
求傲慢与偏见 孙致礼版本 最好是电子书
求傲慢与偏见 孙致礼版本 最好是电子书
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淘豆网网友近日为您收集整理了关于从乔治·斯坦纳的翻译四步骤理论看译者主体性在孙致礼的中译《傲慢与偏见》中的体现的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:从乔治·斯坦纳的翻译四步骤理论看译者主体性在孙致礼的中译《傲慢与偏见》中的体现 华中师范大学硕士学位论文从乔治斯坦纳的翻译四步骤理论看译者主体性在孙致礼的中译《傲慢与偏见》中的体现姓名:宋爱情申请学位级别:硕士专业:英语语言文学指导教师:辛凌内容摘要简·奥斯丁是英国19世纪早期伟大的女作家,她所著的《傲慢与偏见》等6部小说,都已为中国广大读者所熟知。其中《傲慢与偏见》是奥斯丁小说中最富喜剧色彩的一部。它构思精巧,妙趣横生,引人入胜,洋溢着机智和幽默。早在50年代,王科一先生的中译本就已受到了广大读者的青睐。因此,重译《傲慢与偏见》就面临着更多,更大的困难,既要避雷同之处,又要在译笔和风格上有自己独特的建树,这样才能为读者所接受。孙致礼先生在动手重译《傲慢与偏见》之初,就曾给自己提出三条要求:一要忠实准确,二要生动传神,三要晓畅自如,所以当他的译本终于在1990年8月底问世时,当即在出版界和读书界引起了热烈的反响.本文着重借鉴阐释学的理论来分析译者的主体性在《傲慢与偏见》的译本中的体现。本文在简要介绍阐释学理论的基础上,概述了阐释学的代表人物乔治.斯坦纳的翻译四(来源:淘豆网[/p-4746555.html])步骤理论,该理论分为译者的信任,译者的侵入,译者的输入,译者的弥补。可以看出来乔治·斯坦纳的翻译四步骤理论与译者的主体性是紧密相联系的。“所有理解和理解的呈现就是翻译,它从信任开始。’’(Steiner,200l:312)信任之后就是译者的入侵,“译者的渗入和提取”。第三步骤就是输入,在这里译者把自己的语言和理解的意义输入到原作中去。斯坦纳提出了译者对原作的侵入和译作输入之后,损失是不可避免了,弥补成为必要,也是积极的。从以上的分析,我们知道斯坦纳的翻译四步骤理论与译者的主体性紧密相连。接着本文用阐释学理论的理论具体分析了孙致礼的主体性在其译本《傲慢与偏见》中的体现。本文分为六章。第一章简要介绍这篇论文的选题,理论基础,所用的研究方法,以及论文的主要内容。第二章介绍作品《傲慢与偏见》及其译本,孙致礼和其译本《傲慢与偏见》。第三章探讨译者主体性的可见性和不可见性。第四章介绍乔治.斯坦纳和他的翻译四步骤理论,阐释学与译者的主体性的关系,乔治.斯坦纳的翻译四步骤理论和译者的主体性的关系。第(来源:淘豆网[/p-4746555.html])五章则是运用乔治.斯坦纳的翻译四步骤理论来分析《傲慢与偏见》的翻译。从孙对《傲慢与偏见》的信任,侵入,输入,弥补来展开讨论孙的主体性在《傲慢与偏见》译本中的体现。第六章结论。从上文分析,我们知道这篇论文从理论上对译者主体性的系统研究将会对后来人们的相关研究提供有意义的参考。关键词:阐释学;乔治·斯坦纳的翻译四步骤理论;孙致礼;译者的主体性AbStractJ锄e AusteIl waus a乒eat wom锄writer iIl me early 19也ce玎加ry En百and.She hadw矗tteIl 6 noVels including P,嚆如口殄d删掰苏磐,Among them,A匾妇口耐A咖破韶w勰her moSt loVcd n0Vel.融彻d P,巧”d沱P h髂delighted aCad锄ic aIld g%eml readersalike with itS intricate na玎atiVe snllcture,sparkling prose,and wit(来源:淘豆网[/p-4746555.html])ty dialogues f折neadytwo hun(hd years.From as early鹪the 1950s,Mr.W’ang Key’s仃aIlslated Version ofn百出口,ld R巧“击∞haS gailled much pref打ence丘Dm readers.Thereforc,锄y personwho att锄pts t0 retranslate the n0Vel will fIace more aIld greater di伍culties.As f打勰tlletr锄slation and style are conc锄ed he haS to avoid duplicating t11e f0硼er Version and todisplay the characte五stics ofhis蝴1.O也ers、撕se,any仃anslation of nle book can not 印ted.Tllerefore,SuIl zhili,before h(来源:淘豆网[/p-4746555.html])e began to retr孤slate,made three delllands formmsel£the first is to reproduce ent faith如1ly aItlle second is t0仃aIlsf打t11e anistic quality ViVmird,to ensure tllat me language goes clearly andsmoomly.h1 consequeIlce,his version aroused a great ech0 in press觚d in ircles弱soon雒it was publishcd i11 AuguSt,1990.nlis mesis will apply t11e meor)r of h锄e删tics t0 eXalI血e tlle SuIl Zhili’s锄nsl撕0n of舭口以尸,咖西∞alld t0 mani五娥Sull’s su巧ec虹V时in 11i(来源:淘豆网[/p-4746555.html])s Version.Based 0ntl坨henneIleutic仃a璐lation缸Ⅺ吼tlle thesis谢U ilI璐昀te tlle representatiVe ofh锄锄e而cs,Geo唱e