word for &old& 年纪较大的;上了年纪的 extend v. to stretch part of your body, especially an arm or a leg, away from yourself 伸展, 展,展开(尤指手臂或腿) reflex n. an action or a movement of your body that happens naturally in response to somethi that you cannot control 反射动作;本能反应 loose change n. coins that you have in a pocket or a bag (口袋或包里随身带的)零钱 prejudice n. an unreasonable dislike of or preference for a person, group, custom, etc., especially when it is based on their race, religion, sex, etc. 偏见;成见 assume v. to think or accept that something is true without having proof of it 假定;假设;认 incident n. something that happens, especially something unusual or unpleasant 发生的事情(尤 寻常的或讨厌的) reawaken v. to make you feel a particular emotion again or to make you remember something ag 起,唤起,再次引发(感情、回忆等) core adj. core beliefs, values, principles, etc. the most important or central beliefs, etc. person or group 核心(信念、价值、原则等) reaffirm v. to state something again in order to emphasize that it is still true 重申;再次确 immigrant n. a person who has come to live permanently in a country that is not their own ( 移民;外侨 no-nonsense adj. only paying attention to important and necessary things 接的;言简意赅的;不说废话的 roofer n. a person whose job is to repair or build roofs 修理(或盖)屋顶的工人 cashier n. a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a bank, shop/store, hotel, 出纳员 mechanic n. a person whose job is repairing machines, especially the engines of vehicles 汽车 工;机械师;机械修理工 humble adj. having a low rank or social position (级别或地位)低下的,卑微的 eventually adv. at the end of a period of time or a series of events 最后;终于 busboy n. (AmE) a person who works in a restaurant and whose job is to clear the dirty dis etc. 餐厅勤杂工(负责收餐具、抹桌子等) witness v. to see something happen (typically a crime or an accident) 当场看到,目击(多指 事故) self-induced adj. (of illness, problems, etc.) caused by yourself (疾病、问题等)自己造成 Phrases and Expressions take/ go on a trip to go somewhere for pleasure 旅行 in an instant immediately 立刻,马上 lose sight of to stop c to forget something 忽略;忘记 Proper Names Honduras 洪都拉斯(中美洲国家) Notes 1. The author, Felipe Morales was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in 1974, and immigrated wi family to Tampa, Florida, in 1990.He now lives with his wife and children in Rowlett, Texas, whe enjoys playing and coaching soccer. 2. Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washingto &the District&, or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States. 3. Here it refers to the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. Named after United States President Ronald Reagan, it is the first federal building in Washington, D.C. desi for both governmental and private sector purposes. Text B Pre-reading Questions1. Have you ever seen beggars on the street? How do you feel when they ask you for money? 你曾在街上看到过乞丐吗?当他们向你要钱时,你的感觉如何? 2. What do you think of beggars on the street singing for passers-by? 你对乞丐在街头给路人唱歌行乞的行为怎么看? A Priceless Lesson in Humility A few years ago, I took a sightseeing trip to Washington, DC. I saw many of our nation's treasures, and I also saw a lot of our fellow citizens on the street ― unfortunate ones, like panhandlers and homeless folks.① Standing outside the Ronald Reagan Center, I heard a voice say, &Can you help me?” When I t around, I saw an elderly blind woman with her hand extended. In a natural reflex, I reached into pocket, pulled out all of my loose change and placed it in her hand without even looking at her. was annoyed at being bothered by a beggar. But the blind woman smiled and said, &I don't want your money. I just need help finding the office.& In an instant, I realized what I had done. I had acted out of prejudice ― I had judged anot person simply for what I assumed she had to be.