如何写一篇出色的CV和cv cover letterLetter

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帮您写CV简历,Cover Letter,100% 满意保证
本帖最后由 stevebaobao 于
09:17 编辑
所有CV和Cover Letter都是100% 质量保证,100% 满意保证!
本人洋人上市公司工作,对于如何撰写一份优秀的CV有深刻的体会,最了解什么样的CV对申请人最有利。竭诚为大家服务。深刻挖掘,量身定做,针对性强。绝非网络流传的简历模版可比,绝非那些无HR经验的人拼凑出的CV可比。6 \6 V* E4 w" D4 h0 E3 v, S' z9 \
&&]0 ^6 q9 Y; l
本人只写英文CV,特别针对本地洋人公司。: s- ]2 p% s4 b
欢迎咨询 :& V2 @0 o6 ?0 f5 O% U, M. l
手机: 048 149 0395 (短信必复)6 s$ E8 u* F( X4 s( E4 O2 d: [7 K3 `
或加我的微信:KeithCV & &
完成后再付款;不满意不收费。一切请您放心!$ i5 O&&`" ?" T0 O
实践证明 Google 搜索出来的CV太简单且脱离实际,它只能解决您有无CV的问题,无数人都在递交这样的CV根本不能突出您的优势。 而我要给您的是一份最优秀的CV,一份能够最大程度帮您脱颖而出的CV。
CV写作最重要的是经验而不是人种。一份优秀的CV绝对不是只要英语好就能写出的,因为它不是简单的文字罗列。否则任何一位英文作家都是CV高手了。" _* V3 N&&s0 Y3 V
它需要对申请人的专业背景有着深刻的认识,还要充分理解 工作经验要求,技能要求,甚至还要考虑当时的人力市场,职位概况,公司背景等诸多因素。尤其是对将要走出学校的学生来说,即使是经过学校指导或是洋人朋友改过的CV,如果没有这些认识和考虑就绝对不是优秀的CV。
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3秒自动关闭窗口英文简历的Cover Letter,怎么写?
英文简历的Cover Letter,怎么写?
08-10-07 & 发布
从广义上来说,cover letter是指在正式文件之前的一封简短的说明信。例如你要通过传真发一份文件 在该文件的最前面要附一cover letter,说明你要发的文件等等简短的几句话即可。它不是仅仅局限在求职信中,它的应用范围很广。不过一般我们说到cover letter,总是和求职有些关系。在求职中,cover letter就是你给应聘单位发简历时,一封标有招聘公司/招聘人/地址等抬头的信,内容是从哪儿得到招聘信息,自己最大的优势所在,对招聘职位的适合程度,对招聘人的感谢等。cover letter其实和resume一样重要,因为有些老板只看cover letter,没兴趣就把package一并丢到垃圾桶里。详情请看下面参考资料。
Cover letters are necessary when sending your resume in the mail, but remember to keep your cover letter short. A cover letter's purpose is to obtain an interview, not tell a lengthy story. The focus should be on your qualifications, and setting up an interview. It also sends a positive message to the employer that you are truly interested because you took the time to write an individual letter. A general cover letter is often addressed Dear Employer, (with date omitted) and emphasizes your qualifications in hopes that a position will be available to utilize your skills.
Dear Recruiter:
Hello!I was in Guangdong Vocational and Technical College of Light Industry, Department of Economics, a computerized accounting profession graduates. Am honored to have the opportunity to you brought to my personal information to participate in social occasion, in order to find the lineTheir interest in the work of professional and give better play to their talents and realize their life values, would like you to make one yourself.
My name is xxx, 1985 was born in the beautiful coastal city of Chaozhou. Home the simplicity of customs, I created a sincere and painstaking efforts to progress is my belief, love widely, boldly accept the challenge, Active, healthy, cheerful, optimistic, sincere, careful and willing to study, perseverance, love of my communication features, good expertise and a strong sense of team identity is the first in my life, wealth.
University for three years, I only focus on the basics of learning, but also the importance of personal ability. Strict lessons in schools and individual efforts, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, a comprehensiveSystem completed, including financial accounting, budget accounting, cost accounting, management accounting, accounting information system, including a series of accounting professio possess a certain degree of English listening, speaking, reading and, Writing and tran familiar with the computer's basic operations and common understanding of the basic etiquette of external work. At the same time, using all kinds of spare time reading books, broaden their horizons, increaseLong exposure to enrich themselves, develop their own multi-faceted skills so they can keep pace with the times. In addition, repeated use of winter and summer vacations and other time, leave school to experience community, engaged in several sexualQuality of different part-time work, so that his close contacts with society and to experience life and learn to communicate with others to get along, in order to be able to really get out of the community as soon as they prepare to adapt to new social environment. SchoolPeriod, served as Ministers of the Organization Department, classes such as group secretary office, a busy work for me to learn how to better serve others, let me know how efficient and effective completion of work, let me get valuableExperience in organization and management planning, so that his eloquence and courage to be a good exercise, is still a debate organized by the Department won the championship race.
I love my choice of the accounting profession, sincerely hope you have a lead and under the guidance of this cause, for you who contribute to a force, and in the course of the work is notBroken seek self-improvement, their expertise to realize the value of life. The opportunity to leave the prepared mind, and I have been ready. I hope you give me such an opportunity. No matter whether you are the last electionOptional I have please accept my most sincere thanks!I wish you were the cause of flourishing!Sincerely
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