
中文名: 代码阅读工具英文名: Scientific Toolworks Understand 资源格式: 压缩包版本: v3.0.615 x86|X64发行时间: 2012年制作发行: Scientific Toolworks, Inc语言: 英文简介: Understand软件的功能主要定位于代码的阅读理解。界面用Qt开发的。具备如下特性:1、支持多语言:Ada, C, C++, C#, Java, FORTRAN, Delphi, Jovial, and PL/M ,混合语言的project也支持2、多平台: Windows/Linux/Solaris/HP-UX/IRIX/MAC OS X3、代码语法高亮、代码折迭、交叉跳转、书签等基本阅读功能。4、可以对整个project的architecture、metrics进行分析并输出报表。5、可以对代码生成多种图(butterfly graph、call graph、called by graph、control flow graph、UML class graph等),在图上点击节点可以跳转到对应的源代码位置。6、提供Perl API便于扩展。作图全部是用Perl插件实现的,直接读取分析好的数据库作图。7、内置的目录和文件比较器。8、支持project的snapshot,并能和自家的TrackBack集成便于监视project的变化。==========================================下载链接来自sharevirus,未经过安装测试与安全检测,使用者后果自负与本论坛无关软体版权归原作者及其公司所有,如果你喜欢,请购买正版==========================================Understand is a static analysis tool for maintaining, measuring, & analyzing critical or large code bases. From metrics and graphs to dependency analysis, Master your source code with Understand.Basic Metrics* Class Count* File Count* Function Count* Line Count* Blank Line Count* Code Line Count* Comment Line Count* Inactive Line Count* Declarative Statement Count* Executable Statement Count* Ratio Comment to CodeAdvanced Metrics (Partial list)* Cyclomatic Complexity* Knots* Class Coupling* Percent Lack of Cohesion* Path Count* Max Inheritance* Base Class Count* Inherited Class Count* Number of Instance Methods* Weighted Methods per ClassHome Page - 代码
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Understand v3.0.615
Release Date :
Nfo Date :
ssssss????????? ?
? ?????? ?
Num. Disks : xx/22
OS : Windows
? ?????? ?
Nfo Time : 13:37
Rel Type : Serial
? ?????? ?
Cracker : Team Lz0
Archive : lz0*.rar
? ?????? ?
Packer : Team Lz0
Rating : Your choice
? ?????? ?
Supplier : Team Lz0
Language : English
? ?????? ?
Protection : N/A
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
Requirements : N/A
? ?????? ?
: Always use a firewall.
? ?????? ?
Publisher URL : /
? ?????? ?
Publisher : Scientific Toolworks
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
Keyfile / License
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
Cracked .EXE / .DLL
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ? ???
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1999 - 2012
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Understand is very efficient at collecting metrics about the
? ?????? ?
code it analyzes. These metrics can be extracted automatically
? ?????? ?
via command line calls, exported to spreadsheets, viewed
? ?????? ?
graphically, dynamically explored in the GUI, or customized via
? ?????? ?
the Understand Perl API. They can also be reported at the
? ?????? ?
project level, for files, classes, functions or user defined
? ?????? ?
architectures. Most of the metrics in Understand can be
? ?????? ?
categorized in the following groups:
? ?????? ?
Tree Graph
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
*Complexity Metrics (e.g. McCabe Cyclomatic)
? ?????? ?
*Volume Metrics (e.g Lines of Code)
? ?????? ?
*Object Oriented (e.g. Coupling Between Object
? ?????? ?
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? ?????? ?
Important information for site operators and other groups. By the
? ?????? ?
first of April 2012 we will change our packaging ways to RAR/SFV
? ?????? ?
and put the old ZIP/RAR/DIZ packaging to rest. It is long overdue, ? ?????? ?
and this ancient way of packing has no meaning in 2012. We
? ?????? ?
strongly encourage all other groups to do the same - and site
? ?????? ?
operators, all you need to do is to add the 0DAY path to the
? ?????? ?
SFV path of your setup, and your site will during the transition
? ?????? ?
period do fine with both packaging standards. It's time to
? ?????? ?
move forward.
? ?????? ?