③ I hated what I saw in myself. This incident reawakened my core belief. It reaffirmed that I believed in humility, even though I had failed to do so for a moment. ④ The thing I had forgotten about myself was that I am an immigrant. ⑤ I left Honduras and ar in the U.S. at the age of 15. I started my new life with two suitcases, my brother and sister, a strong, no-nonsense mother. Over the years, I had been a dish washer, roofer, cashier, mechanic pizza delivery driver among many other humble jobs, and eventually I became a network engineer. In my own life, I have experienced many open acts of prejudice. I remember a time, at the ag 17, when I was a busboy, I heard a father tell his little boy that, if he did not do well in sch he would end up like me. ⑥ I have also witnessed similar treatment of my family and friends, so know what it's like, and I should have known better. But now, living in my American middle-class lifestyle, it is all too easy to forget my past, forget who I am and where I have been, and to lose sight of where I want to be going. ⑦That bli woman on the streets of Washington, D.C. cured me of my self-induced blindness. She reminded me belief in humility and to always keep my eyes and heart open. ⑧ By the way, I helped that lady to the post office. And in writing this essay, I hope to than for the priceless lesson she gave me. Key Sentences 1. I saw many of our nation's treasures, and I also saw a lot of our fellow citizens on the ― unfortunate ones, like panhandlers and homeless folks. 我看到了我们国家的很多珍宝,也在大街上看到了许许多多我们的市民――不幸的人们,比如乞丐和无家 流浪汉。 2. In a natural reflex, I reached into my pocket, pulled out all of my loose change and plac in her hand without even looking at her. 出于本能反应我伸进口袋,把我所有的零钱都拿出来,放在她手上,甚至连看也没看她一眼。 3. I had acted out of prejudice ― I had judged another person simply for what I assumed she to be. 偏见影响了我的行为――仅凭主观臆断,我便对他人做出了评价。 4. It reaffirmed that I believed in humility, even though I had failed to do so for a moment 这个信念提醒我,做事要谦卑,即使此刻我没有做到。 5. The thing I had forgotten about myself was that I am an immigrant. 我忘了我自己是一个移民。 6. I remember a time, at the age of 17, when I was a busboy, I heard a father tell his littl that, if he did not do well in school, he would end up like me. 我记得有一次,我 17 岁的时候,当时我还是个餐馆勤杂工,我听到一个父亲跟他的小孩说,如果他不在学 好学习的话,他最终就会跟我一样。 7. ?living in my American middle-class lifestyle, it is all too easy to forget my past, to who I am and where I have been, and to lose sight of where I want to be going. 我过上了美国中产阶级的生活,这一切似乎太容易了以至于让我忘记了我的过去,忘记了我是谁,忘记了 里来,忽视了我想到哪里去。 8. She reminded me of my belief in humility and to always keep my eyes and heart open. 她提醒我谦卑是我的人生信条,应当永远擦亮双眼,敞开心扉。 Text B ExercisesⅠ. Checking Your Comprehension Section A Directions: Read the following statements and mark Y (for Yes) if the statement agrees wit informati N (for No) if the statement contradicts the info NG (for Not Given) if the information is not given in the text. ( ) 1. The author went on a business tour to Washington.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】N 【答案解析】句意:作者去华盛顿是商业旅游。课文第一段第一句提到,作者去华盛顿不是 business tour,而是 sightseeing trip 旅游观光。本题说法错误。答案为 N。 ( ) 2. The author noticed that there were many charities giving out food to the beggars.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】NG 【答案解析】句意:作者注意到很多慈善机构正在给乞丐发放食物。课文中仅仅提到看到许 多乞丐和无家可归的流浪汉,并没有提及有很多慈善机构在给乞丐分发食物。答案为 NG。 ( ) 3. As the beggars drew near, the author gave out a coin to each.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】N 【答案解析】句意:乞丐靠近以后,作者给每个人分发了一个硬币。课文第二段提到,不是 很多乞丐,作者也不是给每个乞丐一枚硬币,所以错误。答案为 N。 ( ) 4. The author thought that the blind woman was asking for money. [答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】Y 【答案解析】课文第二段第三句提到,作者看到 blind woman 的自然反应是掏钱给她,可见 他以为老妇人是跟他要钱。本题说法正确。答案为 Y。