St咖er’s,Fou疵1d亿麟la:tion Motio玛彻mel弘iIlitiatiVe仃u鸥aggresSion,i11co巾oration pe璐ation.A仃anslator’s删ill me orig砌b0()kc锄铬丘rst because ‘Wl加1derst觚din舀狮d 也e d锄ons仃atiVe stateI]Q钮t ofuIlderstaIlding wtlich is订獬1a丘吗st柏谢tll aIl act of仃ust.,’(Stein%1 998:312)砸sis the r印res%tation of a删ator’s subjeCtivity.After me es me吣lator’sagg陀ssion,tlle“‘incursiVe and ex觚(来源:淘豆网[/p-4746555.html])以Ve’move of廿le tra璐1at订’.F0r t11e tra璐lator“讪ades,ex慨tS锄dbmgh锄e’’me work he仃anSlat懿.(ibid:3 1 4)Steir埘’s tlljMmove,mco印oratio玛ref.ers t0 tlle ST meanin岛ex仃aCtcd by也e仃趾slator in nle secondmoVement,and being brought int0 t11e TL,wtlich is舭ady fIlll of its 0、Ⅳn words andmeaIlings.The cmcial point Steiller makes is mat me蛔poning of me me疵g of me南rei乒text‘‘caIl potentially dislocatc or relocate ttle wh01e oftlle natiVe s咖cttlre.”(ibid:3 1 5)Steiner descr(来源:淘豆网[/p-4746555.html])ibes tlle aggressi、re appropriation 0r incorpora:tion of me me觚iIlg of⑨磺士学位论文—螂TER’S THESISme ST勰a process tllat“leaves tlle original wim adialectically锄i鲫atic residue.’’(ibid:3 l 6)Altllougll tllere haS been a loss for tlle ST'也e residue is posi虹ve.From me abovei11te印retation,we how that G∞rge Steiner,s硒ur南Id motion is closely related t0 me缸I觚slator’s su_bjectiVity.The author will apply Geo玛e steiller’s Follrfold胁nslationmotion t0 i11ustrate Su(来源:淘豆网[/p-4746555.html])Il’s subjectivity rcnected in llis t姗slation of tlle novel^谢台以以dPr£jtlmce.S仃uctually,廿le tllesis will be divided illto six chapters.Chapter One introduces t11etopic,Chapter Two百VeS ageneral in仃℃duction to厅娩口,zd脚f舭岛觚d me eXistingtranslation of tlle b00k,a brief i11uStration of JaIle Austell’s life aIld work.theIl some啪lecessary related t0 Sun Zhili and llis Version of乃哼a酝田耐呦旃c&The visibili哆and inviSibility arecarefully studied in Chapter 1№e.T11e(来源:淘豆网[/p-4746555.html]) i腑iIlSic relation螂锄onghe册eIleutic,Ge0碍e Steiner’s fourlbld traIlslation motion and拄anSla:tor’s subjectivityare discussed iIl mis chapter.Chapter FiVe is me allalysis of Sun’s subjectivity renectedin his Version of尸厂娩口刀d脚讲∞.Underthe guidallce of Geo略e Steiner’s FourfoldTranslation Motion Theory,血e autllor will focus on t11c aSpects of S1ln’s缸ust iIl融口刀d删“砒Sun’s appropriation of Z),‘沈口,zd.≠’'巧“d玉∞,Sun’s ag铲ession i11 p钮sation 断A娩鲫d 蜊妇 ill llis tr(来源:淘豆网[/p-4746555.html])a日slation,w11ich will show Slln'ssubjectiVity specmcally.FromⅡle aboVe allalysis,tllis mesis focuses on nle协蛆slator’s subjecti、,i哆systeI】嘣tically will of王打ref.erential me痂g for the latef r骼earch.1沁y words:H锄er坞Geo唱e SteiIler’s Fbur南ld TI弛slalion MS缸anslator,s subjectivi够华中师范大学学位论文原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的研究成果。除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。