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1) Unpack and install.
? ?????? ?
2) Use supplied serial to register.
? ?????? ?
3) Enjoy this release!
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
NOTE: For obvious reasons you should always make sure that
? ?????? ?
the title is restricted access to internet by a firewall
? ?????? ?
to avoid any problems. Further, when running our
? ?????? ?
keygens/patches you might need to run it with admin
? ?????? ?
rights while in Vista/Win7 to ensure that it has
? ?????? ?
enough privileges.
? ?????? ?
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So you are interested in joining one of the most successful
? ?????? ?
groups of all time? Then you might want to continue reading.
? ?????? ?
Not only can we offer whatever your heart might desire, but
? ?????? ?
becoming part of the group will also be one of the more
? ?????? ?
significant decisions you perhaps will take.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
Ever since our beginning in 1999 we’ve strived to make a group
? ?????? ?
that not only is a group of knowledge, but a gathering of
? ?????? ?
people that wants friendship, devotion, respect and fun. Hard
? ?????? ?
work is what has brought us where we are today, and hard work
? ?????? ?
is also what we would expect from you.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
Given the amount of hours we all put into this every day, we
? ?????? ?
like to see our self as a secondary family. We strive to take
? ?????? ?
care of each other and thus – mutual respect is the essence of
? ?????? ?
our group. We never pushed for being elite, as we do not believe ? ?????? ?
that any of us deserve the mark of the elitists. Every member
? ?????? ?
of our group is taught to honor the next guy or gal with the
? ?????? ?
same respect as he or her demands for themselves. The same
? ?????? ?
thought applies to how we look at other groups.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
Are you ready to become part of a family? Do you think you have
? ?????? ?
what it takes? Then now is the time to get up and contact us.
? ?????? ?
Perhaps you will find a new road to follow with us. Open
? ?????? ?
positions are as follows, but if you do feel you have something
? ?????? ?
to contribute with but feel that it doesn’t match any of the
? ?????? ?
open positions, then do contact us and let us be the judge
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
Do you have a thrill to find solutions to various protection
? ?????? ?
schemes? May it be unpacking, patching, finding algorithms
? ?????? ?
or emulating? We’re always open for individuals that want to
? ?????? ?
expand their knowledge in reversing. You are required to have
? ?????? ?
some former knowledge in reversing as we do not tutor people
? ?????? ?
from scratch. Former experience from other scene groups is
? ?????? ?
good, but not a necessity. Unsure if you qualify? Contact us,
? ?????? ?
and we’ll decide based on your qualities. Be prepared that
? ?????? ?
we will demand examples of previous work.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
You’re enthusiastic about coding, you love to optimize and
? ?????? ?
integr we always have projects ranging
? ?????? ?
from smaller ones to large ones that are in need of attendance.
? ?????? ?
If you are joining our family as a coder you will be appointed
? ?????? ?
a variety of projects that will push you to do your best and
? ?????? ?
will probably also serve as a great way of becoming an even
? ?????? ?
greater coder. Projects are ranging from database integrations,
? ?????? ?
IRC bots, and cracktros to tools and security oriented
? ?????? ?
development. Examples of previous work will be required and
? ?????? ?
experience beyond 2 years is also a requirement.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
Do you have access to good titles? Perhaps you work as an
? ?????? ?
engineer, network administrator, or by any other means can
? ?????? ?
acquire the latest versions of what you have access to? Then
? ?????? ?
feel free to contact us and let us know what you have. We do
? ?????? ?
not focus on anything in particular and as such you will find
? ?????? ?
that we do titles ranging from CAD/CAM to more common graphics,
? ?????? ?
music and programming titles – as well as ordinary shareware
? ?????? ?
titles. Contact us today and we will see if your titles are
? ?????? ?
something we’d like to put some effort into.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
You’ve been running a dedicated and well supported site for
? ?????? ?
more than 6 months, the site has grown some reputation and your
? ?????? ?
staff as well as the chosen link location is security oriented.
? ?????? ?
We do not accept sites that are run
? ?????? ?
neither do we accept sites located in United States of America,
? ?????? ?
