
温馨提示:本视频由...视频: 瞭望系发现“新深圳”之三:科技资金从哪里来,到哪里去[深视新闻]
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1.《历史频道 美国:我们的故事》(History
Channel America: The Story of
·& 状态: 精华资源
·& 摘要:
·& 时间:
发布 | 3月4日
&2010年4月,America: The
America: The Story of Us
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
America: The Story of Us (also internationally
known as America: The Story of the U.S.)
is a six-part, 12-hour
that premiered on April 25, 2010, on .
Produced by ,
the program depicts over 400&years of
(with emphasis on the creation, trials and effects of
new technologies by Americans on America's history and by
implication, the world) spanning from the successful English
settlement of
on May 14, 1607, through to the present day.
Narrated by
for the international version), the series
many historical events by using actors dressed in the style of the
period and
The series was filmed in South Africa, using mostly South
African actors and with a South African directory of
This section requires .
Original air date
Viewers(in millions)
April 25, 2010&()
early settlers fight for survival.
sows the seeds
the north becomes a powerhouse of trade. Tension,
taxation, and resistance explode into war as the rebels take on the
might of the .
's army is near defeat, but new weapons and battle
tactics turn the tide. The colonies declare independence from the
British Empire. Forged through ,
a new nation is born.
May 2, 2010&()
Trailblazing pioneers set out to conquer the west, but find the
land already claimed. Wagon trains meet hardship on the road to
. The steamboat ushers in a new era of commerce, industry,
and unprecedented wealth.
Commerce and industry thrive across the new nation, now one of
the wealthiest in the world. The
brings big
risk and bigger reward. In the South, cotton is king but slavery
fuels a growing divide. Violence flares across the territories and
a stand for freedom. The election of
is a harbinger of war.
"Civil War"
May 9, 2010&()
rages. The formidable Confederate army cannot match the
Union's m railroads, supply lines and the
telegraph become new weapons in a modern war.
unites the nation and transforms the . Native American civilizations decline as farmers
settle the continent. Cattle replace wild buffalo as king of the
becomes a new
American icon.
May 16, 2010&()
Americans conquer a new frontier: the modern city, with 's empire of steel as its backbone.
are symbols of the
for millions of immigrants. Urban life introduces a new breed of
social ills.
America strikes oil and the boom time begins.
brings the
motorcar to the masses and the nation hits the road. Massive
engineering projects modernize the .
Intended to cure vice,
the growth of organized crime in burgeoning cities.
May 23, 2010&()
Boom turns to bust when the . The
blanket the
nation in darkness. President 's
signals recovery.
brings America into . The
war effort revitalizes the nation's economy. American innovation
and manufacturing might invigorate the Allies in Europe and in the
help end the war.
May 31, 2010&()
technology fuels a boom in the economy and the population. American
pioneers conquer new frontiers, from the jet age to the space age,
and run headlong into a new threat: .
In 2001, the
fuel the .
The final episode, "Millenium", coincided with Memorial
Day and, coupled with "Superpower", was broadcast on Monday, May
The following are commentators who appear on the
(listed in alphabetical order):
second man to step on the
& best-selling American novelist
William Bodette &
& journalist and former anchor of
& comedian, actress, and activist
record producer, rapper, actor, and men's fashion designer
& singer-songwriter, musician, and actress
& actor and producer
& singer-songwriter
& former Mayor of
& -winning American historian and law professor
creative director of
& American radio/television host and
Rick Harrison & co-owner of the Gold & Silver
Pawn Shop from History's
& American historian
& American animator, chief creative officer of
& recording artist, musician, and actor
& Former Navy SEAL, weapons expert, and host of
& political commentator and comedian and the host of
& American journalist and
& Chinese-born American architect
minister and
football player
& -winning actress
& American business magnate, socialite, author, and
television personality
& co-founder of
& American fashion designer
& current anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly
The documentary received a 60% approval rating , receiving criticism by many of the people who saw
it for having far too many "celebrities" express their opinions
about the United States, instead of having more historians tell
what occurred at specific events.
