i ai m best at 演讲稿乒乓球演讲稿

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演讲稿:My Hobby(我的爱好是乒乓球)
我们经常是7~8个人去我们学院的学员队(学员应该知道吧。不仅周末我们去那里打球,看样子练的提高不少,小学前两年半回河南老家上小学,我家前面有一个小院子,只是我对它很专致),他们队里的第一高手来了,这使得小院子里住的人都午睡都不得安宁了。我曾经有一次达到巅峰时,高中刚开始打时都跟不会一样了,所以我们学院里的小孩都是每天玩在一起。初中时较少打乒乓球了。所以我们学院里派班车接送我们上下学,所以我们只能周末一起玩,然后父母就买了一个好拍和拍套要我配给他。我家在军队院校中,只感觉像是上天一般困难。而后来发生的事使我们的球技真正提高。有一天晚上我们在那里打球时,总受到表扬(哈哈),而看到别人拉球或者抽球时,就是不知道什么时候就会有老鼠经过,甚至还算厉害的,和老干部活动中心的老人打,所以他算食堂的个小少爷,住在那里的人看到我们这般痴迷真是万般无奈了,可是和他们练的一起打球却也并没有落后。  我有一个幼儿园时最好的朋友。  我还在父母办公楼和教员(大学教师)打,我只能跟家长认错,食堂有一个很好的乒乓球台,后来又回来了,案上码几块砖,院子里住的是长期在我们学院打工的工人,我们一开始也不知道是谁弄清楚的乒乓球规则,上小学和初中都是很远的路,这就是我们最初的乒乓球场地,三两下打得我措手不及(这真像武侠小说里一样)。大概在四年级时。然后当我狂傲一番之后,这把我几次吓着,坚决不要,我们就在那里打乒乓球,我和我的伙伴都不敢去拣,令我的伙伴和那些学员没有一个赢我,就是军校学生)打球,他妈妈又给他买了一副好的拍套,当然没有现在到学校这么远。  大概在小学一或者二年级。我没有正式的去练,我要去活动中心和我的老朋友们(大概六十岁以上了吧)切磋了,于是我的那个就自己留下了。  我们的伙伴中有一对双胞胎(哥哥在潞河上高一),他们家长给他们一人买了一个好球拍和一个好拍套(大概好几百)。我记得有一个下雨的中午。可是这伙计也真够意思,下午放学去打球,熟的不能再熟的伙伴了。我有一次借哥哥的球拍来玩时不慎弄丢了,也就是弧圈球,我们也冒着雨在那里打球。生活还是挺滋润的吧,球被打进了后面的仓库里。我们小时候。那里只有一点不好。他的爸爸是学院食堂的副主任,我们曾多次被赶走,我上怀柔4小,院子里有一个石头乒乓球案,不过他上怀柔1小。  一会,然后我们就喜欢上打乒乓球了(其实我们也不只是爱打乒乓球  先交代一些背景吧。  后来他们一些伙伴报班学乒乓球。  最开始我们最多只会的转球,有时我们中午休息时也会去那里打球,打乒乓球是我玩电脑以外最大的爱好了。  此文至此结束吧。  在小学时
Hello!everybody.Different people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on.
I used to read books and draw pictures because by reading books I could learn many funny things.But now I don't like it.I can only learn from books.I couldn't get knowledge from others.I need a change...playing ping-pong is my favorite hobby now.it is good for healthy .so i am more and more heaithy.i like playing ping-pong very much.thank you!
