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国兴优秀采购信息TTC课程&中国兴衰史&(the fall and rise of China)课程字幕和视频  主讲人是加州大学的Richard Baum  课程分48集,从公元700年,讲到2009年,涉及了有关中国的所有大事.  至少在我看来,他的立场相当客观,看得触目惊心,同时也深感孤独,  希望能找到有共鸣的人,对此课程有兴趣的加QQ群:  186  00:00:10,960 --& 00:00:16,720  我们在课程开始的时候,引用了拿破仑的这样一句话:    186  00:00:16,960 --& 00:00:26,720  让中国这头雄狮睡觉吧,一旦醒来,他将震动世界    186  00:00:26,960 --& 00:00:31,720  在我们总结课上,我们回到拿破仑的预言    186  00:00:32,960 --& 00:00:39,720  中国的共产主义革命胜利已经过去了60年了    186  00:00:39,960 --& 00:00:46,720  邓小平开创性的"改革开放"也过去了30年了  186  00:00:47,460 --& 00:00:50,720  这个沉睡的巨人已经醒来  (有时用巨人,有时用的狮子)  186  00:00:50,960 --& 00:00:55,720  尽管它还没有放声咆哮,但是至少声音已经可以听到了  186  00:00:55,960 --& 00:01:00,720  那是在北京的领导反复声明:  186  00:01:00,960 --& 00:01:03,720  中国的掘起绝对是有益于世界和平的  186  00:01:03,960 --& 00:01:07,720  多疑的西方领导却质疑:  186  00:01:07,960 --& 00:01:16,720  这头醒来的雄狮在国际舞台上能否  展现它的和平意向,做一个负责任的游戏参与者  186  00:01:16,960 --& 00:01:24,720  作为总结课程:我们集中探寻  中国作为一个国际巨星的星途  186  00:01:25,960 --& 00:01:30,720  30多年以来,美国的外交政策  186  00:01:30,960 --& 00:01:37,720  一直试图促使中国加入全球国家的社团  (我理解的意思就是让中国变成一个主流的民工法制国家)  186  00:01:37,960 --& 00:01:40,720  抱了很大的期望,更多只是希望  186  00:01:40,960 --& 00:01:46,720  一个少些敌意,少些教条的,更多合作的世界性的中国  186  00:01:47,960 --& 00:01:52,720  这个乐观的情节在今天看来,有多好?  186  00:01:52,960 --& 00:01:54,720  没有一个简单的答案  186  00:01:54,960 --& 00:01:58,720  专家中的意见也有很大的分歧  186  00:01:58,960 --& 00:02:07,720  一方面,掘起的中国在国际事务中的言论  通常是:警告的,不对抗的  186  00:02:09,060 --& 00:02:12,620  关于重大的台湾问题  186  00:02:12,860 --& 00:02:15,620  中国的政策一直是强硬而不让步的  186  00:02:15,860 --& 00:02:22,620  共产党在外交政策上  展现了相当大的灵活性和务实性  186  00:02:23,860 --& 00:02:31,620  在过去的30年中,中国的外交政策一直在  逐步的调整和适应  186  00:02:31,860 --& 00:02:35,620  总的来说,结果令人印象深刻  186  00:02:35,860 --& 00:02:42,620  另外一些重大的改变就是,  中国遗充了革命性的毛泽东意识形态  186  00:02:42,860 --& 00:02:45,620  接受了自由市场经济的原理  186  00:02:45,860 --& 00:02:47,620  加入世界贸易组织  186  00:02:47,860 --& 00:02:53,620  和他的邻邦们签署了一系列的  建设性的多边协定  186  00:02:53,860 --& 00:03:00,620  仅在过去的几年:  中国主办了在朝鲜的关于核计划的六方会谈  186  00:03:00,860 --& 00:03:05,620  在世界几地参过十多次维和军事行动  186  00:03:05,860 --& 00:03:12,620  在国际打击索马里海盗的活动中  捐了三搜军舰  186  00:03:13,860 --& 00:03:15,620  在所有这些事件中  186  00:03:15,860 --& 00:03:20,620  中国的行为和作风是难得的也是重大的  186  00:03:20,860 --& 00:03:27,620  另一方面,北京的很多行为却让人担扰  186  00:03:27,860 --& 00:03:34,620  一些与他们声称的“和平掘起”相矛盾的行为  186  00:03:35,860 --& 00:03:41,620  20多年以来,中国的国防费用每年都是两位数增长  186  00:03:41,860 --& 00:03:47,620  北京的军事目的却一直不透明不清楚  186  00:03:47,860 --& 00:03:59,620  在福建海岸线装了1100枚近程导弹对准台湾  这也让国际社会看不懂  186  00:03:59,860 --& 00:04:02,620  其它的担扰也存在  186  00:04:02,860 --& 00:04:11,620  包括:  在网上不时出现:剧烈民族主义的高潮  主要是反日,反美的  186  00:04:11,860 --& 00:04:16,620  对自然资源和原材料的胃口越来越大  186  00:04:16,860 --& 00:04:26,620  长期被低估的“人民币”,  