America: The Story of Us became the most watched special
in network history. The first night was watched by 5.7 million
total viewers and drew a 4.0 household rating.
In conjunction with the broadcast, the History channel
launched its largest ever educational outreach initiative and is
for the first time offering a DVD of the entire 12-hour series to
every single school and accredited college in America & free of
America: The Story of Us has also been nominated for four
episode Division, in the categories "Outstanding
Cinematography For Non-Fiction Programming", "Outstanding Picture
Editing For Non-Fiction Programming", "Outstanding Sound Editing
For Non-Fiction Programming" and "Outstanding Writing For
Non-Fiction Programming".[]
From America)[DVDRip]
状态: 精华资源
世界上最长的广播谈话性节目Letter From America将划下句点, 这是英国BBC极受欢迎的节目,
高龄95岁的主持人Alistair Cooke每週四将美国社会中的大大小小的社会事件用轻鬆又有知性的口吻传达给远在英国的听眾,
由於幼时居住英国乡下, 后来受英国卫报聘为驻美记者, 又身兼BBC特约记者, 就开始了此节目的撰写工作, 虽然只有短短15分鐘,
但是58年来却见证了美国历史上的重大事件, 从甘乃迪总统遇刺身亡, 水门丑闻, 及最近的911恐怖攻击,
最初仅仅是BBC第四广播电台的国内节目, 后来也在国际广播上播出, 使得他退休讯息传出后更是受人怀念与不舍, 最让Alistair
Cooke生气还是BBC当局居然擅自公布这消息, 使他最后的离别计画也无法完成.
英国BBC World Service 及Radio 4的资深节目主持人库克先生(Alistair
英国首相布莱尔称讚他是「一位伟大的广播人,让人怀念。」并且表示他是库克「美国来鸿」(Letter from
(BBC Stephen Fry In
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Stephen Fry in America is a six-part
television series in
travels across
a country in which he was almost born. Just before Fry was born,
his father was offered a job at , in New Jersey, but chose to turn it down in favour
In the six-part series he travels, mostly in a , through all 50
country that he could have nearly called home and which has always
fascinated him.
The episodes are regularly repeated in the
on , lasting
an hour and twenty minutes due to advertising breaks. It was aired
in America on . In , the program
screened on
each Sunday at 7:30pm from 9 August, 2009.
The ratings were so successful that the broadcaster decided to
finally air Fry's other BBC program,
also guest starred in episode 3 and billionaire media
on episode 4.
Episode list
States Visited
Stephen's journey begins in , before
moving on to the nation's capital where he interviews
12 October 2008
Stephen Fry tries to find out what makes the South so
19 October 2008
A 2000 mile journey up the
26 October 2008
Mountains and Plains
A look at the airborne border patrol agents at the Canadian
border in the mountains of
2 November 2008
Stephen Fry continues his American journey, meeting the people
9 November 2008
Stephen meets activists,
believers and a
journey ends
16 November 2008
状态: 精华资源
分类: & &
Stephen Fry in America
Stephen Fry was very nearly an American. Just before Stephen was
born, his father was offered a job at Princeton University but
turned it down. As a result, Stephen was born in NW3 rather than in
NJ, New Jersey. In this six-part series he travels, mostly in a
London cab, through all 50 states of the country that he could have
nearly called home and which has always fascinated him.
In this six-part series he travels, mostly in a London cab, through
all 50 states of the country that he could have nearly called home
and which has always fascinated him.
Part 1: New World
In this first episode, he explores the states that make up New
England, before heading south to the nation's capital and ending up
at the civil war battlefield of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania.
Presidential hopefuls in New Hampshire, witches in Salem, nuclear
submariners in Connecticut, deer hunters, small time mobsters in
NYC, socialites in Rhode Island, lobster fishermen in Maine, ice
cream blenders in Vermont and card washers in New Jersey - Stephen
meets them all as he takes the road through the autumn colours to
uncover what really makes America tick.