Germany or Austria. The speed of the site does not matter, what
? ?????? ?
do matter is that it’s stable, it’s secure and above all – the
? ?????? ?
entire site as well as crew is operating encrypted. You feel
? ?????? ?
that this might be you? Then let us know today, and we will
? ?????? ?
be getting back to you shortly.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
You have been running hostin either being
? ?????? ?
BNC solutions or IRC daemons – or perhaps just have some boxes
? ?????? ?
that you might think we can use. You’re an administrator of a
? ?????? ?
network and have complete control over the box, the network
? ?????? ?
area and access levels. If so, then you are someone we are
? ?????? ?
interested to talk to. Keep in mind that we do not offer any
? ?????? ?
boxes residing in the same countries as mentioned under “SITES”. ? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
Remember, we all started out somewhere so do not keep yourself
? ?????? ?
from contacting us thinking you aren’t good enough to help out,
? ?????? ?
let us decide that.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?? ss
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+ L E G A L +
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ss? ?????? ?
Our releases are made to make sure that the end-user is able
? ?????? ?
to fully test a title before going into a purchase as well as
? ?????? ?
give the end-user an opportunity to make backup copies of
? ?????? ?
titles he or she already owns. Please do respect our stance
? ?????? ?
on this and make sure that you buy the required licenses upon
? ?????? ?
deciding to buy the product. Respect the software authors
? ?????? ?
that have put time, money and effort into creating the title
? ?????? ?
you now have in your hand.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
1. You should only use this title for the period of time
? ?????? ?
as you decide if this is the right product for you
? ?????? ?
personally or for your business. Upon deciding
? ?????? ?
that this is the product you are looking for then
? ?????? ?
we encourage you to buy the necessary licenses.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
2. If you already own this title then this release can be
? ?????? ?
used as a substitute to the original disks for backup
? ?????? ?
and archiving purposes. This is convenient if you
? ?????? ?
own a large set of various titles that all require
? ?????? ?
dongles to run and you keep on mixing up the dongles.
? ?????? ?
Our releases have removed those checks and thus will
? ?????? ?
be more convenient to use. Again, this should only
? ?????? ?
be the case if you own the required licenses.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
3. We do not wish for our releases to be widely spread
? ?????? ?
across web boards, P2P networks and the like. While we
? ?????? ?
do know that occurs we strongly urge people to not
? ?????? ?
share these titles at such places.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
4. The group is not involved with the spreading of the
? ?????? ?
release, partial files or any of the cracks. The
? ?????? ?
distribution of our releases are all done by third
? ?????? ?
parties – and as such according to the laws of the
? ?????? ?
countries where our members reside, it is not our
? ?????? ?
responsibility what others decides to do with
? ?????? ?
these releases.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
5. You are NOT allowed to distribute our titles with the
? ?????? ?
intent of earning money. This title is not yours to
? ?????? ?
sell. We, as a group, do not participate in such
? ?????? ?
actions and we plead to those that are thinking about
? ?????? ?
selling pirated titles, reconsider – not only are you
? ?????? ?
hurting us seeing our releases being abused, but above
? ?????? ?
all – you are actually stealing profit from the
? ?????? ?
software authors.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
6. We do not take any responsibility of computer or data
? ?????? ?
loss that may occur from using our releases. Keep in
? ?????? ?
mind that you are using a third party solution that
? ?????? ?
does not come from the original software authors.
? ?????? ?
However we strive to make perfect releases so the
? ?????? ?
chances of something like that happening are slim.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
7. The usage of our cracks is legal in most countries
? ?????? ?
outside of the United States, if and only if you own a
? ?????? ?
complete copy of the program or game. But you are
? ?????? ?
required to read the end user license agreements (EULAs)
? ?????? ?
that comes with the various titles to be sure that you
? ?????? ?
are not violating any agreements.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
According to the DMCA ACT in the United States you have no
? ?????? ?
rights to circumvent any copy protection. Keep this in mind
? ?????? ?
as the penalties for doing so there are harder than if you
? ?????? ?
stole the actual title from the self. Our base of operation
? ?????? ?
however is not located in the states, and thus we are not
? ?????? ?
bound by any of the legislations like “no electronic theft act”
? ?????? ?