( ) 5. After years of hard work in the US, the author finally climbed up the social ladde[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】Y 【答案解析】句意:经过几年在美国的艰苦工作,作者终于提高了社会等级。课文第六段提 到,他以前做很多种卑微的工作,到后来过上了中产阶级的生活。答案为 Y。 ( ) 6. The blind woman cured the author of his blindness of heart.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】Y 【答案解析】句意:那个盲妇人治愈了作者内心的盲目。课文第八段提到,that blind woman cured me of my self-induced blindness,即那位华盛顿大街上的盲妇人,治好了 我自身诱导的盲目。答案为 Y。 Section B Directions: Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text. 1. It was __________ who reached out her hand.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】an elderly blind woman 【答案解析】课文第二段第二句提到,I saw an elderly blind woman with her hand extended。答案为 an elderly blind woman。 2. The author was ____ at being troubled by a beggar.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】annoyed 【答案解析】我们可以从课文第二段最后一句找到答案,I was annoyed at being bothered by a beggar,即我很反感被乞丐打扰。答案为 annoyed。 3. The blind woman needed help finding _____. [答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】the post office 【答案解析】课文第三段最后一句给出答案,I just need help finding the post office,即我只是需要你帮助我找到邮局。答案为 the post office。 4. The author realized that he had just treated the blind woman with ____.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】prejudice 【答案解析】课文第四段提到,I realized what I had done. I had acted out of prejudice,即我立刻意识到自己做了什么,偏见影响了我的行为。答案为 prejudice。 5. The author had done many ___, such as dishwasher, roofer, cashier, etc. before he became engineer.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】humble jobs 【答案解析】我们可以从课文第六段提到,I had been a dishwasher, roofer, cashier, mechanic, and pizza delivery driver among many other humble jobs。答案为 humble jobs。6. When the author worked as a busboy, a father warned his son that, if he did not study har would ______like the author.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】end up 【答案解析】课文第七段提到,when I was a busboy, I heard a father tell her boy like that, if he did not do well in school, he would end up like me。答案为 end up。Ⅱ. Building Your Vocabulary Section A Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words gi the brackets. 1. Between 1929 and 1933 America's__________ income fell by more than half. (nation, nation[答疑编号 :针对该题提问] 【正确答案】national 【答案解析】句意:1929 年―1933 年,美国的国家收入减少不止一半。空格中的词修饰后 面的名词 income ,因此应该填入形容词形式 national 国家的。答案为 national。2. His father began to lose his memory bit by bit, becoming increasingly__________. (forget forgetful)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】forgetful 【答案解析】句意:他的父亲开始一点点地失去记忆,逐渐变得健忘。空格中的词被副词 increasingly 修饰,且在句子中作系动词 become 的表语,表明主语 his father 的身份特征 等,因此应该填入形容词形式。答案为 forgetful。 3. One of the greatest __________ was being bitten by mosquitoes every night. (annoy, annoyances)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】annoyances 【答案解析】句意:最大的烦恼之一就是每天晚上被蚊子咬。was 前面的成分构成名词短 语,在句子中作主语,因此空格中应该填入名词形式。答案为 annoyances。4. People tend to make __________about you when you have a disability. (assume, assumptions[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】assumptions 【答案解析】空格中的词在句中作动词 make 的宾语,因此应该填入名词 assumption 假定。 注意复数形式。答案为 assumptions。5. He__________ with his parents in 1895 and grew up in Long Island. (immigrated, immigrant[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】immigrated 【答案解析】句意:他跟随父母在 1895 年移民了,在长岛长大。空格中的词在句子中作谓 语,因此应该填入动词形式。根据时间 1895 年可知,应该用一般过去时态。答案为 immigrated。6. She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and __________work for The Times. (eventua eventually)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问] 【正确答案】eventually 【答案解析】后句的时间发生在前句的后面,表示结果。eventually 最后、终于,符合题 意。答案为 eventually。 Section B Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. ④incident ⑤priceless ②extended core ①humble reawaken ③witnessed ⑥ treasure 1. He came from a fairly ______, poor background.