由此输入了大批劳动密集型廉价产品到了国际市场  186  00:04:26,860 --& 00:04:39,620  中国政府为了追求外交和几个”流氓国家“  如缅甸,津巴布纬,苏丹的外交或者商业合作时,  对严重的违反人权视而不见  186  00:04:39,860 --& 00:04:45,620  这些担扰不是多余的,也不应该被打折  186  00:04:45,860 --& 00:04:53,620  正如某些人表明的:这将使中国不可避免的和  西方国家敌对  186  00:04:55,160 --& 00:05:04,620  在国际利益,战略重点,上  还有着重大的差别,毫不惊讶  186  00:05:04,460 --& 00:05:08,720  在历史的发展中,一个上升的,有动力的强国  186  00:05:08,960 --& 00:05:14,720  在一个被一个超级大国所主宰的世界舞台上  寻求更大的位置的时候  186  00:05:14,960 --& 00:05:18,720  相当的磨擦是不可避免的  186  00:05:19,260 --& 00:05:22,720  这样的磨擦会表现在不同的方面  186  00:05:22,960 --& 00:05:24,720  如:对原材料的竞争  186  00:05:24,960 --& 00:05:27,720  对对方军事目的的怀疑  186  00:05:27,960 --& 00:05:30,720  关于保护性关税的合法性  186  00:05:30,960 --& 00:05:36,720  彼此都把对方说成是对安全的”威胁“  186  00:05:37,960 --& 00:05:39,720  这些矛盾不是不可捉摸的  186  00:05:39,960 --& 00:05:43,720  但是没有必要不合适的"敲响警钟"  186  00:05:43,960 --& 00:05:46,720  作为积极外交的"真正艺术"  186  00:05:46,960 --& 00:05:55,720  不是去:对存在分歧的国际利益,期望,侧重点,  不是否决和压制,而是学会适应  186  00:05:55,960 --& 00:05:19,720  尽可能的寻求共同的土壤,容许不同的意见,  必要时才“争”  186  00:06:06,960 --& 00:06:10,720  第三种可能:论争!  186  00:06:10,960 --& 00:06:14,720  提出了关于中国战略能力的问题?  186  00:06:14,960 --& 00:06:18,720  他们会超过我们吗?如果不是现在,何时?  186  00:06:19,960 --& 00:06:23,720  近期??的一个投影:  186  00:06:23,960 --& 00:06:31,720  中国已经是世界仅次于美国和欧盟的  世界第三大经济体  186  00:06:31,960 --& 00:06:37,720  很可能2025年超过美国  186  00:06:37,960 --& 00:06:41,720  但是由于中国巨大的人口基数  186  00:06:41,960 --& 00:06:50,720  在本世纪,中国人均收入和GDP  都会比我们低得多  186  00:06:51,960 --& 00:06:57,720  军事上,这个差距会更早的接近  186  00:06:57,960 --& 00:07:01,720  2004年,五角大楼估计  186  00:07:01,960 --& 00:07:07,720  中国军事落后美国15-20年  186  00:07:07,960 --& 00:07:14,720  关于获取先进武器一事  美国在逐渐收缩,而中国则在加速
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请遵守言论规则,不得违反国家法律法规SimpleCD | 《TTC课程:中国兴衰史》(The Fall and Rise of China)[DVDRip]
《TTC课程:中国兴衰史》(The Fall and Rise of China)[DVDRip]
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简介: 简介: 关于TTC课程The Teaching Company 是一家制造全美国顶级教授演讲录音及录影的公司。这些教授在华盛顿特区外的一家特别的工作室录制这些课程,然后课程被转制成磁带、CD、DVD、MPEG-4、MP3等格式出售。The Teaching Company公司由Thomas M. Rollins先生创建于 1990 年,Thomas M. Rollins先生是美国前参议院委员会劳工及人力资源首席顾问,毕业于哈佛大学法学院。他在学习过程中注意到,使用录像带学习很有效率。于是他开始尝试发起一个政府项目,为公众制作磁带,但是由于法律的限制而无法实践。当他离任时,他抱着这个想法而开始搜寻顶级教授来制作课程,并且销售给公众。截至2007年,这家公司共提供了超过260门课程,内容总时长达3000小时,跨越9门不同学科,分别是:商业学和经济学、艺术和音乐、古代史和中世纪史、近代史、文学和英语、哲学和思想史、宗教、科学和数学以及社会科学。课程的目标是提供成人教育和终身教育,大学本科非专业的典型知识的教育;不仅如此,他还有一系列为高中生提供的课程。每一门课程都包括一些印有大纲、推荐书目、教授简介以及思考问题的补充小册子。此外,课程还提供全文的文本。课程有多种不同的载体。起初,仅有磁带或是VHS录像带。后来,逐渐出现了CD及DVD版本,而现在也能下载到MP3版本。日,这家公司被一家私募股权投资公司Brentwood Associates收购。