作者签名:掳懒魄摊r月叫日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权华中师范大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。同时授权中国科学技术信息研究所将本学位论文收录到《中国学位论文全文数据库》,并通过网络向社会公众提供信息服务。作者签名:军器J惰帆谛歹月叫日导师签名:李叛‘日期:加。孚年f只2,|日本人已经认真阅读“CALIS高校学位论文全文数据库发布章程乃,同意将本人的学位论文提交“CALIS高校学位论文全文数据库’’中全文发布,并可按“章程’’中的规定享受相关权益。园童途塞握变压进卮!旦圭生;旦二生;旦三生筮查!.作者签名:家痨廿裔帆猢年厂月21日导师签名:弘,日期:加好年r月z/日AcknowledgementSMy first a11d foremost appreciation 90es t0 my supervisor’Professor)(in LiIlg forher patient help a11d ins缸1lction on my t11esis.Her leame血ess aIld Vigor in aCadeIIlicresearCh inspired me in the writing process of tllis thesis aIld will beIlefit me much in 111y向ture career.I also owe my special黟atitllde to Professor Zhang Wdyou,Professor Hua XiaIlfaaIld Professor“a0 Meizhen,who gaVe me e111i龇e11ing ideaS alld illsightfhl Suggestio璐du—ng this tllesis、槲ting锄d in tlle paSt ye盯s’academic stlldy aLs a postgraduate.The厅锄ework is fj嘶Shed吼der me guidance of Professor Li Y矾嬲,She is kindandhelpfIll.My heanfelt t11anks 90 to a11 tlle other conScientious a11d respectable teacherS、Ⅳh0havetau出meinmy咖dy.1 would also like to express Iny m锄l【s t0 all my伍eIlds,for mose who have helpedme∞muCll’o丘.盯ed t11e refcrellCe materials for仳s mesis嘶ting and ged me∞nmch to fillish my stIldy iIl me p嬲t years舔a post孕aduate.I锄really tllar墩向l t0 the stafrofme librar),锄d oftlle reference room ofC删C№a N0mal UIlivers咄where I have毹(1uently conSulted me re向ence b00kS.My m锄ks 90 t0 111y br0Ⅱ财Song Dayou,for his help吨me in conlputer aIld someonlcr cmcial m锄咖in缸ly life in my past year aCad“c吣弱apost伊aduate.Finally,myⅡlalll【s 90 t0 Iny husballd,llis encou豫gement in nly paust yearS’study蠲a post黟adllate a11d llis support in the、砸tiI蟮of mis tllesis.1.IntrodUctionThe present thesis discusses the key fIactors maIlif.eStiIlg the伽mslator’s subjectiVitym me translating proceSs.RIl(ing SIm Z11iIi,s choice of source texts in }lisEn酉ish-Cllillese仃anslation works舔弛e】【ample,thc tllesis aLls0 ailIls at finding 0ut:How did tlle subjectiVe f-aCtorS of me打anslator,f.0r i11stance'11is pref.erence,tr锄sl“onchou曲ts a11d锄nslation s觚tegy in the订觚slating process a位ct llis血al product.HenIleneutics is a brallch of p11ilosophy concemed wi也h1】IIlan uIlderstanding andme int印retation of texts.ne discipline锨erged witll the new h啪aIlist education oft11e 1 5m ceIltllry,wim the principles of biblical interpretation aS a簪册eral tlleoq ofintq)retation如al could be app】ied lo an lext t)节es.h虹1e 20m cen呻,ManinHeidegger’s philosopmcal henneneutics ShiRed t11e focus五.0m interpretation t0eXiStential llllderstaIlding,which was仃eated more勰a direct,non-mediated’觚d moreautllentic way of being in tIle world thaIl simply弱a way of knowing.At me be舀n11ingof the 1 960s,a more systematic modem p11ilosophical hemlelle嘶cs