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】humble 【答案解析】句意:他来自一个相当低下贫穷的环境。空格中的词与形容词 poor 是并列关 系,共同修饰后面的名词 background , humble 低微的,符合题意。答案为 humble。 2. They are going on an ______ holiday to Australia.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】extended 【答案解析】句意:他们要去澳大利亚度一个长假。空格中的词修饰后面的名词 holiday, extended 延长的,符合题意。答案为 extended。 3. Several residents claimed to have _____ the attack.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】witnessed 【答案解析】句意:很多居民声称他们目击了袭击。空格中的词与后面的名词 attack 一起 构成动宾形式的短语,同时根据前面的 have 可知,空格中应该填入动词 witness 的完成时 形式。答案为 witnessed。 4. A youth was seriously injured in a shooting _____ on Saturday night.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】incident 【答案解析】句意:一个年轻人在周六晚上的枪击事件中受了重伤。根据关键词 shooting 可知,空格中应该填入一个表示负面意思的名词,incident(不好的)事件,符合题意。答 案为 incident。 5. A ________ collection of vases was destroyed. [答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】priceless 【答案解析】句意:一个无价的收藏品花瓶被毁坏了。空格中的词修饰后面的名词。 collection,因此应该填入形容词形式。同时根据。collection(收藏品)可知,前面应该 填入表示价值很大意思的形容词,priceless 无价的,符合题意。答案为 priceless。 6. Stories about pirates often include a search for buried ______.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】treasure 【答案解析】句意:有关海盗的故事通常包含寻找被埋藏的宝藏的情节。buried (被埋藏 的)修饰空格中的词,因此应该填入名词形式。且根据前面的 pirate 可以判断,treasure (宝藏)符合题意。答案为 treasure。 Section C Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1. Judy _____ into her handbag and handed me a small printed leaflet.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】reached 【答案解析】句意:Judy 把手伸进她的提包,递给我一个印刷的小册子/宣传单。reach into 伸进,进入;达到。根据时态一致原则,填空处应用一般过去式。答案为 reached。 2. I bet she was annoyed ____ having to write it out again.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】at 【答案解析】句意:我敢说她对不得不重写一遍感到恼火/我打赌她为必须得重写一遍而感 到生气。be annoyed at doing something 是固定搭配,意思是因做某事而恼怒。答案为 at。 3. We are thinking of ______ a trip to the mountains.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】taking 【答案解析】句意:我们正在考虑去山上旅游。take/have/go on a trip 是固定短语搭配, 意思是旅行。介词 of 后为动名词形式,答案为 taking/having/going on。 4. We shouldn't _____ sight of the fact that education is important for its own sake.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】lose 【答案解析】句意:教育本身就很重要,我们不应忽视这一事实。lose sight of 是固定搭 配,忽视??。 for its own sake 为了??本身。答案为 lose。 5. Nothing seemed to cure him _____ his nervousness.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】of 【答案解析】句意:好像没有什么能消除他的紧张情绪。cure of disease 是固定搭配,治 病。cure somebody of a disease 意为治好某人的病。答案为 of。 6. That song always reminds me _____ our first date.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】of 【答案解析】句意:那首歌总是让我想起我们第一次约会。remind of 是固定搭配,使想 起。答案为 of。Ⅲ. Translation Section A Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in th brackets. 1. It is reasonable to _______________________ (认为经济将继续好转). (assume)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】assume that the economy will continue recovering 【答案解析】本题考查 assume 的用法。assume 后面可以直接接宾语,主要有以下三种: a assume (that)+宾语从句。本题是 assume 后面接从句。题目为:It is reasonable to assume that the economy will continue recovering.认为经济将继续好转是有道理的。答案为 assume that the economy will continue recovering。 2. If I have enough money and time, ____________ (我准备去国外旅行).(take a trip)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问] 【正确答案】I plan to take a trip abroad 【答案解析】注意 if 引导的条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主句则用一般将来时。去 国外旅行即 take a trip abroad 。题目为:If I have enough money and time, I plan to take a trip abroad.如果我有足够的金钱和时间,我准备去国外旅行。答案为 I plan to take a trip abroad。 3. She was shocked by ____________________ (亲眼目睹的暴虐场面).(witness)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】the violent scenes she had witnessed 【答案解析】注意介词 by 表示“被??”