关于本课China—the world's oldest continuous civilization—has undergone an astonishing transformation in a brief span of recent history. Since the collapse of its once-glorious empire in 1911, China has seen decades of epic turmoil and upheavals, emerging in the new century as both an authoritarian megastate and an economic powerhouse, poised to become an imposing global force.By current estimates, the People's Republic is set to outpace the United States economically in the coming decades and to rival or surpass it militarily, making China the richest, most powerful nation on earth.How did this happen? How can we account for China's momentous—and almost wholly unanticipated—global rise? And what does it mean, for us in the West and for humanity's future?Speaking to these vital and fascinating questions, The Fall and Rise of China, taught by China expert and Professor Richard Baum of the University of California, Los Angeles, brings to vivid life the human struggles, the titanic political upheavals, and the spectacular speed of China's modern rebirth. Offering multilevel insight into one of the most astounding real-life dramas of modern history, The Fall and Rise of China weaves together the richly diverse developments and sociopolitical currents that created the China we now see in the headlines.As we enter what some are already calling the
Chinese century,
the role of China is deeply fundamental to our reading of the direction of world civilization and history. In 48 penetrating lectures, The Fall and Rise of China takes you to the heart of the events behind China's new global presence, leaving you with a clear view of both the story itself and its critical implications for our world.关于主讲人Dr. Richard Baum is Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he specializes in the study of modern Chinese politics and foreign relations. He earned an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley.Professor Baum has lived and lectured extensively throughout China and Asia. He has served as Visiting Professor or Visiting Scholar at institutions including Peking University, Meiji Gakuin University (Japan), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Princeton University, and Arizona State University, where he was honored as Distinguished Visiting Scholar for 2008.He is the author/editor of nine books, including Prelude to Revolution: Mao, the Party, and the Peasant Question, ; and a personal memoir, China Watcher: Confessions of a Peking Tom.Professor Baum has served on the boards of the National Committee on United States-China Relations and the Joint Committee on Contemporary China of the Social Science Research Council. He has been a consultant to numerous public and private agencies, including the White House, the United Nations, and the RAND Corporation. He is also a frequent commentator on Chinese and East Asian affairs for the BBC World Service, CNN International, and National Public Radio.