Part 2: Deep South
Here, Stephen Fry explores what it is that makes the south so
distinctive. He joins coal miners deep underground in West
Virginia, meets a young man with the state of Kentucky tattooed on
his butt, enjoys a delirious session of bluegrass music-making in
Tennessee, has an encounter with a bear in the Smokey Mountains,
ascends in a balloon above North Carolina, learns the language of
slaves in South Carolina, is invited into a Georgian family's Old
Plantation house to join their Thanksgiving celebrations (and has
an unfortunate encounter with a horse), fails as a dancing escort
in Florida and is moved by two very different events in Alabama: a
parole board's deliberations and the extraordinary hoopla of a
college ball game, complete with air-force jets.
Part 3: Mississippi
Stephen begins his epic 2000-mile journey up the Mississippi in the
sultry, voodoo soaked streets of New Orleans during its busiest day
of the year - Mardi Gras. He meets a Jewish Voodoo priestess, an
Iraqi war veteran experiencing flashbacks in the abandoned
neighbourhoods destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, down-and-outs not
living the American Dream, and takes a tour through Angola, one of
America's most notorious prisons. In the Delta he gets the Blues
with actor Morgan Freeman at his club in Clarksdale and in Chicago
drives guitar legend Buddy Guy round his old stomping grounds on
the South Side. Forsaking calmness at the Transcendental Meditation
HQ in Iowa he travels to Motown, Detroit, where he gets to drive in
a Model T and the latest Cadillac with its designer before enjoying
the rustic beauty of an Amish farm and learning how to milk a sheep
in Wisconsin. At the river's source in Minnesota he learns how the
Hmong refugees, so far from their opium growing villages in Laos,
are adapting to the snowy wastes before catching his first fish in
forty years on the frozen Lake Minnetonka.
Part 4: Mountains and Plains
Starting with the airborne border patrol agents at the Canadian
border in the stunning mountains of Montana, and ending at the very
different border with Mexico in Texas, Stephen explores the natural
beauty of the Rocky Mountains, and America's breadbasket beside
them. He meets Ted Turner and some of his 50,000 bison, encounters
Wyoming ranchers who have particularly close encounters with wolves
and bears, rides through the snow on a dogsled, overdoses on
carbohydrates at a German diner in Bismarck, N Dakota, and
experiences the Badlands of South Dakota. A ride with a trucker in
Nebraska takes him into the bizarre home of some Kansans in an
underground missile base. Posh Aspen in Colorado is in contrast
with a Salvation Army belly dancer in Oklahoma, while a gala dinner
in Houston is a far cry from a band of Texmex musicians at the
border in El Paso.
Part 5: True West
The high mesas of New Mexico are the starting point for Stephen's
journey through the dramatic landscapes and peoples of the South
West. The physicists at the Los Alamos Lab, who are unravelling the
mysteries of dark matter, contrast starkly to the ecohouse dwellers
living off the grid near Sante Fe. Staying with the Navajo Indians
in Monument Valley in Arizona, Stephen learns to weave a basket,
before heading to the sublime beauty of Lake Powell, and life
aboard a luxurious houseboat. He takes a World War II Flying
Fortress bomber to the "Boneyard" in Tucson, where 3000 military
planes are eerily mothballed, before living out a fantasy by
becoming a cowboy at the Old Tucson Studios. In Nevada he meets
semi-naked Mormon missionaries during their calendar shoot, and is
initiated into the intricacies of brothel life by madame
extraordinaire Susan Austin before heading over the Sierra Nevada
mountains to the Pacific Ocean.