。brutal 暴虐的。题目为:She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed.亲眼目睹了暴虐场面,她惊呆了。答案为 the violent scenes she had witnessed。 4. She seems to ____________________ (没有多久就完成了她的工作). (in an instant)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】finish her work in an instant 【答案解析】seem to do something 似乎要做某事,不定式的动作发生在主句动词 seem 之 后。.in an instant 立刻、马上。accomplish 完成。题目为:She seems to finish her work in an instant.她似乎没有多久就完成了她的工作。答案为 finish her work in an instant。 5. We must not__________________________ (忘记我们最初的目标).(lose sight of)[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】lose sight of our initial goals/objectives 【答案解析】情态动词 must 后面接动词原形。lose sight of 忽视??,是固定搭配。最初 的目标可以译为 initial goals 或 objectives 。题目为:We must not lose sight of our initial goals/ objectives.我们一定不能忘记我们最初的目标。答案为 lose sight of our initial goals/objectives。Section B Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. A positive attitude helps us cope with everyday life more easily. It gives us optimism and m it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If we adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into our lives, and makes us happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude, we will see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening. 【参考译文】 积极的态度能帮助我们更容易地处理日常事务。它让我们积极乐观,并让事情更容易处理,避免焦虑和消 想。如果我们采取这种积极的生活方式,就会给我们的生活带来建设性的改变,并让我们更加快乐,更加活泼 成功。保持积极的态度,我们将会看到生活中光明美好的一面,变得乐观开朗,希望最好的事情发生。这当然 值得发展和加强的一种精神状态。 Ⅳ. Writing Section A Directions: The following sentences are grammatically incorrect or incoherent. Improve them. Example: If drivers did not text while you drove, fewer accidents would occur. Revision: If drivers did not text while they drove, fewer accidents would occur. 1. When we visited London, one could see a good play every night.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】When we visited London, we could see a good play every night. 【答案解析】前后主语不一致,前句的主语是 we,而后句的主语是 one,因此需要将主语统 一为 we。答案为 When we visited London, we could see n good play every night. 2. She likes to listen to music and reading the latest novels.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】She likes listening to music and reading the latest novels. 【答案解析】前后谓语动词的形式不一致。两种改法:要么都用动词不定式,要么都用加ing 的形式。答案为 She likes listening to music and reading the latest novels/to listen to music and read the latest novels. 3. Having been thrown in the air, the dog caught the stick.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】When the stick was thrown in the air, the dog caught the stick. 【答案解析】本句中 Having been thrown in the air 修饰不清楚。答案为 When the stick was thrown in the air, the dog caught the stick. 4. The climate of New Zealand can be very agreeable for you if we don't mind a little rain.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】The climate of New Zealand can be very agreeable for you if you don't mind a little rain. 【答案解析】主语前后不一致,前面出现的人称代词是 you,后面出现的人称代词是 we,因 此需要将前后人称进行统一。答案为 The climate of New Zealand can be very agreeable for you if you don't mind a little rain. 5. Running across the floor, the rug slipped and I lost my balance.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问] 【正确答案】Running across the floor, I slipped over the rug and lost my balance. 【答案解析】running across the floor 的主语是 I,后面句子的主语是 the rug 和 I,前 后逻辑主语不一致,因此应该将前后主语统一。