TTC课程:中国兴衰史 (The Fall and Rise of
英文名:The Fall and Rise of
48 lectures / 30 minutes per
China—the world's oldest continuous
civilization—has undergone an astonishing transformation in a brief
span of recent history. Since the collapse of its once-glorious
empire in 1911, China has seen decades of epic turmoil and
upheavals, emerging in the new century as ...
1 The Splendor That Was China,
2 Malthus and Manchu Hubris,
3 Barbarians at the Gate,
4 Rural Misery and Rebellion,
5 The Self-Strengthening Movement,
6 Hundred Days of Reform and the Boxer
7 The End of Empire,
8 The Failed Republic,
9 The Birth of Chinese Communism,
10 Chiang, Mao, and Civil War,
11 The Republican Experiment,
12 "Resist Japan!"
13 Chiang's Last Stand,
14 "The Chinese People Have Stood
15 Korea, Taiwan, and the Cold War,
16 Socialist Transformation,
17 Cracks in the Monolith,
18 The Great Leap Forward,
19 Demise of the Great Leap Forward,
20 Never Forget Class Struggle!
21 "Long Live Chairman Mao!"
22 Mao's Last Revolution Begins,
23 The Children's Crusade,
24 The Storm Subsides,
25 The Sino-Soviet War of Nerves,
26 Nixon, Kissinger, and China,
27 Mao's Deterioration and Death,
28 The Legacy of Mao Zedong—An
29 The Post-Mao Interregnum,
30 Hua Guofeng and the Four
31 Deng Takes Command,
32 The Historic Third Plenum,
33 The "Normalization" of U.S.-China
34 Deng Consolidates His Power,
35 Socialist Democracy and the Rule of
36 Burying Mao,
37 "To Get Rich Is Glorious,"
38 The Fault Lines of Reform,
39 The Road to Tiananmen,
40 The Empire Strikes Back,
41 After the Deluge,
42 The "Roaring Nineties,"
43 The Rise of Chinese Nationalism,
44 China's Lost Territories—Taiwan, Hong
45 China in the New Millennium,
46 China's Information
47 "One World, One Dream"—The 2008
48 China's Rise—The Sleeping Giant
Professor Richard
University of California, Los Angeles Ph.D.,
University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Richard Baum was Distinguished Professor
of Political Science at the University of California, Los Angeles,
where he specialized in the study of modern Chinese politics and
foreign relations. He earned an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Political
Science from the University of California,
Professor Baum lived and lectured extensively
throughout China and Asia. He served as Visiting Professor or
Visiting Scholar at institutions including Peking University, Meiji
Gakuin University (Japan), The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Princeton University, and Arizona State University, where he was
honored as Distinguished Visiting Scholar for
He was the author/editor of nine books,
including Prelude to Revolution: Mao, the Party, and the Peasant
Question, ; and a personal memoir, China Watcher:
Confessions of a Peking Tom.
Professor Baum served on the boards of the
National Committee on United States-China Relations and the Joint
Committee on Contemporary China of the Social Science Research
Council. He was a consultant to numerous public and private
agencies, including the White House, the United Nations, and the
RAND Corporation. He was also a frequent commentator on Chinese and
East Asian affairs for the BBC World Service, CNN International,
and National Public Radio.
Professor Baum passed away in December
China—the world's oldest continuous
civilization—has undergone an astonishing transformation in a brief
span of recent history. Since the collapse of its once-glorious
empire in 1911, China has seen decades of epic turmoil and
upheavals, emerging in the new century as both an authoritarian
megastate and an economic powerhouse, poised to become an imposing
global force.