Part 6: Pacific
Starting in San Francisco where he meets up with Apple's design
guru, Jony Ive, Stephen explores the Pacific Northwest. He travels
up the coast to Mendocino to take part in a drug bust, before
joining tree-sitters and Big Foot believers in the Oregon giant
redwood forests. Dope smoking students and edgy cabaret in Seattle
give way to the stark wilderness of Alaska and an unsuccessful
whale hunt with Eskimos in Barrow, the northernmost city of the
USA. On the islands of Hawaii, he meets a real life Magnum PI ,
goes swimming with sharks and paddles with surfers. He then sees
the death of stars with astrophysicist Alex Filippenko, and the
birth of new land as lava flows into the sea, creating yet more
American Future: A History
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The American Future: A History is a four part
documentary series written and presented by
in the UK during October 2008, in the run up to the . The first episode was broadcast on
BBC Two at 9:00pm on 10 October 2008, and it was shown over four
consecutive Fridays.
The series saw Schama travelling through the
he investigated the conflicts from its past in order to understand
the country's contemporary political situation.
Schama presents and discusses both presidential candidates,
from a historical point of view, emphasizing strongly
the former. The documentary takes viewer to an epic journey through
the , but it also arguments carefully
would be the ideal choice as the next president of the
United States.
List of episodes
10 October 2008
American Plenty
A look at America's waning belief in the infinite possibilities
of its land and resources.
17 October 2008
American War
A look at how different the US attitude to war is from what
outsiders assume it to be.
24 October 2008
American Fervour
How faith has shaped American political life.
31 October 2008
What is an American?
The bitter conflict over immigration in America.
International Broadcast
this programme aired with the re-worked title, The American
Future: A History By Simon Schama:
US viewers saw all four episodes combined into two parts on
at 8 pm ET/PT from 19 January until 20 January 2009.
Australian viewers saw these episodes in their original four
Thursday at 9:30pm from 27 May until 17 June 2010.
The American Future: A History
History, Sociopolitical Documentary hosted by Simon Schama and
published by BBC in 2008 - English narration
To coincide with the US elections of 2008 comes this refreshing
antidote to the whir of sensationalist spin and scandal, measuring
up to the seriousness of the moment without diluting the excitement
of campaign politics. After 9/11, after Katrina, Enron and Baghdad,
the robustness of American optimism is struggling to reassert
itself against the sobering reality of military frustration and
domestic anxieties. This is an America grappling with an
un-American sense of its own limits. Turning to fascinating moments
in American history to understand the present, connecting legendary
presences such as Thomas Jefferson, Henry Ford, Mark Twain and
Abraham Lincoln with contemporary soldiers, businessmen, truckers,
schoolteachers and (even) politicians, this series offers a timely
and gripping vision of the United States - past and present -
facing its moment of truth. (ref. BBC Shop)
(c.f. BBC Online TV programme catalogue) Simon Schama travels
through America to dig deep into the conflicts of its history as a
way to understand the country's contemporary political
1) American Plenty
In American Plenty, Simon explores how American optimism about the
infinite possibilities of its land and resources is in danger of
coming to a grinding halt. Nowhere is it more evident than in the
American West, which has always been a symbol of opportunity and
freedom. Oil at 4 dollars a gallon may be dominating the headlines,
but here it is the lack of water that is an even bigger threat to
the American future. The West is in the grip of a years-long
America's optimism about its natural resources has always been
spiced with clashes over conservation going back to the first man
to navigate the Colorado River, John Wesley Powell. American
ingenuity made farming on an industrial scale possible in the early
years of the 20th century but at the cost of making Oklahoma a dust
bowl. The Hoover Dam, a modern American miracle which used to
provide essential irrigation for farming and for the new city of
Las Vegas, is not able to cope with the demand for water any
In 1980, Ronald Reagan's optimism about American plenty defeated
Jimmy Carter's campaign for self-restraint. But in the 2008
election, neither candidate can ignore the challenges facing
America as it enters an era of limits.
2) American War
Shot against the backdrop of the presidential campaign, Simon
Schama travels through America to dig deep into the conflicts of
its history to understand what is at stake right now.