“digital millennium copyright act” or “the patriot act”. But
? ?????? ?
you as a end-user might be, so be certain to read the EULAs
? ?????? ?
that you agree to upon installing something to make sure
? ?????? ?
you are not breaking any domestic laws.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
Finally, we do encourage you to explore the open source
? ?????? ?
community. In most cases you will find open and free software
? ?????? ?
that does exactly what you need, and it won’t cost you
? ?????? ?
anything. At the same time you can enjoy the feeling of
? ?????? ?
doing something good, and support the open source community.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
By using this release you agree to the statement written above,
? ?????? ?
and accept that the responsibility to whet ever the usage of
? ?????? ?
this title is legal or not is with you and you only. Make sure
? ?????? ?
that you understand the potential risks of using this release.
? ?????? ?
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If you want to contact the group either for a open membership
? ?????? ?
position, for a site offer or just want to let us know that
? ?????? ?
some release might be flawed, then we welcome your response.
? ?????? ?
However we do not send out releases, files from releases,
? ?????? ?
cracks or information to where you might find this. For quick
? ?????? ?
response you might want to search for us online, if you can
? ?????? ?
manage to wait then send us an email on the address below.
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?
? ?????? ?? ss?ss
UPDATED : 4th of November 2011
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ascii proudly done
by cpN of cRo
ssssss??? ss ???ssssss求百度云的 资源... 求分享!!!_百度知道
求百度云的 资源... 求分享!!!
大哥 问题不明确啊
百度这六个字:百度云 嘿目熊
如果一个人沉溺意|淫或邪淫,脑子里乱想的话,很多身体内的精华就消耗掉了,由于心火重就会消耗肾水,他的眼神一定是游移不定的,没有定力。神不足,精力就不足,一个人肾精不充足,外在的神气就是不饱满的,非常衰败的,同时心情都是浮躁的,脑子都是混乱的,容易做出各种各样的错误决定,这叫做心火亢盛,肾水不足。人一旦出现这种状态,那就是离这灾难就不远了。无论你的事业、家庭、身体,都会出现种种非常不好的现象。看到社会上的婚外情等现象,如果那些人眼光长些、再长些,他们一定绝不会选择这样了。希望每个看到这篇文章的人对照身边的人或事例思考,看看阐述的对不对?不知道有人相信命运吗?古书中讲:两眼无神,眼下青瘀,眼圈发黑:中医认为:“肝开窍于目”,肝肾同源,肾气不足,肾水便不能滋养肝木,两眼便无神,眼圈发黑。肾气充足的人,眼睛清澈明亮,奕奕有神。一般脑子里经常想一些乌七八糟的色情事情的人,眼睛往往很浑浊,两只眼睛像喝醉酒一样游离而没有定力,这在相书上称为“ 桃花眼”,代表好色,一辈子下|贱,命不好。一个人阳气渐渐褪去,阴气渐渐增长,身体的毛病慢慢就多起来了。阳气耗尽,阴气充满,人就死了。所谓阳气,就是身心的健康表现:如精力充沛、身体健壮、声音洪亮、内心光明、爱心、清净、真诚、自在、随缘等等。所谓阴气,就是身心的各种疾病,身体的五脏六腑的毛病,内心的肮脏的、黑暗的、潮|湿的,如贪婪、好色、凶恶、嫉妒、傲慢、嗔恨、生气、烦躁等等,都属于阴暗的不好的内容。 有人或许有疑问:见过不少生意做得不错,各方面都不错的生意人,在这方面的行为相当的不规矩,这又如何解释?事实是这样的:如果他去年赚了一百万,如果他行为规规矩矩的话,他就能赚一个亿!这个比喻,能看明白吧?赚|钱和事业的最大的克星就是不正当性|行|为!一个人消耗完了自己相应的福报,就没有存在这个世界的必要的。这样的例子不胜枚举。1、人气漫画《蜡笔小新》的作者,因在作品中描述了太多意|淫的情节,让无数孩子产生意|淫、邪淫,让别人因此而消耗了福气,那么,这所有负面的一切,都会回到自己身上来!五十一岁的臼井仪人在登山时“意外”死亡。臼井仪人会是自杀吗? 8月10日在日本出版的第49集《蜡笔小新》里面,有一页是小新脸上有着浓浓的阴影,他说“我很快就要启程去远方了……”、“我要在死前,向娜娜子告白”,似乎在预言些什么……2、被古代列为淫|书的《金|瓶|梅》,作者因令兰陵笑笑生的子孙三代为哑巴,后代均不成材,平庸低贱,五世后绝嗣。3、王实甫写的《西厢记》,描写男子偷情私会的情行,导致许多人见了就起邪思淫|念。结果书还没完成,作者自己无法克制,嚼舌而死。……4、同性恋是非常严重的邪淫!中国疾病预防控制中心性|病艾滋病预防控制中心主任吴尊友在接受《国际先驱导报》采访时透露,“前后三轮,我们总共调查了56000多人,基本上把全国男同性恋艾滋病感染的疫情分布弄清楚了,其中西南片区感染率比较高,贵阳、昆明、成都、重庆同性恋感染率超过10%。同性恋所引起的艾滋病传播已经占到传播总数的32.5%。而《断臂山》主演希斯·莱杰在影片中的表率行为由于引发无数观众产生同性恋邪淫,也离奇死亡。这是偶然吗?福报没有了,自然就死亡了!5、花|花|公|子里面的女郎自杀率和遭遇横死的比例非常大,高的惊人。6、欧洲某国的总|理,同样也是因为大量的绯闻而声名狼藉,甚至还在公共场所被人袭|击;可能这些事件的曝光,是由于一些偶然事件,比如修电脑、离奇的车祸、被某人出卖,等等,其实不然,看看那些被情妇和妓女耗光了福气的贪|官们,而养二|奶的贪|官们,得善终的比例又有多少?他们的福气消耗的非常厉害啊!这些都是自己的福报被急剧消耗而出现的偶然中的必然!