By current estimates, the People's Republic is
set to outpace the United States economically in the coming decades
and to rival or surpass it militarily, making China the richest,
most powerful nation on earth.
How did this happen? How can we account for
China's momentous—and almost wholly unanticipated—global rise? And
what does it mean, for us in the West and for humanity's
Speaking to these vital and fascinating
questions, The Fall and Rise of China, taught by China expert and
Professor Richard Baum of the University of California, Los
Angeles, brings to vivid life the human struggles, the titanic
political upheavals, and the spectacular speed of China's modern
rebirth. Offering multilevel insight into one of the most
astounding real-life dramas of modern history, The Fall and Rise of
China weaves together the richly diverse developments and
sociopolitical currents that created the China we now see in the
As we enter what some are already calling the
"Chinese century," the role of China is deeply fundamental to our
reading of the direction of world civilization and history. In 48
penetrating lectures, The Fall and Rise of China takes you to the
heart of the events behind China's new global presence, leaving you
with a clear view of both the story itself and its critical
implications for our world.
Redefining a
The timeliness of Professor Baum's revealing
commentary would be hard to exaggerate.
China's impact on U.S. domestic issues, such
as job outsourcing and energy acquisition, as well as a massive
U.S. foreign debt to China and inevitable military power sharing,
bind America's future to the People's Republic in ways that are
becoming compellingly apparent.
As China's policies increasingly impact the
world community in economic, military, and environmental terms,
these lectures provide crucial understanding of the most important
new force in today's world.
The Fall and Rise of China also sheds a bright
light on the history of the Socialist experiment and the present
business environment of China, and deepens your understanding of
world civilization through an in-depth look at a culture profoundly
different from your own.
A Story to Challenge the
In Professor Baum's words, China's modern
history unfolds as a story of awe-inspiring dimensions—a chronicle
of the largest revolution in the history of the world, of
monumental excesses and abuses of power, of unimaginable hardship
for millions, of the effort to reinvent a vast and unwieldy
socioeconomic system, and of the often deadly clash between
ideology and human realities.
The course gives you a detailed understanding
of all the core events in China's century of stunning change,
including these major happenings:
Collapse of the Qing dynasty: You study the interlacing
social, political, and economic factors that led to the fall of
China's 2,000-year empire and the implacable call for new political
The Republican era and civil wars: In the wake of the
defunct empire, you witness the drama of the short-lived Chinese
Republic, followed by political chaos and the long strategic battle
between Republican forces and the seemingly unstoppable Communist
The "Great Leap Forward": In a landmark episode of the Mao
era, the regime's grand-scale projects to communize agriculture and
galvanize industry saw bureaucratic mismanagement leading to
tragedy for tens of millions of Chinese.
The Cultural Revolution: During this bitter era of the
1960s, festering tensions between the Maoist regime and its critics
erupted in a brutal campaign of terror and repression against
perceived enemies of Socialism.
China's post-Mao economic "miracle": In the later lectures
you track the specific reforms and ideological shifts that opened
China to global economic engagement and forged its new role as a
free-market dynamo.
As your guide to these history-shaping events,
Professor Baum takes you far beyond the realm of academic
theorizing. Describing his subject as an "adventure story," he
reveals a 40-year personal interface with China, more than 30
visits to the People's Republic, and an intimate witnessing of the
struggles, crises, and victories of the Chinese
A storyteller of extraordinary flair, he takes
you onto the Beijing streets, into Shanghai industrial plants, and
into the thick of highly charged protests and his own vivid
encounters with numerous Chinese, recounting key elements of the
story as he saw them unfold.
