
出门在外也不愁U.S. Chicken Wing Eating Championship - Buffalo Chicken Wing FestivalBuffalo Chicken Wing Festival
U.S. Chicken Wing Eating Championship
The U.S. Chicken Wing Eating Championship will be held on Sunday, September 6, 2015 at 5:00PM. This is a sanctioned I.F.O.C.E (International Federation of Competitive Eating) event.
To register visit the I.F.O.C.E website .
2014 US Chicken Wing Eating
Championship Contestants
Info available through the I.F.O.C.E. website .
2013 US Chicken Wing Eating
Championship Contestants
1. Joey “Jaws” Chestnut, #1, San Jose, CA
2. Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas, #3, Alexandria, VA
3. Miki Sudo, #7, Las Vegas, NV
4. Eric “Badlands” Booker, #12, Selden, NY
5. Michelle “Cardboard Shell” Lesco, #14, Tucson, AZ
6. Buffalo Jim Reeves, #18, Boston, NY
7. Yasir Salem, #19, NYC
8. Steve Hendry, #22, Dixon, CA
9. Crazy Legs Conti, #23, NYC
10. “Big” Brian Subich, #29, Johnstown, PA
11. Mike Landrich, #36, Fredonia, NY
12. Amateur Winner from Saturday
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The idea for the festival came from a movie called Osmosis Jones. Bill Murray starred as a compulsive eater with a goal of attending the Super Bowl of junk food, The National Buffalo Wing Festival.
Ironically, there wasn't one.
That is when native Buffalonian Drew Cerza, now affectionately known as the Wing King decided to make it happen back in 2002. This is a case of Real Life knocking off Hollywood!
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Baaaaah, I don't need your approval.
Because I speak it, but illiterate in Spanish. Years in food industry will do that.
Forgive me for not knowing how to spell it but it sounded like groja and comes from a smaller dialect, not Spanish proper.
Haha. If I wanted to humblebrag, o wouldn't be doing it to a bunch of internet strangers.
She was told the word she said meant &cute girl& because immediately after she was told by a native speaker what she actually said she yelled &fucking Pablo!& In frustration.
Well, it's a second job that I usually go to after the first so I don't talk much because I'm tired and they assume I don't speak Spanish. I'm very lively on Saturdays though.
She most certainly is cute.
Edit: typo
856857858 ()loading...ITT: movies I love.
Sexting. Lots of it.
This super pretty Latina girl at work. Yeah, she's too young for me and too pretty to be seen with this mutant.
Why, thank you! I work in an office with my brother and about 50 women and when we start ripping into each other, everyone finds it funny. We've won awards for our comedy.
Fair enough.
You say 'kinky' as though it's a bad thing.
Will two 12 inch subs due?
You, I like you.
Just sing lead on Kool and the Gang's &Ladies Night& and it'll all be good in the hood.
Falsetto it is!
Dark Side or I Wish You Were Here?
Not picking-up the sarcasm of the thread, eh?
You're the vagina version of the Soup Nazi.
Too clumsy and lacking dexterity to do that. End up looking like a fool. Sorry to disappoint.
I'm pretty sure there's a considerable amount of men in the line too.
helpapps & tools&3Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our  and . & 2015 reddit inc. All rights reserved.REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc.Chicken Drumsticks
1. Ingredients: 6 Chicken drumsticks, 2 oz Butter ( softened ), 2 tbsp Shallot ( minced ).
材料: 鸡下腿6只 、 牛油 ( 软身 ) 2安士 、 乾?茸2汤匙.
2. Wash chicken drumsticks . Drain . Marinate with turmeric powder and salt. Set aside.
鸡腿洗乾净,沥乾水份,用黄姜粉和盐略腌, 备用.
3. Mix softened butter and shallot together. Put the butter under the skin of the chicken drumsticks.
鸡腿排放上烤盘, 放烤炉内烤至金黄,反转,续烤至熟透及金黄(期间不断扫上牛油溶液混合物),便可上碟.
4. Wash chicken drumsticks, pat to dry. Add seasonings, marinate for about 15 minutes.
鸡下腿洗净, 轻轻印乾. 加入调味料, 腌约15分钟.
英语肉类单词_爱问知识人 ... 鸡胸肉 Fresh Grade Breast 小鸡腿 Chicken Drumsticks 鸡翅膀 Chicken Wings.
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西餐香料大全 ... 小鸡块 chicken fryer 鸡小腿 Chicken Drumsticks 鸡翅 Chicken Wings.
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1. 芝麻甜酱烤鸡腿
Ham with Apple Sauce 苹果汁烩火腿Teriyaki Chicken Drumstick with Sesame Seed 芝麻甜酱烤鸡腿Gratinated Seafood with Mushroom and Cheese 蘑菇起司焗海鲜Ham with Apple Sauce 苹果汁烩火腿Teriyaki Chicken Drumstick with Sesame Seed 芝麻甜酱烤鸡腿Gratinated Seafood with Mushroom and Cheese 蘑菇起司
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1. 樱花招牌炸鸡腿
Achar 亚紥Sakura Fried Chicken Drumstick 樱花招牌炸鸡腿Sambal Petai 马来银合欢
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Chicken Sausage 鸡肉肠Grilled Chicken Drumsticks 扒鸡腿Deep-fried Chicken with Lemon Sauce 西柠软鸡
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1. 香辣鸡腿
... 5. Hot and Sour Pork Chop 酸辣猪扒 6. Spicy Chicken Drumstick 香辣鸡腿 7. Stir-Fried Vegetables 清炒时蔬.
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
Chicken Drumsticks
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