w勰brou曲t intoexistence by Halls— Gadam% one of the most i苴:lpon龃t cont锄pora叮r印resentatiVes of hennelleutics.He eXteIlded Heidegger’s work 0n hem饥eutics by锄phasiziIlg the eIIlbeddedlless of 1anguage i11 our ulldergt锄曲】g of our world.h 1 975,Halls— Gad锄er‘s b00k’entitled乃“历口刀d朋台珐D西i删丘ed廿le necessity of11istorical co璐ciousness witlliIl Gad锄er’s anomer ilIlportant conc印t in me metaphor of110rizon.00n8cious awareness is one de五rlition of horizon.‘‘ba奶ng a horizon entailsbeing aware ofⅡ1e liIIlits ofone’s perspectiVes”(Gad锄%).H锄髓础c motion is a model in扛Dduced by Steiner t0 desCribe nle process oflit蹦町tranSlation. ConSid耐ng t量lc act of tmslation in mc context of muIlic撕0n across ba而ers of lallguage,culture,tillle and personali吼SteiIlersubdiVides me‘‘h锄%eutic motion”r印resented by me trallslation process int0 fbllrstages(0r moVes).rnle first move is t咖led‘‘仃ust or缅th”,砌Ch is觚instantaIleous andllllconsciolls aCt主On.Next C0mes‘‘agg溺sion,p锄e妇t主0n or deciph锄e11t’’,ill聃枉ch吐letI.觚slator“iIlVades,eX缸孔ts aIld brings home”the meaIling of me ori西nal.1’lle thirdmoVe is te肋ed‘‘inco巾oration eI】心odimellt 0rappropriative llse’',、7Ir:陆e the南unll锄d丘nal stage is‘‘coInpeIlsation,restitution 0r fideli劬’’He say8 tramlatio璐co删【IloIllylIlisr印res朗t也eir STIS by eitller f越lillg t0 do jus石ce t0 an the aSpects of tlle o一百nal,orby硼舯ellting tlle ori百nal’s e商∞t;the t瑚slator needS to be awarc of也is觚d a:tt锄ptt0recti矽TT’s iIIlbal锄ces.hl translation studies,one of tlle缸l£【am∞tal questioIls is how t0 define the仃趾sl atlDr’s role.Traditionally'it h弱beeIl idelltified舔a meek slave.hl l 887,Y.觚Fuestablished t11e triple tranSlation cdt耐a of“faithJ讪[1ess,expressiveness,aIld elegance,”Wmch have innuenced the Cllinese cont锄pora巧traIlsl撕0n studies.hl light of舭secrit耐a,a仃aIlslator should first of all be fai吐疯lto me ori百nal autllor觚d inVisible t0 tlleta略et readers. Since me“cultuI.al tum’’in the contemporary trallslation studies,仃anslators have moved丘om bellind me cunain t0 me fore丘Dm aIld e a访sible协mslating su_bject.From apllilosopllical perspective,仃觚slator’s州ectiVity consists ofcreativi劬pu印ose a11d p2Lssivelless.Theoretically speal【in岛HeIIlelleutics justi丘estranslator’s creativity'for tlleir bausic notion is that readers are active meamng—pro访dersin tlle interpretiVe process.Against tllis theoretical backgroulld,t:Ilis mesis、析U conduct a qualitatiVe researchon the subiective f.actors ofthe打aIlslator.Textual aIlalysis of S吼Z11ili’s version of融口力d P,讲“西∞will be ca玎ied out as well so as to mld the indication of the砌uence ofmose factors协缸aIlslatmg process.No doubt some people als0 haVe studied me缸弛slation触n otllef di脑ent锄酉es,for ex卸叩le,触n me觚gle of nle刚istic孤alysis of P厂娩口,zd删“舭P.htllis n0Vel,there撇缸errdated