因为自己的行为,引发别人邪淫的反作用力十分可怕,奉劝世人,万不可找情人,邪淫,或写助长淫风杀戾的文章,否则非但害惨了许多人,更害惨了自己和子子孙孙。 手|淫、意|淫等邪淫非常损害学业事业!先给大家纠正一个误区,就是“手|淫无害健康”。这个所谓“手|淫无害健康”的理论根据是什么?他讲射|出来的的成分是蛋白质,核糖核酸,碳水化合物。经过分析,然后这些营养成分跟一杯牛奶的营养成分是近似的。于是得出一个结论,说“手|淫无害健康”。我们按照这个逻辑来想,好像是没有问题,但是实际上问题非常多,为什么?大家注意,西方的这个理念里面,它只注重分解,分解后的营养成分,它没有注重合成。我打个比方,一张光盘里面所含的信息量非常大,但把这张光盘打碎、敲碎,然后分析它的化学成分,你会发现这张光盘的化学成分,跟一个被人扔了的一次性饭盒的化学成分是一样的,但是一张光盘,充满着各种信息的光盘,跟一个破旧的一次性饭盒的价值能同等吗?肯定不能。那反过来我们问,男人一次射的精,它可以制造出下一代,它所传承的,这个精|子里面所传承的各种各样的生命信息,都是极度的浓缩和汇聚的。,男人射的精可以传宗接代,反问:牛奶可以吗?答案是不言而喻的!所以说这种理念实际上是非常错误的。古人曾经说过,「一滴精,十滴血」,他说的是什么道理?他说人体吃了这么多营养合成一滴精的精华,所消耗的你身体的元气,跟合成十滴血所消耗的元气和能量是同等的,而并不是说一滴跟十滴血的化学成分是等价的!有个年轻人,十一岁的时候染上手|淫,然后射津,迅速的沉迷其快|感当中,无法自拔。最多一天四次,持续八年之久。他给我写这封信的时候是十九岁。他出现什么情况?第一个是骨头痛,全身的骨节疼痛。大家都知道,肾主骨生髓,肾气不足的话,骨骼就非常的不饱满、容易疼痛。他说十八岁的人身高、相貌、体重和一个小学生一样,皮肤黑、牙齿痛、口里面有腥臭味,听力差,智力、记忆力更是差得无法说。这是他第一个表现。第二个表现是梦多,一天晚上做梦三次,睡眠质量极度降低。第三个是全身骨骼细小、酸痛、软弱,无法长久的站立十五分钟以上。第四个是大脑经常眩晕,稍微一转圈就晕得要命,想吐,头脑迷糊,有空虚感,经常的嗡嗡作响。第五点是思考力、理解力和记忆力极度下降。现在赋闲在家,无法继续工作和学习。第六点是手经常抖,手抖是说明什么?是肝不足,肝风内动。第七点是驼背,右肾酸痛,整个脊柱直不起来。第八点是眼睛突出。第九点是头发焦枯、稀疏。我念完这些表现之后,大家很快的联想到一个场景,那就是一个八十多岁老人的表现,结果出现在这个十八岁的少年身上。还有一个年轻人,可以作为现代很多年轻人的代表。他今年是二十五岁,他说我在十年前,初中的时候,我是全家人的希望,我每次考试都在全班前十名,我当时的这种状态,全家人对我的希望非常大,将来能考上名牌大学,能考上清华、北大。结果,在那一年我接触了一个我的朋友,他说我有一个同学,他把我带到他的家里面去,看了一盘黄色录相,从此之后,我就染上了一个非常不好的习惯——手|淫,这个习惯伴随了我十年。自从染上这个恶习之后,他的脑力、体力极度下降。他染上这个手|淫半年之后,学习成绩一落千丈。为什么? 因为按照中医的理念来讲,肾主骨生髓,主掌于脑,“肾者,作强之官,伎巧出焉”。什么意思?就是一个人肾气如果足的话,脑力有两种的体现,一种是记忆力,一种是思考能力。一个人肾气足的话,他的记忆力就强,思考能力就强,他的学习成绩一定会好。现在的教育,刚才各位老师都讲了,实际上是技能培训,而不是真正的教育。所谓技能培训,首先就是你要把这个知识掌握,必须要靠你的理解力和记忆力。假如一个人肾气亏虚、脑力不足,他的理解力和记忆力都会下降。那个小可,就是找我看病的这个少年,他说,我当时染上这个坏习惯之后,我就发现自己的脑子好像空了、木了一样,上课的时候老师在那儿讲,我就好像是就在演电影一样,脑子一点都不跟着活动,而且记忆力极度下降,做题做不出来。导致学业一落千丈…… 邪淫非常损害婚姻! 现在社会很多女子,打扮自己实际上是往妖|艳的方向去打扮,现在很流行的一个词语叫做「性|感」,所谓的性|感是什么?