The Human Face of
China's remaking is peopled by some of the
20th century's most colorful and impactful human beings. Your
investigation of key figures in the story includes these
fascinating personalities:
Cixi, the Empress Dowager: A former concubine and an
iron-willed manipulator, she rose to command the Manchu Empire in
its death throes, speeding its disintegration through her own
calculated opposition to reform.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen: A uniquely pivotal revolutionary figure,
Sun played key roles in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty, the
creation of the Chinese Republic, and the founding of the Chinese
Nationalist Party, the Guomindang, still a force on
Chiang K'ai-shek: Dynamic but ultimately inept military
leader of the Republican forces, he waged a long, unsuccessful
battle against the Communists, finally leading his defeated forces
to found a regime in exile—the Republic of China on
Mao Zedong: China's larger-than-life revolutionary icon.
Enigmatic, brilliant, and ruthless, he led the Communist forces
through the long civil wars and presided as a near dictator over
the new Socialist state through a quarter-century of trials and
Deng Xiaoping: Mao's ultimate successor and a master
strategist, he initiated, then fought mightily to preserve the
reforms that propelled China to the forefront of global economic
Throughout the lectures, Professor Baum
reveals highly unusual details that enrich the cinematic sweep of
the story. You learn about the Christian warlord who baptized his
troops with a fire hose, the strange kidnapping of Chiang
K'ai-shek, the politically explosive forgery carried out by Mao's
wife, and Professor Baum's own smuggling of top-secret documents
out of Taiwan.
The Genesis of Chaos and
As a core strength of the lectures, Professor
Baum makes sense of the dramatic events of the story by getting
deeply at what underlay them, culturally, socially, and
historically—leaving you with a nuanced knowledge of the forces
moving China's modern emergence.
In the spiraling descent of the Qing dynasty
you trace the imperial culture of complacent superiority and
indifference to global events that undermined the empire's hold on
Following the empire's demise, you probe the
competing ideologies that fed two revolutionary movements, and you
study Mao's tactics of "people's war" and civil-military relations
that gained vast support for the Communist
In the course's central focus, you study the
making of Communist China under Mao and its dramatic turn toward
free-market economics.
You witness the consolidation of power by the
Maoist regime in the long campaign to suppress
counterrevolutionaries and the programs of "thought reform," in
which independent thinkers were compelled to write lengthy public
You study the far-reaching challenges of the
transition to Socialism, including the "free rider" problem, where
lack of work incentives in collective farming stunted economic
growth and bred widespread alienation.
You chart Mao's utopian drive to achieve
"pure" Communism in the Great Leap Forward, and the ways in which
this mandate blinded the regime to the desperate realities faced by
China's rural masses.
And you see how obliquely expressed currents
of dissent and the regime's perception of "revisionist" thinking
led to the disasters of the Cultural
You also dig deeply into the history of Mao's
strained relations with the Soviets, and the cold war moves and
countermoves underlying his historic meeting with Nixon and the
"normalizing" of relations with the United
In the course's gripping final section, you
observe the profound economic shifts of recent decades that
produced China's phenomenal rise.
Here you come to grips with exactly how they
did it, including the strategic introduction of new incentive
structures in indu multifront economic
and "Special Economic Zones," sparking export trade
and huge foreign investment.
You explore this era's many critical
reversals, such as the cultural "burying" of Chairman Mao, the
airing of long-suppressed wounds from the Cultural Revolution, the
ideological embrace of free-market economics, and the new culture
of individual enrichment.
You also reflect on the contrast between the
regime's path-breaking economic changes and its stern political
inflexibility, a tension you witness in the tragic events at
Tiananmen Square.
Finally, you contemplate China's current
trajectory as it follows the journey of the Chinese to a new
national identity, seemingly returning their nation to a global
supremacy it held for much of the last 2,000
Bringing alive the passionate reinvention of
China with deep discernment and humanity, Professor Baum portrays
the confounding, majestic, heart-rending, and visionary story of a
modern giant.
Take this opportunity, in The Fall and Rise of
China, to know and comprehend a world-changing development of our
times and to understand our civilization as a new and vibrant force
shapes it.


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