In American War, Simon reveals how different the American attitude
to war is from what outsiders assume it to be. Two of the founding
fathers, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, disagreed about
whether America should even have a professional army - a division
still evident when Simon visits America's premier military academy
at West Point. From the Civil War right through to Mark Twain's
denunciation of President Teddy Roosevelt's imperial adventure in
the Philippines, American wars have inspired profound debate. And
nowhere more so in the 2008 election than San Antonio, Texas,
nicknamed Military City because of its high population of veterans
and serving soldiers, where Simon finds feelings about the war are
deeply divided. As with the great war elections of the past, it's a
debate which forces America to dig deep and rediscover what it
stands for.
3) American Fervour
While the 2008 presidential campaign is in full swing, Simon Schama
travels through America to dig deep into the conflicts of its
history to understand what is at stake right now.
Simon explores the ways in which faith has shaped American
political life. His starting point is a remarkable fact about the
coming election: for the first time in a generation it is the
Democrats who claim to be the party of God. It is Barak Obama, not
John McCain, who has been talking about his faith. In Britain we
have always thought of American religion as a largely conservative
force, yet Simon shows how throughout American history it has
played a crucial role in the fight for freedom.
Faith helped create America - it was the search for religious
freedom that led thousands to make the dangerous journey to the
colonies in the 1600s. After independence was won, that religious
freedom was enshrined America was the first
country in the world to do so. Simon also looks at the remarkable
role the black church has played, first in the liberation of the
slaves in the 1800s, and again in the civil rights movement of the
1960s; neither would have happened without its religious activists.
It is this very church that has been the inspiration for Barak
Obama, who traces the roots of his political inspiration to his
4) What is an American
While the 2008 presidential campaign is in full swing, Simon Schama
travels through America to dig deep into the conflicts of its
history to understand what is at stake right now.
Simon looks at the bitter conflict over immigration in American
history. Who should be allowed to enter America and call themselves
an American has always been one of the nation's most divisive
issues, and it continues to be so at this election. He traces the
roots of this conflict to the founding of America.
The early settlers were themselves immigrants, but they saw America
as fundamentally a white and Protestant nation. Simon looks at the
key events that challenged this view: the annexation of parts of
Mexico in 1848 that made 100,000 non-whites American citizens, the
immigration and subsequent expulsion of the Chinese in the late
19th century, and the massive immigration from Eastern Europe
during the industrialisation of the 1920s. Each time there have
been those who have insisted America must stay white if it's to
stay true to itself, and each time they have been defeated by the
sheer force of history.
John F Kennedy defined America as a Nation of Immigrants in 1964
and Simon argues that the candidacy of Barack Obama represents the
final triumph of the vision of America as a multi-ethnic
Technical Specs
* Video Source: BBC HD h264 1080MBAFF @ ~16 mbps
* Video Codec: x264 r1040M (2 pass)
* x264 Profile: High @ Level 4.1
* Video Bitrate: ~ 4880 kbps vbr
* Video Resolution: 1280 x 720 (AR= 16:9)
* Frame Rate: 25 fps
5.PBS Faces of America
with Henry Louis Gates Jr.
哈佛大学学者Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 在这个四集系列纪录片中探究美国移民的状况。
(文: life_is_good@YDY)
Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr. explores America's immigrant
tapestry as he seeks answers to two simple questions: "What made
America?" and "What makes us?" In this four-part series, Gates
unravels the genealogy and genetics of 11 famous Americans,
including: poet Elizabeth A chef Mario B comedian
Stephen C novelist Louise E writer Malcolm G
cellist Yo-Yo Ma(马友友 国际顶尖的旅美华裔大提琴家); film
director Mike N Her Royal Highness Queen N actress Eva
L actress Meryl S figure skater Kristi Y and
TV personality Dr. Mehmet Oz.
英文名:&Free to
抑或我们是否将有大智大勇和远见卓识去改变我们的路线,汲取经验教训,从"自由的复活"中获益 ?……


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