答案为 Running across the floor, I slipped over the rug and lost my balance.Section B Directions: Supply a topic sentence for the following paragraph. ________________________________________________. However, conversational skills can be impr with a little practice. To start with, and in front of a mirror, think of a subject and talk to yourself. It may sound really silly, but it works. Next, seek the help of a good friend. You can then role-play in order to make yourselves comfortable engaging in conversation. Then go out, me strangers and chat with them. At first, approach people in a quiet place such as a book store or coffee shop. Next, when you go to a party, closely observe those people who make friends easily. will help you learn how to strike up a conversation with people in crowded places. In a crowd, t someone who is standing on their own. A one-to-one interaction is easier than speaking in a grou Once the conversation has begun, you will find you lose your shyness and nervousness.[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】Generally, we were born with certain conversational skills. 【答案解析】空格后讲述的是可以改善 conversion skills 的具体步骤等,再结合关键词 however 可知,空格处谈论的是某些或者许多人没有掌握 conversation skill。Practical Writing Notice A notice is written by an individual, group, organization or body to draw readers' attention particular issue. All the required information must be given in a simple, concise, attractive ma so that people notice it. A notice includes at least three parts: →Time (date, day of the week) →Place →Activity Sample ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Village Fire Station 32 North Street Tuesday June 14,
am ― 11:00 am Election of Officers Guided Practice Direction: Write a notice based on the following information. An English Speaking Contest will be held at 9:00 am on Thursday June 14 in the Student Hall. Please write a notice to inform your classmates. 【写作思路】本单元的应用文是通知(notice)。发出通知的可以是个人、组织、团体等,通知应该简洁 方式较吸引人,以便于引起人们的注意。其内容必须包含时间、地点和活动。下面简要列出写作提纲。 1.可以根据给出的范文看出,通知中的句子简洁,都是以短语的形式出现,因此本题通知主体依次为:En Speaking Contest(活动),Student Hall(地点),Thursday June 14, 2013, 9:OO am(时间)。每条横线上 容可单独占一行。 2.本题村料中及有给出具体的发通知的单位,因此可以省略。 Grammar in Focus 被动语态(The Passive)语态是动词的一种形式,用来说明主语和谓语的关系。英语中共有两种语态:主动语态(Active Voice) 语态(Passive Voice)。主动语态通常表示主语是动作的执行者;被动语态通常表示主语是动作的承受者。 一、被动语态的构成和时态 被动语态由助动词 be + 动词的过去分词构成。其中,助动词 be 在人称和数上要同主语保持一致。被动语 种时态是通过助动词 be 体现出来的。被动语态的各种常见时态形式详见下表: 时态名称 被动语态形式 一般现在时 am (is, are) + 过去分词 一般过去时 was(were) + 过去分词 一般将来时 shall (will) be + 过去分词 现在进行时 am (is, are) being + 过去分词 过去进行时 was(were) + being 过去分词 现在完成时 has(have) been + 过去分词 过去完成时 had been + 过去分词 将来完成时 shall(will)have been + 过去分词 当一个句子由主动形式转化为被动形式时,原来主动句的宾语转化成了被动句的主语,原来主动句的主语 了介词 by 的宾语,同时,动词由原来的主动形式转化成了被动形式。例如: 主动语态:Every young man likes popular music in this area. 被动语态:Popular music is liked by every young man in this area. 例句: 例 1、一般现在时的被动语态:Resistance is measured in Ohms. 电阻是以欧姆度量的。 例 2、一般过去时的被动语态:My wallet was stolen a week ago. 一周前我的钱包被偷了。 例 3、一般将来时的被动语态:They will be sent to America by school for one-year study. 学校将 去美国学习一年。 例 4、现在进行时的被动语态:His room is being painted. 他的房间正在被粉刷。 例 5、过去进行时的被动语态:When we got there last year, the station was being set up. 去年我 里的时候,车站正在兴建。 例 6、现在完成时的被动语态:The book has been translated into many languages. 这本书已经被译 种语言。 例 7、过去完成时的被动语态:She was informed that the paper had been signed by the manager. 通知说经理已经在文件上签了字。 例 8、将来完成时的被动语态:By the year 2014, many different means of transportation will ha developed. 到 2014 年以前,将开发出许多不同的交通工具。 例 9、带有情态动词的被动语态: 其结构为:情态动词 + be + 及物动词的过去分词 This work should be done as soon as possible. 我们应尽快完成这项工作。”, The word &bank& can be used in several different meanings. “bank”这个词可以有不同的意思。 提示: ●主动句转化成被动句的前提条件是谓语动词是及物动词或相当于及物动词的短语,一般而言,不及物动 被动语态。 ●主动句中,在 make, let, have, see, hear, watch, notice, feel 等动词后,如果用不定式作宾语补 不定式前一般不带不定式符号 to,但将这些句子转化成被动语态时,不定式符号 to 就不能省去。 主动语态:The boss made the workers work for 12 hours a day. 被动语态:The workers were made to work for 12 hours a day. ●有些主动句中的动词如 accord, ask, assign, give, grant, offer, pay, refuse, show, tell 等常常 个宾语,一个直接宾语和一个间接宾语。这类句子转化成被动语态时,一般把间接宾语(通常是指人的词)转 动语态的主语。有时也可将直接宾语(通常是指物的词)转化为主语。在被动结构中,被保留的间接宾语前通 介词 to。 