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Helix Academy 04. The Crescent Club (Chase Young, Luke Allen, Anderson Lovell, Jessie Montgomery & Evan Parker).mp4 为特百度网盘搜索的结果,本站不保存任何资源文件,所有的资源均存储在百度网盘之中,你可以通过本站搜索后跳转到百度网盘下载,当然您也可以把文件转存到您的百度网盘账户中。本站仅提供 Helix Academy 04. The Crescent Club (Chase Young, Luke Allen, Anderson Lovell, Jessie Montgomery & Evan Parker).mp4 的搜索结果,文件的安全性和完整性需要您自行判断。非常感谢您对特百度网盘搜索的支持,本站竭诚为您服务.百度知道搜索_anderson lovell资源Anderson Lovell and Cody Cummings in Living Dream
& Anderson Lovell and Cody Cummings in Living Dream
His mind was like an empty swimming pool that afternoon. He knew if he could find a source from which to fill it, a new world of wonderful sensations would open up. But until he did, Anderson Lovell would lay in bed, filling the emptiness with sexual fantasies about the one for whom he’d lusted for so long: Cody Cummings.Although it felt good to rub his hard dick and imagine, Anderson wanted to go much deeper. He had heard stories where Zen masters had learned to trick their own brains into believing fantasy bad become reality. Anderson knew if he could harness whatever ancient technique these old sages used, he could manifest Cody to appear right there with him, seeming as real as the pillows upon which he rested his delicate head, covered in tousled, auburn hair. He felt like getting up for moment to see if the overcast sky had allowed any light to peek through. When he looked out toward the garden, plain as day, he saw a man standing nude, apart from his white sneakers, with his back to Anderson. Of course the sight was unexpected, but Anderson was not alarmed at all. As he looked, the man slowly turned. It was him. It was Cody Cummings, naked in Anderson’s garden. Was he dreaming? How could it be?正在载入,请稍候...
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