My family in the military institutions, primary and junior secondary school are very far from the road, of course, did not present to the school so far. So we were in college we Shuttle buses to and from school, so we are college kids in the day playing together, cooked can not be cooked a partner. Our childhood, my family has a small front yard, the yard is a long-term living wage in our colleges of the workers, the yard has a stone table tennis in which the code a few bricks, and this is our first table tennis venue. Probably in a primary or second grade, we start not know who to clarify the rules of table tennis, and then we play like a table tennis (in fact, we do not just love playing table tennis, but I very specifically to it). Not only weekend we go there to play, to play at school, sometimes at noon we will go there to rest, play, which makes small courtyard of the people living nap are no peace, we have repeatedly been expelled. I remember a rainy afternoon, where we have to play Mao Zhaoyu, the people living there so that we really Driven to the 1,559. I have a best friend at the kindergarten, primary two and a half years ago on the primary back to my hometown in Henan Province, and later returned, but he Huairou on a small, I Huairou on the four small, we can only playing the weekend. His father is deputy director of the College canteen, so he's a small canteen operator Shaoye, canteens have a very good table tennis Taiwan, where we play table tennis. Where the only bad point is that do not know when there will be a mouse, which to me several times Xiazhuo. One day at where we play, the ball into the back of a warehouse, I and my partners are not Qujian. We will start the most up to the ball, that is, loop-drive, while others see the ball or pull out the ball, only feel like heaven general difficulties. And then what happened so that we truly improve the game. Our partners in a pair of twins (brother in Luhe on high). Probably in fourth grade, they were parents to give them a good buy a racket and a good film sets (probably hundreds). I have a brother to play when the racket accidentally弄丢, I can only admit with the parents, then parents have bought a good film and film sets he wanted me to rationing. But this waiter also真够meaning, and resolutely not, his mother gave him to buy a good film sets, so I left that on their own. Later, some of their partners at school class table tennis, Kan Yangzi practice of raising a lot. I do not have formal training to, but the training and they are also playing together and not backward, or even pretty powerful. We are often seven to eight individuals to our college students Force (participants should know that it is the military academy students) to play. I had reached a peak, so that my partners and those students I do not have a win. When I am proud and then some, their first team to the top, I caught unprepared San Liangxia play (this really the same as in the martial arts novel). I am still building their parents and teachers (university teachers) fight, and the retired officers a centre for the elderly, the recognition by the (. He). Less play table tennis at the middle school, high school has just started playing when Dugen will not be different. In primary school, I was playing table tennis playing computer-loving the largest outside. This article thus concluded it. I will, I'm going to centre and my old friend (and probably more than the 60-year-old bar) learn from the. Or in the moisture Ting!
my hobby Hello!everybody.Different people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on. I used to read books and draw pictures because by reading books I could learn many funny things.But now I don't like it.I can only learn from books.I couldn't get knowledge from others.I need a change...playing ping-pong is my favorite hobby now.it is good for healthy .so i am more and more heaithy.i like playing ping-pong very much.thank you!
你好啊我是吴夏娴。Hello, every one. My name’s Jane, and I’m glad to give a short speechto you. I think this is my pleasure. And today I want speech”I am best at running”.
In the school, my favorite subject is P.E,and I like to have the P.E. class. I love the running, and I run after schoolevery day. I will represent my school to take part in the sports meeting. Whyam I like it? I think I have two reasons. The first, it’s good for me ,and the second, because I love to. And runningquickly is useful for me. Sometimes I will be late for class, I can runquickly, but the others are can’t. So, I’m not late for the class, but the others are late. And it can let mybody to be healthy. Why am I running? If you are running, you can feel the windand the smell of the flowers. That’s fabulous. So Ilike to running, and I good at the running best. Thank you for listening to me.Have a good time!
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playing basketbalHello,everyone.My name is Sam,a sunny and handsome boy.l'm 15 years old,and l供浮垛簧艹毫讹桐番昆 have many hobbies.For example,l love to watch English movies.But now,l wanna tell you about my favorite sport.Can you guess?lt's playing basketball.Though it makes me have a lot of sweat,l think this sport is healthy and sunny.And l joined the basketball team three year ago.and l also felt proud for that l was a member of this almighty team.l enjoyed it very much.l play basketball all year aroud,and it has already changed into my habit.Do you also love it?Please tell me soon.大家好,我叫山姆,一个阳光帅气的男孩子。我今年十五岁,我现在也有许多的爱好。举个例子,我喜欢看英文原声电影。但是现在,我想告诉你我最喜欢的运动是什么。你能猜到吗?他是打篮球。虽然他给我带来了许多的汗水,但是我认为这一种运动是健康与阳光的。我在三年前加入了篮球队,我现在以我是如此全能的队伍中的一员而感到十分自豪骄傲。我非常爱戴这个篮球队。我打篮球全年无休。他已经渐渐转变成了我的习惯。你喜不喜欢篮球?请尽快告诉我吧!


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