cluSters of wordsrenec衄.rcspectively mat舐al Values,such嬲‘f0咖ne’,‘鹪tate’,‘mCome’,‘propercy’,‘c枷age’,etc.It is嘶dent that p—如口刀dp,咖历∞is about也e eCon0Inics of m硎age,and the f.00liSh勰d often eIaIlgerolls consequence f.0r a∞,one Who allows materialconcen坞t0 prevail social觚d moral ones.A∞tllcr e】(锄ple is鹬fonows:Sarc绷is al∞缸iII】lp删soWceofhumor锄ployed by Jane Aust锄,and in融口万d脚舭巳itisusually en‘:0ded wim a social me锄iI】g.‘‘They were of a table f枷1y in tlle norIhof王a cirC眦staIlce more de印ly呻resscd iIl tlleir mem耐铬tll觚tllat nleirbr0廿ler’s fomIne and thcir嗍lhad beeIl aCqund by仃ade.”趟l tlle stl皿es a:bout jW如口材脚西∞诵U o脓髑m锄y import觚t resources for舭la戗erresearch.T11is t11esis砌l eX锄妣缸le maIlifestation of S蛐zhili’s砌)jectiv时in llis versionof n彳如口刀d脚d玉∞,丘Dm me perspeCtiVe of H锄eIleutics,especially eSteiner’s也e0巧of tra璐lation fourf01d仃amslation I∞tion:tlle仃aIlslatI叮’s仇lst,ag伊essio玛p∞etration and traIlslator’pensation.22.j’,玉抛口栉d于’h哆比舭and Its,IYanslation2.1 Jane Austen and n^抛口咒d p’,巧比d缸PJalle AusteIl waus饥c11妒one whell She fillished me manuScdpt for F抛f伽p陀ss硒万sand nearly锄ny-ei出in 1813 when龇novel锄erged in埘nt'就ly fomed,aS朋妇口,ld尸咖舭P.As with its predecessor,&’玎sP口九d&册sf6f矗批Austen e锄ed a small s啪of money wi廿1Ⅱle sale of the novel姐d waS credited弱its author on tlle first—edition titlepage谢th仕鹏e simple words:‘‘By a Lad)r,’.The edition pronlptly sold out,筋did asecond edition printed the s锄e year t11at bore the autllor’s name.From 1 883 tO thepresent,,',‘比如口,zd删“dZ亡P,like all of Austen’s novels,has beeIl continuously in print.011e of the most loVed,觚d widely rcad,pieces of fiction ever publishcd,P厂f如彻d乃巧以玉馏haS deli出ed academic alld general readers alike wi也its i11tricate na仃atiVes仉Jcture,Sparkling prose,and witty dialogue for nea订y two hmldred years.ne novel haS been desc曲ed必a siInple“Cindererlla stoD『,’;edy of m锄ers廿lat riVals Shal【espeare f10r its charaIct甜zation aIld precision of 1狮a social satirethat conlHlents 0n me cl嬲s锄d gellder conditio璐of life in Britain d晡ng tIle e砌yIlincteenth celltu]呼Perh印s me rcaSon so mally reade璐咖totllis b00k time锄d againis t11at its carefIllly cra舭d prose lends itselfto sllch a broad瑚ge of i芏lte印retatiolls.Wimeach reading we disCoVer S0m“ng n哪and皿eXpected.It is a b00k mat grows w油鹏.Thou曲Austen crea_tes aVe巧viVid and卸me而c portI面t of her wodd,tlle St0巧at itsheart is s0 hum趾—也e quest for hue 10Ve锄d happiIles卜卅鼢it们11sceIlds time觚dplace.Wb arc all illtimately acquainted wim也e stmg酉e.脚we ye锄s f.0r a happyendiI培.Austen is credited witll creating some ofme most m锄rable characters in English酞删腑,嬲GH.Lewes noted iIl his 1852 essay,111e Lady NOVelists:‘‰ready 0ne ofAusteIl’S bool【s iS lil(e锄aCtual eXp耐ence oflife:you how the people弱ifyou hadlivcd晰也th锄,and you feel s响eth堍of personal撒tion towa血th锄.”