主动语态:The author gave us a detailed description based on his personal observation of nat 被动语态:We were given a detailed description by the author based on his personal observati nature. A detailed description was given to us by the author based on his personal observation of na 二、短语动词的被动语态 除了及物动词可用于被动结构外,一些相当于及物动词的短语动词也可用于被动语态。如 account for( 解释), call upon(要求), listen to (倾听), look after(照料), rely on(依靠), bring about( 起), find out(找出,查明), give up(放弃), do away with(废除), look down upon(轻视), put with(容忍), catch sight of(发现,看出), keep pace with(跟上), lay stress on(强调), make (利用), pay attention to(注意), put an end to(结束), take notice of(注意到), take advant (利用)等等。 例如: Such failure was never thought of when they first started. All the plans made have now been carried out exactly. Such bad behaviour can never be put up with. 三、主动语态表示被动意义 在某些情况下,主动语态也用于表示被动意义。例如: Your hands feel very cold. You must be really nervous. Clothes iron more easily when damp. In such hot weather meat won't keep long. 四、被动结构与系表结构 被动结构的基本形式是 be + 动词的过去分词,但并非所有的 be + 动词的过去分词形式都是被动语态结构 语中,有些及物动词的过去分词形式可用作形容词,它们放在系动词后面时,就构成了系表结构。例如: The shopping mall is crowded with people, especially on Sundays. (系表结构) The children were so absorbed in their game that they did not notice the passage of time.(系 构) The expressway connecting the two cities is completed. (被动结构) Exercises Directions: Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 1. &Have you moved into the new flat?& &Not yet. The rooms _________.& A) are painting B) are painted C) are being painted D) painted[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】C 【答案解析】译文:“你搬进新公寓了吗?”“还没呢,房子正在粉刷。”本题考查被动语 态的基本用法。the rooms 和 paint 之间是动宾关系,the rooms 是动作 paint 的承受者, 本题要用被动语态。A 和 D 不是被动语态。被动语态的时态和人称体现在 be 动词上,根据语 境可知现在房子被粉刷这个状态一直持续,要用进行时。答案为 C。 2. Because the chief speaker is unable to come tomorrow, the meeting_________ postponed. A) has been B) has C) is being D) will have been [答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】A 【答案解析】译文:由于明天主讲不能来,会议将碑推迟。根据句意可知 the meeting 和 postpone 之间是动宾关系,the meeting 是动作 postpone 的承受者,要用被动语态。首先 排除不是被动语态的 B 项。根据句意,由 Because 从句可知会议“已经”被延期。答案为 A。 3. After careful investigation we find that one of the statements_________ to be untrue. A) is turned out B) have been turned out C) has turned out D) are turned out[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】C 【答案解析】译文:经过深入调查,我们发现其中一项声明是不真实的。Turn out to be 意 为“证明是??”,“结果是??” 。根据句意可知其主语 one of the statement;是单 数,谓语也要用单数,B 和 D 错;one of the statements 和 turn out 之间是主谓关系,A 错。答案为 C。 4. The prices of many kinds of medicine __________ recently. A) are reduced B) have reduced C) have been reduced D) has been reduced[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】C 【答案解析】译文:最近许多种类的药物降价了。显然 the prices 和 reduce 之间是动宾关 系,要用被动语态,B 错;由时间状语 recently 可知要用现在完成时表示降价这个动作已经 持续了一段时间,可能还会继续持续下去。主语是复数,谓语也要在数上与其保持一致。答 案为 C。 5. He returned a week later and found his house_______. A) had broken into B) was broken into C) to be broken into D) had been broken into[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】D 【答案解析】译文:一周后,他回来发现有人破门而入了。根据句意可知他回来的时候 break into 这个动作已经完成,要用过去完成时态,B 和 C 错;又 his house 和 break into 之间是动宾关系,要用被动语态,A 错。答案为 D。 6. These fresh fruits_______ wonderful! A) are tasted C) tastesB) taste D) are tasting[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】B 【答案解析】译文:这些新鲜水果的味道好极了。主语是复数形式,谓语也要保持数的一 致,C 错;虽然 these fresh fruits 和 taste 之间是动宾关系,但一般情况下 feel, taste, smell 等动词要用主动语态表被动,A 错;taste 这个动作并非正在进行,不用进行 时。答案为 B。 7. Once environmental damage _______, it takes many years for the system to recover. A) has done B) is to do C) does D) is done[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】 D 【答案解析】译文:一旦环境遭到破坏,将要花费许多年生态系统才得以恢复。 environmental damage 和 do 之间是动宾关系,要用被动语态,ABC 都不是被动语态的正确 构成(助动词 be+动词过去分词)。答案为 D。 