就是能够引起异性的性|趣,把自己打扮的愈性|感愈暴露,以此为美,而不是以此为丑。请大家记住,如果女性的穿着暴露,一方面不仅导致你自己身边的这些男子会邪念重重,浮想联翩;另外一方面,她走在大街上对整个社会所导致的负面影响也非常大,使一个人心神无法安定下来,邪思邪见特别多。而这些反作用力,会丝毫不爽的反映到你的婚姻和生活中去。比如著名的“奥斯卡魔咒”,大家可以网上查查,那些女星当上影后就分手,这是偶然吗?这就是自己的性|感行为,引发了别人的邪念,让别人种下负面的种子,别人因此而消耗了福气,那么,这所有负面的一切,都会回到自己身上来!严重的影响到伴侣关系,如果没有伴侣的,也会严重地妨碍自己找到合适的伴侣。有句话说:“三精成一毒,专伤不洁女”。什么意思?就是三个男人的混在一起,就是一种极其毒性非常严重的毒药,专门伤害那些在男女关系上不清净、不干净的女人。伤到什么程度?这种女人会得一种病,在古代来讲叫做产回头,产就是生产的产,回头就是回头的回头,叫做产回头。产回头用现代的话讲就是子|宫颈癌。这在现代科学都有印证,在美国的一个监狱里面,医生去做调查他发现,从事妓女工作的女性所得的子|宫颈癌的比率,比其它职业的女性要高五倍。另外有人会问,当第三者会有什么麻烦?回答:1、堕胎的机率会非常大;2、几乎是永无出头之日,现在不少人,都喜欢“墙内红旗不倒,墙外彩旗飘飘”,一般不太容易会换掉自己的糟糠之妻,所以,第三者(们)转正的机会非常小;3、由于自己所爱恋的那个人,他所爱恋的对象往往并非自己一人,所以,他/她只对一个人忠诚的可能性会很小,这通常又会引发更多的事端;4、做第三者的过程,是在持续不断的、种下了非常强烈破坏别人家庭以及不和谐的种子,即使后来觉悟了,分开了,哪怕是已经分了多年了,由于种下的种子太多、太过于强烈,第三者们会不断的感受到这些种子所结成的苦果,说直白一点,第三者们通常很难有新的婚姻,而且,即使是结成了新的婚姻,通常也很难得到幸福快乐的家庭!有人可能要问:堕胎也没什么大不了的啊。这是非常严重的错误!妇科病的百分八十都有过堕胎的历史。而且凡是有过堕胎情况的女孩子的妇科病,都是非常非常难治的。按照现代医学统计,他们认为,女人堕一次胎就会降低百分之二十五的生育能力。换句话说,堕四次胎,流四次产,她这个生育能力几乎降到零。西方普遍法律禁止堕胎,比如:美国,英国,法国,意大利,葡萄牙,瑞典,瑞士,俄国,阿根廷,葡萄牙,爱尔兰,肯尼亚,苏格兰。。。 了解一下正确的堕胎常识,不要认为只是个常规小手术。笔者简单描述下堕胎的过程吧:大部分的堕胎是在前十二个星期内进行的,胎儿仍然很小,可以用一个强力的抽吸器把他吸出,这个抽吸器的能力是普通家用吸尘机的二十五倍。抽吸器的力量撕裂或者绞拧胎儿的身体,将肢体逐部撕开,直至只剩下头部来。胎儿的头部太大,不能从吸管中通过,所以堕胎的人需要用钳子插入子|宫|内,攫获这个单独漂浮的头部,然后将它钳碎,直至能够通过抽吸管,那么头部也就被挪走,出来的 时候只是一堆的肉碎。」当抽吸管在子|宫|内转动,胎儿四周的膜和液体马上被抽走,那小小的生物也被撕裂,最后,连接于子|宫表皮的胎|盘也被拔|出。另一个堕胎程序叫做D&E“扩张和吸取”。这个程序通常用在第四到第八个月。子|宫颈被扩大,插入子|宫的不是抽吸器,却是手术钳(好象大工具钳),把胎儿的身体夹着,逐部拧掉,一块一块的取出,然后将脊骨和头颅骨压碎拔|出;扩张不和割除手术中,这把刀子被放置子|宫|内转动,当碰上障碍物,刀子就集中刮擦。换言之,胎儿的手臂可能被割走,腿部被割走,面部被砍碎,头部被砍掉,身体被肢解,切断为很多细块,然后身体各部分和胎|盘被抽吸而出;另一个堕胎手续是「盐水法」……笔者已经不忍写下去了……有人会问:那是不是红颜都薄命?那要说,红颜指的是美丽的女性的话,那肯定不是都薄命,我就见过不少非常美丽、也非常幸福的女人,并无薄命之说,但如果是妖|艳而不端庄的话,那可能就会有下面的一些现象:一、小姐的脾气,丫环的命。