砸s iscen曲1lyⅡ圯c弱e wim Elizabetll B锄etS,me heroiIle of融口槲脚舭巴She isbe砌觚,quick.晰tted’觚d也lDu曲‘‘110t yet one—a11d-俩僦y,”h弱姐衲nic eyc andclad哆of廿lought tllat suggests someor圯m埘m older.Wb tmst l嵫iIlmlediatel弘And3t|lOu曲we may leanl she’s not so infallible勰she seems at丘rst酉allce,she is hum觚,锄d our f.avorable first妇pression is ncver dis印pointed.2.1.1 The life experience Of Jane Austen and her place in Hterature2·1·l·l A brieI Ule story Ol Jane AustenJalle Austen()w舔bom iIl SteV伽Lsoll,a small HaIllpsllire town in soum…cen仃al England,of a count巧clergyman’s f.撇ily.She receiVed no onhodox educationa11d remained u珊Q秭ed,aIld led aIl uneventml life of南rty-odd yearS at her natiVe placea11d in t11e small towns nearby,paying only occasional Visits t0 London.She伊ew up inme midst ofher fat王lcr,s pupils飙d a‰ily who all loved books,which nu咖red herkeen interest ill literatIlrc.She began、砌ting f.0r her own amusement a11d to tlle delight ofher f.锄ily circle,at aIl e砌y age(about南uneen),and mally of nle hi曲一Spirited a11dsparkling bunesque tales later bec锄e noVels after numerous a11d careml rewritings.Perhaps it waLs in l 795 mat she decided to tal(e novel·wTiting s嘶ously.She usuallywrote iIl t11e f.觚ily’s sitting room aIld hastily coVercd witll a blottcr when someone如tered.Before t11e锄d of 1 789,she had p1锄ed,谢tten and revised tlle st耐es whichwere finally issued.However,“waS,aRer s甜iI玛at Ch撕玛dllringtlle 1嬲t ei曲t yearsof her life mat all her novels were缸ally pm i11to shape锄d p弱sed by her m狐lrejud鲫ent,Ⅵ,hen—also fbnImately for herself觚d衙Enghsh htamIlre_.she w觞able t0securepublication pmCtically pletion.T11is pefiod of rem碰【able activi哆beg姐w油卸1ple re、,isio嬲o£&邶P绷d&淞f6f均,Qubhshcd ill 1811)and n呵如伽d删“讲cP(18 1 3).Anotller tw-0∞vels:R邪材船fD万口刀dⅣD砌口增订彳66秒were publishedpo妯砌ously(1818).,I.here iStenCy iIl恤work of e砌y锄d laterperiods,m破ed by a certaill mello、)lring tone in her later writiIlgs.hl 1817,Jane Austell broke d伽m锄d w勰taken t0 WinChes嘧iIl search of the bestmedical ad访ce.On 1 7伪July she died ill peace,wi廿10ut passing h髓forty-second yeaLHcr real ident时w弱not made h佣,ll t0 tlle public llIltil a ye盯af【er her death.1’11erecogllition of her talents弱a conscious anist was slow ing. Jane Austen’s place in English LiteratlIreAs a supr锄e prose stylist,Jalle AusteIl h勰secured a l笛ting plaCe in En班shliterature.Unlike her conteI】叩ora巧、Ⅳriters、)l,:ho were more 0r less innuellced by meI己cvolution狃d inv01ved ill t11e des嘶ption of伊eat cvents of tlle er如She w舔me first4播放器加载中,请稍候...
从乔治·斯坦纳的翻译四步骤理论看译者主体性在孙致礼的中译《傲慢与偏见》中的体现 华中师范大学硕士学位论文从乔治斯坦纳的翻译四步骤理论看译者主体性在孙致礼的中译《傲慢与偏见》中的体现姓名:宋爱情申请学位级别:硕士专业:英语语言文学指导教师:辛凌内容摘要简·奥斯丁是英国19世纪早期伟大的女作家,她所...


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