8. Scientists estimate that about 530,000 other objects, too small to detect with radar, _______the Earth too. A) being circled B) are circling C) are to be circling D) are being circled[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】B 【答案解析】译文:科学家们佑计大约有 53 万其他星体也绕着地球转,这些星体太小了, 难以用无线电探测出来。其中 too small to detect with radar 是插入语。根据句意,主 语 objects 与谓语之间是主谓关系,不需要被动语态;另本句陈述的是正在进行的客观事 实,应该用现在进行时,可以排除 C 和 D 项。因此本题缺少谓语,不能使用分词形式,故排 除 A 项。A 项是现在分词的被动语态。答案为 B。 9. I was caught _______the rain yesterday. A) in B) by C) with D) at[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】A 【答案解析】译文:昨天我淋雨了。be caught in the rain 意为“淋雨”,是惯用搭配。 答案为 A。 10. &Where is your hat?& &It was windy yesterday, and it _______off in the river.& A) blows B) to blow C) blown D) blew[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】C 【答案解析】译文:“你的帽子在哪儿?”“昨天刮风了,帽子被风利到河里去了。”本题 考查独立主格结构的用法。其基本形式为名词(代词)+现在分词(过去分词,形容词,副 词,不定式,名词,介词短语)。句中帽子是被吹到河里,应用被动语态或介词 it+过去分 词。答案为 C。 11. At one time it_______ that the Sun moved round the Earth. A) had thought B) was thought C) was thinking D) thought[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】B 【答案解析】译文:曾经人们认为太阳绕着地球转。分析句子结构知 it 是形式主语,真正 的主语是 the sun moved round the Earth ,其与 think 之间是动宾关系,要用被动语 态, ACD 错。答案为 B。 12. There is a police car in front of our house. What do you suppose _________? A) has happened B) is happened C) is happening D) would happen[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】A 【答案解析】译文:我们家门前停着一辆警车。你认为发生什么事情了?题中 do you suppose 是插入语,主语 what 和 happen 之间是主谓关系,要用主动语态,B 错。根据语境 知 happen 这个动作已经完成,要用完成时态,C 和 D 错。答案为 A。 13. All the houses _______by the end of the following month. A) will be repaired B) were repaired C) will have been repaired D) would be repaired[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】C 【答案解析】译文:下个月月底,所有房屋将会被修理完毕。首先从时间状语 by the end of the following month 可知要用将来完成时,指下个月月底之前修理房屋的动作已经完 成; the houses 和 repair 之间是动宾关系,要用被动语态,ABD 都错。答案为 C。 14. It's not always possible to make oneself _______in a foreign country. A) understood B) understand C) to be understood D) to understand[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】A 【答案解析】在国外,并非总是能够让外国人听懂自己说话。make 是使役动词,其后接省略 to 的不定式,C 和 D 错;make oneself understand 意为“让自己理解(别人)”,make oneself understood 意为“让自己(被别人)理解”。根据句意可知此处讲的是让自己被外 国人理解。答案为 A。 15. A body of volunteers_______ to help the people in the flooded area. A) have organized B) are organized C) have been organized D) has been organized[答疑编号 :针对该题提问]【正确答案】D 【答案解析】译文:已经组织志愿团去帮助洪水灾区的灾民了。a body of 一群,一队。其 后加单数谓语动词。答案为 D。 Tips for English Learning Setting Yourself Achievable GoalsOnce you have identified your motivation, set yourself goals. Having goals will help you to identify what areas to work on and enable you to chart your progress. Ask yourself, &What are my goals? What areas would I like to improve?& Think about what your goals are, and review your pro towards them regularly. Remember that it is always advisable to set small, achievable targets. A short time each day produce better, longer-term results than a full day at the weekend and then nothing for two week Here are some goals you could set yourself: ◆Learn 10 new English words or phrases every day, Mondays to Fridays (repeat on Saturdays, on Sundays). ◆Study 15 minutes every day. ◆Read the lyrics of an English song every week and try to understand its main content. ◆Read and try to understand one short English text every week. ◆Read a book a month. ◆Visit an English speaking forum every day. ◆Read a news article on the Internet every day. ◆Do 10 minutes' listening practice every day. ◆Watch an English film at least once a month. Reaching your target step by step is much better than setting a huge target that you cannot achieve.
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