由于自身的条件好,不管到哪儿都比较傲慢,种下了太多傲慢的种子,能收获的,也是更多的傲慢和不尊重,如果被不尊重自己的老公、老板、同事、朋友、亲人所包围的话,多半不会幸福到哪里去,看看以前的所谓校|花、班花现在有多少婚姻幸福的?;二、性|感,引发别人的淫思邪念:引发别人的邪念,就是消耗自己的福气,消完了,祸事就来了;三、利用自己的美色获利。其实,能否获利,也取决于她的福气,并不是一出卖自己的色相,就一定能获利,当然,有福气的话,也并不一定要出卖色相,并不是每个女演员都靠出卖自己发达的。有人要问:那么打扮自己,都不可以了?答:打扮自己,要庄重、大方,让人喜欢,而不能让人产生邪念,否则倒霉的还是自己。现在所谓的性|感,无非是想方设法让别人产生蠢|蠢|欲|动的非份之想,让他人有性冲动的感受,即是“性|感”。这样的种子,会给别人带来什么好的影响?而回到自己身上的又会是什么呢?真诚告诫:希望所有曾经犯过邪淫,现在想彻底戒除邪淫的人,为了你的事业和家人,包括后代的和谐健康,真诚希望做到以下几点:1、要强烈地后悔自己曾经做过的一切形式的不正当的性|行|为(不管是身体上、语言上还是意识里);要发愿,尽自己最大的可能,逐渐的减少直到完全禁止,一切形式的不正当性|行|为(不管是身体上、语言上还是意识里);2、男人要正直,坚决杜绝意|淫、手|淫、一|夜|情、包情人等一切形式的邪淫!3、漂亮的女人未必好命,好命的女人一定是有威严相。学会自爱自重,日久自有威严相出。不要做别人的小三。,不要把自己的幸福建立在别人的痛苦上。道德问题,天下最大。你不顾道德,生活和婚姻就在你生命中给你狠狠的教训!4、如果有可能,找到曾经被自己伤害过的人当面道歉、忏悔,或者找一个你信得过的某位德高望重的人,在他面前忏悔;如果这些做不到,那就在心里对被你伤害过人,真诚的道歉、忏悔,并且乞求他/她的原谅;5、尽你最大可能,向别人介绍、推广不正当性|行|为可能带来的危害。若在:非时——制戒律所规定的不应行|淫的日期及时间;非处——指戒律所规定的不应行|淫的处所及“三道”;非女——指同性恋、人畜之间行|淫;处|女——未婚女;他妇——有夫之妇;自身——自身行|淫,如手|淫;这些情况下行|淫的,均为邪淫。   若对:畜生——动物;破坏——已经坏烂的女尸;若属僧——僧人;若系狱——狱中女犯;若亡逃——逃亡的女性;若师妇——师长的妻子;做非梵行,就是邪淫。   已经出家的人,虽已无所系属,但对自己的亲属,王属等作非梵行的,得淫罪。   在恶世时,乱世时,暴君出世时,怖畏时刻,若强令自己的妻妾剃发出家,当出家后,仍同她作非梵行的,得淫罪。   若在三道(指:口道、小|便道、大便道)作非梵行时,得淫罪。   若自己或者与其他人在道路边,塔庙边,祠寺边,大众集|会之处作非梵行的,得邪淫罪。   若在父母,兄弟,国王死亡后守护(守灵)期内,或先与他人约会,或先应允他人,或先接受财礼,或先接受邀请(其目的是为了作非梵行的),得邪淫罪。若在木像、泥像、画像(一解指圣贤像;二解死亡的亲属、王者像)、死尸等边,作非梵行的,得邪淫罪。若在自|淫时或就自己意|淫时,把自己的配|偶想象为他人的配|偶;把属他人之妻,产生了自己与之作非梵行想,这种单方面的意|淫,也名邪淫。   以上所列举的邪淫罪,也哗钉糕固蕹改革爽宫鲸有轻重,如果烦恼重(贪嗔痴比较强烈),则得重罪;如果烦恼轻,则得轻罪。 对于现在这个社会,常见的:用性具自|淫是邪淫;卖淫嫖娼就更是邪淫,邪淫有罪,必有恶报;一|夜|情是邪淫;婚外恋婚外情包二|奶婚外通奸均是邪淫;婚前同|居偷尝禁果是邪淫(没有登记领取结婚证就同|居)。如果再由于这种邪淫引起的堕胎杀生更是罪过无量无边,要在地狱受无量无边的痛苦。希望大家谨慎小心。纵使百千劫,所作业不亡。因缘会遇时,果报还自受。男子邪淫,但是若事后与该女子成为夫妻的话,业障是比始乱终弃要小的。


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